
Navy-Wide National Enterprise Land Mobile Radio System (ELMR)

From The RadioReference Wiki

Navy-Wide National Enterprise Land Mobile Radio System (ELMR)

  • Certain Links in the wiki may bring you to historical information for this system as it continues to be built-out and are listed as Deprecated, others are still active and continue to evolve.

  • The ELMR System also provides Dispatch Sites, Network Management Sites, Key Management Sites, and Interoperability equipment. The six regions will be controlled by Zone Cores located in NRSW, NRNW, NRMW, and NRSE at the Network Switching Centers (NSC). The NSCs will be located at these facilities:. Naval Air Station (NAS) Jacksonville, supporting NRSE and NRSO. Naval Support Activity (NSA) Crane, supporting NRMA and NRMW. Naval Base (NB) Pt. Loma, supporting NRSW. NB Kitsap - Bangor, supporting NRNW Additionally, ELMR will also support two National Dispatch Centers (NDC) located at these facilities:. NB San Diego. NAS JacksonvilleDispatch, Network/System Management and Key Management will be located at the two NDCs. Each of the centers will be fully capable of assuming the duties of the other as required. Each Navy facility supported by ELMR will also have local dispatch equipment and interoperability equipment. This equipment will be used to support local operations and provide communications between the ELMR System and local agencies.
  • Enterprise Land Mobile Radio (ELMR) was installed throughout all European naval bases, providing a secure and reliable means of communication. ELMR will primarily be used for quick, coordinated responses to day-to-day incidents, but can also accommodate the capability and flexibility needed for emergency situations.
  • ELMR’s hardware, software and data connections, as well as the policies, procedures and facilities that support the equipment are all certified to U.S. Navy standards. Planning for installations at five other sites throughout Europe and the Middle East is currently underway.
  • A digital, encrypted system, ELMR is being implemented Navy-wide and will eventually interconnect all Navy sites onto one comprehensive communications network. The system in Europe is the first to be fielded and is the first ever fielded system of its kind.
  • “ELMR technology addresses the critical shortcomings of using separate radio infrastructures – a practice that has been repeatedly proven to be inadequate,”
  • The radio system is comprised of all Motorola components and only Motorola parts are compatible with the system, no substitutes.

Navy Region Northwest (NRNW) - Sites 1-xxx (1xx) - (Talkgroups: 23xxx)

Site 101 - 385.0625cc , 386.2000a , 386.4875 , 388.4125 , 388.5625

Site 102 - 385.3125cc , 385.9000a , 386.0375 , 388.1250

Site 103 - 386.1250cc , 386.2750a , 386.42500a , 386.5750a , 386.7250 , 386.9375 , 388.0875 , 388.2375 , 388.3875 , 388.5375 , 388.7500 , 388.9625


Extra 104 Site Channels - 386.0500 , 386.9625

055 (37) Naval Base Kitsap - Bangor385.350000c 385.912500a 386.062500a 386.362500 386.662500 386.800000 387.700000 388.737500
    389.287500 389.712500            



Extra 107 Site Channels - 386.5000a , 386.6500

058 (3A) Naval Air Station - Whidbey Island385.312500c 385.887500c 386.337500a 386.637500 388.300000 388.512500


Extra 109 Site Channels - 386.2500a , 388.0625a


Extra 110 Site Channels - 386.9750 388.0000


Extra 111 Site Channels - 386.3750


Extra 112 Site Channels - 386.5250 , 386.9125


Extra 113 Site Channels - 386.4375a , 386.7375a

Naval Air Station Whidbey Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
23256  5ad8  Viking/Phnx  "Viking" and "Phoenix" 
23272  5ae8  NASW Perimet  Base Perimeter Check 
23292  5afc  NASW MP  Military Police 
23322  5b1a  NASW Fire  Fire Dispatch 
23337  5b29  NASW Tower  Whidbey Tower Net 
23405  5b6d  Viking Fltln  "Viking" Flightline Operations 
23408  5b70  Zapper Fltln  "Zapper" Flightline Maintenance 
23414  5b76  NASW 23414  Flightline Operations 
23418  5b7a  NASW 23418  Flightline Operations 
23420  5b7c  NASW Defuel  Flightline/Defuel 
23422  5b7e  NASW 23422  Flightline/Maintenance 
23424  5b80  NASW Arm/De  Arm/De-Arm 
23426  5b82  NASW RAAF  Visting Unit Flightline Operations - Royal Australian Air Force 
23902  5d5e  NASW 23902  Flightline Maintenance 
23906  5d62  NASW 23906  Flightline Maintenance 
23910  5d66  NASW 23910  Flightline Maintenance 
23914  5d6a  NASW Fuel  Flightline - Fuel 

Naval Base Kitsap Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
23098  5a3a  NBK Sec SP Ship  Security Police (shipyard) 
23321  5b19  NBK Fire Dsp  Fire Department Call-Out 
23576  5c18  NBK Cranes  Cranes 
23625  5c49  NBK Sec SP  Security (SP) 
23630  5c4e  NBK Security  Security 
23714  5ca2  USCG Sect PS  Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound 
23792  5cf0  NBK Subs  Submarine Pen Security 
23796  5cf4  NBK SRT  SRT 
23799  5cf7  NBK SubSec 2  Submarine Security 2 
23808  5d00  NBK Gate Sec  Gate Guards 
23821  5d0d  NBK Sec Tac  Security Tactical 
23822  5d0e  NBK FD/EMS  Fire/EMS Dispatch 

Navy Region Southeast (NRSE) - Sites 2-xxx (2xx) - (Talkgroups: 28xxx & 29xxx)

001 (1) Naval Air Station - Jacksonville385.562500 386.062500 386.225000c 386.412500 386.525000a 386.550000 386.587500 386.737500
    386.975000 388.062500 388.150000 388.225000 388.262500 388.325000 388.412500 388.550000
    388.700000 388.737500            

002 (2) Naval Station - Mayport380.437500c 380.637500c 380.762500c 380.875000 380.925000 380.950000 381.337500 381.425000
    381.437500 381.837500 381.875000          

004 (4) Naval Submarine Base - Kings Bay386.050000a 386.275000 386.425000 386.575000c 386.725000 386.937500 388.087500 388.237500
    388.387500 388.537500            

005 (5) Naval Air Station - Key West380.075000c 380.387500c 380.575000 380.887500


008 (8) Naval Air Station - Meridian380.575000a 381.012500c 381.312500 381.737500 381.925000

009 (9) Naval Support Activity - Panama City380.262500 380.462500c 380.625000a 380.862500 381.237500 381.837500

010 (A) Naval Construction Battalion Center - Gulfport380.275000c 380.550000a 380.837500 381.175000

012 (C) Naval Air Station - Pensacola385.312500a 386.012500c 386.250000 386.512500 386.850000 388.062500 388.237500 388.337500
    388.600000 388.800000            

013 (D) Naval Outlying Field - Saufley386.037500a 386.287500c 386.787500 388.087500 388.587500

014 (E) Naval Air Station Whiting Field385.212500c 385.912500a 386.437500 386.975000 388.037500

015 (F) Naval Outlying Field - Choctaw386.262500c 386.762500a 388.487500

016 (10) Naval Outlying Field - Evergreen385.975000c 387.725000a 389.150000

017 (11) Naval Outlying Field - Brewton386.075000c 386.587500a 388.700000

018 (12) Naval Outlying Field - Barin385.625000c 386.050000a 386.562500

025 (19) Naval Submarine Base - Kings Bay Waterfront385.012500a 385.212500a 385.887500a 386.087500c 386.187500

030 (1E) Naval Air Station - Corpus Christi386.150000c 386.600000a 388.125000 388.275000 388.425000 388.575000

031 (1F) Naval Air Station - Kingsville386.275000a 386.425000c 386.725000 386.887500 388.062500

033 (21) Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans386.137500c 386.287500c 386.437500 386.587500 386.950000 388.112500

Naval Air Station Corpus Christi Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28925  70fd  CCF GRP 2  Fireground / Training 
29550  736e  CC PWC CMD  Public Works 
29552  7370  CCF DSP  Fire Dispatch 
29554  7372  CCS DSP  Security Dispatch (Some Encryption) 
29571  7383  CC AOP CMD  Air Operations Admin 
29576  7388  MENTOR  Contractor Aircraft Maintenance 
29577  7389  CC FLT  Flight Support 
29580  738c  CC CMD 1  Admin/Command group 
29581  738d  CCS ADMIN  Security Admin (Encrypted) 
29587  7393  CC WPNS  Weapons 
29592  7398  CCS SPEC 1  Police Special Events/Ops 1 
29593  7399  CCS TAC 1  Security Tactical 1 
29594  739a  CCS TAC 2  Security Tactical 2 
29595  739b  CC SAFETY  Safety Division 
29596  739c  CCF INSP  Fire Inspections/Alarm Techs 
29597  739d  CC AOPS 3  Waldron Tower 
29598  739e  CC AOPS 1  Cabiness Tower 
29600  73a0  CC AOPS 2  Truax Tower 
29601  73a1  CC EM 1  Emergency Management Office 1 
29602  73a2  CC EM 2  Emergency Management Office 2 
29606  73a6  CC ENVIRO  Enviromental Office 
29616  73b0  CCS SPEC 2  Police Special Events/Ops 2 
29642  73ca  CCF GRP 3  Fireground 3 
29643  73cb  CCF GRP 4  Fireground 4 
29644  73cc  CCF GRP 5  Fireground 5 
29645  73cd  CCS K9  Security Canine Unit 
29647  73cf  CCS INVEST  Security Investigations (Encrypted) 
29648  73d0  CCS TRNG 1  Security Training 1 

Naval Air Station Jacksonville Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28090  6dba  JAX NRSE Ops  Navy Region Southeast Operations Center 
28101  6dc5  JAX Brig 1  Hotel Units - Brig/Holding 1 
28102  6dc6  JAX Brig 2  Hotel Units - Brig/Holding 2 
28106  6dca  JAX Environment  Environmental 
28108  6dcc  JAX IT Techs  IT Techs 
28118  6dd6  JAX Tower  Tower 
28119  6dd7  JAX Tower Duty  Tower Duty Tech 
28130  6de2  JAX Police  Police Dispatch 
28135  6de7  JAX VPU-2 Maint  VPU-2 Maintenance 
28136  6de8  Jax RSS  Rescue Swimmer School 
28146  6df2  JAX Fire Disp  Fire Dispatch 
28147  6df3  JAX Fire PL  Fire Prevention Logistics ? 
28148  6df4  JAX Fire Crash  Fire Crash Net 
28150  6df6  JAX Fire Tac 2  Fire Tactical 2 
28151  6df7  JAX NAS FD Tac 3  NAS Fire Tac 3 
28152  6df8  JAX Fire Tac 4  Fire Tactical 4 
28153  6df9  JAX Fire Tac 5  Fire Tactical 5 
28171  6e0b  JAX VP-45  VP-45 
28173  6e0d  JAX VP-30  VP-30 
28180  6e14  JAX VR-62 Maint  VR-62 Maintenance 
28186  6e1a  JAX BEQ  BEQ 
28192  6e20  JAX VR-58  VR-58 
28195  6e23  JAX FRCSE Secur  FRCSE Security 
28201  6e29  JAX Police B-5  Police B-5 
28202  6e2a  JAX Drill Net 2  Drill Net 2 
28211  6e33  JAX FRCSE Parts  FRCSE Parts Delivery 
28214  6e36  JAX Mnt Ctrl  Maintenance Control 
28222  6e3e  JAX Fuels  Fuel Truck Dispatch 
28229  6e45  JAX NH Jacksonv  NH Jacksonville 
28237  6e4d  JAX Fire Disp 2  Fire Dispatch (multicast with 28146) 
28241  6e51  JAX VP-62 Maint  VP-62 Maintenance 
28275  6e73  JANRSE FD Disp 3  NRSE FD Disp 3 
28277  6e75  JAX Police Tac 2  Police Tac 2 
28319  6e9f  JAX HSM-72 Maint  HSM-72 Maintenance 
28320  6ea0  JAX VP-16 Maint  VP-16 Maintenance 
28323  6ea3  JAX HSM-60  HSM-60 
28447  6f1f  JAX HSM-70 Maint  HSM-70 Maint 

Naval Air Station Key West Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28420  6f04  Key FireTac5  Fire Tac 5 
28451  6f23  Key PD 28451  Police 
28452  6f24  Key Brig  Brig / Correctional Custody Unit 
28462  6f2e  Key AirOps 4  Air Operations Ch. 4 
28466  6f32  Key Rhino  Rhino Base 
28476  6f3c  Key Police  Police Dispatch 
28477  6f3d  Key Police2B  Police Tac 2B 
28479  6f3f  Key PD 28479  Police 
28480  6f40  Key Fire Adm  Fire Administration 
28481  6f41  Key Fire Str  Fire Structural 
28482  6f42  Key FireTac1  Fire Tactical 1 
28483  6f43  Key FireTac2  Fire Tactical 2 
28509  6f5d  Key Air Ops  Air Operations (LMR Net) 
28510  6f5e  Key CrashNet  Fire Crash Net 

Naval Air Station Kingsville Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
29652  73d4  KNG 29652  Fire Dispatch 
29653  73d5  KNG 29653  Unknown 29653 
29654  73d6  KNG Security  Security 
29666  73e2  Grove Ops  Orange Grove Auxillary Field Operations 
29691  73fb  KNG Tower  Tower 
29692  73fc  Grove Tower  Orange Grove Auxillary Field Tower 

Naval Air Station Meridian Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28830  709e  MER Fuel Sup  Fuel Support 
28840  70a8  MER Sec Net  Security Net 
28845  70ad  MER Pub Wks  Public Works 
28846  70ae  MER VIP Net  VIP Net 
28847  70af  MER Trans  Transportation 
28849  70b1  MER MWR/PAO  Morale, Welfare, & Rec./Public Affairs Office 
28851  70b3  MER Expert  Expert 
28857  70b9  MER Tower 3  McCain Tower 3 
28870  70c6  MER Vol Net  Volunteer Net 
28871  70c7  MER Safety  Safety 

Naval Air Station Pensacola Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
29377  72c1  PNS Brig/CCU  Brig/ Correctional Custody Unit 
29384  72c8  PNS FuelFarm  Fuel Farm 
29388  72cc  PNS Fuels  Fuels (Dispatch) 
29396  72d4  PNS NACCS 1  Naval Aircrew Candidate School Ch.1 
29397  72d5  PNS NACCS 2  Naval Aircrew Candidate School Ch.2 
29405  72dd  NPA Tower  Naval Air Station Pensacola Sherman Tower (KNPA) 
29408  72e0  PNS D.Driver  Duty Driver (Shuttle Service) 
29409  72e1  PNS Police  Police Dispatch (Patch to WF PD Dispatch) 
29411  72e3  PNS FD Disp  Fire Dispatch (Patch to WF Fire Dispatch) 
29412  72e4  PNS FD Tac-2  Fire Tac 2 
29413  72e5  PNS FD Tac-3  Fire Tac 3 
29415  72e7  PNS FD Tac-1  Fire Tac 1 
29433  72f9  PNS Museum1  Naval Aviation Museum 1 
29434  72fa  PNS Museum2  Naval Aviation Museum 2 
29443  7303  PNS Medical  Medical Dispatch 
29445  7305  PNS Security  Security 
29453  730d  PNS PW Electric  Public Works Electric Shop 
29454  730e  PNS PW Water  Public Works Waste Water 
29455  730f  PNS PW Disp1  Public Works Dispatch Ch.1 
29457  7311  PNS Alarm Mx  Public Works Fire Alarm Maintenance 
29458  7312  PNS HVAC  Public Works Heating/AC Repair 
29459  7313  PNS PW Elec  Public Works 
29465  7319  PNS Boiler  Public Works Boiler Maintenance Ch.7 
29473  7321  PNS NATTC 1  Naval Air Technical Training Center Ch.1 (Security) 
29475  7323  PNS NATTC 2  Naval Air Technical Training Center Ch.2 (Operations) 
29479  7327  PNS ITT-QD  Initial Technical Training Quarterdeck 
29488  7330  PNS ITT-1  Initial Technical Training Ch.1 
29489  7331  PNS ITT-2  Initial Technical Training Ch.2 
29498  733a  PNS SherTwr  Sherman Tower (LMR Net) 
29520  7350  PNS Acft Mx  Aircraft Maintenance 
29521  7351  PNS Acft Mx  Aircraft Maintenance 
29522  7352  PNS NATTC 4  Naval Air Technical Training Center Ch.4 (A & C School) 
29523  7353  PNS NATTC 5  Naval Air Technical Training Center Ch.5 (A & C School) 
29524  7354  PNS NATTC 6  Naval Air Technical Training Center Ch.6 (A & C School) 
29525  7355  PNS Acft Mx  Aircraft Maintenance 
29527  7357  PNS Acft Mx  Aircraft Maintenance 
29529  7359  PNS Blues-1  Blue Angels 1 
29530  735a  PNS Blues-2  Blue Angels 2 
29534  735e  PNS FD Tac-5  Fire Tac 5 

Naval Air Station Whiting Field Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
29212  721c  WF Fuel Disp  Fuels Truck Dispatch 
29213  721d  WF GE Radio  Ground Electronic Radio Maintenace 
29216  7220  WF GE LMR  Ground Electronic LMR Net 
29217  7221  WF GE Maint  Ground Electronic Maintenance 
29218  7222  WF N. Tower  North Tower (North ELMR Net) 
29221  7225  WF S. Tower  South Tower (South ELMR Net) 
29240  7238  WF Crash Net  Crash Admin Net 
29244  723c  WF Fire Tac1  Fire Tac-1 
29245  723d  WF Fire Tac2  Fire Tac-2 
29246  723e  WF Pub Works  Public Works 
29252  7244  WF Police 1  Police Dispatch 
29253  7245  WF Incident  Incident Channel 
29254  7246  WF Police 2  Police Ch-2 
29277  725d  WF Pub Work6  Public Works Ch.6 
29278  725e  WF Pub Work4  Public Works Ch.4 
29280  7260  WF Pub Works  Public Works 
29282  7262  WF Pub Works  Public Works 
29283  7263  WF Pub Work1  Public Works Ch.1 
29284  7264  WF Pub Works  Public Works Dept 
29335  7297  WF Acft Mx  Aircraft Maintenance 
29336  7298  WF Acft Main  Aircraft Maintenance 
29337  7299  WF Acft Mx  Aircraft Maintenance 
29338  729a  WF Acft Mx  Aircraft Maintenance 
29347  72a3  WF Fire Tac5  Fire Tac-5  
29499  733b  WF Fire Tac3  Fire Tac-3 
29513  7349  WF ECC  Emergency Communications Center (ECC) 

Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28910  70ee  NCBCG Fire 28910  Fire Dispatch 
28915  70f3  NCBCG PoliceDisp  Police Dispatch 
29802  746a  NCBCG Fire 28902  Fire Dispatch 

Naval Station Mayport Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28174  6e0e  NSM Fire Tac 2  Fire Tactical 2 
28175  6e0f  NSM Fire Tac 3  Fire Tactical 3 
28176  6e10  NSM Fire Tac 4  Fire Tactical 4 
28177  6e11  NSM Fire Tac 5  Fire Tactical 5 (Training/Drills) 
28250  6e5a  NSM Medical  Branch Medical Clinic 
28259  6e63  NSM Grnd Elctrnc  Ground Electronics 
28264  6e68  NSM Tower  Tower 
28267  6e6b  NSM Fuels  Fuels 
28279  6e77  NSM Police Tac 2  Police Tactical 2 
28283  6e7b  NSM Police  Police Dispatch 
28292  6e84  NSM EOC 2  EOC Ch. 2 
28303  6e8f  NSM BeachLfguard  Beach/Lifeguards 
28306  6e92  NSM Ops 28306  Operations 
28313  6e99  NSM Port Control  Port Control 
28318  6e9e  NSM HSM-40  HSM-40 
28329  6ea9  NSM Crash Net  Crash Net 
28330  6eaa  NSM Environment  Environmental 
28344  6eb8  NSM Maint 28344  Maintenance 
28346  6eba  NSM Maint 28346  Maintenance 
28354  6ec2  NSM Fire Disp  Fire Dispatch 
28358  6ec6  NSM Quarterdeck  Quarterdeck/CDO 
28363  6ecb  NSM EOC 4  EOC Ch. 4 
28372  6ed4  NSM Fac Maint  Facilities/Barracks Maintenance  
28624  6fd0  VUP-19 Maint  VUP-19 Maintenance Control 

Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28050  6d92  KB WF Secur  Waterfront Security 
28056  6d98  KB Security  Security 
28058  6d9a  KB Security  Security 
28061  6d9d  KB-CG Link  USCG Sector Jax link to MSST Cutters 
28064  6da0  KB Watrfrnt Sec  Waterfront Security 
28068  6da4  KB WeaponsOps  Weapons Operations 
28538  6f7a  KB Tugs  Harbor Tugs/C-Tractors 
28542  6f7e  KB VTG Elec1  VT Griffin Electricians/ Electronic Techs 
28543  6f7f  KB VTG Elec2  VT Griffin Electricians/ Electronic Techs 
28547  6f83  KB 28547  Electricians? 
28558  6f8e  KB Fire  Fire Dispatch 
28562  6f92  KB Police  Police Dispatch 
28563  6f93  KB Police 2  Police 2 
28564  6f94  KB Police 3  Police 3/ Security 2? 
28571  6f9b  KB Transport  Transportation/Base Taxi 
28580  6fa4  KB VTG 28580  VT Griffin 
28581  6fa5  KB VTG HVAC  VT Griffin HVAC? 
28585  6fa9  KB Quarterdeck  SWFLANT Quarterdeck 
28586  6faa  KB Qtrdeck  Quarter Deck 
28603  6fbb  KB - HVAC  HVAC / Electrical Maintenance 
28612  6fc4  KB Fire TAC2  Fire Tac 2 
28614  6fc6  KB Fire TAC3  Fire Tac 3 
28616  6fc8  KB Fire TAC4  Fire Tac 4 
28618  6fca  KB Fire TAC5  Fire Tac 5 

Naval Support Activity Panama City Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
28976  7130  NSAPC CMD  Command 
28979  7133  NSAPC EOC  Emergency Operations Center 
28980  7134  NSAPC Safety  Safety 
28990  713e  NSAPC Police 1  Police 1 Dispatch 
28991  713f  NSAPC PD Tac 2  Police Tac 2 
28992  7140  NSAPC PD Tac 3  Police Tac 3 
28993  7141  NSAPC Weapons  Weapons 
28996  7144  NSAPC FD Tac 2  Fire Tac 2 
28997  7145  NSAPC FD Tac 3  Fire Tac 3 
28998  7146  NSAPC FD HazMat  Fire Haz-Mat 
28999  7147  NSAPC PWD CMD  PWD Command ? 
29000  7148  NSAPC Enviroment  Environment 
29008  7150  NSAPC DPREP  DPREP ? 
29016  7158  NSAPC FD Tac 4  Fire Tac 4 
29017  7159  NSAPC FD Tac 5  Fire Tac 5 
29018  715a  NSAPC EOD  EOD 
29019  715b  NSAPC PD Tac 4  Police Tac 4 
29020  715c  NSAPC AFS  ASF ? 
29022  715e  NSAPC PD Res 2  Police Res 2 ? 
29023  715f  NSAPC PD Sp 1  Police Special 1 
29024  7160  NSAPC PD Spe 2  Police Special 2 
29025  7161  NSAPC PD Super  Police Supervisor 
29026  7162  NSAPC PD Train  Police Training 
29027  7163  NSAPC PD Harbor  Police Harbor 
29028  7164  NSAPC CDO  CDO ? 
29029  7165  NSAPC Spec Evnt  Special Event 
29032  7168  NSAPC PD Tac 5  Police Tac 5 

Naval Weapons Station Charleston Talkgroups


Navy Outlying Fields (NOLF) Talkgroup

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
29211  721b  Choctaw Twr  NOLF Choctaw, FL (Tower) 
29223  7227  NOLF ATG  NOLF (ATG) 
29224  7228  NOLF Barin  NOLF Barin, AL 
29225  7229  NOLF Brewton  NOLF Brewton, AL 
29226  722a  NOLF Choctaw  NOLF Choctaw, FL 
29228  722c  NOLF Evergre  NOLF Evergreen, AL 
29229  722d  NOLF Harold  NOLF Harold, FL 
29230  722e  NOLF Pace  NOLF Pace, FL 
29231  722f  NOLF SantaRo  NOLF Santa Rosa, FL 
29232  7230  NOLF Saufley  NOLF Saufley, FL 
29233  7231  NOLF Silver  NOLF Silverhill, AL 
29234  7232  NOLF Site 8  NOLF Site 8, FL 
29235  7233  NOLF Spencer  NOLF Spencer, FL 

NRSE Radio Maintenance Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
111  06f  RadioMx SWR111  Radio Maintenance (Southwest Region) 
211  0d3  RadioMx SWR211  Radio Maintenance (Southwest Region) 
311  137  RadioMx SWR311  Radio Maintenance (Southwest Region) 

Navy Region Midwest (NRMW) - Sites 3-xxx (3xx) - (Talkgroups: 25xxx)

042 (2A) Naval Support Activity - Crane - North380.450000 380.650000 380.912500c 381.787500c

043 (2B) Naval Support Activity - Crane - West380.387500 380.687500 380.837500c 381.312500c

046 (2E) Naval Station - Great Lakes385.350000c 385.850000 385.912500a 386.212500 386.362500 386.962500

Great Lakes Naval Training Center Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
212  0d4  GLNTC-212  Training Operations 
25655  6437  GLNTC 25655  Training Operations 
25671  6447  GLNTC 25671  Training Operations 

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (NRMA) - Sites 3-xxx (3xx) - (Talkgroups: 27xxx)

081 (51) Naval Station - Norfolk380.075000 380.175000 380.275000 380.375000 380.475000 380.575000 380.675000 380.775000
    380.875000 380.975000 386.050000a 386.150000c 386.250000a 386.350000 386.450000 386.550000
    386.650000 386.750000 386.850000 386.950000        

082 (52) Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story386.075000a 386.225000c 386.375000 386.525000 386.675000

083 (53) Naval Air Station - Oceana386.087500 386.125000a 386.275000c 386.425000 386.575000 386.725000 386.937500 388.087500

084 (54) Norfolk Naval Shipyard386.787500a 388.137500c 388.287500 388.437500 388.587500 388.887500

085 (55) Naval Support Activity - Hampton Roads380.450000a 380.912500c 381.187500a 388.737500

086 (56) Naval Weapons Station - Yorktown386.825000c 386.975000a 388.000000 388.150000

090 (5A) NWS Earle (Colts Neck)386.162500c 386.312500a 386.462500 386.612500

091 (5B) NWS Earle (Leonardo)386.075000c 386.375000a 386.525000 386.825000

092 (5C) Naval Station - Newport 386.787500a 388.125000c 388.275000 388.737500 388.875000

093 (5D) Naval Submarine Base - New London386.100000c 386.250000a 386.400000 386.550000 386.700000 386.850000 388.025000 388.175000

095 (5F) Philadelphia Navy Shipyard386.362500c 386.812500a 386.962500

JEB West Little Creek Security Talkgroups


Naval Weapons Station Earle Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
27644  6bfc  NWSE CDO  Command Duty Officer/Assistant Command Duty Officer Operations 
27646  6bfe  NWSE EM 1  Emergency Management 1 
27649  6c01  NWSE SecTac1  Security - Tactical 1 
27650  6c02  NWSE SecTac2  Security - Tactical 2 
27655  6c07  NWSE SecOps7  Security Operations - Ch 7 
27665  6c11  NWSE Fire 3  Fire 3 
27666  6c12  NWSE Fire 4  Fire 4 
27667  6c13  NWSE Fire 5  Fire 5 
27668  6c14  NWSE Fire 6  Fire 6 
27669  6c15  NWSE Fire 7  Fire 7 
27670  6c16  NWSE Fire 8  Fire 8 
27672  6c18  NWSE Event 1  Special Events 1 
27681  6c21  NWSE Ports 1  Port Operations - Ch 1 
27683  6c23  NWSE Transp  Transportation Operations 
27684  6c24  NWSE Railrd  Railroad Operations 
27685  6c25  NWSE Trans 3  Transportation Operations - Ch 3 
27686  6c26  NWSE Trans 4  Transportation Operations - Ch 4 
27687  6c27  NWSE Trans 5  Transportation Operations - Ch 5 
27689  6c29  NWSE Railrd  Railroad Operations 

Naval Submarine Base New London Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
27809  6ca1  SBNL Sec Dis  Security Dispatch 
27814  6ca6  SBNL PD TAC1  Police Tac 1 
27815  6ca7  SBNL Sec Tac  Security Tactical 
27816  6ca8  SBNL PD  Police 
27829  6cb5  SBNL Fire 2  Fire 2 
27830  6cb6  SBNL Fire 3  Fire 3 
27831  6cb7  SBNL Fire 4  Fire 4 
27832  6cb8  SBNL Fire 5  Fire 5 - Linked to 151.2950 
27833  6cb9  SBNL Fire 6  Fire 6 
27834  6cba  SBNL Fire 7  Fire 7 
27835  6cbb  SBNL Fire 8  Fire 8 

Philadelphia Naval Shipyard Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
27442  6b32  PNSY Control  Control Base 
27549  6b9d  PNSY Police  Military Police Dispatch 
27564  6bac  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 8 
27599  6bcf  PNSY FD Disp  Fire Dispatch 
27600  6bd0  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 9 
27601  6bd1  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 7 
27602  6bd2  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 13 
27603  6bd3  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 6 
27606  6bd6  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 5 
27613  6bdd  PNSY EAS E  Emergency Alert system  
27614  6bde  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 10 
27615  6bdf  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 11 
27617  6be1  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 4 
27618  6be2  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 3 
27619  6be3  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 2 
27620  6be4  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 1 
27622  6be6  PNSY Testing  Radio testing 12 
27636  6bf4  PNSY FD EAS  Fire Department EAS 

Navy Region Southwest (NRSW) - Sites 5-xxx (5xx) - (Talkgroups: 24xxx)

001 (1) Navy Region Southwest - Otay Mountain?386.137500a 386.587500c 386.737500 388.137500 388.325000 388.475000 388.700000 388.850000
    389.437500 389.712500            

002 (2) Navy Region Southwest - Balboa Park386.075000c 386.225000a 386.375000 386.525000 386.825000

003 (3) Naval Base - Point Loma385.625000c 386.200000a 386.487500 386.637500 386.800000 386.962500

004 (4) Naval Auxiliary Landing Field - San Clemente Island - North388.137500 388.287500a 388.550000c 388.737500 389.437500 389.712500

005 (5) Naval Auxiliary Landing Field - San Clemente Island - West/Central386.787500c 388.350000 388.400000a 388.550000 389.487500

006 (6) Naval Auxiliary Landing Field - San Clemente Island - South386.137500 386.437500a 386.587500 386.737500c 386.950000 388.262500

008 (8) Naval Weapons Station - Seal Beach386.150000c 386.300000c 388.125000 388.637500 388.937500

009 (9) Naval Base - Ventura County380.387500 380.537500 380.712500 380.862500 381.312500 381.725000a 381.950000c

011 (B) Naval Outlying Field - San Nicolas Island - South388.275000 388.412500 388.437500c 388.562500a 388.587500c 388.887500


023 (17) Naval Surface Warfare Center - Corona385.350000a 385.912500c 386.212500 386.662500 386.975000

025 (19) Naval Auxiliary Landing Field - San Clemente Island - East/Central386.062500c 388.175000a 388.337500c 388.487500 388.787500 389.125000a

028 (1C) Naval Base - San Diego386.112500c 386.262500c 386.412500 386.562500 386.712500 386.887500 388.062500 388.250000
    388.362500 388.425000c 388.512500 388.937500        

030 (1E) Naval Outlying Field - San Nicolas Island - West/Central386.600000a 386.750000c 386.912500


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