
FreeScan Command Line Options

From The RadioReference Wiki

Revision as of 10:30, 16 May 2010 by Ka3jjz (talk | contribs)

After creating a shortcut on your desktop, change the target to include command line arquments that will tell FreeSCAN what to do when you start it using that shortcut.
Using this method, you're instructing FreeScan to start virtual control mode on a particular com port, at a particular speed, with logging enabled or disabled, and what user interface type (Windows, IPod, Lcars).
Here are a few examples...

  • C:\Program Files\\FreeSCAN\FreeSCAN.exe" /com1,115200,loggingon,int1
  • C:\Program Files\\FreeSCAN\FreeSCAN.exe" /com3,115200,loggingon,int0
  • C:\Program Files\\FreeSCAN\FreeSCAN.exe" /com4,115200,loggingoff,int0

Note there can't have any spaces after the commas and settings.
The last two parameters can be omitted; the defaults will be utilized. For example, you can enter /com1,57600,,