
DXing Above 30 Mhz

From The RadioReference Wiki

Revision as of 09:52, 10 September 2007 by Mikeag (talk | contribs)

Talk to most people about how far a VHF signal (above 30 Mhz) will travel, and most times, the answer will be 'line of sight'. However, as there sometimes is in nature, there's exceptions to the rule. Many phenomenon can cause a VHF signal to travel hundreds of miles or more. Events such as a stalled weather front to a meteor shower or even the solar wind can change things in the atmosphere and make a signal travel much further than normal.

Hams (and folks involved in TV/FM DXing) have been studying this for years. Many of these phenomenon have been cataloged, but not are all well understood. If you are interested in a description of how a VHF signal (or above) can travel, take a look at this article on the WikiPedia site. Keep in mind that FM and TV broadcast, as well as ham frequencies, are found above 30 mhz. Techniques used in TV, FM and 2/432 Mhz DXing are applicable to DXing in the scanner bands.

The links below are not intended to be comprehensive, but rather be a starting point for getting more information. Additional links with descriptions and maps are always welcome.

The RR forum for discussing VHF/UHF skip can be found here


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Worldwide TV/FM DX Association links

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