
Department of Human Services (MN)

From The RadioReference Wiki

• DHSEME2-3 these would be alternate TAC Channels. They would need access to Metro,

Princeton, Wabasha, and St. Cloud. (Note: E refers to encrypted talkgroups throughout

this document)

• MNDHSROAM- This would be used for communications while traveling between

facilities or while on route to an emergency or training. • MNDHSEME- This is our main. Would be state wide access.

• MNDHSEME1-This would be our primary tactical talkgroup. Would need statewide


• DHSFME-This would be our Facilities Management/Security Main. Would need metro

only access.

TGID Alias Description Notes
MNDHSEMS Central Office Main Main Talkgroup for the Emergency Management,
Safety and REP staff at central office, Encrypted
MNDHSEME-1 Statewide Tactical 1 Used as Tactical Channel for DHS Safety
and Emergency Management Statewide, Encrypted
MNDHSEMS-2 Statewide Tactical 2 Used as Tactical Channel for DHS Safety
and Emergency Management Statewide, Encrypted
MNDHSINT Internal Hailing DHS Staff Statewide Hailing
MNDHSEXT External Hailing Non-DHS Statewide Hailing
DHSFME St. Paul Facilities Capitol Complex Facilities
Management Staff, Encrypted
DHSREPWB REP Wabasha Radiological Emergencies Program Wabasha
Operations and Hailing
DHSREPCG REP Cottage Grove Radiological Emergencies Program Cottage Grove
Operations and Hailing
DHSREPRG REP Rogers Radiological Emergencies Program Rogers
Operations and Hailing
DHSREPSC REP St. Cloud Radiological Emergencies Program St. Cloud
Operations and Hailing
DHSREPPT REP Princeton Radiological Emergencies Program Princeton
Operations and Hailing
DHSANK Anoka RTC Main Anoka Regional Treatment Center
Main Operations Talkgroup
DHSANKFM Anoka RTC Facilities Anoka Regional Treatment Center
Facilities Maintenance
DHSANKADME Anoka RTC Adminstration Anoka Regional Treatment Center
Administrative Staff, Encrypted
DHSANKTAC1 Anoka RTC Tactical Anoka Regional Treatment Center
Local Interop Tactical


2 MNDHSE-1 S TAC 2 8Tac91R

3 DHSEME-2 S TAC 3 8Tac92R

4 DHSEME-3 S TAC 4 8Tac93R


6 DHSFME S TAC 6 8Call90 D

7 Open* S TAC 7 8Tac91D

8 METEM S TAC 8 8Tac92D

9 SEMTAC S TAC 9 8Tac93D

10 MNDO S TAC 10 8Tac94D

11 8SOA1 S TAC 11 8SOA1

12 DRO 1 S TAC 12 8SOA2

13 DRO 2 S TAC 13E 8SOA3

14 DRO 3 S TAC 14E 8SOA4

15 DRO 4 Open* Open*

16 MSP-CALL Open* Open*

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