
Chemung County (NY) Fire Tone Outs

From The RadioReference Wiki

District Tone A Tone B
Airport 992.0 950.0
Baldwin 2361.0 564.7
Big Flats 2465.0 2260.0
Breesport 2361.0 1082.0
Chemung 2465.0 2073.0
Chemung 2465.0 1901.0
East Hill 2465.0 834.0
Elmira Heights 1530.0 1403.0
Erin 2164.0 799.0
Erway Amb Station 1 1063.2 1034.7
Erway Amb Station 2 1034.7 1092.4
Erway Amb Station 3 1034.7 953.7
Erway Amb Station 15 569.1 634.5
Golden Glow 2465.0 910.0
Horseheads 1669.0 1082.0
Horseheads 1985.0 1082.0
Millport 2164.0 1082.0
Pine City 2465.0 1743.0
Southport 2361.0 1901.0
Southport 2361.0 1598.0
Tompkins Corners 2465.0 765.0
Town & Country 1530.0 1082.0
Van Etten 1130.0 871.0
Webb's Mills 2164.0 1743.0
Webb's Mills 2164.0 1901.0
Wellsburg 2688.0 1598.0
Wellsburg 2688.0 2361.0
West Elmira 2465.0 1598.0
West Elmira 2465.0 1082.0
West Hill 2465.0 1403.0

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