Livingston County (IL)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Return to Livingston County database page
- 1 Livingston County Government
- 2 Hospitals
- 3 Townships and Water Districts
- 4 Municipalities and Districts
- 4.1 Chatsworth
- 4.2 Cornell
- 4.3 Dwight (Village)
- 4.4 Fairbury (City)
- 4.5 Flanagan-Graymont Fire Protection District
- 4.6 Forest-Strawn-Wing Fire Protection District
- 4.7 Long Point Fire Protection District
- 4.8 Odell (Village)
- 4.9 Pontiac (City)
- 4.10 Saunemin Fire Protection District
- 4.11 Streator (City)
- 5 Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
- 6 Schools
- 7 Illinois State
- 8 Related Wiki Pages
Livingston County Government
Vermilion Valley Regional ETSB / Vermilion Valley Regional Emergency Communications Joint Authority (VCom)
- Website
- 2/1/17 - The Livingston County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (or LivCom) became the Vermilion Valley Regional Emergency Communications Joint Authority (or VCom)
- VCom supports and dispatches Police/Fire/Rescue/EMS to Livingston County and Streator (50,000 residents)
- Pontiac, Streator, Campus, Chatsworth, Cornell, Cullom, Dwight, Emington, Fairbury, Flanagan, Forrest, Long Point, Odell, Reddick, Saunemin, Strawn
5/24 New STARCOM21 Site
- Site Name: VCOM 1214611, located at coordinates 40.891444 / -88.446, 1.5 MI W OF SAUNEMIN, IL LIVINGSTON
- Per the attachments, the frequencies appear to be "short-spaced" to nearby sites using the same frequencies. Application WSCW448
- 854.1375, 855.2375, 856.2375, 856.9375, 857.9375, 859.7125
Livingston County Sheriff
- Website Old Webpage
- 770.33125/800.3325 Mobile Extenders (7K30F1E) WQWA675
Law Enforcement Sheriff: Patrols Campus, Chatsworth, Cornell, Emington, Flanagan, Forrest, Long Point, Odell, Saunemin, Strawn
Livingston County Coroner
- 154.8 - 10-4W mobiles (NFM/P25) WRWD382
Fairbury Hospital
- Facility closed in 1995
- Former: 155.34 M 156.7 PL Patient Reports FMN KNAB914
OSF St. James Hospital (Pontiac)
- [ Website]
- Mobiles on 456.4, 456.7875, 456.8625, 456.9875, 457.3875 (DMR/NFM) WQOA560
Townships and Water Districts
- 156.135 is licensed to townships of Livingston (Odell) KNIM466, Belle Prairie (Cropsey) WPVC469, Chatsworth WNFP294, Cropsey WPVC469, Odell WPML765
- Amity Township - 154.025 (NFM at Cornell) WPFZ494
- Broughton Township - 156.135 Mobiles (NFM) WQPC633
- Union Road District - 156.135 Mobiles (Odell/Saumemin NFM) WQPC757
- Nevada Township - 159.06 mobiles 5-50wt (NFM) for Roads/Snow Plows (Odem) WRAL791
- Newton Township - 453.4 Repeater (NFM at Streator) WQCM665
- Pontiac Township - 156.135 6-50wt Mobiles for Snowplows/Highway Maintenance WQRB586
Dana/Long Point/Reading/Ancona Public Water District
- 456.4 Mobiles (NFM Digital at Streator-Livingston, Dana-Lasalle) WQJF824
- 156.135 159.04500 RM Livingston Township Road District Template:CallsignKNIM466
- 151.130 BM Odell Township Road Maintenance WPML765
- 153.7475 M Indian Grove Township: Roads (Rodds/Fairvbury) FMN WQKF981
- 154.025 BM Amity Township Road Maintenance WPFZ494
- 156.135 BM Chatsworth Township Road Maintenance WNFP294
- 156.135 M Belle Prairie Township Road Maintenance WPVC469
- 453.4 Repeater Newtown Township Road Maintenance WQCM665
Municipalities and Districts
- 774.98125 NFM for Mobile Extenders for Police WRAX731
Cornell Fire Protection District
Dwight (Village)
- 154.1 BM Dwight Public Works KTP343
Dwight Fire Protection District
- 154.4 M Fire: Local Alternate KNBJ842
- 154.295 BM MABAS: Fireground (may not be 85.4 PL Blue) KNBJ842
Fairbury (City)
- 154.755 BM Frbry Police Police: Local Alternate KNHH956
- 151.895 M Frbry Fair Fairbury Fair Association
Flanagan-Graymont Fire Protection District
- Flanagan Graymont Ambulance Service is no longer in operation. FGFPD responds to all calls including medicals. Gridley Emergency Medical Services Ambulance service in Gridley, Illinois (Mclean County, IL) is the transporting ambulance for FGPFD.
- 155.220 KNCC258 BM F-G Ambulance Flanagan Graymont Ambulance Service is no longer used by the fire protection district and expired 12/20/2023. FGFPD board planned to not renew license and let it expire on 02/24/2024
Forest-Strawn-Wing Fire Protection District
Long Point Fire Protection District
Odell (Village)
- 155.715 Base/Mobile Village Ops WQCU677
Pontiac (City)
- 460.225 Repeater 146.2 PL Police: Dispatch (DB: LivCom) WPGW541
- 154.19, 154.265, 154.34: 100W Base/30-110W Mobiles WSAG307 Issued 1/24
Public Works
- 453.325 Base/Repeater with 75-40W mobiles (NFM) {{Callsign|WSAI885} Issued 2/24
- 154.995 Base/Mobile Public Works WNWA393
- 451.125 Repeater Public Works/Utilities WPUP766
- 451.475 Base/Mobile Public Works/Utilities FM WPUP766
Former Frequencies
Saunemin Fire Protection District
Streator (City)
- See LaSalle County
Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
Unit IDs
Law Enforcement
- LV - Livingston County Sheriff
- Dwight - Dwight Police
- Fairbury - Fairbury Police
- P/Paul-Patrol, I/Ida-Investigations, K/King-K9, S/Sam-SGT, C/Charles-Corporal, A/Adam-Admin (Chief/Assistant Chief) - Pontiac Police
- Chatsworth - Chatsworth Police
- 3-Mary-11 Duffy EMS ILS
- 3-Mary-12 Duffy EMS (Old Odell Amb)
- 3-Mary-14 Duffy EMS BLS
- 3-Mary-18 Duffy EMS ALS
- 3-Mary-42 Duffy EMS ALS
- As of 8/1/2021 Duffy Ambulance no longer exists. Pontiac Fire took over Ambulance Service for Pontiac area
- Pontiac Fire Department Ambulances
- Medic 1 ALS Ambulance
- Medic 2 ALS Ambulance
- Medic 3 ALS Ambulance
- Medic 4 ALS Ambulance
- Squad 1 BLS Ambulance
- Pontiac Fire Department is the transporting agency for Cornell Fire Protection District as of 8/22.
- Southeast Livingston County Ambulance Service (SELCAS)
- 3-Mary-21 SELCAS ALS Ambulance
- 3-Mary-22 SELCAS ALS Ambulance
- 3-Mary-24 SELCAS ALS Ambulance
- 3-Mary-25 SELCAS ALS Ambulance
- SELCAS 5 SELCAS EMR unit out of Chenoa
- SELCAS 1516 SELCAS/Chatsworth Fire EMR unit
Southeast Livingston County Amb Serv. Covers Fairbury, Forrest, Strawn, Wing, Westson, Cropsey, Chatsworth, Saunemin
Riverside Medical Center EMS covers Cullom Fire Protection District
Dwight EMS
- 1814 Front Line ALS Ambulance
- 1824 Front Line ALS Ambulance
- 1815 Reserve Ambulance
Gridley Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Service 3N20 and 3N28 in Gridley, Illinois is the transporting ambulance for Flanagan-Graymont Fire Protection District as of 8-1-21
- 240s - Fairbury Fire
- 280s - Forrest-Strawn Fire
- 280s - Strawn Station
- 420s - Flanagan-Graymont
- 450s - Cornell Fire
- 1300s - Odell FPD
- 1400s - Saunemin Fire
- 1500s - Chatsworth FPD
- 1600s - Long Point FPD
- 1700s - Cullom FPD
- 1800s - Dwight Fire/EMS
Dwight Township High School District 230
- 460.3625 Repeater (DMR/NFM) WQWH629
Herscher Community School District 2
- Website
- Mostly located in Kankakee County
- New site added 6/24 at32424 N 3300 E Rd, Reddick (Grain elevator) 462.3 Repeater (NFM/DMR) WPWF314 added 6/24
Pontiac Township High School District 90
- Website
- 1100 E. Indiana Ave: 72.1 2W Fixed (FM Data) for GPS based clock system. 7/24 FCC Application 0011157634
Prairie Central School District 8
- Serves: Chatsworth, Chenoa, Fairbury, Forrest
- 155.175 Base, with 10-45W 35-50W mobiles (NFM) WRKW381 Issued 3/23 // 3/24 convert to repeater at (3) Fairbury with 151.1825 mobiles input.
- Bases at Forrest - Upper Elementary, Chatsworth - Primary East, Fairbury - High School, Chenoa (McLean) - Chenoa Elementary, Fairbury - Westview Elementary
- Prairie Central Upper Elementary - 3/24 - add 155.175 Base, 151.1825 FX1 (6-50W)
Streator-Woodland Community Unit District 5 WEB FB
- Woodland High School: 153.3125 35W Repeater with 50-4W portables on 158.22 (NFM, DMR)
Tri-Point CUSD 6J
- 464.4625 Repeater (NFM at Cullom) WQWF717
Illinois State
- Pontiac Correctional Center - IDOC (Pontiac) former Motorola Type II system before migrating to STARCOM21