North Carolina VIPER P25 Radio ID's
From The RadioReference Wiki
- 1 County VIPER Radio IDs
- 1.1 Alamance County
- 1.2 Allegheny County
- 1.3 Anson County
- 1.4 Ashe County
- 1.5 Avery County
- 1.6 Beaufort County
- 1.7 Bertie County
- 1.8 Bladen County
- 1.9 Brunswick County
- 1.10 Buncombe County
- 1.11 Burke County
- 1.12 Cabarrus County
- 1.13 Caldwell County
- 1.14 Camden County
- 1.15 Carteret County
- 1.16 Caswell County
- 1.17 Catawba County
- 1.18 Chatham County
- 1.19 Cherokee County
- 1.20 Chowan County
- 1.21 Cleveland County
- 1.22 Columbus County
- 1.23 Craven County
- 1.24 Cumberland County
- 1.25 Currituck County
- 1.26 Dare County
- 1.27 Davidson County
- 1.28 Davie County
- 1.29 Duplin County
- 1.30 Durham County
- 1.31 Edgecombe County
- 1.32 Forsyth County
- 1.33 Franklin County
- 1.34 Gaston County
- 1.35 Gates County
- 1.36 Granville County
- 1.37 Greene County
- 1.38 Guilford County
- 1.39 Halifax County
- 1.40 Harnett County
- 1.41 Haywood County
- 1.42 Henderson County
- 1.43 Hertford County
- 1.44 Hoke County
- 1.45 Hyde County
- 1.46 Iredell County
- 1.47 Jackson County
- 1.48 Johnston County
- 1.49 Jones County
- 1.50 Lee County
- 1.51 Lenoir County
- 1.52 Lincoln County
- 1.53 McDowell County
- 1.54 Macon County
- 1.55 Martin County
- 1.56 Mecklenburg County
- 1.57 Mitchell County
- 1.58 Montgomery County
- 1.59 Moore County
- 1.60 Nash County
- 1.61 New Hanover County
- 1.62 Northampton County
- 1.63 Onslow County
- 1.64 Orange County
- 1.65 Pamlico County
- 1.66 Pasquotank County
- 1.67 Pender County
- 1.68 Perquimans County
- 1.69 Person County
- 1.70 Pitt County
- 1.71 Polk County
- 1.72 Randolph County
- 1.73 Richmond County
- 1.74 Robeson County
- 1.75 Rockingham County
- 1.76 Rowan County
- 1.77 Rutherford County
- 1.78 Sampson County
- 1.79 Scotland County
- 1.80 Stanly County
- 1.81 Stokes County
- 1.82 Surry County
- 1.83 Swain County
- 1.84 Transylvania County
- 1.85 Tyrrell County
- 1.86 Union County
- 1.87 Vance County
- 1.88 Wake County
- 1.89 Warren County
- 1.90 Washington County
- 1.91 Watauga County
- 1.92 Wayne County
- 1.93 Wilkes County
- 1.94 Wilson County
- 1.95 Yadkin County
- 1.96 Yancey County
- 2 Unidentified Counties
- 3 North Carolina State Highway Patrol
- 4 NC Statewide Dispatch Consoles
- 5 Other State Agencies
- 6 Other State Radio IDs on VIPER
- 7 Federal Agencies
- 8 Hurricane Florence Radio IDs and Updated/New Talkgroups
- 9 Related Links/Maps
County VIPER Radio IDs
Alamance County
- 70243 - Alamance County FD Rescue Unit
- 70280 - Alamance County FD Dispatch
- 702xx - Mebane PD
- 70285 - Mebane PD Dispatch
- 70300 - Elon PD Dispatch
- 70302 - Alamance SO Dispatch
- 70304 - Haw River PD Dispatch
- 70306 - EMS Dispatcher
- 705xx - Alamance EMS units
- 70518 - Alamance EMS
- 70801 - Alamance SO Unit (also heard 70647, 70750)
- 74320 - Mebane PD Dispatch
- 71728 - Elon PD units
- 72073 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 72078 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 72569 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 72584 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 72597 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 72753 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 740xx - Haw River PD units
Allegheny County
- 90034 - Allegheny Sheriff Patch
Anson County
- 10xxxx - Anson County Units
- 100104 - Anson County 911
- 101996 - Anson County Communications
Ashe County
- 11xxxx - Ashe County Units
- 110021 - Ashe County Sheriff
Avery County
- 120000 - Avery Communications
- 120039 - Avery Communications
- 120145 - Linville Fire 6108
- 120253 - Seven Devils Police base station
- 120451 - Seven Devils Police Unit
- 120453 - Seven Devils Police Unit
Beaufort County
- 130175 - Beaufort County Unit assisting Craven w/ search for child
- 130525 - Beaufort County Unit assisting Craven w/ search for child
- 131998 - Beaufort County Fire Dispatch
Bertie County
- 150046 - Bertie SO (Patch all using same RID)
Bladen County
- 172513 - EMS
- 173001 - Bladen SO Dispatcher
- 173266 - EMS
- 173473 - EMS
- 173479 - EMS 68
- 173519 - Bladen EMS Dispatch
- 173521 - Bladen FD Dispatch
- 173524 - Bladen SO Dispatch
- 174884 - Bladen Co EMS
Brunswick County
- 190000-192999 - Law and Fire/EMS
- 190021 - Law Enforcement
- 190023 - Law Enforcement
- 190239 - Law Enforcement
- 190434 - Law Enforcement
- 190445 - Law Enforcement
- 190485 - Fire
- 190498 - SO Law Enforcement
- 190500 - SO Law Enforcement
- 190501 - Fire
- 190541 - SO Law Enforcement
- 190726 - Law Enforcement
- 190752 - Southport Law Enforcement
- 190843 - Fire
- 190846 - Fire
- 191501 - Law Enforcement
- 191558 - Fire
- 191588 - Fire
- 191600 - SO Law Enforcement Unit
- 191706 - SO Law Enforcement Unit
- 191707 - Fire
- 191736 - SO Law Enforcement Unit
- 192148 - Fire
- 192399 - Fire
- 2499873 - Dispatch
- 2499876 - Brunswick 911
- 2499880 - Dispatch
Buncombe County
- Mission Health System
- 210029 - EMS Mission 14
- 210035 - Med Helo MAMA 2 - N135CP
- 210036 - Med Helo MAMA - N137MH
- 210037 - Med Helo MAMA 1 - N135N
- 210047 - EMS Mission 11
- 210528 - Mission Health System Dispatch
- 210529 - Mission Health System Dispatch
- 210547 - EMS Mission 12
- 210857 - EMS Mission 3
- 210996 - Mountain Area Medical Airlift
- 211316 - EMS Mission 12
- 210062 - Buncombe County on SWLAW Checkin
- 2112xx - Black Mountain Police Department
- 2117xx - Montreat Police Department
- 212883 - RRT on EMOC TG
- 214999 - Dispatch Radio Check on SWCALL for both Buncombe and Transylvania Counties
- 215063 - Buncombe CO SO
- 220000 - Buncombe CO SO
- 221053 - RRT 6, EMOC Responder
- 221095 - Ashville FD Division Chief
- 224180 - LE Detectives
- 224349 - LE Detectives
Burke County
- 23xxxx - 24xxxx - Burke County Units
- 230xxx - Burke SO unit
- 230564 - Morganton PD units
- 231xxx - Burke Co EMS
- 235149 - Morganton PD units
- 240057 - Morganton PD units
- 249991 - Morganton PD Dispatch
- 249992 - Burke Co SO Dispatch
- 249993 - Burke Co EMS Dispatch
- 249996 - Burke Co EMS Dispatch
- 249997 - Burke Co FD Dispatch
- 249998 - Burke Co/Morganton Dispatch
- 2499872 - Burke Co Dispatch for Statewide Calling
Cabarrus County
- 252308 - Cabarrus County on SWLAW Checkin
- 250781 - Kannapolis Police Officer
- 250797 - Kannapolis Police Sgt.
Caldwell County
- 270031 - Granite PD Dispatch
- 270080 - Caldwell Co SO
- 270188 - EMS
- 270193 - SAR Operations with Watauga County
- 270584 - SAR Operations Training in Randolph County
- 270639 - SAR Operations with Watauga County
- 270784 - Caldwell Co SO
- 270905 - SAR Operations with Watauga County
- 270907 - SAR Operations with Watauga County
Camden County
- 1394993 - Camden Sheriff Dispatcher (dispatched through Pasquotank Co)
- 1394994 - Camden Sheriff Dispatcher (dispatched through Pasquotank Co)
- 1394995 - Camden Sheriff Dispatcher (dispatched through Pasquotank Co)
- 1394996 - Camden Sheriff Dispatcher (dispatched through Pasquotank Co)
- 1390608 - Camden County Sheriff's Unit
- 290142 - Camden County Sheriff's Unit
- 290176 - Camden County Sheriff's Unit
- 290148 - Camden County Sheriff's Unit
Carteret County
- 311xxx - Atlantic Beach PD
- 311042 - Carteret County 911
- 311045 - Carteret EOC (during Hurricane Florence)
- 311204 - Carteret County Fire Dispatcher
Caswell County
- 330088 - Fire Utility
- 330092 - Fire Captain
- 330137 - EMS
- 330141 - Fire
- 330149 - Fire
Catawba County
- NOTE: At the present time there is no standard order of Radio ID's to specific Departments. ID's used to be issued as-needed, so 350102 could be a Sheriff and 350103 is an EMS Unit. Starting 2025 with the P25 Phase-2 migration, Radio ID's will be given out in batches dependent on Department.
- 35xxxx - 36xxxx - Various Catawba County Units (can be Sheriff, PD, EMS, Fire, Rescue, etc)
- 369911 - Catawba County 911 on SWLAW Checkins
- 354989-354999 - Catawba County 911 Dispatch Consoles
- 350102 - Catawba S/O unit
- 350969 - Newton PD unit
- 350996 - Newton PD Dispatch
- 350156 - Catawba SO Det
- 350217 - Catawba SO Det
- 351002 - Maiden PD Unit 416
- 351091 - Catawba EMS
- 351767 - EMS
- 351885 - EMS
- 356155 - Conover PD
Chatham County
- 370005 - Chatham LE Patch
- 370073 - State EMOC Task Force
- 370580 - Chatham Fire Patch
- 1230208 - Chatham EMS
- 1239069 - Chatham EMS
Cherokee County
- 3900xx - Cherokee SO Units/Murphy EMS/Rescue Units
- 390071 - Cherokee SO Dispatcher
Chowan County
- 410067 - Chowan EMS 5
- 410103 - Chowan Dispatcher
Cleveland County
===Kings Mountain Fire has left the NXDN system for Cleveland County P25 using IDs in the 7164xx range as of January 2021===
- 451332 - EMS Medic 20
- 451310 - EMS
- 716416 - Kings Mountain Fire Engine 284
- 713408 - Kings Mountain Fire Engine 283
Columbus County
- 470022 - Dispatch on SWCALL during Hurricane Florence
- 470854 - EMS Unit
- 471189 - EMS Unit
- 471332 - EMS Unit
- 471911 - EMS Unit
- 471913 - EMS Unit
- 474937 - Columbus Regional, Whiteville, ER
Craven County
- 490044 - Craven SO Unit 200
- 490068 - Craven SO Dispatcher
- 490071 - Craven FD Dispatcher
- 490086 - Craven FD Unit
- 490152 - Craven Co Law Enforcement
- 490212 - Craven Co LLE
- 490367 - Craven Co during search for missing child
- 490372 - Craven Co during search for missing child
- 490400 - Craven Co LE
- 490421 - Craven Co during search for missing child
- 490512 - Craven Detective
Cumberland County
- 510xxx - Cumberland County SO Units
- 511024 - Dispatch on SWCALL during Hurricane Florence
- 5112xx - Cumberland Co FD units
- 5118xx - Hope Mills PD Units
- 5119xx - Cumberland County Court Deputies
- 512286 - Cape Fear EMS
- 512296 - Cape Fear EMS
- 512307 - Cape Fear EMS
- 512325 - Cape Fear EMS
- 512350 - Cumberland Co EMS
- 513371 - Valley Air 1 Med Helo N601MT
- 513379 - Valley Air 2 Med Helo N602MT
- 514302 - EMOC Responder RRT 3
- 514312 - Valley Air Ops/Dispatch
- 514313 - Valley Air Ops/Dispatch
- 5190xx - Spring Lake PD Units
- 520481 - Fayetteville City Dispatch on SWCALL with RRT Radio Check
- 521086 - Law Enforcement/Detectives
- 521371 - Law Enforcement/Detectives
- 521649 - Law Enforcement/Detectives
- 521670 - Law Enforcement/Detectives
- 529991 - Cumberland CO EMS Dispatch
- 529992 - Cumberland CO FD/EMS Dispatcher
- 529996 - Cumberland SO Civil Div. Dispatch
- 529998 - Hope Mills PD Dispatch
- 529999 - CCSO Dispatcher
Currituck County
- 530529 - Dispatch on SWCALL
Dare County
- 550051 - Dare Central
- 551164 - Dare MedFlight
Davidson County
- 57xxxx - Davidson County
- 570004-570008 - Davidson County C-Comm
- 5701xx - Davidson Medics
- 570129 - Davidson 911
- 570167 - Davidson Testing
- 570173 - Davidson Medic
- 570140 - Davidson Medic
- 570201 - LE Detective
- 570203 - LE Detective
- 570234 - LE Detective
- 570479 - Davidson FD Patch
- 571037 - LE Detective
- 5720xx - Lexington PD
- 572010 - Lexington Detective
- 572042 - Lexington Detective
- 572057 - Lexington Detective
- 572076 - Lexington PD Dispatch
- 573009 - LE Detective
- 573013 - LE Detective
- 573017 - LE Detective
Davie County
- 59xxxx - Davie County
- 591000 - Davie County UHF Sheriff Patch
- 591061 - Davie County Detectives
- 591062 - Davie County Detectives
- 591063 - Davie County Detectives
- 591064 - Davie County Detectives
- 591077 - Davie County Detectives
- 592013 - Davie County EMS Unit
- 592020 - Davie County EMS Unit
- 592610 - Davie County FD
- 592611 - Davie EMS 412 (during training drill)
- 5930xx - Davie County SO units
- 593005 - Davie County SO
- 593033 - Davie County SO
- 594001 - Davie County Sheriff Dispatch
- 594006 - Davie County EMS VHF Patch
- 594009 - Davie County EMS Dispatch
- 594010 - Davie County Sheriff Dispatch
- 594013 - Davie County FD VHF Patch
Duplin County
- 610xxx - Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
- 610059 - Duplin EMS
- 610335 - Duplin SO INV
- 610340 - Duplin SO INV
- 614031 - Duplin EMS
- 614040 - Duplin EMS
- 614076 - Duplin EMS
- 614125 - Duplin FD Dispatch
- 614126 - Duplin SO Dispatch
- 614127 - Duplin EMS Dispatch
- 614131 - Duplin 911
Durham County
- 63xxxx - Police, Sheriff, Fire/EMS, Durham Co.)
- 630045 - Duke Univ/Hosp PD (also 630112,120,298)
- 630250 - Duke EMS 11
- 630277 - Duke Life Flight Helo/Medic
- 630278 - Duke Life Flight 4 Helo/Medic
- 630294 - Duke Life Flight Ground Dispatch
- 630296 - Duke EMS 41
- 630298 - Duke Univ/Hosp PD Dispatch
- 630299 - Duke Univ/Hosp PD Dispatch
- 630374 - Duke ER
- 630405 - Duke Life Flight N145DU (11/4/21)
- 634xxx - Durham City PD
- 638001 - Durham Radio Shop/Techs
- 639xxx - Durham SO
- 639045 - Durham SO Deputy
- 639080 - Durham SO Court House
- 639131 - Durham SO Court House
- 639510 - Durham SO Deputy
- 639710 - Durham SO Deputy
- 6392xx - Durham CO SO Jail Ops
- 641xxx - Durham EMS
- 641137 - Medic 28
- 641139 - Medic 33
- 641236 - Medic
- 641310 - Medic 25
- 641444 - Durham EOC
- 641451 - Durham EOC
- 641452 - Durham EOC
- 641453 - Durham EOC
- 641503 - Durham 911 (during roll call)
- 642030 - Durham VA PD Control/Dispatch
- 642039 - Durham VA ER
- 642066 - Durham VA PD
- 645xxx - Public Works/City Services
- 6460xx - Durham Technical Community College
Edgecombe County
- 650205 - Edgecombe Dispatcher
- 650022 - Edgecombe EMS (also 650028, 650056, 650283)
- 650133 - Edgecombe SO Dispatch
- 650201 - Edgecombe Co EMS
- 650202 - Edgecombe Co EMS
- 650245 - Pinetop PD (also heard 650250)
- 650482 - Edgecombe Co EMS
- 650502 - Edgecombe SO patrol
Forsyth County
- 670001 - Forsyth Medical Center (VMN VME4)
- 670003 - Forsyth Communications - is often used for patches to the WS/FC TRS, usually for EMS units calling in on VIPER Medical Network
- 670004 - Forsyth 911
- 672803 - Law Enforcement Unit
- 672808 - Law Enforcement Unit
- 672809 - Law Enforcement Unit
- 672814 - Law Enforcement Unit
Franklin County
- 690006 - Franklin Fire Patch to Viper
- 690033 - Franklin 911
- 690036 - Franklin County Sheriff
- 2077416 - Franklin EMS
- 2077468 - Franklin EMS
Gaston County
- 710311 - Cherryville Police Dispatch Console
- 710xxx - Cherryville PD Officers
- 71xxxx - Gaston County Fire (3rd and 4th digit correspond to station number Ex: 7151xx = Station 51) - Gaston County Fire Station Lists
- 710xxx - Gastonia Fire (Mutual aid purposes)
- 718xxx - Gaston County EMS Radios
- 718503 - Caromont Mount Holly
- 718504 - Caromont Main Gastonia
- 720xxx - Gaston County Police Officers
- 721xxx - Gaston County Sheriff's Office Radios
- 724950 - Gaston College Police Dispatch
- 724951 - Gaston College Police Dispatch
- 729975 - 729999 - Gaston County Dispatch Consoles
Gates County
- 730049 - Gates Emergency Management , patch
- 730047 - Gates 911 (Gates 911 does not exist anymore, being dispatched by Perquimans County 911)
Granville County
- 770114 - Granville FD/EMS Dispatcher
- 7701xx - Granville EMS
- 770436 - Butner PS Dispatch
- 770506 - Butner PS
- 770510 - Butner PS
- 770590 - Granville EMS
- 7706xx - Granville SO
- 770704 - Oxford PD Dispatch
- 777xxx - Officers
- 770881 - PS Dispatch
- 775000 - Creedmoor Dispatch
- 775031 - Credmoor PD officers
Greene County
- 790044 - Greene Co FD Dispatch (OLD)
- 790330 - Greene SO Dispatch (OLD)
- 795037 - Greene Co EMS
- 809998 - Greene FE Dispatch (New)
- 809999 - Greene SO Dispatch (New)
Guilford County
- 810080 - Guilford 911
- 810250 - RRT 51, EOC Responder
- 810251 - USAR Team 6
- 810252 - Rescue units during Hurricane Matthew
- 810255 - Patch on Bravo 2, all units utilizing same RID
- 810256 - Metro Guilford Dispatch on SWCALL with RRT Radio Check
- 810358 - Greensboro PD Detective
- 810365 - Greensboro PD Detective
- 810367 - Greensboro PD Detective
- 810370 - Greensboro PD Detective
- 810376 - Greensboro PD Detective
- 810812 - Guilford Co Public Health Service
- 811180 - High Point PD
- 811597 - Guilford SO Motor Unit
- 811865 - Greensboro PD Detective
- 811889 - Greensboro PD Detective LT
- 812158 - State EMOC Task Force 6
- 812548 - State EMOC responder
- 812555 - State EMOC responder RRT 5
- 812640 - State EMOC responder RRT
- 812867 - Guilford Co SO
- 813188 - Guilford Co SO
- 813202 - Guilford Co SO
- 813376 - Guilford Co SO
- 813438 - Guilford Co SO
- 814508 - High Point Radioshop
Halifax County
- 830xxx - Various county SO, FD Units
- 830028 - Halifax Co EMS 302
- 830033 - Halifax Co EMS
- 830036 - Halifax Co EMS
- 830441 - Halifax LE
Harnett County
- 850xxx - Sheriff Patrol Units
- 850050 - Harnett Co SO Unit 108
- 850057 - Harnett Co SO Unit Charles
- 850099 - Harnett Co Det
- 850101 - Harnett Co Det
- 850821 - Harnett Co SO Unit Lincoln
- 850933 - Harnett Co SO Unit David
- 850942 - Harnett Co Det
- 850959 - Harnett Co SRO
- 850982 - Harnett Co SO Unit
- 851004 - Dunn/Erwin PD
- 851981 - Dunn/Erwin PD
- 851982 - Dunn/Erwin PD
- 851999 - Dunn/Erwin PD
- 851998 - Dunn/Erwin PD
- 852004 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852008 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852013 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852014 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852016 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852121 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852135 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852251 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852262 - Dunn/Erwin PD
- 852443 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852449 - Lillington PD Unit
- 852536 - Harnett Co EMS Trans Dispatch
- 852972 - Harnett EMS Medic
- 852994 - Harnett EMS
- 853004 - Harnett FD unit
- 853060 - Harnett FD unit
- 853227 - Harnett FD District
- 853606 - Harnett FD unit
- 853618 - Harnett FD unit
- 853631 - Harnett FD unit Onscene command
- 853709 - Harnett FD unit
- 853711 - Harnett FD unit
- 853712 - Harnett FD unit
- 853925 - Harnett FD Chief
- 854419 - Harnett FD unit
- 854674 - Harnett Co Water Dept
- 869996 - Dunn/Erwin/Lillington PD Dispatch/Dispatch for SWCALL
- 869997 - Harnett Co Dispatch (includes local PD)
- 869998 - Harnett FD dispatch
- 869999 - Sheriff Dispatch
Haywood County
- 870xxx - Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
Henderson County
- 890049 - Dispatch on SWCALL checkin
Hertford County
- 910007 - First Responder
- 910026 - First Responder
Hoke County
- 930019 - EMS
- 930082 - Puppy Creek Fire
- 930323 - Hoke County SO Dispatch
- 930406 - Hoke County Emergency Management
- 931xxx - Hoke County SO Units
Hyde County
- 950019 - Heard on SWCALL
- 950983 - Hyde Dispatcher
- 951601 - Hyde EMS
- 951602 - Hyde EMS
Iredell County
- 970xxx - All Public Safety
- 971xxx - All Public Safety
- 971801 - EMS
- 974994 - Dispatch (ECOM)
- 974995 - Dispatch (ECOM)
- 974996 - Dispatch (ECOM) Sheriff
- 974997 - Dispatch (ECOM) Sheriff
- 974998 - Dispatch (ECOM) EMS
- 974999 - Dispatch (ECOM)
- 975114 - Mooresville FD
- 976276 - Iredell Co EMS
Jackson County
- 990009 - Jackson LE on SW Event Channel
- 990027 - Jackson EMS
- 990035 - Jackson EMOC RRT
- 990055 - Jackson LE on SW Event Channel
- 990075 - Jackson EMS
Johnston County
- 1010000 - Johnston 911
- 1010012 - Johnston County EMS Unit
- 1010021 - JC M/A Patch
- 1010026 - Johnston Co FD (Patch - all radios on same RID)
- 1010031 - Dispatch Radio Checks on SWCALL
- 1011403 - Johnston County FD
- 1011413 - Johnston County FD
- 1015202 - Johnston County FD
- 1017061 - Johnston County EMS Unit
- 1017097 - Johnston County EMS Unit
Jones County
- 1030001 - Patch to VIPER
- 1030803 - LE Detective
- 1030835 - LE Detective
Lee County
- 105103 - Law Enforcement Detective (RID programmed incorrect)
- 1050017 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1050018 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1050025 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1050028 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1050047 - Medic/EMS
- 1050048 - Medic/EMS
- 1050050 - Medic/EMS
- 1050052 - Medic/EMS
- 1050053 - Medic/EMS
- 1054912 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1054914 - Law Enforcement Detective
Lenoir County
- 1071xxx - Various Public Safety
- 1071275 - SAR for missing child
- 1071297 - SAR for missing child
- 1071317 - Lenoir Co. Detective
- 1072xxx - Various Public Safety
Lincoln County
- 1090088 - Various Public Safety Simulcast
- 1090000 - Fire Dispatch
- 1090001 - Comm Center
- 1090002 - Comm Center
- 1090136 - Denver Eng
- 1090494 - Medic/EMS
- 1090507 - Medic/EMS
- 1090508 - Medic/EMS
- 1090872 - Lincoln SO Prisoner Transport Unit
- 1109995 - Lincoln SO Dispatch
- 1109996 - Lincoln SWLAW Dispatch
McDowell County
- 111xxxx - 112xxxx Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
- 1110037 - McDowell Medic
- 1110043 - McDowell Co Dispatch
- 1110045 - McDowell Co Dispatch
- 1110128 - McDowell Co Fire Unit
- 1110262 - McDowell Fire Unit
- 1110241 - McDowell Fire Unit
- 1110262 - McDowell Medic
- 1110442 - McDowell Co SO Drone pilot/EMOC Responder
Macon County
- 1130xxx - Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
- 1130013 - EMS Dispatch
- 11420xx - Macon County SO units
- 1142079 - Macon County SO
- 1142092 - Macon County SO
- 1142093 - Macon County SO
Martin County
- 1170058 - Martin FD Chief
- 1170271 - LE Detective w/ NCSBI on Delta 1
- 1170331 - Williamston PD Dispatch
- 1175028 - Williamston PD Units
- 1170058 - Williamston PD Chief
- 1170140 - Jamesville Recue 1
- 1170166 - Hamilton FD 35
- 1170177 - Hamilton FD 34
- 1170182 - Martin Disp
- 1170185 - Martin Disp
- 1170241 - Martin SO
- 1170248 - Martin Law
- 1170249 - Robertsonville PD
- 1170251 - Martin SO
- 1170273 - Martin SO
- 1170286 - Martin SO
- 1170295 - Martin SO
- 1170296 - Martin SO
- 1170314 - Martin SO
- 1170331 - Martin Disp
- 1170527 - Martin SO
- 1170546 - Martin SO
- 1170582 - Jamesville FD
- 1170708 - Beargrass FD Engine
- 1170711 - Beargrass FD Engine
- 1174997 - Martin Disp
- 1174998 - Martin Disp
- 1174999 - Martin Disp
- 1175035 - Williamston PD
- 1175037 - Williamston PD
- 1175041 - Robertsonville PD
- 1175043 - Martin Law
- 1175046 - Williamston PD
- 1175055 - Williamston PD
- 1175522 - Jamesville FD
- 1175524 - Williamston EMS
- 1175526 - Williamston FD
- 1175528 - Williamston FD Chief
- 1175529 - Williamston EMS
- 1175530 - Martin Law
- 1175538 - Williamston FD
- 1175540 - Williamston FD
- 1175541 - Williamston FD
- 1175542 - Williamston FD
- 1175544 - Williamston FD
- 1175545 - Williamston FD
- 1175546 - Williamston FD
- 1175549 - RRT1
- 1176000 - Jamesville FD
- 1178008 - Robertsonville FD
- 1179002 - Robertsonville FD
- 1179500 - Martin SO
- 1179504 - Martin SO
- 1179505 - Martin SO
- 1179506 - Martin SO
- 1179509 - Martin SO
- 1179510 - Martin SO
- 1179527 - Martin SO
- 1179528 - Martin SO
- 1179532 - Martin SO
- 1179538 - Martin SO
- 1179540 - Martin SO
- 1179542 - Martin SO
- 1179544 - Martin SO
- 1570507 - Martin SO
- Lower 500 units are Robersonville PD, Mid 500 units are Williamston PD and 800 units are the Sheriffs Office.
- All Martin County RIDS verified Jam 2025
Mecklenburg County
- 1197897 - Charlotte Fire Dispatch on SWCALL with RRT Radio Check
- 1197858 - Mecklenberg FD
- 1197897 - Dispatch on SWCALL checkin
- 1197941 - Mecklenberg FD/EOC
- 1198139 - Charlotte Fire Main - Patch to VIPER
- 1206349 - Charlotte PD Patch to Viper
Mitchell County
- 1210xxx - Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
- 1210053 - Mitchell Co SO Unit
- 1210057 - Mitchell Co SO Unit
- 1210072 - Mitchell Co SO Unit
- 1210147 - SAR Operations with Watauga County
- 12102xx - Mitchell Co Transportation Dispatch
- Units heard 1210223,0231,0232,0237,0240,0242,0243
Montgomery County
- 123xxxx - Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
- 1230212 - First Health EMS
- 1239063 - EMS
Moore County
- 1250xxx - Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
- 1250043 - Moore Co Dispatcher 911/SWCALL
- 1250044 - Moore County Dispatcher
- 1250170 - Moore Co EMS
- 1250270 - Moore Co FD Engine 11
- 1250271 - Moore Co FD
- 1250285 - Moore Co FD Unit 21J
- 1250290 - Moore Co FD Squad 21
- 1250143 - Moore County EMS
- 1250719 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1250752 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1250763 - Law Enforcement Detective
- 1255xxx - Various county SO, EMS, FD Units
- 1255012 - FD Unit 301
Nash County
- 1270111 - Nash SO
- 1270183 - Nashville PD
- 1270199 - Nash Dispatcher
- 1270200 - Nash Dispatch
- 1270215 - Nash Detectives
- 1270218 - Nash Detectives
- 1270231 - Nash Detectives
- 1270254 - Nash Detectives
- 1270293 - Nash Detectives
- 1270335 - Nash Detectives
- 1270364 - Nash SO
- 1270402 - Nash SO
- 1270504 - Nash EMS
- 1270505 - Nash EMS
- 1270506 - Nash EMS
- 1277150 - Dispatcher 911/SWCALL
- 1274491 - Nash Detective
- 1289994 - Nash SO Dispatch
- 1289995 - Nash EMS Dispatch
- 1289996 - Nash EMS Dispatch
- 1289999 - Nash SO Dispatch
New Hanover County
- 1290110 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Inv.
- 1292867 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Inv.
- 1293029 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Inv.
- 1293051 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Unit
- 1293098 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Inv.
- 1293222 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Unit
- 1293530 - Unit 306 w/ NCDMF officers
- 1294175 - Airlink 1 Med Helo Medic N910NH
- 1294263 - Medic/EMS
- 1294340 - Medic/EMS
- 1294651 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Inv.
- 1294840 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Inv.
- 1294905 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Unit
- 1295056 - New Hanover Co Law Enforcement Unit
- 1297452 - New Hanover FD/EMS Dispatcher
- 1297886 - Airlink 1 Med Helo Pilot N910NH
- 1299136 - Medic/EMS
Northampton County
- 1310056 - Northampton 911
- 1310077 - Northampton EMS Dispatcher
- 1311166 - Medic/EMS
- 1311171 - Medic/EMS
Onslow County
- 1330058 - Patch to VIPER
- 1330063 - During Hurricane Florence
- 1332188 - LE with NCDPS Probation District 3
- 1332245 - LE with NCDPS Probation District 3
Orange County
- 136999x and 135999x - All cities/county agencies Dispatchers
- 1369982 - Dispatcher 911/SWCALL
- 1369989 - OC EMS Dispatch
- 1369993 - OCSO Dispatch
- 1369995 - Hillsborough PD Dispatch
- 1369996 - Chapel Hill PD Dispatch (also heard on 1359999)
- 1369999 - Orange 911
- 1350214 - Chapel Hill Emergency Management
- 13503xx - Chapel Hill Fire/EMS (1350309-EMS,0373,0379-EMS,0324-EMS, 0325-Medic 1)
- 1350399 - OCSO units, also monitored 1350730, 1350607
- 1351000 - OCSO Detective
- 1354007 - OCSO (monitored on Tac channel)
- 1354024 - SAR Training in Randolph County
- 1354148 - OC EMS Unit
- 1355086 - Carrboro PD units
- 1356xxx - Chapel Hill PD units (1356128,6073,6071)
- 1359xxx - Hillsborough PD units
Pamlico County
- 1370000 - Search Operation
- 1371012 - Pamlico Sheriff Office Detective
- 1371013 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
- 1371106 - Pamlico heard during Search and rescue training
- 1371108 - Pamlico Sheriff Office Detective
- 1371111 - Pamlico Sheriff Office Detective
- 1372088 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
- 1372117 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
- 1372139 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
- 1372167 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
- 1372174 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
- 1372179 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
- 1372185 - Pamlico Sheriff Office
Pasquotank County
- 1390004 - Pasquotank Law Enforcement in Elizabeth City
- 1390046 - Pasquotank Co Patch to Viper
- 1390086 - Pasquotank Law Enforcement
- 1390193 - Pasquotank Law Enforcement
- 2075946 - Pasquotank Co. Rescue Unit
- 1394993 - Pasquotank County Dispatcher
- 1394994 - Pasquotank County Dispatcher
- 1394995 - Pasquotank County Dispatcher
- 1394996 - Pasquotank County Dispatcher
- 1390575 - Pasquotank EMS Unit
- 1390576 - Pasquotank EMS Unit
- 1390125 - Pasquotank Medic Unit
- 2075944 - Pasquotank Medic Unit
- 1390220 - Elizabeth City PD Unit
- 1390536 - Elizabeth City PD Unit
- 1390154 - Elizabeth City PD Unit
- 1390234 - Elizabeth City PD Unit
- 1390603 - Elizabeth City PD Unit
- 1391717 - Pasqoutank County Sheriff's Unit
- 1390607 - Pasqoutank County Sheriff's Unit
- 1390594 - Pasqoutank County Sheriff's Unit
- 1390504 - Pasqoutank County Sheriff's Unit
- 1390516 - Pasqoutank County Sheriff's Unit
Pender County
- 1410177 - SAR Team assisting Craven Co with search for missing child
- 1410542 - Pender Co Fire working with NCFS (Drone ops)
- 1410674 - Pender Co Fire working with NCFS
- 1410809 - SAR Team assisting Craven Co with search for missing child
- 1416051 - Pender County State EMOC responder
Perquimans County
- 1430163 - Perquimans County Sheriff's Unit
- 1430164 - Perquimans County Sheriff's Unit
- 1430068 - Perquimans County EMS Unit
- 1430119 - Perquimans County EMS Unit
- 1434997 - Perquimans County Dispatcher
- 1434998 - Perquimans County Dispatcher
- 1434999 - Perquimans County Dispatcher
Person County
- 14500xx - Person County Fire/EMS
- 1450005 - Dispatcher 911/SWCALL
- 1450078 - Person Co EMS
- 1450507 - State EMOC Responder
- 1470973 - Person County 911
Pitt County
- 1474996 - Pitt Hospital ER
- 1474997 - Eastcare Med Helo Dispatch
- 1474999 - Eastcare Med Helo Dispatch
- 1476000 - Pitt Co SO Dispatch
- 1478275 - Pitt Co FD/EOC
- 1478329 - Task Force 10
- 1478349 - Pitt Co EMS
- 1478426 - Pitt Co EMS
- 1478393 - Pitt Co EMS
- 1478420 - Pitt Co EMS
- 1478927 - Pitt Co Det
- 1479012 - Pitt Co Det
- 1479129 - Pitt Co Det
- 1479131 - Pitt Co Det
- 1482139 - Pitt Co Det
Polk County
- 1490008 - Dispatch on SWCALL
- 1490100 - Polk County on SWLAW
Randolph County
- 1510094 - Randolph County SO Unit
- 1510202 - Randolph Fire
- 1510274 - Randolph 911
- 1510635 - Randolph County EMS
- 1510752 - Asheboro Fire Dept Engine
- 1511009 - Randolph County SO Dispatch
- 152xxxx - Randolph County SO Units (heard 1520050, 0570, 1051, 9013)
- 1521005 - Randolph County FD Dispatch
- 1521015 - Randolph County EMS Dispatch
- 1521076 - Randolph County EMS Dispatch
- 1524025 - EMS
- 1524026 - Asheboro PD Dispatch
- 1529914 - Asheboro PD Unit
Richmond County
- 1530033 - Richmond County Fire Unit
- 1530248 - Richmond County Fire Unit
- 1530280 - Richmond County Emergency Communications
- 1537064 - Richmond County Dispatcher
Robeson County
- 1550000 - Radio Shop
- 1550002 -
- 1550320 - Lumberton Rescue 9
- 1550348 - Robeson EMS Dispatcher
- 1550392 - Robeson FD Dispatcher
- 1550401 - Robeson EMS Medic
- 1550408 - Robeson EMS Medic
- 1550412 - Robeson EMS Medic
- 1550435 - Robeson EMS Medic
- 1550449 - Robeson EMS Medic
- 1550452 - Robeson EMS Medic
- 1550469 - Robeson EMS Medic
- 1554994 - Robeson Co FD/EMS Dispatch
Rockingham County
- 1570000 - Rockingham SO Detective
- 1570001 - Rockingham SO Detective
- 1570003 - Rockingham SO Detective
- 1570004 - Rockingham SO Detective
- 15701xx - Rockingham SO units
- 15704xx - Rockingham EMS units
- 15700xx - County Sheriff and EMS units (mixed)
- 15701xx - County Sheriff, Rescue, and EMS units (mixed)
- 15702xx - County EMS, Rescue, and Fire units (mixed)
- 15703xx - County Fire units
- 15704xx - County Fire units
- 15705xx - Stoneville Police, Madison Fire, and County Sheriff units (mixed)
- 15706xx - County Sheriff, Fire units, and Rescue units (mixed)
- 15710xx - County Fire units
- 15711xx - County Fire units
- 15720xx - Guilford County Fire units (Mutual Aid)
- 15750xx - Eden Police and Fire units (mixed)
- 1575045 - Eden Police Detective
- 15751xx - Eden Police and Fire units (mixed)
- 15760xx - Madison PD units
- 15770xx - Mayodan PD units
- 15780xx - Reidsville PD and FD units (mixed) (Heard 1578061)
- 15781xx - Reidsville PD and FD units (mixed)(Heard 1578150)
- 157999x - C-Comm (911 Center Dispatch Consoles) (also 158999x)
- 1589990 - Eden PD Dispatch
- 1589992 - Reidsville PD Dispatch
- 1589993 - Rockingham County SO Dispatch
- 1589994 - Rockingham EMS Dispatch
- 1589997 - Rockingham FD Dispatch
Rowan County
- 159xxxx - Rowan County
- 1591260 - FD during med evac at LZ
- 1591274 - FD assisting Davie County
- 1591946 - FD assisting Davie County
Rutherford County
- 1610000 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1610007 - Rutherford County SO Unit
- 1610008 - Law Enforcement/Detective Unit
- 1610009 - Law Enforcement/Detective Unit
- 1610016 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1610017 - Law Enforcement/Detective LT
- 1610019 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1610021 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1610025 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1610027 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1610029 - Law Enforcement/Detective Unit
- 1610046 - Law Enforcement/Detective Unit
- 1611000 - Rutherford County "Central" Dispatch
- 1611998 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1611999 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1612206 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1612218 - Law Enforcement/Detective Unit
- 1612221 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1612222 - Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1614105 - Law Enforcement/Detective Unit
Sampson County
- 1630014 - Sampson Co EMS
- 1630018 - Sampson Co EMS
- 1630021 - Sampson Co EMS
- 1630038 - Sampson Co EMS
- 1630201 - Sampson Co EMS
- 1630038 - Sampson Co EMS
- 1630286 - Sampson Co EMS
- 1630287 - Sampson Co Unit
- 1630595 - Sampson EMS Dispatch
- 1630597 - Sampson FD Dispatch
- 1630589 - Sampson SO Dispatch
- 1630590 - Clinton PD Dispatch
- 1634996 - Sampson Dispatch (New)
- 1634997 - Sampson Dispatch (New)
- 1634998 - Sampson Dispatch (New)
- 1634999 - Sampson Dispatch (New)
Scotland County
- 1650002 - FD/Swift Water Team
- 1650052 - Scotland County EMS
- 1650054 - Scotland County EMS
- 1650069 - Scotland Co FD/EMS
- 1650111 - Scotland Co FD
- 1650121 - FD/Swift Water Team
- 1650124 - Scotland Co Fire
- 1650129 - Scotland Co Fire
- 1650136 - Scotland Co Fire
Stanly County
- 167xxxx - Stanly County Units
- 1670039 - Stanly County Medic
- 1670043 - Dispatch on SWCALL checkin
- 1670076 - Stanly County Sheriff Patch
Stokes County
- 1690039 - Stokes County SO during SAR ops
- 1690176 - Stokes County Law dispatch
- 1690198 - Stokes County SO
- 1690611 - Stokes County SO unit
- 1694998 - Stokes County 911
Surry County
- 171xxxx - Surry County Various
- 1710055 - Mt Airy PD Dispatch
- 1710054 - Surry EMS Dispatch
- 1716013 - Surry EMS unit
- 1717086 - Mt Airy PD Unit
Swain County
- 1730058 - Swain County LE on SW Event Channel
- 1730079 - Swain County LE on SW Event Channel
Transylvania County
(NOTE: SWCALL Checkin handled by Buncombe county, Viper may not be active)
- 214999 - Dispatch Radio Check on SWCALL for both Transylvania and Buncombe Counties
Tyrrell County
- 1770006 - Heard on VEROAM-1, Unk unit
- 1770040 - Sheriff's Office Dispatcher
- 550067 - Sheriff's Office Dispatcher
- 1770060 - Sheriff's Unit
- 1770056 - Sheriff's Unit
- 1770054 - Sheriff's Unit
Union County
- 1790006 - Dispatch on SWCALL checkin
- 1791595 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
- 1791933 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
- 1792095 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
- 1792215 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
- 1792217 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
- 1792222 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
- 1792524 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
- 1792527 - Union Co LE on Fedcomm 2
Vance County
- 1810000 - EMS
- 1810001 - EMS
- 18103xx - Officers
- 1810406 - Jail/holding cells
- 1810500 - Vance SO/Henderson PD Dispatch
- 1810501 - Vance FD fire tones
- 1810502 - Vance Co Dispatch
- 1810503 - Vance FD fire dispatch voice
- 1810511 - Heard on SWCALL
- 1815xxx - Henderson FD
- 1815251 - Vance Co Medic
Wake County
- 1830001 - 1830221 Cary Fire
- 1830254 - 1830683 Cary Police
- 1830572 - Cary PD
- 1830606 - Cary City Dispatch Radio Check on SWCALL
- 1830724 - 1831397 Cary Public Works
- 1831404 - Cary/Morrisville Dispatch
- 1831600 - 1831925 Apex PD
- 1831952 - 1832099 Apex FD
- 1832088 - Apex Fire Dept
- 1832262 - 1832443 Morrisville PD
- 1832459 - 1832594 Morrisville FD
- 1833470 - RRT 41
- 1833682 - RRT 4
- 1833782 - Dispatcher 911/SWCALL
- 1834226 - RPD Special Event
- 1834300 - 1835900 Raleigh PD
- 1834533 - RPD Special Event
- 1834543 - RPD Special Event
- 1834563 - RPD Motor Unit - Special Event
- 1834829 - RPD Special Event
- 1835071 - RPD Detective
- 1835553 - RPD Special Event
- 1835822 - RPD Detective
- 1835827 - RPD Detective
- 1835839 - RPD Detective
- 1835848 - RPD Detective
- 1835862 - RPD Special Event
- 1835868 - RPD Special Event
- 1835879 - RPD Special Event
- 1835888 - RPD Special Event
- 1835895 - RPD Detective
- 1835896 - RPD Detective
- 1835908 - RPD Detective
- 1835917 - RPD Captain - Command Special Event
- 1835921 - RPD LT - Special Event
- 1835935 - RPD Special Event
- 1835942 - RPD Special Event
- 18375xx - 18377xx GoRaleigh Bus Service
- 1839040 - Raleigh Fire
- 1839041 - Raleigh Fire
- 1839043 - Raleigh Fire
- 1839291 - Raleigh Fire
- 1839295 - Raleigh Fire
- 1839298 - Raleigh Fire
- 1839327 - Raleigh Fire
- 1839314 - Raleigh Fire
- 18395xx - NCSU Wolfline Bus Service
- 184xxxx - Wake County SO/LE/Others
18408xx - 18410xx - GoTriangle Bus Service
- 18411xx - GoWake Bus Service
- 18412xx - 18414xx - Wake County GSA
- 1841798 - Wake County Fire
- 1841908 - Wake County Fire
- 1841914 - Wake County Fire
- 1842549 - Wake County Fire
- 1842743 - WakeMed Raleigh VIPER Medical Network
- 1842785 - Duke Raleigh ER
- 1843550 - Wake County Sheriff Dispatch
- 1843868 - WAKE 296, On New TG 46543
- 1844160 - Wake County Sheriff TRT
- 1844204 - Wake County Sheriff Detective
- 1844238 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer
- NOTE - WSO Transport unit numbers change, RID most likely vehicle radio
- 1844300 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer D-
- 1844306 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer D-
- 1844308 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer D-
- 1844310 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer D-
- 1844315 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer D-
- 1844372 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer D-
- 1844881 - Wake County Sheriff Patch to Viper
- 1842xxx - Wake County EMS units
- 1845108 - Wake Co Detectives
- 1845118 - Wake Co Detectives
- 1845179 - Wake County Sheriff Transport Officer D-
- 1845223 - Wake Co Detectives
- 1849xxx - RDU Operations
- 1849000 - RDU Parking
- 1849004 - RDU SAACS (IT) Technician Unit
- 1849012 - RDU Parking Lot Dispatch/Office
- 1849030 - RDU Maintenance
- 1849052 - RDU Grounds Maintenance
- 1849057 - RDU Grounds Maintenance
- 1849182 - RDU Grounds Maintenance
- 1849199 - RDU Maintenance
- 1849241 - RDU Traffic Control Officer
- 1849243 - RDU Bus
- 1849431 - RDU Baggage
- 1849435 - RDU Baggage
- 1849437 - RDU Baggage
- 1849440 - RDU Baggage
- 1849441 - RDU Baggage
- 1849448 - RDU Baggage
- 1849996 - RDU Central (Dispatch)
Warren County
- 18500xx - Warren County EMS units
- 1850034 - Warren SO Detective
- 1850035 - Warren SO Detective
- 1850039 - Warren SO Detective
- 1850052 - Warren SO Detective
- 1850061 - Warren EMS
- 1850079 - Warren SO
- 1850107 - Warren SO
- 1850136 - Warren EMS
- 1850145 - Warren SO
- 1850232 - Warren County 911
Washington County
- Law Enforcement
- 1870044 - Washington County Central Dispatch
- 1870054 - Washington County Central Dispatch
- 1870013 - Plymouth Police Officer
- 1870028 - Washington County Sheriff's Office -
- 1870039 - Plymouth Police Officer
- 1871749 - Law Enforcement Officer
- 1871743 - Law Enforcement Officer
- 1871721 - Law Enforcement Officer
- 1870081 - Law Enforcement Officer
- 1874998 - Washington County Central Dispatch
- 1874999 - Washington County Central Dispatch
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- 1870055 - Washington County Central Dispatch
- 1870135 - Washington County EMS
- 1870154 - Washington County EMS
- 1871625 - Washington County EMS (Portable?)
- 1870063 - Washington County EMS
Watauga County
- 1890000 - Dispatch Consol (SW Call)
- 1890006 - Dispatch Consol
- 1890007 - Dispatch Consol
- 1890008 - Dispatch Consol (backup center located at Boone PD)
- 1890009 - Dispatch Consol
- 1890014 - Dispatch Consol
- 2138201 - App State Univ. Dispatch Consol
- 18901xx - Watauga Sheriff Units
- 18903xx - Watauga Emergency Services & Cache Radios
- 18904xx - Watauga Rescue Squad Units
- 18960xx - Blowing Rock Police Units
- 18962xx - Blowing Rock Fire Units
- 18970xx - Boone Fire Units
- 18971xx - Boone PD Officers
- 18972xx - Boone PD Officers
- 18973xx - Appalachian Regional Healthcare Police Units
- 18974xx - Boone Fire Units
- 1891xxx - County Fire Departments
- 1892xxx - County Fire Departments
- 1892019 - Zionville VFD Portable
- 18911xx - County Fire Departments
Wayne County
- 191xxxx Wayne County Various Units
- 1910003 - Wayne Co Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1910008 - Wayne Co Dispatch (Backup Center)
- 1910011 - Wayne Co Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1910014 - Wayne Co Dispatch (Backup Center)
- 1910015 - Wayne Co Dispatch (Backup Center)
- 1910028 - Wayne Co Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1910030 - Wayne Co Law Enforcement/Detective
- 1910032 - Wayne Co Law Enforcement
- 1910033 - Wayne Co Law Enforcement
- 1910036 - Wayne Co EMS
- 1910063 - Wayne Co Dispatch (Main Ctr)
- Wayne County EMS utilizing Viper Med Radios in 2077xxx range
- 2077110 Wayne County Medic
- 2077111 Wayne County Medic
- 2077150 Wayne County Medic
- 2077214 Wayne County Medic
- 2077217 Wayne County Medic
- 2077222 Wayne County Medic
- 2077226 Wayne County Medic
- 2076842 Wayne County Medic
Wilkes County
- 1930065 - Wilkes County FD VHF patch
- 1935004 - Wilkes County Fire during exercise with State EOC
- 1940000 - "Planning" during exercise with State EOC
Wilson County
- 1950000 - Dispatcher 911/SWCALL
- 1950008 - Wilson Law Enforcement (Also 1950016, 22, 23)
- 1950039 - Wilson EMS Medic (County EMS)
- 1950061 - Wilson EMS Medic (County EMS)
- 1950071 - Wilson EMS Dispatcher (County EMS)
- 1950072 - Wilson EMS Medic (County EMS)
- 1950074 - Wilson EMS Medic 3 (County EMS)
- 1950079 - Wilson EMS Medic (County EMS)
- 1950121 - Wilson EMS Medic (County EMS)
- 1952018 - Wilson City PD Unit (also heard 1952034)
- 1952122 - Wilson Detective
- 1955000 - Wilson County EMS
- 1955019 - Wilson County Medic
- 1955175 - Wilson County SO Unit
Yadkin County
- 197xxxx - Yadkin County Units
- 1970000 - Heard on NARC
- 1970003 - Heard on NARC
- 1970004 - Heard on NARC
- 1970023 - Heard on EMS TG
- 1970050 - Yadkin 911
Yancey County
- 199xxxx - Yancey County Units
- 1990153 - Burnsville PD
- 1990163 - Com-L 1 talking to State EMEOC dispatch
Unidentified Counties
Viper RIDs appear to follow the EPA FIPS ID list, with a few exceptions listed below.
EXCEPTIONS - Does Not Match FIPS/Viper RID List:
- ALAMANCE 001 using 7xxxx
The below list is for counties not currently in the Wiki list above along with their possible Viper RIDs based on FIPS:
- ANSON 7 (Possible exception, see Alamance County)
- CLAY 43 11504 is active
- JONES 103
North Carolina State Highway Patrol
- 211xxxx - NCSHP Portables
- 216xxxx - NCSHP Portables
- 215xxxx - NCSHP Mobiles
- 2010004 - NCSHP Air Ops Base
- 2010014 - NCSHP Air Ops Base
- 2010022 - NCSHP Air Ops Base
- Note - Many 211xxxx and 212xxxx radios have been replaced with 215xxxx and 216xxxx radios
- 211xxxx - 212xxxx NCSHP Officers
- 2115101 - NCSHP
- 2115272 - NCSHP Investigators Robeson Co.(working with FBI)
- 2115276 - NCSHP Investigators Robeson Co.(working with FBI)
- 2115749 - NCSHP Trooper C-3 Ida-231
- 2115830 - NCSHP Air Pilot Unit Ida-
- 2115831 - NCSHP Air Pilot
- 2116069 - NCSHP A-638
- 2116150 - NCSHP Investigators (working with Lee Co)
- 2116161 - NCSHP Investigators (working with Lee Co)
- 2116671 - NCSHP Pilot
- 21167xx - NCSHP Investigators (2116777, 6789, 6792, 6794, 6797 and 2116907) on TG 60631
- 2116905 - NCSHP Radio Services
- 2116921 - NCSHP
- 2116996 - Governor's Detail Possibly changed
- 2117000 - Governor's Detail Unit S- Possibly changed
- 2117003 - Governor's Detail Possibly changed
- 2117005 - Governor's Detail Possibly changed
- 2117007 - Governor's Detail Possibly changed
- 2117019 - Governor's Detail Possibly changed
- 2117022 - Governor's Detail Possibly changed
- 2117029 - NCSHP Air Ops I-
- 2117071 - NCSHP Regional Response Teams (RRT)
- 2117072 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117073 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117074 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117076 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117078 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117079 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117085 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117088 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117089 - NCSHP RRT
- 2117160 - NCSHP A-622
- 2117793 - NCSHP Catawaba Co/Davie Co drill
- 2117807 - NCSHP Catawaba Co/Davie Co drill
- 2117905 - NCSHP Catawaba Co/Davie Co drill
- 2118109 - NCSHP RRT LT
- 2118111 - NCSHP Radio Services
- 2118139 - NCSHP Catawaba Co/Davie Co drill
- 2118174 - NCSHP
- 2118199 - NCSHP Air Ops
- 2118260 - NCSHP Air Ops I
- 2118262 - NCSHP Helo Ops
- 2118264 - NCSHP Air Ops
- 2118266 - NCSHP Air Ops
- 2118267 - NCSHP Air Ops I-
- 2120407 - NCSHP Air Ops I-
- 2120747 - NCSHP AIR Ops I-
- 2122054 - NCSHP Helo Pilot
- 2122053 - NCSHP Helo Pilot I-
- 21261xx - VIPER Radio Techs
- 215xxxx - NCSHP Officers, (New Radios)
- 2150070 - NCSHP RRT
- 2150226 - NCSHP Trooper B-5
- 2150291 - NCSHP Trooper B-7
- 2150299 - NCSHP Trooper B-7
- 2150306 - NCSHP Trooper B-7
- 2150331 - NCSHP RRT
- 2150403 - NCSHP RRT
- 2150441 - NCSHP RRT
- 2150451 - NCSHP Trooper C-3
- 2150468 - NCSHP Trooper C-4
- 2150498 - NCSHP Trooper
- 2150533 - NCSHP RRT
- 2150615 - NCSHP Trooper D-2
- 2151402 - NCSHP Trooper C-3
- 2151430 - NCSHP Air Ops I-
- 2151441 - NCSHP RRT
- 2151574 - NCSHP Air (N405NC)
- 2151578 - NCSHP Air I- N407NC
- 2151579 - NCSHP Helo Pilot
- 2151580 - NCSHP Helo Pilot
- 2151784 - NCSHP Trooper H-1
- 2152058 - NCSHP Trooper C-3
- 2152070 - NCSHP Trooper E-6
- 2152221 - NCSHP Trooper C-2
- 2152839 to 2152843 - Governor's Security Detail
- 216xxxx - NCSHP (New Radios)
- 2160011 - NCSHP Trooper
- 2160019 - NCSHP C-3 Trooper
- 216008x - NCSHP Governor's Detail (S1xx) Possibly changed
- 2160085 - NCSHP Governor's Detail (S1xx) Possibly changed
- 2160086 - NCSHP Governor's Detail (S1xx) Possibly changed
- 2160087 - NCSHP Governor's Detail (S1xx) Possibly changed
- 2160090 - NCSHP
- 2160162 - NCSHP Investigator
- 2160165 - NCSHP Investigator
- 2160304 - NCSHP Dispatch Hand Held (Heard with training units)
- 2160707 - TSU NOC (Viper Technical Support Unit)
- 21608xx - VIPER Radio Techs
- 21609xx - VIPER Radio Techs
- 2162078 - 216101 - Governor's Security Detail
- 2164001 - SHP Air Ops
- 2164006 - NORSTATE 6 Pilot (NCSHP Helo)
- 2164033 - SHP Air Ops
- 2164034 - SHP Air Ops
- 2164036 - SHP Air Ops
NCSHP Dispatch Consoles
- Monroe Dispatches Troop H
- 2499906 - Monroe Operator 1 Troop H
- 2499907 - Monroe Operator 2 Troop H
- 2499908 - Monroe Operator 3 Troop H
- 2499909 - Monroe Operator 4 Troop H
- Fayetteville Dispatches Troop B
- 2499915 - Fayetteville OP 1 Troop B
- 2499916 - Fayetteville OP 2 Troop B
- 2499917 - Fayetteville OP 3 Troop B
- 2499918 - Fayetteville OP 4 Troop B
- 2499919 - Fayetteville OP 5 Troop B
- Raleigh Dispatches Troop A
- 2499923 - Raleigh OP 9 Troop A
- 2499924 - Raleigh OP 10 Troop A
- 2499925 - Raleigh OP 11 Troop A
- Asheville/Newton Dispatches Troop F and G
- 2499934 - Newton OP 1 Troop F and G
- 2499935 - Newton OP 2 Troop F and G
- 2499936 - Newton OP 3 Troop F and G
- 2499937 - Newton OP 4 Troop F and G
- 2499938 - Newton OP 5 Troop F and G
- 2499939 - Newton OP 6 Troop F and G
- Greensboro Dispatches Troop D
- 2499957 - Raleigh OP 6 Troop D
- 2499958 - Raleigh OP 7 Troop D
- 2499959 - Raleigh OP 8 Troop D
- Raleigh Dispatches Troop C
- 2499984 - Raleigh OP 1 Troop C
- 2499985 - Raleigh OP 2 Troop C
- 2499986 - Raleigh OP 3 Troop C
- 2499987 - Raleigh OP 4 Troop C
- 2499988 - Raleigh OP 5 Troop C
- Salisbury Dispatches Troop E
- 2499995 - Salisbury OP 1 Troop E
- 2499996 - Salisbury OP 2 Troop E
- 2499997 - Salisbury OP 3 Troop E
- 2499998 - Salisbury OP 4 Troop E
- 2499999 - Salisbury OP 5 Troop E
NC Statewide Dispatch Consoles
- 2499824 - NCWRC Dist 4
- 2499825 - NCWRC Dist 4
- 2499833 - IMAP/DOT Forsyth
- 2499834 - IMAP/DOT Guilford
- 2499835 - IMAP/DOT Guilford
- 2499836 - UNC Hospital Dispatch
- 2499837 - UNC Police Dispatch
- 2499844 - NCDPS Dispatch
- 2499845 - UNC Police Dispatch
- 2499846 - UNC Police Dispatch
- 2499852 - UNC AirCare Disp
- 2499854 - Med Helo Dispatch
- 2499855 - UNC Med Helo Dispatch
- 2499864 - State Capitol Police Dispatch
- 2499865 - State Capitol Police Dispatch
- 2499866 - WakeMed Hospitals Grnd Disp
- 2499868 - WakeMed Hospitals Grnd Disp
- 2499869 - WakeMed Hospitals LE
- 2499870 - WakeMed Hospitals LE
- 2499889 - East Carolina University PD
- 2499890 - East Carolina University PD
- 2499902 - Unknown heard on New TG 52721
- 2499906 - Unknown heard on New TG 52711
- 2499931 - State EOC heard on SWCALL doing radio checks
- 2499941 - NCDPS Dispatch
- 2499942 - NCDPS Dispatch
- 2499943 - NCDPS Dispatch
- 2499944 - NCDPS Dispatch/Federal Probation Dispatch
- 2499955 - Flightwatch Dispatch
- 2499967 - IMAP Forsyth
- 2499968 - IMAP Wake/Johnson/Durham
- 2499970 - IMAP Haywood
- 2499983 - State EM/EOC Dispatch
- 2499990 - State EOC Dispatch
- 2499991 - EMOC Dispatch
Other State Agencies
- 2000004 - UNC Hospital Chapel Hill ER
- 2000007 - NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer services
- Also active 2000009,14,17,19,81,83 - All units ID with name
- 2000067 - NC State Fairgrounds, (also monitored 2000036,106,115,127)
- 20105xx - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2010564 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2010592 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 20106xx - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 20107xx - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement (Should be District 5)
- 2010792 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 20108xx - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2010832 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2010845 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2010881 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2010897 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 20109xx - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011xxx - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011055 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011056 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011058 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011065 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011067 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011095 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2011131 - NC Alcohol Law Enforcement
- 2015555 - NC Civil Air Patrol CAP3263
- 2015558 - NC Civil Air Patrol HQ
- 2015559 - NC Civil Air Patrol CAP3263
- 2015601 - NC Civil Air Patrol
- 2016xxx - NC Dept of Marine and Fisheries
- North Units - 100's, Central Units - 200's, South Units - 300's
- 2016500 - NCDMF
- 2016507 - NCDMF 1
- 2016508 - NCDMF 1
- 2016513 - NCDMF 1
- 2016521 - NCDMF
- 2016523 - NCDMF 3
- 2016530 - NCDMF 2
- 2016531 - NCDMF 2
- 2016563 - NCDMF 1
- 2016566 - NCDMF 1
- 2016571 - NCDMF
- 2016574 - NCDMF 1
- 2016585 - NCDMF 1
- 2016589 - NCDMF 2
- 2016600 - NCDMF 2
- 2016611 - NCDMF 3
- 2016617 - NCDMF 3
- 2016623 - NCDMF 2
- 2016625 - NCDMF 3
- 2016641 - NCDMF 3
- 2016643 - NCDMF 4
- 2016646 - NCDMF Dispatch
- 2016648 - NCDMF Dispatch
- 2016649 - NCDMF Dispatch
- 2016650 - NCDMF North Dispatcher
- 2016657 - NCDMF 3
- 2016567 - NCDMF 4
- 2016686 - NCDMF 3
- 2016693 - NCDMF 3
- 2016701 - NCDMF 1
- 2016707 - NCDMF 3
- 2106752 - NCDMF 4
- 2016763 - NCDMF 2
- 2016780 - NCDMF Dispatcher in Morehead
- 2016814 - NCDMF 5
- 2017xxx - NC License & Theft
- 202xxxx - Dept Public Safety - Correctional facilities/Probation/Parole Officers
- 20202xx and 20203xx District 7 NCDPS/Probation
- 2020290 - NCDPS - District 7 PO, Edgecombe, Nash and Wilson counties
- 2020283 - NCDPS - District 7 PO, Edgecombe, Nash and Wilson counties
- 2020289 - NCDPS - District 7 PO, Edgecombe, Nash and Wilson counties
- 2020324 - NCDPS - District 7 PO, Edgecombe, Nash and Wilson counties
- 2020325 - NCDPS - District 7 PO, Edgecombe, Nash and Wilson counties
- 20204xx and 20205xx District 10 NCDPS/Probation
- 2020401 - District 10 Dispatch
- 2020411 - District 10 PO, Wake county 10Lx
- 2020413 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020415 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020417 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020420 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020431 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020441 - District 10 PO, Wake county 10
- 2020433 - District 10 PO, Wake county 10L
- 2020453 - District 10 PO, Wake county 10Lx
- 2020475 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020520 - District 10 PO, Wake county 10C
- 2020543 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020550 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020562 - District 10 PO, Wake county 10C
- 2020567 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2020572 - District 10 PO, Wake county 10B
- Also heard 2020431, 0445, 0475, 0478, 0523
- 20208xx and 20209xx District 12 NCDPS/Probation
- 2020861 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County
- 2020866 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County 12B
- 2020871 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County
- 2020874 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County
- 2020875 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County
- 2020886 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County 12E
- 2020888 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County
- 2020889 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County 12A
- 2020901 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County 12I
- 2020903 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County
- 2020920 - NCDPS - District 12 PO, Cumberland County 12G
- 2021537 - NCDPS - PO Ashboro
- 20219xx District 25 NCDPS/Probation
- 2021903 District 25 NCDPS/Probation Officer
- 2022003 - NCDPS PO
- 2022004 - NCDPS PO
- 2022035 - NCDPS PO
- 2022059 - NCDPS PO
- 2022063 - NCDPS PO
- 2023013 - NCDPS - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2023017 - NCDPS - District 10 PO, Wake county 10K
- 2023027 - NCDPS Raleigh Dispatch Districts 7 & 12(Utilizing NCDOCSW4)
- 2023039 - Tabor correctional
- 2023160 - NCDOC Transportation
- 2023186 - NCDOC Transportation Bus
- 2024008 - NCDPS Fugitive Squad
- 2024010 - NCDPS Fugitive Squad
- 2024040 - NCDPS - District 3 PO
- 2024043 - NCDPS - District 3 PO
- 2024622 - NCDOC Divisional Command
- 2024623 - NCDOC District 10 Dispatch
- 2024625 - NCDOC District 10 Dispatch
- 2024626 - NCDOC District 10 Dispatch
- 2024641 - North Carolina Correctional Women's Institution (NCCWI)
- 2024655 - NCDOC Divisional Command
- 2024666 - Polk Correctional
- 2024667 - Columbus correctional
- 2024674 - Orange Correctional
- 2024676 - Columbus correctional
- 2024683 - Columbus correctional
- 2024684 - Morrison Correctional
- 2024688 - NCDOC Central Region Command (also 2024825)
- 2024696 - Craven Correctional
- 2024698 - Eastern Correctional
- 2024700 - Greene Correctional
- 2024700 - NCDOC Command
- 2024701 - Tyrrell Prison Work Farm
- 2024702 - Pasquotank Correctional (also 2025017)
- 2024703 - Bertie Correctional
- 2024704 - Carteret Correctional
- 2024705 - Hyde Correctional
- 2024708 - Eastern Regional Command
- 2024712 - Pamlico Correctional
- 2024713 - NCDOC Coastal Region Command
- 2024716 - Neuse Correctional
- 2024718 - Caledonia Correctional
- 2024721 - Dan River Prison Work Farm
- 2024730 - NCDOC Triangle Region Command (also 2022949)
- 2024742 - North Carolina Correctional for Women (NCCWI)
- 2024771 - NCDOC Mountain Region Command
- 2024778 - Davidson Correctional
- 2024779 - Caswell Correctional
- 2024781 - Sanford Correctional
- 2024788 - Wake Correctional
- 2024794 - Warren Correctional
- 2024798 - Nash Correctional
- 2024800 - Harnett Correctional
- 2024801 - Franklin Correctional
- 2024803 - NCDOC Division Command
- 2024805 - Odom Correctional
- 2024818 - Johnston Correctional
- 2024901 - District 10 PO, Wake county
- 2024958 - District 10 Dispatch, Wake county
- 2025014 - District 14 PO, Durham County
- 2025021 - Central Prison
- 2025022 - Central Prison
- 2025054 - NCDPS/DOP Maintenance
- 2025057 - NCDPS/DOP Maintenance
- SW2 Has been used for Coastal and Triangle region hourly check-ins during weather emg.
- SW7 Heard used for prison farm in Nash/Halifax county
- 2025331 - NCDOC Fugitive Squad
- 2025332 - NCDOC Fugitive Squad
- 20202xx and 20203xx District 7 NCDPS/Probation
- 2031xxx - DOT and IMAP
- 20310xx - IMAP GAO - Guilford Triad (2031006,1048)
- 203103x - DOT Davidson
- 20311xx - IMAP FDR -Forsyth (2031170,1173)
- 2031168 - Statewide Operations Center - STOC
- 2031170 - Statewide Operations Center - STOC
- 20312xx - IMAP Turnpike & Office Cache Radios
- 20313xx - IMAP Wake, Durham, Johnston (2031360,1373,1374,1384)
- 20314xx - IMAP Wlm - Wilmington (2031460,1468,1470)
- 2031731 - DOT staff
- 2031733 - DOT Staff
- 2031737 - DOT Hurricane response
- 2031738 - DOT staff (Unit P)
- 20400xx - NC Ferry Staff/Operations
- 2040002 - Leland
- 2040012 - Pamlico
- 2040014 - Business Office
- 2040026 - Cedar Island
- 2040027 -
- 2040031 - Ocracoke
- 2040032 -
- 2040033 - Hatteras
- 2040034 -
- 2040038 - Cherry Branch
- 20415xx to 20420xx - State Emergency Management Operations
- 2041532 - State Emergency Operations Center with Wilkes County Units
- 2041537 - State Emergency Operations Center Responder
- 2041606 - State Emergency Operations Center
- 2041608 - State Emergency Operations Center unit
- 2041612 - State Emergency Operations Center unit
- 2041646 - State Emergency Operations Command during SAR exercise
- 2041711 - State Emergency Operations Center unit (used in search for child)
- 2041750 - State Emergency Operations Center unit
- 2041764 - State Emergency Operations Center unit (used in search for child)
- 2041771 - State Emergency Operations Center Unit
- 2041792 - State EOC
- 2041809 - State Emergency Operations Center Dispatch BU
- 2041821 - State Emergency Operations Center unit
- 2041826 - State Emergency Operations Center unit
- 2041844 - State Emergency Operations Center unit
- 2041853 - State Emergency Operations Center unit/SERT
- 2041886 - State Emergency Operations Center unit
- 2051xxx - NC Forest Service (NCFS)
- 2051583 - NCFS Fire Control District 8
- 2051607 - NCFS LE
- 2051615 - NCFS Fire Responder District 8
- 2051616 - NCFS Fire Responder District 8
- 2051620 - NCFS Fire Responder District 8
- 2051621 - NCFS Fire Responder District 8
- 2051633 - NCFS Fire Responder Unit 850 District 8
- 2051635 - NCFS Fire Responder District 8
- 2051648 - NCFS
- 2051679 - NCFS LE
- 2051698 - NCFS District 6 (Vhf / Viper Patch)
- 2051710 - NCFS Security during Craven Co search for child
- 2051757 - NCFS Radio Tech Unit
- 2051818 - NCFS Fire (Supervisor) District 8
- 2051819 - NCFS Fire District 8
- 2051855 - NCFS Fire District 8
- 2051858 - NCFS Fire Region 132 District 8
- 2051883 - NCFS Fire Unit 845 District 8
- 2051930 - NCFS District 5 (Vhf / Viper Patch)
- 2057515 - Duplin General ER
- 20615xx - NC National Guard (Also see Hurricane Florence section below)
- 2061509 - NC National Guard Pilot (UH-72A Lakota)
- 2061511 - NC National Guard Pilot (tail ending in 278)
- 2061512 - NC National Guard Pilot (UH-72A Lakota)
- 2061515 - NC National Guard Pilot (tail ending in 602)
- 2061515 - NC National Guard Pilot Kill Devil 904 (tail ending in 904)
- 2061518 - NC National Guard Pilot (tail ending in 963)
- 2061519 - NC National Guard Pilot (UH-72A Lakota tail 12-72246)
- 2061520 - NC National Guard Pilot (UH-72A Lakota tail 08-72047)
- 2061521 - NC National Guard Pilot (UH-72A Lakota)
- 2061522 - NC National Guard Pilot (UH-72A Lakota tail 08-72048)
- 2061528 - NC National Guard Kill Devil Maintenance
- 2061531 - NC National Guard Flight Ops
- 2061552 - NC National Guard Pilot Kill Devil (tail ending in 437)
- 2061554 - NC National Guard Pilot (tail ending in 279)
- 20625xx - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh
- 2062563 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062566 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062570 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062572 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062575 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062576 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062577 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062590 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062593 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2062596 - NC General Assembly Police, Raleigh Officer
- 2065xxx - NC National Guard (multiple hits with this RID range)
- 2065148 - NCNG Elizabethtown
- 2065264 - NGJOC Command Post during Hurricane Florence
- 207xxxx - Hospitals Statewide and Hospital ambulances
- 2075003 - Lexington Memorial Hospital
- 2075023 - Lake Norman Hospital ER
- 2075024 - Davis Regional Medical Center Statesville
- 2075027 - Stanly Memorial Hospital Albermarle
- 2075037 - Frye Regional, Hickory, ER
- 2075038 - Atrium Lincoln, Lincolnton, ER
- 2075065 - Harris Regional Sylva ER
- 2075073 - Murphy Medical Center ER
- 2075110 - Wake Med Children's
- 2075118 - REX Hospital Raleigh ER
- 2075121 - Durham VA ER
- 2075124 - Durham Regional ER
- 2075143 - Central Carolina Hospital ER
- 2075144 - Moore Hospital ER
- 2075148 - Southeastern Regional Medical Center
- 2075149 - Scotland Memorial Hospital
- 2075160 - Alamance Hospital ER
- 2075161 - Chatham Hospital ER
- 2705170 - Halifax ER
- 2075178 - Albemarle Hospital (Elizabeth City)
- 2075188 - Nash General ER (Rocky Mount)
- 2075193 - Sampson Regional Medical
- 2075196 - Wayne Memorial Hospital ED (Goldsboro)
- 2075217 - Heritage Hospital ER
- 2075233 - Cherry Hospital PD Dispatch
- 2075234 - Cherry Hospital Home Health Care Dispatch
- 2075239 - Outer Banks Hospital
- 2075591 - State OEMS Staff
- 2075593 - State OEMS Staff
- 2075600 - State OEMS Staff
- 2075634 - State OEMS Staff
- 2075788 - Cherry Hospital Home Health Care Aide
- 2075793 - Cherry Hospital Home Health Care Aide
- 2075797 - Duke Durham
- 2075841 - AIR Medical Sports Cell
- 2075961 - Sentara Nightingale (Sentara Norfolk General, Norfolk ,VA) N145NG
- 2076046 - Airlife 2 Pilot
- 2076065 - New Hanover Airlink 1 Med Helo
- 2076066 - Air Life 1 Med Helo
- 2076088 - Vitalink Grnd Dispatch
- 2076091 - New Hanover Airlink Flight Ops
- 2076091 - New Hanover Airlink Dispatch
- 2076092 - Air Med Dispatcher
- 2076093 - New Hanover Airlink Dispatch
- 2076106 - Medic/EMS 309 Vitalink
- 2076240 - UNC Tarheel Med Helo (also 2077576)
- 2076241 - UNC Tarheel Med Helo/Medic
- 2076270 - UNC Tarheel 2 Med Helo Medic
- 2076271 - UNC Ground Ambulance dispatch
- 2076274 - UNC Ground Ambulance Tarheel
- 2076280 - UNC Ground Ambulance dispatch
- 2076284 - UNC Flight Watch
- 20763xx - Wake Med Law Enforcement Units (also 2076363,6365)
- 20764xx - Wake Med Law Enforcement Units (also 6405,6424,6427,6484)
- 2076425 - Wake Med Law Enforcement Dispatch
- 2076548 - Wake Med Air Care 3
- 2076552 - Wake Med Air Care Dispatch "Aircom"
- 2076553 - Air Life Flight Ops/Dispatch
- 2076698 - MedCenter Air Pilot (Med 4)
- 2076713 - MedCenter Air Helo (Med2)
- 2076716 - MedCenter Air Dispatch
- 2076991 - Iredell Memorial Hospital Statesville
- 2077030 - UNC Air Care
- 2077110 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077111 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077150 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077187 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077214 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077217 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077222 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077226 - Wayne County Medic
- 2077405 - State OEMS
- 2077407 - State OEMS
- 2077410 - State OEMS Staff
- 2077490 - Tarheel 30 UNC EMS
- 2077511 - Rescue EMS
- 2077550 - Tarheel 1 UNC Med Helo - N861NC (11/8/21)
- 2077576 - Tarheel 4 UNC Med Helo (also 2076240)
- 2077586 - Nightingale Med Helo Dispatch (Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, VA)
- 2077591 - Tarheel 2 UNC Med Helo Pilot
- 2077603 - EastCare 3, Pitt Co Mem Med Helo
- 2077630 - Eastcare Med Helo 4
- 2077673 - Eastcare Med Helo 3 (N816EC)
- 2077861 - Tarheel 3 UNC Med Helo
- 2077897 - New Hanover Airlink 2 Med Helo N611LS
- 2077913 - Air Care 2 Med Helo
- 2077914 - Air Care 1 Med Helo
- 2077915 - Air Care 3 Med Helo
- 2078181 - MedCenter Air Dispatch Supervisor
- 20788xx - State Medical Assistance Teams (SMAT)
- 2085xxx - NC Office of Fire Marshall Admin
- 2086xxx - NC Office of Fire Marshall Admin
- 2085023 - Fire Marshall's Office
- 2085035 - Fire Marshall's Office
- 2085055 - Fire Marshall's Office Base
- 2085058 - Fire Marshall's Office
- 2085068 - Fire Marshall Vehicle Radio
- 2085076 - Fire Marshall's Office OSFM
- 2085080 - Fire Marshall's Office OSFM
- 2085122 - Fire Marshall's Office
- 2085124 - Fire Marshall's Office OSFM
- 2085125 - Fire Marshall's Office
- 2085131 - Fire Marshall Western NC Unit OSFM
- 2086015 - Fire Marshall's Office Unit OSFM
- 2087xxx - State Park Rangers (NOTE: THESE MAY HAVE MOVED TO 20973xx to 20974xx)
- 2087571 - State Park Rangers William Umstead State Park
- 2087574 - State Park Rangers
- 2087575 - State Park Rangers William Umstead State Park
- 2087576 - State Park Rangers William Umstead State Park
- 2087641 - State Park Rangers William Umstead State Park
- 2087666 - State Park Rangers Mayo River State Park
- 2087692 - State Park Rangers Eno River State Park
- 2087694 - State Park Rangers Eno River State Park
- 20973xx - 20974xx State Parks
- 20975xx - 20981xx NC Dept of Public Health Service
- 2097540 - NCPHS Clinic
- 2097555 - NCPHS Clinic
- 2097604 - NCPHS HQ Building Monitor
- 2097607 - NCPHS HQ Building Monitor
- 2097609 - NCPHS HQ Building Monitor
- 2097612 - NCPHS HQ Building Monitor
- 2097614 - NCPHS HQ Building Monitor
- 2098018 - NCPHS
- 2098026 - NCPHS Eastern Region Program Support
- 2098047 - NCPHS
- 2098050 - NCPHS
- 2098072 - NCPHS
- 2098081 - NCPHS Clinic
- 2098100 - NCPHS Forsythe Co
- 2098113 - NCPHS Montgomery Co
- 2098137 - NCPHS Wayne Co
- 2098141 - NCPHS Brunswick Co
- 2098142 - NCPHS Carteret Co
- 2098152 - NCPHS Greene Co
- 2098154 - NCPHS
- 2098160 - NC Dept of Public Health Eastern Region Program Support
- 2098167 - NCPHS Sampson Co
- 2098176 - NCPHS Rockingham Co
- 2098193 - NCPHS Clinic
- 2102xxx - 2103xxx - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102501 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Air Support/Pilot
- 2102515 - NC State Bureau of Investigation District 8
- 2102535 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh SRT
- 2102536 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh
- 2102543 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh SRT
- 2102551 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh SRT
- 2102552 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102557 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh
- 2102564 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh SRT
- 2102577 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh SRT
- 2102594 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Raleigh
- 2102603 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102621 - NC State Bureau of Investigation SRT
- 2102623 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102629 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102635 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102669 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102675 - NC State Bureau of Investigation with Pamlico Co Units
- 2102676 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102712 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102714 - NC State Bureau of Investigation District 8
- 2102715 - NC State Bureau of Investigation SRT
- 2102736 - NC State Bureau of Investigation heard during Catawba/Davie Co drill
- 2102753 - NC State Bureau of Investigation with Pamlico Co Units
- 2102773 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102786 - NC State Bureau of Investigation with Martin Co Detective
- 2102791 - NC State Bureau of Investigation SRT
- 2102822 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Elizabeth City Pasquotank Co.
- 2102837 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2102856 - NC State Bureau of Investigation - Aircraft N726AP
- 2102859 - NC State Bureau of Investigation Aircraft
- 2103006 - NC State Bureau of Investigation
- 2112xxx - State Capital Police, Raleigh
- 2112609 - Dispatch 1
- 2112503 - Dispatch 2
- 2112515 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112519 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112526 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112527 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112528 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112531 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112532 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112537 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112542 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112548 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112552 - State Capital Police Captain
- 2112555 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112558 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112561 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112563 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112565 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112567 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112570 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112574 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112575 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112578 - Dispatch BU (hand held)
- 2112586 - State Capital Police Chief
- 2112588 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112593 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112594 - State Capital Police Dispatch
- 2112609 - State Capital Police Dispatch
- 2112615 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2112629 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2113xxx - State Capital Police, Raleigh
- 2113003 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2113004 - State Capital Police Unit
- 2113006 - State Capital Police Unit
- 21173xx - 2118xxx DOT Plows/Deice Vehicles
- 2117206, 7335, 8078
- 2126xxx - Viper Radio Techs
- 2126014,6105,6119,6120,6171,6172,6176,6181,6189,6191
- 2127xxx - NC Wildlife Resource Commission
- 2127008 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 1
- 2127036 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm Unit
- 2127095 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm
- 2127170 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 3
- 2127119 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 2
- 2127241 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 5 (With 2127256,7263)
- 2127246 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 9
- 2127386 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm Unit
- 2127489 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm Unit
- 2127680 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 1 Dispatcher
- 2127681 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 2 Dispatcher
- 2127682 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 3 Dispatcher
- 2127683 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 4 Dispatcher
- 2127684 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 5 Dispatcher
- 2127685 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 6 Dispatcher
- 2127686 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 7 Dispatcher
- 2127687 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 8 Dispatcher
- 2127688 - NC Wildlife Resource Comm District 9 Dispatcher
- 2137xxx - Vidant Air
- 2137109 - EMS Unit Greenville 12
- 2137143 - Vidant Eastcare 2
- 2137144 - East Care Med Helo Medic
- 2137155 - Vidant Air Dispatcher
- 2137136 - Vidant Ground
- 2137176 - East Care 1 Med Helo
- 2137179 - East Care 4 Med Helo
- 2137185 - Nash Co EMS 100 Vidant
- 21379xx - NCCU University PD
- 2137914 - NCCU University PD Unit
- 2137946 - NCCU University PD Dispatch
- 2137965 - NCCU University PD Unit
- 2137975 - NCCU University PD Unit
- 21381xx - Appalachian State University
- 2138201 - Campus Dispatch
- 2138105 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138114 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138118 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138122 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138135 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138137 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138148 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138162 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138164 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138183 - Appalachian State University PD
- 2138192 - Appalachian State University PD
- 21391xx - East Carolina University
- 2139107 - East Carolina University PD Unit
- 2139121 - East Carolina University PD Unit
- 2139160 - East Carolina University PD Unit
- 2139177 - East Carolina University PD Unit
- 2139223 - East Carolina University PD Unit
- 21410xx - NCSU Raleigh PS
- 21411xx - NCSU Raleigh PS
- 21415xx - NCSU Raleigh PS
- 2142805 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142813 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142827 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142845 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142847 - UNC Chapel Hill Police Unit
- 2142937 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142939 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142947 - UNC Chapel Hill Police/Appalachian State University PD
- 2142955 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142958 - UNC Chapel Hill Police Unit
- 2142962 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2142968 - UNC Chapel Hill Police
- 2143047 - UNC Chapel Hill Police - Command during protest event
- 2143114 - UNC Chapel Hill Police - Unit
- 2143126 - UNC Chapel Hill ITS/Network Tech
- 2143156 - UNC Chapel Hill PD Dispatch
- 2143170 - UNC Chapel Hill ITS/Network Tech
- 2143174 - UNC Chapel Hill ITS/Network Tech
- 2143179 - UNC Chapel Hill ITS/Network Tech
- 2143252 - UNC Chapel Hill ITS/Network Tech
- 21435xx - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD (Unit numbers change daily)
- 2143503 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD unit
- 2143506 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD unit
- 2143508 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD unit
- 2143520 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD unit
- 2143527 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD Dispatch
- 2143550 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD unit
- 2143553 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD unit
- 2143559 - UNC Hospital Raleigh PD unit
- 21475xx - NC SBI (Unconfirmed but believed to be)
- 2160xxx - DOT Snow Crews (plows and De-Ice crews, also see 2117xxx-2118xxx)
- 2110022, 0757, 0992
- 2170xxx - NC DPS Parole and Probation
- 2170381 - Self ID'd as "Probation"
- 2170419 - Probation 10L
- 25019xx - South Carolina Highway Patrol (Believe patch all units using 2501999)
- 2501999 - South Carolina Troop 5 Dispatch
- 2520996 - Unknown (Believe patch all units using 2520996)
- 280xxxx - State of Virginia Radios
- 2915xxx - Eastern Band Cherokee Indians (EBCI) EMS and Law
- 2915008 - EBCI EMS
- 2915017 - EBCI Law Enforcement
- 2915197 - EBCI Dispatch
- 3001091 - Ft Bragg Emergency Management
- 3100021 - Radio Maintenance (Military Unit)
- 3200086 - Unk on Event Echo 1 w/ callsign "Flight Team Communications to Sim Cell"
Other State Radio IDs on VIPER
State of Virginia
- 280xxxx - Virginia Radios on VIPER
York County, South Carolina
- 5461322 - Bethel Fire Department Engine
- 5461262 - Clover Fire Department
- 5461259 - Clover Fire Department Engine
- 5491xxx - York Co SC Fire Department
Federal Agencies
- 642xxx - VA Hospital Durham (642003,009,019,063,075)
- 1293509 - National Weather Service
- 1296120 - National Weather Service
- 2900xxx - ATF
- 2900004 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900011 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900034 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900048 - ATF (Heard Statewide on Viper)
- 2900066 - ATF (Heard Statewide on Viper)
- 2900090 - ATF (Heard Statewide on Viper)
- 2900075 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900155 - ATF (Heard Statewide on Viper)
- 2900157 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900167 - ATF (Heard Statewide on Viper)
- 2900179 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900201 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900353 - ATF (Heard Statewide on Viper)
- 2900356 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2900359 - ATF Raleigh/Durham
- 2902xxx - FBI
- 2902003 - FBI
- 2902004 - FBI
- 2902017 - FBI
- 2902019 - FBI
- 2902020 - FBI Raleigh
- 2902023 - FBI Raleigh
- 2902028 - FBI Raleigh
- 2902038 - FBI
- 2902052 - FBI
- 2902057 - FBI (on FEDCOMM2)
- 2902123 -FBI
- 2902994 - FBI (With DPS & Durham on FBIRAL)
- 29040xx - US Army Corp of Engineers Jordan Lake
- 2904072 - USACE Jordan Lake
- 2904075 - USACE Jordan Lake
- 2904086 - USACE Jordan Lake
- 2907xxx - DEA
- 2907001 - DEA Common
- 2907003 - DEA Common
- 2907009 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907027 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907031 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907032 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907033 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907040 - DEA
- 2907046 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907049 - DEA Common
- 2907050 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907051 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907055 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907060 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907065 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907068 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907069 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907070 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907073 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907074 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907076 - DEA Raleigh
- 2907126 - DEA Charlotte
- 2907178 - DEA Air Asset Pilot (based in Concord NC - N332SC)
- 2907211 - DEA (utilizing FEDCOMM1 with DEA Ral)
- 2907248 - DEA (utilizing FEDCOMM1 with DEA Ral)
- 2907318 - DEA Greensboro
- 2907327 - DEA Greensboro
- 2907336 - DEA Greensboro
- 2907340 - DEA Greensboro
- 2907342 - DEA Greensboro
- 2907348 - DEA Greensboro
- 2907546 - DEA Ashville
- 2908xxx - US DHS ICE
- 2908007 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908047 - US DHS ICE Raleigh
- 2908063 - US DHS ICE Raleigh
- 2908069 - US DHS ICE Raleigh
- 2908136 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908160 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908165 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908167 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908168 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908169 - US DHS ICE
- 2908177 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908180 - US DHS ICE
- 2908211 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908223 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2908226 - US DHS ICE Charlotte
- 2910025 - US Forest Service (Western NC)
- 2910026 - US Forest Service (Western NC)
- 29120xx - United States Marshall Service Eastern District {Raleigh)
- 2912027 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912029 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912038 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912049 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912054 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912080 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912083 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912088 - United States Marshall Service
- 29121xx - United States Marshall Service Middle District (Greensboro)
- 2912114 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912141 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912151 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912171 - United States Marshall Service
- 2912216 - United States Marshall Service
- 29133xx - VA Kernersville
- 2913351 - VA Security
- 2913354 - VA Security
- 2913356 - VA Security
- 2913359 - VA Security
- 2915xxx - Eastern Band Cherokee Indians (EBCI) EMS and Law
- 2915008 - EBCI EMS
- 2915017 - EBCI Law Enforcement
- 2915197 - EBCI Dispatch
- 29152xx - Unknown Heard on unlisted/unknown TG 60809 and 60811
- 2915244 - Encrypted on TG 60809
- 2915281 - Encrypted on TG 60809
- 2915292 - Encrypted on TG 60809
- 29153xx - Unknown Heard on unlisted/unknown TG 60809
- 2915300 - Unknown Heard on unlisted/unknown TG 60809
- 2915319 - Unknown Heard on unlisted/unknown TG 60809
- 29159xx Federal Probation
- 2915902 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2915913 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2915916 - Federal Probation Dispatch
- 2915923 - Federal Probation Officer
- 29163xx Federal Probation Raleigh
- 2916302 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2916303 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2916304 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2916305 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2916330 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2916331 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2916338 - Federal Probation Officer
- 29164xx Federal Probation Raleigh
- 2916409 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2916411 - Federal Probation Officer
- 2917800 - Blue Ridge Parkway Law Dispatch
- 29178xx - Blue Ridge Parkway Law Officers
- 2920xxx - Camp Lejeune/MCAS New River
- 2920781 - Camp Lejeune Gate
- 29900xx - Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital Transport Units
- 2990000 - With Onslow Co on SW TG
- 2990033 - With Onslow Co on SW TG
- 2990038 - With Onslow Co on SW TG
- 2990076 - Callsign CL11 on unidentified TG 61431
- 3001091 - Fort Bragg Emergency Mgmt
- 3500xxx - US Coast Guard (See Hurricane comms section below)
Hurricane Florence Radio IDs and Updated/New Talkgroups
- USCG Helos utilized VIPER TG NCHARTKD3 52006 (renamed for incident as NCEMUSCG)
- 2041826 - EOC USCG Air ops
- 3500058 - 6503
- 3500059 - 6534
- 3500060 - 6605
- 3500061 - 6560
- 3500069 - 6012
- 3500070 - 6030
- 3500074 - 6032
- 2061551 - 6008/6508
- 2061556 - 6022
- 2061558 - 6024
- 2061564 - 6038
National Guard/Army
- National Guard/Army Helos utilized VIPER TG NCHARTOPS 52010
- 2041916 - Airboss
- 2061531 - Forecast Base
- Also on 2061532, 2061533
- 2010052 - 910
- 2061509 - 347
- 2061512 - 277
- 2061514 - 278
- 2061516 - 663
- 2061518 - 963
- 2061520 - 047
- 2061522 - 049
- 2061552 - 402
Renamed NC HART talkgroups during SAR operations
- NCEMAIROPS10 52004
- NCEMUSCG 52006
Added NC EM Talkgroups
Added NC PHS Talkgroups
Added NC MED HELO Talkgroups
- Aircare Air 51521
- Airlife Dispatch 51534
Related Links/Maps
Direct links to Various District and Regional Maps for State Agencies:
- NCSBI District Offices
- NCSHP Districts and Troops
- NCDOT Districts
- NC-RRT Hazmat Districts
- NCDPS/PO Districts
- ALE District map (at bottom of the page)
- NC Forest Service Regions and Districts
- NC Wildlife Resources Commission Districts
- NC Office of Emergency Medical Services Regions
- Federal Agencies in NC use same districts as USMS
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