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Trunked System Base Frequencies
- BAND: 0 (Ch. 1 Motorola) FDMA BASE: 851.000 BANDWIDTH: 12.500 SPACING: 12.500 TRANSMIT OFFSET: -45.000
- BAND: 8 (Ch. 9 Motorola) TDMA BASE: 851.000 BANDWIDTH: 12.500 SPACING: 12.500 TRANSMIT OFFSET: -45.000
The department is a combination career/volunteer system consisting of 240 career and approximately
250 active volunteer personnel operating out of 11 fire and rescue stations. Our outstanding men
and women provide quality fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) service to a population of over
135,000 citizens, and last year, we responded to almost 19,000 incidents that required just over
33,000 responses. Spotsylvania County Fire/Rescue covers 414 sq miles.
The career and volunteer personnel are state certified firefighters and/or state certified Emergency
Medical Technicians. Over 100 are also certified to provide advanced life support (ALS) care. Each
day, our department staffs 11 engines (including 3 Quints), at least 11 advanced life support medic
units, 2 EMS supervisors, and 2 Battalion Chiefs. Additionally, we also cross staff 1 ladder truck,
7 tankers, and 2 heavy rescue trucks, as well as other specialized equipment that is available each day.
Spotsylvania Volunteer Fire Department provides combination staffing for Station 1, 4, 8. Spotsylvania
Volunteer Rescue Squad provides combination staffing at Station 1, 2, 4.
They provide the following services:
- Code enforcement
- Dive team/water rescue
- Emergency management
- Emergency medical basic and advanced life support
- Fire investigations
- Fire suppression
- Public fire education
- Response to natural and man-made disasters
- Technical rescue
- Training services
Spotsylvania County utilizes a US Digital Systems automated voice dispatching system.
Fire/Rescue Stations
1-Spotsylvania Courthouse 7200 Courthouse Commons Blvd
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 1 |
Tower 1 |
Res Engine 1 |
Tanker 1 |
Brush 1 |
Amb (2) |
Training 18 |
RTV 1/Hazmat 1 |
Canteen 1-Light/Air 1 |
2-Brokenburg 11700 Volunteer Lane
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 2 |
Tanker 2 |
Brush 2 |
Amb/Medic (3) |
Support 2 |
Boat 2 |
Support 201 |
Dive Team |
BC1 |
3-Partlow 3221 Partlow Road (New station to be built at Arritt Park)
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 3 |
Tanker 3 |
Brush 3 |
Amb/Medic (2) |
4-Four Mile Fork 4804 Bancroft Lane
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 4/401 |
Rescue 4 |
Brush 4 |
Amb/Medic (3) |
5-Chancellor 6204 Plank Road
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 5 |
Rescue 5 |
Tanker 5 |
Brush 5 |
Amb/Medic (2) |
Boat 5 |
6-Salem Church 5700 General Semmes Road
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 6 |
Ladder 6 |
Amb/Medic (2) |
7-Wilderness 10501 Orange Plank Road
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 7 |
Tanker 7 |
Brush 7 |
Amb/Medic (2) |
8-Thornburg 6429 Patriot Highway
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Res Engine 8 |
Tanker 8 |
Brush 8 |
Amb/Medic (2) |
MCI Trailer |
Santa Engine |
9-Belmont 7100 Belmont Road
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 9 |
Tanker 9 |
Brush 9 |
Amb/Medic (2) |
10-Salem Fields 11201 Gordon Road
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 10 |
Ladder 10 |
Brush 10 |
Amb/Medic (2) |
Air Cascade |
BC2 |
11-Lee's Hill 9517 Crossroads Parkway
Engine |
Truck |
Rescue |
Tanker |
Brush |
Amb/Medic |
Utility |
Boat |
Special |
Other |
BC |
Engine 11 |
Ladder 11 |
Amb/Medic (1) |
Boat 11 |
Collapse 11 |
12-Massaponax5302 Massaponax Church Road - Under construction
13-Rappahannock Regional Training Center 12901 Trench Hill Lane
14-Shady Grove Future
Other Facilities
Other Facilities
Public Safety HQ- 9119 Dean Ridings Lane
Rappahannock Regional Fire Training Center (RRTC)- 12901 Trench Hill Lane
Shannon Training Center- 8711 Courthouse Road
Fire/Rescue Logistics- 7030 Harrison Road
Response First Due Area Map
Response Matrix
Operational and Administrative Unit Designators
- Chief 1 - Volunteer Fire Chief (SVFD)
- Chief 2 - Volunteer Deputy Chief (SVFD)
- Battalion 4 - Volunteer Battalion Chief (SVFD)
- Battalion 8 - Volunteer Battalion Chief (SVFD)
- Safety 2 - Department safety officer (SVFD)
- RC1 - Rescue Chief (SVRS)
- RC2 - Rescue Captain (SVRS)
- RC2A - Rescue Captain (SVRS)
- RL1 - Rescue Lieutenant (SVRS)
- Unit 1 - Chief - Fire/Rescue, Emergency Services
- Unit 2 - Deputy Chief- Support Services Division
- Unit 3 - Deputy Chief- Operations Division
- Safety 1 - Division Chief, EMS/Health/Safety
- Training 1 - Assistant Chief - Training Division
- Training 2 - Captain - Training Division
- Training 3 - Lieutenant - Training Division
- Training 4 - Lieutenant - Training Division
- Logistics 1 -
- Logistics 2 -
- EM1 - Emergency Management Division Chief
- FM1 - Assistant Chief - Fire Prevention
- FM2 - Captain - Fire Prevention
- FM3 - Lieutenant - Fire Prevention
- FM4 - Lieutenant - Fire Prevention
- FM5 - Fire Marshal
Law Enforcement
Spotsylvania County Sheriffs Office
Sheriff Patrol Zones
- Zone 1 Northwest area of the county. Area east of Gordon Rd. on Rt. 3, north of Rt. 3 completely (River Rd., Spotswood Furnace Rd., etc.). Border follows Gordon Rd. south to Brock Rd. Unsure of southwest border.
- Zone 2 Bordered by Rt. 3, Gordon Rd., Brock Rd., Massaponax Church Rd., and Rt. 1.
- Zone 3 Rt. 1 north to the county line, and Massaponax Church Rd. to Summit Crossing Rd. Includes Rts. 2 and 17.
- Zone 4 Starts at the intersection of Blockhouse Rd. and Robert E. Lee Dr., and continues west. It follows Blockhouse Rd. to Courthouse Rd., and then follows Courthouse Rd west. Courthouse Rd. south of Blockhouse Rd. is Zone 4, everything south of there but east is Zone 5 (Zone 4 covers Lake Anna and Belmont, Zone 5 covers Partlow).
- Zones 1, 2, and 3 are referred to as "East End." Zones 4 and 5 are referred to as "West End."
Unit Numbering
- 1 - Sheriff
- 2 - Lieutenant Colonel (vacant)
- 3 & 4 - Majors
- 5-9 - Captain
- 10-19 - Lieutenant
- 100 - CID
- 200 - First Sergeant
- 300 - Sergeant
- 400-699 - Deputies
- 700-749 - Animal Control Deputies
- 750 & 751 -Parking Enforcement
- 755 - Civilian Chaplain
- 900 - Cadets
The community college is policed by a college police department. That department is responsible for law enforcement and security at campuses in Culpeper, City of Fredericksburg, Orange, Stafford, and Spotsylvania Counties. The communications center is located on the Locust Grove Campus in Orange County.
See listings under Spotsylvania County main page.
Virginia State Police
Virginia Conservation Police
Virginia State Park Ranger - Law Enforcement
National Park Service - Park Ranger - Law Enforcement
Spotsylvania P25 Radio System Information
Spotsylvania_County - Additional Technical Information
Radio Sites
- Belmont
- Chancellor
- Partlow
- Greenlaw
- Livingston
- Overview Drive
- Post Oak
- Red Hill
- Thornburg
- Wilderness
- Emergency Communications Center
Unknown P25 Talkgroups
Radio Ids
National Parks in Spotsylvania County
Related Links
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