
Live Scanners

From The RadioReference Wiki

Notes and Instructions

When creating a new wiki page or link, name it with the City or Municipality, then a comma, then the state code, then a dash, then a description of the live scanner. Example:

San Antonio, TX -- Live Scanner in San Antonio, TX

Info about IRLP Echolink

If you have IRLP Hardware, Software and a Website linked to IRLP Echolink audio feed add to the IRLP list below and at Live Streaming Audio.

Checkout the Connected Nodes and Reflector status

IRLP Amateur Radio Audio Feed's

Dallas Echolink ARICC - Ham Echolink - *ARES* Conference

Live (IRLP - Internet Radio Linking Project - Crossroads Reflector 9200)

ÿ (K2EAG IRLP Node 4461 Reflector 9055 - Covering Western New York, North Western Pennsylvania and More)

Live (IRLP - Internet Radio Linking Project - Hurricane Net)

Live (IRLP - Internet Radio Linking Project - Reflector 9205 Nets)

IRLP Reflector 9010 Discovery

N1LFE Repeater (147.505) in the New England Network 9877

N6ICW IRLP Node 7650 Reflector 9351 (N6ICW Repeater 147.195 Sacramento, Ca.)

(VK3RTL EchoIRLP system, IRLP 6390, EchoLink VK3RTL-R.)

Win System - 440 Linked System

Other Amateur Radio Audio Feed's


Kankakee W9AZ 146.94 repeater Kankakee

NYC - (The hottest 440 machine in NYC!: WB2HWW Repeater)

Website's that has audio feed link's for Fire and Police

Radio Audio and Resources

Mattlogic Online Scanners - live Police, Fire and EMS scanners - Scanning The Globe