
Thunder Bay District County (ON)

From The RadioReference Wiki

Template:Canada Collaboration

Codes/Units/Station Lists

     Geraldton Fire Department 
           Five Trucks  
             Pumper #1
             Pumper #2
             Heavy Rescue #3
             Command #5
             Scout #6

EMS Apparatus Listing

  • 6050 6051 6053 6055 6061 6083 6093 6094 6095 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6205 6313 6342 6343

Ministry of Transportation (Greenstone)

49A is Geraldton/Nakina
49B is Longlac/Caramat
49C is Jellicoe/Beardmore


CTAS Level 1 - Patients need to be seen by a physician immediately 98% of the time.
CTAS Level 2 - Patients need to be seen by a physician within 15 minutes 95% of the time.
CTAS Level 3 - Patients need to be seen by a physician within 30 minutes 90% of the time.
CTAS Level 4 - Patients need to be seen by a physician within 60 minutes 85% of the time.
CTAS Level 5 - Patients need to be seen by a physician within 120 minutes 80 % of the time.

Headline text