
Cook's Communications ValleyNet Channel Plan

From The RadioReference Wiki

NXDN NEXEDGE uses the same channel plan within the same system across all sites. As confirmed channel numbers are found, they can be added to this list which can be used for LCN research related to the "Cook's Communications ValleyNet" system. LCNs can be used across different sites, so this list can help identify unknown channel numbers.

Note: According to the NEXEDGE system planner, channel numbers can only be between 1 and 1023.

3 454.33750
4 454.36250
5 452.52500
233 454.03750
241 454.08750
264 454.23125
266 454.24375
267 454.25000
268 454.25625
269 454.26250
270 454.26875
276 454.30625
278 454.31875
284 454.35625
289 454.38750
328 454.01250
332 454.06250
353 454.32500
355 454.35000