A-Beep - Chicagoland Speedway (Joliet) Talkgroup Research
From The RadioReference Wiki
talkgroups heard before NASCAR race 2017-09-17
- 0-03-025 - parking
- 0-03-055 - Guest Services, handicaps and disabilities
- "booth 1", "dispatch to info 6", "golf cart taxi", "wheelchair cart fanzone", "car for info booth 2 for 6"
- 0-03-056 - unknown, infield transportation?
- "buses in infield", "shuttles", "face buses other way", "park under high tension lines"
- 0-03-057 - unknown
- "ushers channel 6"
- 0-03-058 - unknown
- "South tower", "extra chairs for handicapped"
- 0-13-063 - Guest Services, handicaps and disabilities
- "ADA cart for info booth 1", "ADA cart to info booth 2 for 3"
- 0-13-104 - Main operations, unknown guest services?
- "dispatch to main gate", "send someone your way, send man about fan vision"
- 0-13-105 - Infield and track event ops
- "clear the track", "single gate no one come in", "take fence line down", "EMT left of the stage"
- 0-13-125 - Guest first aid and medical
- "patient dizzy", "unconcious, north first aid female bathrooms", "first aid station"
- 0-15-062 - unknown
- 0-15-082 - maintenance
- "cords in it, bring one out", much Spanish
- 0-15-083 - unknown
- 0-15-084 - unknown
- "Carl to Josh", "good battery"
- 0-15-085 - unknown, maintenance
- "south elevator getting stuck"
- 0-15-086 - unknown, maintenance
- "garbage is overflowing"
- 0-15-115 - Infield medical?
- "Pit 1...pit 40"(radio check roll call), "infield medical cart patient being media center", "south medic"
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