
Aiken County (SC) Volunteer Fire Departments

From The RadioReference Wiki

Fire Tones

District Number Department Tone A Tone B Assigned Repeater
All Call 570.0 All
1 Center 570.0 602.0 Aiken
2 Sage Mill 833.0 876.0 Graniteville
3 GVW 570.0 747.0 Graniteville
4 Langley 570.0 833.0 Graniteville
5 Midland Valley 570.0 924.0 Graniteville
7 Belvedere 602.0 704.0 Graniteville
8 Beech Island 602.0 785.0 Beech Island
9 Jackson 602.0 876.0 New Ellenton
11 Monetta 634.0 704.0 Foxtown
12 Couchton 634.0 876.0 Kitchings Mill
13 Eureka 634.0 570.0 Graniteville
14 Windsor 666.0 634.0 Kitchings Mill
15 Montmorenci 666.0 747.0 Kitchings Mill
16 Wagener 666.0 833.0 Kitchings Mill
17 Silver Bluff 666.0 924.0 Beech Island
18 New Holland 666.0 704.0 Foxtown
19 Hollow Creek 704.0 634.0 Kitchings Mill & Kirkland Hill
21 Salley 704.0 833.0 Kitchings Mill
22 Sandy Ridge 704.0 930.0 Foxtown
25 New Ellenton 747.0 785.0 New Ellenton
600 Jackson First Alert 879.0 600.9 New Ellenton

Unit Identifiers

All unit numbers are 3 or 4 digits. The first 1 or 2 digits of the number represent the district number of the department they are a member of.

  • Ex. 300(GVW), 411(Langley), 1125(Monetta) etc.

Fire chiefs are Unit X, with the X representing their district number.

  • Ex. Unit 3(GVW), Unit 4(Langley), Unit 11(Monetta) etc.

Usually the first digit of the apparatus is the district number for its department

  • Ex. Engine 2(Sage Mill), Engine 33(GVW), Engine 18-5(New Holland)

Repeater Information

Every department is assigned to a repeater and is toned on their assigned repeater. Each repeater is assigned a letter. During calls for mutual aid departments will switch to the repeater for the department they are responding to.

Repeater Frequencies

Repeater Letter Frequency
  • A Aiken 453.075
  • B Goose Platter 453.175
  • C Kitchings Mill 453.025
  • D Beech Island 453.425
  • D Graniteville 453.900
  • F New Ellenton 453.050
  • G Kirkland Hill 453.2375

North Augusta Tone-Out Information

  • 453.750 “NAPS Rpt”
  • 460.400 “Admin” Secondary Fire Or Police
  • 600.9 "All Call Tone" long tone
  • 1153.4, 600.9 "Volunteer Tone" two tone

10-Codes & Signals

All departments use the same 10-Codes as the sheriffs office. They do NOT use the same signals as the sheriffs office.
Aiken County (SC) Codes and Signals

All departments use the SC DHEC Signals.
SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) (SC)