Arapahoe County (CO)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Arapahoe County is the third most populous county in Colorado located immediately south of the City of Denver. There are 8 cities and 5 towns within Arapahoe County.
- 1 Public Safety
- 1.1 DTRS Sites to Monitor
- 1.2 DTRS Talkgroups
- 1.3 Other Systems & Frequencies
- 1.4 Law Enforcement
- 1.5 Fire Department
- 1.6 Emergency Medical Services
- 2 Airport Information
- 3 External Links
Public Safety
A large portion of public safety communications in Arapahoe County will be found on the APCO Project 25 State of Colorado Digital Trunked Radio System (DTRS).
Exceptions exist for areas that are part of the City of Aurora which operates on Aurora and special cases dealing with agencies on Denver.
Although some conventional frequencies can be found in the database, many are rarely used on a normal basis.
DTRS Sites to Monitor
Byers (1-073)
DTRS Talkgroups
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
3001 | bb9 | D | ArphoeSO 1 | Sheriff 1 - Dispatch |
3002 | bba | D | ArphoeSO 2 | Sheriff 2 - Records |
3003 | bbb | D | ArphoeSO 3 | Sheriff 3 - Special Ops 1 |
3004 | bbc | D | ArphoeSO 4 | Sheriff 4 - Special Ops 2 |
3005 | bbd | D | ArphoeSO 5 | Sheriff 5 - Car/Car 1 |
3006 | bbe | D | ArphoeCo EOC | Emergency Operations Center |
3007 | bbf | D | ArphoeSO 6 | Sheriff 6 - Car/Car 2 |
3008 | bc0 | D | ArphoeCo Travel | Travel Channel |
3009 | bc1 | D | ArphoeSO Inv1 | Sheriff Investigations 1 |
3010 | bc2 | D | ArphoeSO Inv2 | Sheriff Investigations 2 |
3011 | bc3 | D | ArphoeSO Det1 | Sheriff Detentions 1 |
3012 | bc4 | D | ArphoeSO Det2 | Sheriff Detentions 2 |
3013 | bc5 | D | ArphoeSO Supv | Sheriff Supervisors |
3014 | bc6 | D | ArphoeSO Cmnd | Sheriff Command |
3015 | bc7 | D | ArphoeCo Clerk | Clerk and Recorder |
3016 | bc8 | D | ArphoeCo Bld Mtc | Building Maintenance |
3017 | bc9 | D | ArphoeCo RB West | Road & Bridge West |
3018 | bca | D | ArphoeCo Engr | Highway Engineering |
3032 | bd8 | D | ArphoeSO ACO | Sheriff Animal Control |
3033 | bd9 | D | ArphoeCo RB East | Road & Bridge East |
3045 | be5 | D | ArphoeCo Clerk 2 | Clerk / Elections |
3046 | be6 | D | ArphoeCo Bulding | Building Department |
3058 | bf2 | D | BwMr/ColPD | Bow Mar/Columbine Valley Police |
3062 | bf6 | D | ArphoeCo ResPtrl | Arapahoe Rescue Patrol |
3063 | bf7 | D | ArphoeCo YouthSv | Youth Services |
3067 | bfb | D | ArphoeCo RB EFlg | Road & Bridge East Flaggers |
3071 | bff | D | ArphoeCo VFD E1 | County Volunteer Fire - East 1 |
3072 | c00 | D | ArphoeCo VFD E2 | County Volunteer Fire - East 2 |
3074 | c02 | D | ArphoeCo RB WFlg | Road & Bridge West Flaggers |
3080 | c08 | D | ArphoeSO PIT | Sheriff Patrol Impact Team Operations |
3081 | c09 | D | ArphoeSO PIT | Sheriff Patrol Impact Team |
3082 | c0a | D | ArphoeSO Trn1 | Sheriff Training 1 |
3083 | c0b | D | ArphoeSO Trn2 | Sheriff Training 2 |
3084 | c0c | D | ArphoeSO Civil | Sheriff Civil Process |
3085 | c0d | D | ArphoeSO Warrant | Sheriff Warrants/Fugitives |
3086 | c0e | D | ArphoeSO Inv | Sheriff Investigations |
3087 | c0f | D | ArphoeSO SWAT | Sheriff SWAT |
3090 | c12 | D | CCSch Maintenanc | Cherry Creek Schools - Maintenance/Security |
3091 | c13 | D | CCSch West Trans | Cherry Creek Schools - West Transportation |
3092 | c14 | D | CCSch Bus | Cherry Creek Schools - Buses |
3093 | c15 | D | CCSch East Trans | Cherry Creek Schools - East Transportation |
3094 | c16 | D | CCSch Securty | Cherry Creek Schools - Security |
3095 | c17 | D | CCSch Emerg Ops | Cherry Creek Schools - Emergency Operations |
3096 | c18 | D | CCSch Cmnd 1 | Cherry Creek Schools - Command 1 |
Other Systems & Frequencies
Arapahoe County Conventional Database
Denver County Conventional Database
Law Enforcement
A majority of the law enforcement agencies in Arapahoe County use Colorado DTRS for all operations, the exception being Aurora Police Department. Several agencies run communications independently while the remainder utilize services provided by the County. All local and county law enforcement in Arapahoe County are encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Colorado State Patrol
Colorado State Patrol Troops 1C and 3D both cover portions of Arapahoe County. Troop 1C covers the western portion of the county and Troop 3D covers the eastern portions of the county. Refer to Colorado State Patrol (CO) for important monitoring information.
Arapahoe County Dispatch
A majority of the law enforcement communications in Arapahoe County is provided by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office on their Channel 1 (TG 3001). Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office directly serves those in unincorporated Arapahoe County, as well as those in the City of Centennial and the Town of Foxfield.
Several local law enforcement agencies are also dispatched by Arapahoe County on their primary dispatch. These agencies are Sheridan Police Department, Columbine Valley Police Department (which also covers Bow Mar), and Cherry Hills Village Police Department.
- 1: At Your Convenience
- 2: Routine Response
- 3: Emergency Response
- 4: Unit is Okay / No Further Assistance Needed
- 5: Traffic Stop
- 6: Wanted or Hit
- M: Misdemeanor
- F: Felony
- 7: Break
Agency Identification
The first digit in a unit's callsign indicates the agency that they are affiliated with.
- 1: Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
- 2: Sheridan Police Department
- 4: Columbine Valley Police Department
- 6: Cherry Hills Village Police Department
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office is split into 8 precincts. A link to individual maps of these precincts can be found here. Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office dispatch and tactical operations are encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Arapahoe County units can be identified using the format:
- 1SPU
- 1: Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
- S (Letter): Shift or Function
- Adam: Day Shift
- Boy: Swing Shift
- Charlie: Graveyard Shift
- Paul: School Resource Officer
- Tom: Traffic
- P (Number): Precinct
- 1: West of University Blvd
- 2: Between University Blvd & Holly St
- 3: Between Holly St & I-25
- 4: Between I-25 & Parker Rd, South of I-225
- 5: North of I-225
- 6: Between Parker Rd & Tower Rd
- 7: Between Tower Rd & Gun Club Rd/Smoky Hill Rd
- 8: East of Gun Club Rd
- U (Number): Unit
- 0: Sergeant
Others identifiers:
- William: Civil
- Zebra: SWAT
Arapahoe County units frequently shorten their identifiers, leaving out the "1" at the beginning. When this happens, it can generally be assumed that they are an ACSO unit.
Sheridan Police Department
Sheridan Police Department dispatch is encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Sheridan units are:
- 2##: Patrol
- 2#0: Sergeant
Columbine Valley Police Department
Columbine Valley Police Department dispatch is encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Columbine Valley units are:
- 4##: Patrol
Cherry Hills Village Police Department
Cherry Hills Village Police Department is encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Cherry Hills Village units are:
- 6##: Patrol
- Cruiser 6#: Sergeant
Arapahoe Community College Campus Police Department
Arapahoe Community College Campus Police Department is dispatched by their own dispatch on weekdays during the daytime on TG 3048. Outside of these hours, they are dispatched by Littleton Police Department on TG 3040. Arapahoe Community College Campus Police Department is encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Arapahoe Community College units can be identified using the format:
- 8##: Officer
- Sam 8##: Sergeant
Aurora Police Department
Aurora Police Department operates on Aurora. Aurora Police Department is encrypted and cannot be monitored. The information here is for historical reference only and may not be up-to-date.

General units used the format:
- S (Number): Shift or Function
- 1: Day
- 2: Swing
- 3: Grave
- 4: School Resource Officer
- 5: Traffic
- 6 & 8: Special Operations
- BB (Number): Beat
- S (Number): Shift or Function
For example, unit 112 would be an officer working shift 1 (days) in beat area 12.
Others identifiers:
- Adam: Second car in that beat area
- Motor: Motorcycle Traffic Unit
- Cruiser: Sergeant
- Tom: Detective (a suffix of Tom, as in 112T, is a 2-man car)
- Lincoln: Lieutenant
- Ocean: Officer working off-duty (Ocean 1 is TMCA South Hospital in E.R.)
- King: K9
- Victor: Vice
- Yankee: Crime Scene Investigator
Englewood Police Department
Englewood Police Department is dispatched by the Englewood Communications Center on TG 3075. Englewood Police Department is encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Englewood units can be identified using the format:
- S (Number): Shift or Function
- 1: Day
- 2: Swing
- 3: Grave
- 6: Code Enforcement
- 7: Unknown
- 8: Traffic Unit
- UU (Number): Unit
- S (Number): Shift or Function
Others identifiers:
- Baker (Prefix): Two Person Unit
- Sam #: Unknown
- Staff #: Command
- Victor #: Sergeant
- 5: Protection Order
- 6: Wanted
- M: Misdemeanor
- F: Felony
- 10: Traffic Stop
- 41: Call Holding
Glendale Police Department
Glendale Police Department is dispatched by their own Dispatch Center on TG 3027. Glendale Police Department is encrypted and cannot be monitored.
Officers are assigned a unique radio identifiers with higher ranked personnel having lower numbers. Supervisors and higher ranked officers may be have "Staff" in front of their identifier, although they often omit it over the air.
Greenwood Village Police Department
Greenwood Village Police Department is dispatched by their own communications center on TG 3019. Greenwood Village is split into 4 districts which coincide with their voting districts. A map of these districts can be found here (PDF). Greenwood Village Police Department dispatch and tactical operations are encrypted and cannot be monitored.
General patrol units use the format:
- DUU: Patrol
- D (Number): District Number
- UU (Number): Unique Unit ID
Others identifiers:
- Cruiser: Sergeant
- King: K9
- Lincoln: Lieutenant or Commander?
- Sam: School Resource Officer?
- Traffic: Traffic
- X: Investigation
- Zebra: SWAT?
Littleton Police Department
Littleton Police Department is dispatched by their own communications center on TG 3040. Littleton is split into 6 districts, a map of these district boundaries can be found here. Littleton Police Department is encrypted and cannot be monitored.
General units use the format:
- STD: Patrol
- S (Number): Shift
- 1 & 2: Day
- 3 & 4: Swing
- 5 & 6: Grave
- Odd Shift: Sunday - Wednesday
- Even Shift: Wednesday - Saturday
- T (Letter): Unit Type
- Adam: One Person Unit
- Baker: Two Person Unit
- Charlie: Corporal
- King: K9
- D (Number): District
- S (Number): Shift
Others identifiers:
- Command: Admin
- CSV: Community Service Volunteer
- David: Sergeant
- Edward: Extra Duty
- Lincoln: Lieutenant
- Parking: Parking Enforcement
- Robert: Special Unit
- Tom: Traffic
- X: Detective
- Zebra: Animal Control (ACSO SWAT unit may also use this designator when working with LPD)
Arapahoe Community College Campus Police Department may also be heard on Littleton PD's TG on the nights, weekends, and holidays. They use the 8## identifiers.
- 1: Emergency / Situational Radio Traffic Only
- 3: Emergency Response
- 4: Unit is Okay / No Further Assistance Needed
- 5: Traffic Stop
- 6: In Custody
- 7: Meal Break
- 8: Wanted or Hit
- Frank: Felony
- George: Gang Affiliation
Fire Department
Arapahoe County is protected by 8 different fire department which include Aurora Fire Rescue, Bennett Fire Protection District, Byers Fire Protection District, Deer Trail Fire Protection District, Denver Fire Department, Sable Altura Fire Department, South Metro Fire Rescue, and Strasburg Fire Protection District. A specific map of the fire direct boundaries can be found here (PDF).
Dispatch for these agencies are split between 3 communications centers.
Aurora Fire Rescue
Aurora Fire Rescue is dispatched by the Aurora Public Safety Communications Department on Aurora. Aurora Fire Rescue is in charge of fire protection for all areas within the boundaries of the City of Aurora. Aurora Fire Rescue requires a P25 Phase 2 capable scanner in order to monitor. They are dispatched on Dispatch (Aurora TG 39101) and respond on any of their tactical talkgroups, most often Tac 2 (Aurora TG 39102) for routine calls, Tac 3 (Aurora TG 39103) for fire alarm calls, and the other Tacs for major incidents.
Denver Fire Department
Denver Fire Department is dispatched by Denver Fire Dispatch on Denver. Denver Fire Department provides fire protection for the City of Englewood, City of Glendale, City of Sheridan, and parts of unincorporated Arapahoe County surrounded by the City. Areas covered by the Denver Fire Department are split into 8 districts and a map of these districts can be found here. Districts that cover parts of Arapahoe County include District 3, District 4, and District 7. Denver Fire Department is mostly encrypted, however the Denver Fire Department VocAlarm (154.070 MHz/Denver TG 35426) can still be monitored for some initial dispatches. The VocAlarm on the Denver trunked radio system (Denver TG 35426) requires a P25 Phase 2 capable scanner, but a basic scanner will be able to monitor the VHF VocAlarm (154.070 MHz).
If the needed unit is in quarters at the station, dispatch will be aired on the VocAlarm (154.070 MHz/Denver TG 35426). The dispatch information is commonly repeated on Channel 1 (Denver TG 35426) after the unit goes en route to the scene which is encrypted and cannot be monitored. If the unit is out and on the air, then the call will typically be aired on Channel 1 and may not be heard on the VocAlarm. Channel 1 can sometimes be heard patched to the VHF VocAlarm (154.070 MHz) only, but all station dispatches are prioritized and will override the Channel 1 patched audio.
All major incidents are automatically assigned a tactical channel based on the district is located in on dispatch. Each district has five tactical channels assigned to it that share the same numbering as the districts. For example, District 3 incident will get one of the Tac 3 talkgroups and a District 7 incident will get one of the Tac 7 talkgroups. These talkgroups are encrypted and cannot be monitored.
South Metro Fire Rescue's Metropolitan Area Communications Center (MetCom) dispatches for South Metro Fire Rescue, Bennett Fire Protection District, Byers Fire Protection District, Deer Trail Fire Protection District, Sable Altura Fire Department, and Strasburg Fire Protection District in Arapahoe County.
MetCom dispatches South Metro Fire Rescue on MetCom 1 (TG 1786) using an automated voice dispatching system. Units respond on MetCom 2 (TG 1792) for most incidents. A major incident is typically automatically assigned one of MetCom's operations channels. MetCom has the ability to assign several conventional simplex fireground channel for use if requested.
I-70 Corridor
The I-70 corridor agencies are made up by Bennett Fire Protection District, Byers Fire Protection District, Deer Trail Fire Protection District, Sable Altura Fire Department, and Strasburg Fire Protection District. These agencies frequently work together on a near daily basis. They are dispatched by MetCom on EM Dispatch (TG 39). Units are automatically given an operations channel to work on when dispatched. EM Ops 1 (TG 40) is typically used for routine calls while major incidents are assigned a separate operations channel in ascending order.
These departments have assigned identifiers that can be used to identify their units. They are as follows:
- 30s & 300s: Deer Trail Fire Protection District
- 40s & 400s: Sable Altura Fire Department
- 70s & 700s: Byers Fire Protection District
- 80s & 800s: Strasburg Fire Protection District
- 90s & 900s: Bennett Fire Protection District
FD Locations
Aurora Fire Rescue - (WNIG357)
- HQ - 15151 E Alameda Pkwy (@ E Alameda Dr), Aurora - Sits northeast of above intersection at the following coordinates: 39.710797/-104.812386.
- Station 1, 3, 12, & 16 - located in Adams County
- Station 2 - 12600 E Hoffman Blvd (Across from N Racine St), Aurora
- Station 4 - 1110 S Quentin St (@ E Mississippi Ave), Aurora
- Station 5 - 1339 N Airport Blvd (Between E 13th Ave & E 14th Ave), Aurora
- Station 6 - 15588 E Hampden Cir (@ E Hampden Ave), Aurora
- Station 7 - 2290 S Blackhawk St (@ E Iliff Ave), Aurora
- Station 8 - 250 S Chambers Rd (@ E Alameda Dr), Aurora - Apparatus face E Alameda Dr.
- Station 9 - 17200 E Mexico Ave (Between S Richfield Way & S Richfield St), Aurora (WNIS935)
- Station 10 - 3951 S Reservoir Rd (Between E Mansfield Ave & S Andes Way), Aurora
- Station 11 - 2291 S Joliet St (@ E Iliff Ave & across from S Jamaica St), Aurora
- Station 13 - 23911 E Arapahoe Rd (@ S Aurora Pkwy), Aurora - Technically sits on E Plymouth Dr between S Aurora Pkwy & S Buchanan Ct.
- Station 14 - 22298 E Aurora Pkwy (Between Gartrell Rd & S Quemoy Way), Aurora
- Station 15
- Current - 1880 S Flat Rock Trl (@ E Jewell Ave), Aurora
- Former - 1680 S Catawba Cir (@ S Old Tom Morris Rd), Aurora
Bennett Fire Protection District
- Station 91-93 - located in Adams County
- Station 94 - 4495 S Co Rd 129 (Between E Quincy Ave & E Belleview Ave), Arapahoe County
Buckley Air Force Base Fire Department
- S Aspen Dr (Across from S Beaver Creek St), Buckley AFB - Sits at the following coordinates: 39.710090/-104.769421.
Byers Fire Protection District
- Station 71 - 100 N Main St (Across from W Cedar Ave), Byers (WQBH220)
- Station 72 - located in Adams County
Deer Trail Volunteer Fire Department
- Station 1 - 488 1st Ave (@ Cedar St), Deer Trail
Denver Fire Department
- Station 1-4 & 6-35 - located in Denver
- Station 5 - 999 S Clermont St, Glendale
- Station 36 - 4101 S Federal Blvd (@ W Oxford Ave), Sheridan
- Station 37 - 555 W Jefferson Ave (@ S Fox St), Englewood
- Station 38 - 3075 S Tejon St (Between W Cornell Ave & W Dartmouth Ave), Englewood
Sable Altura Fire Protection District
- Station 41 - 26900 E Colfax Ave (@ N Powhaton Rd), Aurora - Sits at the rear southwest corner of the trailer park at the following coordinates: 39.736589/-104.676943
South Metro Fire Rescue
South Metro Fire Rescue District Map
- HQ - 9195 E Mineral Ave (@ S Chester St), Centennial
- Station 11 - 2255 W Berry Ave (@ S Rio Grande St), Littleton - Faces S Rio Grande St.
- Station 12 - 6529 S Broadway (Across from E Weaver Pl), Littleton
- Station 13 & 19 - located in Jefferson County
- Station 14 - 6600 S Colorado Blvd (Between E Peakview Cir & E Euclid Ave), Centennial
- Station 15 - 2702 E Dry Creek Rd (Between S University Blvd & S Detroit St), Centennial
- Station 16-18, 20, 34, 36, 39, 40-41, & 43-47 - located in Douglas County
- Station 21 - 2250 S Emporia St (Between S Parker Rd & E Iliff Ave), Arapahoe County
- Station 22 - 16758 E Smoky Hill Rd (@ S Buckley Rd), Centennial
- Station 23 - 5405 S Riviera Way (@ S Picadilly St), Centennial
- Station 31 - 5901 S Havana St (@ E Orchard Rd), Greenwood Village
- Station 32 - 5945 S Quebec St (Between E Orchard Rd & E Maplewood Pl), Centennial
- Station 33 - 7281 E Dry Creek Rd (Between S Quebec St & S Poplar Ct), Centennial
- Station 35 - 12080 E Briarwood Ave (@ S Peoria St), Arapahoe County
- Station 37 - 5701 S University Blvd (Between E Alexander Ln & Cherryville Rd), Greenwood Village
- Station 38
- Current - 2460 E Quincy Ave (@ Meade Ln), Cherry Hills Village
- Former - 120 Meade Ln (Between E Quincy Ave), Cherry Hills Village
- Station 42 - 7320 S Parker Rd (Between E Fremont Ave & E Broncos Pkwy), Foxfield
Strasburg Fire Protection District
- Station 81 & 82 - located in Adams County
Cunningham Fire Protection District (Merged with South Metro in 2018)
- Station 61 - 2250 S Emporia St (Between S Parker Rd & E Iliff Ave), Arapahoe County
- Station 62
- Current - 16758 E Smoky Hill Rd (@ S Buckley Rd), Centennial - Technically sits 462' southwest from the above intersection at the following coordinates: 39.625103/-104.792434.
- Former - 5600 S Tower Rd (@ E Berry Ave), Arapahoe County - Became Station 64.
- Station 63 - 5405 S Riviera Way (@ S Picadilly St), Centennial
- Station 64 - 5600 S Tower Rd (@ E Berry Ave), Arapahoe County - Was Station 62.
Englewood Fire Department (Closed in 2015) - (KCS517)
- Station 21 - 555 W Jefferson Ave (@ S Fox St), Englewood - Now Denver Fire Department Station 37.
- Station 22 - 3075 S Tejon St (Between W Cornell Ave & W Dartmouth Ave), Englewood - Now Denver Fire Department Station 38.
- Station 23 - 4830 S Acoma St (Between W Layton Ave & W Chenango Ave), Englewood
Littleton Fire Rescue (Merged with South Metro in 2019) - (WNZM430)
- Station 11 - 2255 W Berry Ave (@ S Rio Grande St), Littleton - Faces S Rio Grande St.
- Station 12 - 6529 S Broadway (Across from E Weaver Pl), Littleton
- Station 13 & 19 - located in Jefferson County
- Station 14 - 6600 S Colorado Blvd (Between E Peakview Cir & E Euclid Ave), Centennial
- Station 15 - 2702 E Dry Creek Rd (Between S University Blvd & S Detroit St), Centennial
- Station 16-18 - located in Douglas County
Sheridan Fire Department (Closed in 2010)
- Station 51 - 1995 W Hamilton Pl (@ S Umatilla St), Sheridan
- Station 52 - 4101 S Federal Blvd (@ W Oxford Ave), Sheridan - Technically sits on the corner of S Hazel Ct & W Oxford Ave. Now Denver Fire Department Station 36.
Skyline Volunteer Fire Department (Closed in 2008)
- Station 81 - 6000 E Yale Ave (Across from S Jasmine St), Arapahoe County
Emergency Medical Services
Most EMS in Arapahoe County is provided by fire departments. Exceptions to this are the City of Aurora or areas covered by the Denver Fire Department. Both often send fire resources to assist in patient care, however ambulance transports are handled by separate providers. The City of Aurora contracts Falck Rocky Mountain for ambulance services. Denver Fire Department uses Denver Health Paramedic Division.
Denver Health Paramedic Division
Denver Health Paramedic Division is dispatched entirely on Denver. All calls are dispatched on Amb Ops (Denver TG 35600). Units are sent to ETAC 1 (Denver TG 35608) for additional information and response.
For the City of Englewood, Denver Health Paramedic Division operates in a differently than their normal operations. Denver Health stations ambulances within the Englewood based Denver Fire Stations 37 and 38 which will only respond to calls within Englewood. Ambulance 837 is stationed in Station 37 and Ambulance 838 is stationed in Station 38. These ambulances do not routinely monitor Amb Ops until they are requested to switch by dispatch. Ambulance 837 is requested on ETAC 7 (Denver TG 35603) and Ambulance 838 is requested on ETAC 8 (Denver TG 35604). Both switch over to AM Ops for dispatch and respond on ETAC 1.
Falck Rocky Mountain
Falck Rocky Mountain requires a P25 Phase 2 capable scanner in order to monitor. They are dispatched on EMS 5 (Aurora TG 39112) and respond on one of the Aurora Fire Rescue talkgroups, typically Tac 2 (Aurora TG 39102).
EMS Locations
Denver Health Paramedic Division
- Station 37 - 555 W Jefferson Ave (@ S Fox St), Englewood
- Station 38 - 3075 S Tejon St (Between W Cornell Ave & W Dartmouth Ave), Englewood
Other Non-Emergency Ambulance Services
- Columbine Ambulance Service - 5893 S Prince St @ (2453) W Church Ave, Littleton (KDR768)
- iCare Ambulance - 7375 S Peoria St (Between E Broncos Pkwy & S Peoria Cir), Arapahoe County