BC246T/Internal Squelch Adjustment
From The RadioReference Wiki
I have modified my BC246T so that the required squelch thresholds for NFM, FM, and AM are all the same. Remembering someone commenting earlier about a similar mod that was required for the 780XLT, I started with this as reference:
Internal Squelch Adjustment for BC-780XLT
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! The mod is EXACTLY the same for the 246T. I assume the folks at Uniden already knew about this, but of course they can't go about telling people to take apart their radios. Completely understandable.
Here's the mod:
- Remove the batteries and AC adapter.
- Remove the 6 screws (4 from the outer case, and 2 from inside the battery compartment.
- Carefully flip the back cover off the unit, and lay the open unit on a table. BE CAREFUL not to pull the wires from the battery compartment.
- Being careful with the open unit, reinsert the batteries (or AC) and turn the unit on. Tune to a channel that is set for NFM modulation. CAREFULLY set the squelch knob as close to the threshold as possible. Now, be careful not to upset the squelch knob until you're done.
- Switch to a channel with FM modulation. You should hear white noise (static), since the squelch is now open.
- Find the component labeled RT3 FM. It is towards the bottom of the board, offset to the left. This is a small, metal object with a Phillips head receptacle in it. There are three such components. They are labeled, from left to right, "RT4 DEV", "RT2 NFM", and "RT3 FM". Use a very small screw Phillips head screw driver to VERY SLOWLY turn RT3 FM clockwise until the squelch closes.
- Switch back and forth between the NFM and FM channels.. Adjust the squelch on each. You should find that the squelch thresholds are now equal (or a lot closer than before). If not, go back to step 4.
- Put everything back together.
This also put AM in-line with NFM, so I guess FM and AM are tied together in some way. Your mileage may vary WILDLY! GOOD LUCK!
Andrew Cohen - AIM: AndrewC75 Kennesaw, Georgia
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