Baofeng UV-5R
From The RadioReference Wiki
Most of the information on this page applies to similar models that share the same microprocessor and RF chipset:
- UV-5R type: 128 channels, 2 power levels, 2 bands
- BF-F8HP type: 128 channels, 3 power levels, 2 bands
- UV-5RX3 type: 128 channels, 2 power levels, 3 bands
- UV-82 type: 128 channels, 2 power levels, 2 bands
- UV-82HP type: 128 channels, 3 power levels, 2 bands
- UV-82X3 type: 128 channels, 2 power levels, 3 bands
It is not known how much of this information is relevant to other firmware versions, models or clones from other manufacturers.
- 1 Factory Test Frequencies
- 2 Amateur Mode and Factory Mode
- 3 Baofeng UV-5R and UV-82 Notes
- 3.1 Test Units
- 3.2 Band
- 3.3 Battery Saver
- 3.4 Birdies
- 3.5 CTCSS
- 3.6 DTMF and Burst Tones
- 3.7 Entering Frequencies
- 3.8 FM ABR SAVE Bug
- 3.9 Dual Receive (Dual Watch) Bugs
- 3.10 Power On Messages
- 3.11 Receiver Noise
- 3.12 Repeater STE and RL
- 3.13 Roger Beep
- 3.14 Scanning
- 3.15 Squelch
- 3.16 Squelch Tail Elimination (STE)
- 4 N5R-20 and N5R-30 Firmware Bug
- 5 UV-5R Stock Dual Band Helical Antenna
- 6 Baofeng Menu / CHIRP Cross Reference
- 7 Software
- 8 Related Links
Factory Test Frequencies
- See CCR Default Frequencies. The exact frequencies and number of channels varies with different models and firmware versions.
- Sometime after the late 2010s to early 2020s some models for the US market have the transmit frequency range locked to the US amateur bands and ship with only two preprogrammed channels:
Ch. 0 144.7250 Ch. 127 435.7250
Amateur Mode and Factory Mode
Some Baofeng models manufactured after 2018 for the US market do not have FCC Part 90 or Part 95 certification and are shipped in "amateur" mode. The transmit frequency range is limited to the US amateur radio bands, 144-148 and 420-450 MHz. Transmitting with these radios is only legal by licensed amateur radio operators on amateur radio frequencies.
For units with HN5RV01 firmware (unknown if this works for other firmware versions) the transmit frequency range can be restored to "factory" mode, 136-174 and 400-520 MHz, which is the same as the receive frequency range, by performing the following steps:
- UV-5R series
- Power off the radio.
- Press the [PTT], [MONI] and [VFO/MR] keys simultaneously while powering on the radio.
- Radio should display "FACTORY" for a few seconds.
- Power the radio off and back on.
- UV-82 series
- Power off the radio.
- Press the Upper PTT [A], Monitor [M] and [#] keys simultaneously while powering on the radio.
- Radio should display "FACTORY" for a few seconds.
- Power the radio off and back on.
- To revert back to amateur mode
Note: It is currently unknown if this same key sequence works on the UV-82 series radios with two PTT keys.
- Power off the radio.
- Press the [PTT] and [5] keys simultaneously while powering on the radio.
- Radio should display "Amateur" for a few seconds.
- Power the radio off and back on.
Baofeng UV-5R and UV-82 Notes
Test Units
Almost all of the information in this section was the same on all of these models.
- Baofeng UV-5R (purchased new in 2013) firmware version BFS311 130903N
- Baofeng UV-82 (purchased new in 2014) firmware version B82S25 140108N
- Baofeng GT-5R (purchased new in 2023) firmware version HN5RV01 151123H
- Baofeng UV-82L (purchased new in 2023) firmware version HN5RV01 151123H
Menu 33 BAND switches between VHF and UHF bands in VFO (Frequency) Mode. This is the same function as the [BAND] key which some models do not have. It has no effect in memory mode.
Battery Saver
When Menu 3 SAVE is enabled, the receiver is periodically turned off to reduce power consumption.
- SAVE=OFF: Power saving disabled.
- SAVE=1: RX on ~0.2 S, RX off ~0.13 S.
- SAVE=2: RX on ~0.2 S, RX off ~0.23 S.
- SAVE=3: RX on ~0.2 S, RX off ~0.33 S.
- SAVE=4: RX on ~0.2 S, RX off ~0.43 S.
In dual watch mode (Menu 7 TDR ON) the receiver on time is doubled to approximately 0.4 second due to checking two channels instead of one.
Battery Saver is activated after ~9 seconds of no receive and no keypad activity.
Battery Saver is disabled while scanning.
The UV-5R/UV-82 type radios have a 26 MHz reference oscillator. Reference oscillator harmonics can usually be heard on 78.0, 156.0, 416.0, 442.0, 468.0 and 494.0 MHz. This can vary on individual units.
CTCSS transmit and receive tone frequencies can be set via the numeric keypad to any frequency from 60.0 to 259.9 Hz in 0.1 Hz increments. The up/down arrow keys srcoll through the standard tone frequencies.
DTMF and Burst Tones
- On firmware version BFS311, and possibly others, it is not possible to send a DTMF "D" tone. Pressing the [EXIT] key sends "0" instead of "D". This was fixed in later firmware versions.
- If Menu 16 DTMFST is set to ANI-ST, the internal microphone is hot when DTMF or burst tones are transmitted. Pressing keypad keys while transmitting does not mute the microphone. It can pick up the sidetone audio from the speaker and overdrive or distort the transmitted tones.
- Setting Menu 16 DTMFST to DT-ST or DT+ANI mutes the microphone preventing it from interfering with transmitted DTMF and burst tones.
- Setting Menu 16 DTMFST to OFF disables the sidetone but does not mute the microphone. Microphone audio can possibly interfere with or distort the transmitted tones.
- Some older models are only capable of sending 1750 Hz burst tone by pressing the [BAND] key.
- Some newer models are capable of additional burst tones. The number of tones and frequencies can vary depending on the model and keypad layout.
- [MONI] 800 Hz
- [CALL] 1000 Hz
- [VFO/MR] 1450 Hz
- [A/B] 1750 Hz
- [BAND] 2100 Hz
Entering Frequencies
- When entering frequencies via the keypad in VFO (Frequency) Mode the radio will only accept 6 digits; three before the decimal point and three after the decimal point.
- The kHz part of the frequency (the digits to the right of the decimal point) must be divisible by the step size (Menu 1 STEP).
- The radio will only accept 0 or 5 in the third decimal place. (This may vary in different firmware versions.)
- You cannot enter a frequency with more than 3 decimal places, such as 451.0025 or 451.00625, using only the number keys. (This may vary in different firmware versions.)
- If the third decimal place is not 0 or 5 the radio will round down to the nearest step. You must enter the next higher digit or use the up/down arrow keys to change the rest of the digits. You must have Menu 1 STEP set to the correct step size.
- To enter 451.0025 the step must be set to 2.5K and you must press [4] [5] [1] [0] [0] [3] or [4] [5] [1] [0] [0] [2] [UP ARROW].
- To enter 451.00625 the step must be set to 6.25K and you must press [4] [5] [1] [0] [0] [7] or [4] [5] [1] [0] [0] [6] [UP ARROW].
- To enter 451.0125 the step can be set to either 2.5K, 6.25K or 12.5K and you must press [4] [5] [1] [0] [1] [3] or [4] [5] [1] [0] [1] [2] [UP ARROW].
- To enter 451.1 the step can be set to either 2.5K, 6.25K, 12.5K, 20.0K, 25.0K, or 50.0K and you must press [4] [5] [1] [1] [0] [0].
When Menu 3 SAVE (power saver) is enabled, MENU 6 ABR (backlight timeout) is set to 9 or 10, and FM broadcast reception is active, several seconds after receiving a VHF or UHF signal the radio will make open squelch noise bursts over the FM broadcast audio and not properly revert back to the FM broadcast band receiver. This was fixed in later firmware versions.
Dual Receive (Dual Watch) Bugs
Menu 7 TDR (toggle dual receive), also called Dual Watch, continuously scans the A (upper) and B (lower) displays. It does not work while the FM broadcast receiver is active. Only the active display with the arrow indicator will receive signals while receiving FM broadcasts. This may vary in different firmware versions.
Menu 34 TDR-AB sets or disables transmit priority on A or B display in Dual Receive mode. This does not work in some firmware versions.
Power On Messages
Holding certain keys while powering on the unit displays the following messages:
- [3] Firmware version. If the firmware version is BFB229 through BFB296 this will show the actual firmware version. If the firmware version is BFB297 or later then you can only view the actual firmware version by using CHIRP programming software.
- [6] Unknown. May be firmware or manufacture date code. This is editable with older versions of CHIRP programming software.
- [8] Unknown. May be radio or firmware configuration. It does not appear in CHIRP.
Receiver Noise
- Receiver makes crackling sounds while moving, even when receiving extremely strong signals from a few feet away. This YouTube video demonstrates the problem. It may be an SDR artifact or caused by poorly written firmware controlling the AGC functions in the AT1846S transceiver chip. It does not appear to affect all radios. Some users experience this problem and others do not.
- Occasionally squelch opens and weak buzzing noises can be heard. May be SDR artifacts or microprocessor noise.
- Touching the antenna may overload or desense the receiver or cause it to go into oscillation. This appears to vary depending on the antenna used and the distance to strong local FM or TV broadcast signals.
Repeater STE and RL
- Menu 36 RP-STE delays the receiver from coming back on (keeps it muted) for up to ~1 second after PTT release; in other words it increases transmit to receive turnaround time.
- Menu 37 RPT-RL disables CTCSS or DCS decoding for up to ~1 second after PTT release and after the Menu 36 RP-STE delay time (if Menu 36 is not OFF). If no receive CTCSS or DCS is set (Menus 10 and 11 both OFF) then Menu 37 has no function. Menu 37 Settings 1 and 2 appear to be the same as OFF and appear to have no effect. Settings 3 to 10 increase the decoder disable time from ~50 mS to ~1 S.
Roger Beep
Exact tone frequencies and timing may vary with different models and firmware versions. There is no delay before tones are sent. There is no space between tones.
- Older firmware
- 1st tone 1120 Hz ~130 mS
- 2nd tone 861 Hz ~200 mS
- Newer firmware
- 1st tone 1000 Hz ~90 mS
- 2nd tone 800 Hz ~90 mS
- Scanning, and dual receive (TDR), stops on any signal or noise even in CTCSS/DCS decode mode.
- Scan speed is ~3.37 channels per second. (It takes 29.6 seconds to scan 100 channels)
- Scan delay time in CO mode is ~6 seconds.
- Scan resume time in TO mode is ~6 seconds. If the carrier drops in less than 6 seconds then scanning resumes immediately with no delay.
- TDR (dual receive) does not function while in scanning mode.
- Setting Menu 0 SQL to 0 opens the squelch, settings 1-9 do not vary the squelch level much because of the factory default settings.
- CHIRP daily build 01/11/2015 or later includes the ability to set a squelch level value of 0 to 64 for each squelch menu setting. CHIRP daily build 02/02/2015 or later increases the maximum squelch level value from 64 to 123. See Squelch Levels.
- Setting squelch level values above 60 or so will result in not being able to hear anything but extremely strong nearby signals. Squelch menu setting 0 opens the squelch at all times regardless of what level value it is set to.
- Custom squelch level settings may not work in some firmware versions.
Squelch Tail Elimination (STE)
- When Menu 35 STE is ON, the radio sends a tone of ~55 Hz for ~280 mS when the PTT key is released. This occurs even if no CTCSS encode tone is selected (Menu 13 T-CTCS is OFF). Setting Menu 35 STE to OFF disables this.
- When DCS encode is enabled, the radio sends the standard DCS turnoff code (134.4 Hz tone) for ~280 mS when PTT is released. Setting Menu 35 STE to OFF disables this.
- The microphone remains hot while the STE 55 Hz tone or DCS 134.4 Hz turnoff code are being sent.
- In CTCSS or DCS decode mode if a signal with the proper CTCSS tone or DCS code is received and the tone/code is dropped, the squelch remains open for ~2 S.
- Upon receiving a 55 Hz tone the the receive audio is muted, even when there is no receive CTCSS or DCS tone selected and regardless of Menu 35 STE, Menu 36 RP-STE, and Menu 37 RPT-RL settings. The receiver remains muted for ~750 mS after the carrier or 55 Hz tone drops.
N5R-20 and N5R-30 Firmware Bug
According to a post on 8/19/2014 on the baofeng_uv5r Yahoo Group:
- Radios affected: All UV5R series radios with new N5R-20 and N5R-30 firmware. This includes UV5RA, RB, RC, etc., as well as GT-3, BFF8, F8HP, etc.
- Radios Not affected: This does not affect the UV82 series.
- What occurs: If MENU 8 (Beep) is set to OFF, the receiver is muted. Setting MENU 8 back to on un-mutes the receiver. This does not affect any other function of the radio. Only the Keypad Beep.
This firmware version first appeared around July or August 2014.
UV-5R Stock Dual Band Helical Antenna
- Labeled 136-174, 400-520 MHz
- Base is grounded.
- Tap point 11 turns up from base. Has 3 pF capacitor at tap point.
- Top section 19 turns from tap point to end of coil has wider spacing.
- Youtube video of antenna dissassembly:
Baofeng Menu / CHIRP Cross Reference
- CHIRP settings and Baofeng radio menu settings often use different terminology for the same radio parameter. The tables below are a cross reference.
- Some radio functions can only be set by programming software, so some CHIRP tabs or settings do not have a corresponding radio menu.
- CHIRP Basic Settings Tab
CHIRP Basic | Baofeng Menu |
Carrier Squelch Level | 0 SQL |
Battery Saver | 3 SAVE |
Backlight Timeout | 6 ABR |
Beep | 8 BEEP |
Timeout Timer | 9 TOT |
Display Mode (A) | 21 MDF-A |
Display Mode (B) | 22 MDF-B |
Standby LED Color | 29 WT-LED |
RX LED Color | 30 RX-LED |
TX LED Color | 31 TX-LED |
Roger Beep (TX) (all versions) | 39 ROGER |
Roger Beep (RX) (UV-82 versions) | 40 A/B-BP |
- CHIRP Advanced Settings Tab
CHIRP Advanced | Baofeng Menu |
VOX Sensitivity | 4 VOX |
Dual Watch | 7 TDR |
Dual Watch TX Priority | 34 TDR-AB |
Alarm Mode | 32 AL-MOD |
Voice | 14 VOICE |
Scan Resume | 18 SC-REV |
Busy Channel Lockout | 23 BCL |
Automatic Key Lock | 24 AUTOLK |
Squelch Tail Eliminate (HT to HT) | 35 STE |
Squelch Tail Eliminate (repeater) | 36 RP-STE |
STE Repeater Delay | 37 RPT-RL |
- CHIRP Other Settings Tab
CHIRP Other | Baofeng Menu |
Powwer-On Message | 38 PONMGS |
- CHIRP Work Mode Settings Tab
CHIRP Work Mode | Baofeng Menu |
VFO A/B Shift | 25 SFT-D |
VFO A/B Offset | 26 OFFSET |
VFO A/B Power | 2 TXP |
VFO A/B Bandwidth | 5 WN |
VFO A/B Tuning Step | 1 STEP |
- CHIRP DTMF Settings Tab
CHIRP DTMF | Baofeng Menu |
PTT ID Code | 17 S-CODE |
ANI Code | 15 ANI-ID |
ANI ID | 19 PTT-ID |
DTMF Sidetone | 16 DTMFST |
PTT ID Delay | 20 PTT-LT |
- CHIRP Memory Properties - Values Tab
CHIRP Memory Properties Values | Baofeng Menu |
Tone Mode | (part of menus 10, 11, 12, 13) |
Tone (Transmit PL or CTCSS) | 13 T-CTCS |
Tone Squelch (Receive PL or CTCSS) | 11 R-CTCS |
DTCS (Transmit DPL or DCS) | 12 T-DCS |
RX DTCS (Receive DPL or DCS) | 10 R-DCS |
DTCS Polarity | (part of menus 10, 12) |
Cross Mode | (part of menus 10, 11, 12, 13) |
Duplex | 25 SFT-D |
Offset | 26 OFFSET |
Mode (bandwidth wide/narrow) | 5 WN |
Power | 2 TXP |
- CHIRP Memory Properties - Extra Tab
CHIRP Memory Properties Extra | Baofeng Menu |
BCL (busy channel lockout) | 23 BCL |
PTT ID | 19 PTT-ID |
PTT ID Code | 17 S-CODE |
- RT Systems UV-5R Software
- CHIRP programming software
- CHIRP_tone_programming.pdf Examples of CHIRP CTCSS and DCS programming including how to program split tones.
- CHIRP User's Mailing List
Related Links
- Baofeng/Pofung company web site
- FAQ and support site
- UV-5R_tech_discussion_fixes.pdf
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