Beaver County (PA)
From The RadioReference Wiki
County Dispatch Center Callsigns
Also known as County or Control, these are the radio callsigns for county dispatch located in Ambridge:
- 856 Police
- 608 Fire
- 570 EMS
The following also dispatch, but are not part of the county 911 center and can operate on their own:
- 818 Aliquippa PD Dispatch
- 961 Medic Rescue (Bridgewater)
Police Departments
Beaver County (PA) Police Unit IDs
EMS Station Radio IDs
- 570 - County Dispatch
- 800-810 - Coroners
- 961 - Medic Rescue HQ (Bridgewater, PA)
EMS Units and Tone-outs
- Cranberry EMS - 726.8 / 651.9
- Economy EMS - 1321.2 / 1153.4
- MedEvac - 1122.5 / 1250.4
- Medic Rescue - 1153.4 / 1217.8
- Noga -
- North Western - 1251.4 / 1153.4
- Valley EMS -
QRS/QRP Units at this time use the same tone-outs as their respective fire station, except they are toned out on the EMS Dispatch frequency.
Beaver County 10-Codes
Beaver County Fire Dispatch
- 608 - County Dispatch
- 700-730 - Hazmat Team
Fire/EMS Tone-outs
- Aliquippa Sta 91: 1433.4 1251.4
- Ambridge Sta 71: 1357.6 1153.4
- Baden Sta 47: 1251.4 1321.2
- Beaver Sta 101: 1122.5 1153.4
- Beaver Co Fire Police: 349.0 433.7
- Beaver Co ATV Team: 349.0 330.5
- Beaver Falls Sta 11: 1153.4 1321.2
- Bell Acres Sta 21: 1185.2 1153.4
- Big Beaver Sta 14: 1153.4 1251.4
- Big Knob Sta 26: 1185.2 1321.2
- Bridgewater Sta 28: 1185.2 1395.0
- Brighton Sta 63: 1321.2 1217.8
- Center Township Sta 36/37/38: 1217.8 1185.2
- Chippewa Sta 22: 1153.4 1185.2
- Conway Sta 49: 1251.9 1433.6
- Darlington Twp Sta 18: 1153.4 1395.0
- Daugherty Twp Sta 86: 1395.0 1321.2
- East Rochester Sta 25: 1185.2 1285.8
- Eastvale Sta 88:
- Economy Sta 69: 1321.2 1433.4
- Ellwood City Sta 103:
- Fair Oaks Sta 46: 1251.4 1321.2
- Fallston Sta 50: 1285.8 1122.5
- Franklin Twp Sta 70: 1357.6 1122.5
- Freedom Sta 27: 1185.2 1357.6
- Hanover Sta 68: 1321.2 1395.0
- Harmony Sta 48: 1251.4 1395.0
- Homewood Sta 19: 1153.4 1433.4
- Hookstown Sta 60: 1321.2 1122.5
- Hopewell Sta 92: 1433.4 1185.2/1433.4 1395.0 (siren)
- Independence Sta 80: 1395.0 1122.5
- Industry Sta 97: 1433.4 1357.6
- Koppel Sta 17: 1153.4 1357.6
- Leetsdale Sta 30: 832.5 928.1
- Midland Sta 95: 1433.4 1285.8
- Monaca Sta 56/57/58:
- New Brighton Sta 84: 1395.0 1251.4
- New Galilee Sta 15: 1153.4 1395.0
- Ohioville Sta 39: 1217.8 1433.4/1122.5 1433.4 (QRS)
- Patterson Heights Sta 33:
- Patterson Twp Sta 90: 1433.4 1122.5
- Pine Run Sta 59: 1285.8 1433.4
- Potter Twp Sta 34: 1217.8 1251.4
- Pulaski Twp Sta 89: 1395.0 1433.4
- Raccoon Twp Sta 35: 1217.8 1285.8
- Rochester Sta 20: 1185.2 1122.5
- Rochester Twp Sta 23: 1185.2 1217.8
- Shippingport Sta 96: 1433.4 1321.2
- South Beaver Sta 61: 1321.2 1153.4
- Southside Beaver Sta 29: 1185.2 1433.4
- South Heights Sta 45: 1251.4 1285.8
- Vanport Sta 24: 1185.2 1251.4
- West Mayfield Sta 99:
- White Twp Sta 44:
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