
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF)

From The RadioReference Wiki

Nationwide Channel Plan

Output/Input Type NAC Description
170.9625 RM / 165.2875 M 650 NET 1? (NEW-not everywhere) Primary repeater nationwide
165.2875 RM / 166.5375 M 650 NET 1 (OLD-still used) Primary repeater nationwide
165.2875 RM / 166.5375 M 650 NET 2-10 (OLD-still used) Alternate repeaters (different input NACs)
167.1625  M 650 TAC 1
170.9625  M 650 TAC 2
173.0125  M 650 TAC 3
168.3500  M 650 TAC 4
165.9125  M 650 TAC 5
173.8875  M 650 TAC 6
165.2875  M 657 TAC 7
166.5375  M 658 TAC 8
165.2875  M 650 NET Direct
173.0125 RM /167.1625 M 650 TAC RPTR  Portable tactical repeater[s] (different input NACs)
  • Mode is APCO P25. NACs 650 - 65A have been reported in use.
  • Effective January 24, 2003, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) was transferred under the Homeland Security bill to the Department of Justice.
  • The law enforcement functions of ATF under the Department of the Treasury were transferred to the Department of Justice.
  • The tax and trade functions of ATF will remain in the Treasury Department with the new Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
  • In addition, the agency's name was changed to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to reflect its new mission in the Department of Justice.

BATFE - Data From the States Database

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ATF - Alaska > Anchorage (County)

Frequency  Type  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
164.55000  RM  ATF Ops 1 Operations  P25  Federal 
165.23500  RM  ATF Ops 2 Operations  P25  Federal 
165.37500  RM  ATF Ops 3 Operations  P25  Federal 


ATF Phoenix Ops

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
165.28750      ATF-PHX-3 Primary Repeater  FMN  Federal 
166.91250      ATF-PHX-5 Tactical  FMN  Federal 
173.88750      ATF-PHX-6 Arson  FMN  Federal 
166.58750      ATF-PHX-9 Tactical  FMN  Federal 
165.28750      ATF-PHX-1 Primary  FMN  Federal 
166.53750      ATF-PHX-2 Tactical  FMN  Federal 
166.46250      ATF-PHX-4 Treasury Dep  FMN  Federal 
168.00000      ATF-PHX-7 Tactical  FMN  Federal 
173.88750      ATF-PHX-8 Arson Detail Repeater  FMN  Federal 
165.28750  RM  650 NAC  ATF-PHX-TAC TAC  P25  Federal 



BATFE '"`UNIQ--freqsubcat-00000002-QINU`"'



BATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (Chicago Bureau)

Frequency  Input   
Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
165.51250      RM    BATFE Surv 16551 Surveillance  FMN  Law Tac 
166.28750        BATFE Surv 16628 Surveillance  FMN  Law Tac 
166.53750  165.28750   RM    BATFE Chgo B Chicago  FMN  Law Tac 
166.53750  173.88750   RM    BATFE Chgo A Chicago  FMN  Law Tac 
166.85000      RM    BATFE Tac 166.85 Tac (Reported)  FMN  Law Tac 
166.92500  165.92500   RM    BATFE CP Mobile Command Post(?)  FMN  Law Tac 
168.00000      RM  CSQ  BATFE Surv 168.0 Surveillance  FMN  Law Tac 
409.37500      RM    BATFE CPD TF Task Force (w/ Chicago PD)  FMN  Law Tac 
418.65000      RM    BATFE UHF Tac UHF Tac   FMN  Law Tac 
164.23750      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Wire 1 Surveillance/Wire 1  P25  Law Tac 
165.28750      650 NAC  BATFE Base Chicago Base  P25  Law Tac 
165.91250      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Tac-5 Tac-5   P25  Law Tac 
167.16250      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Tac-1 Tac-1  P25  Law Tac 
168.35000      RM  650 NAC  BTAFE Tac-4 Tac-4  P25  Law Tac 
170.88750      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Wire2 Surveillance/Wire 2  P25  Law Tac 
170.96250      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Tac-2 Tac-2  P25  Law Tac 
172.48750      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Wire 3 Surveillance/Wire 3  P25  Law Tac 
173.01250      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Tac-3 Tac-3  P25  Law Tac 
173.88750      RM  650 NAC  BATFE Tac-6 Tac-6  P25  Law Tac 

ATF - Illinois > Sangamon (County)

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
165.28750  650 NAC  BATF Spfld BATF - Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms  P25  Law Dispatch 
406.33750  BM  482 NAC  USPS Spfld United States Postal Service - Inspectors  P25  Law Dispatch 
171.25000  BM  069 NAC  ICE Spfld Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Homeland Security)  P25  Law Dispatch 
172.21250  RM  540 NAC  1722125 N540 Operations  P25  Federal 



ATF - Michigan

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
165.28750  BM  650 NAC  ATF TAC. 1 Tactical Operations  P25  Federal 

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
173.01250  650 NAC  ATF TAC 3 Tactical 3  P25  Law Tac 

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota


ATF - Texas > Harris (County) Houston

Frequency  Input   
Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
165.91250      650 NAC  ATFE Tac 5 Tactical 5 Surveillance  P25  Federal 
167.16250      650 NAC  ATFE Tac 1 Tactical 1 Surveillance  P25  Federal 
170.96250  165.28750   RM  650 NAC  ATFE Net Net Surveillance  P25  Federal 
168.35000      650 NAC  ATFE Tac 4 Tactical 4  P25  Federal 
173.01250      650 NAC  ATFE Tac 3 Tactical 3  P25  Federal 
173.88750      650 NAC  ATFE Tac 6 Tactical 6  P25  Federal 

ATF - Texas > Bexar (County) San Antonio

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
165.28750  RM  650 NAC  ATF SA Ops Operations  P25  Federal 
168.35000  300 NAC  ATF SA Tac 4 Tactical 4  P25  Federal 
170.96250  650 NAC  ATF SA Tac 2 Tactical 2  P25  Federal 
165.91250  650 NAC  ATF SA Tac 5 Tactical 5 Evidence Collection  P25  Federal 
172.96250  RM  650 NAC  ATF SA SWAT SWAT  P25  Federal 


West Virginia

ATF - West Virginia > Berkeley (County)

Frequency  Input   
Type  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
165.28750  166.53750   RM  BATF Net 5 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms - Martinsburg Repeater  P25  Federal 

District of Columbia

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