Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation Livingston County (IL)
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- Cabery Fertilizer 152.36 Base/Mobile (NFM at Livingston??) KNHB839
- Defenbaugh Grain Hauling 452.775 Repeater (Blackstone) WPDT431
- McKinley Farms 159.795 Base/Mobile (NFM at Flanagan) WQPV602
- Severson Farms 151.520 Base/Mobile (NFM at Emmington?) WQNS358
- 151.925, heard mobiles? on 91.5 and base on D503? (both units were talking to each other)
- Iberdola Ops 463.8125 RM Iberdola Renewables (Odell) (Energy Co) NFM WQKT892
Illinois American Water Company
- 452.325 FXO 2wt at Pontiac 11K2F1D WNVZ666
Caterpillar of Delaware (4 H Park Rd - Pontiac)
- change 1 frequency repeater to 3 frequency trunked system (9/12) WQT290
- 462.45 (current), adding 462.2 FB2, 462.375 FB8 (NFM)
Communications Companies
Wheeler Communications
- 4.8km W of Rt66 - Odell -- 452.1125, 463.4125, 464.8125 Trunked Repeaters (7/8/11K) WQOR200
- 3.5 mi W .5 m S - Odell -- 464.025 Repeater (NFM) (Modified to YG 11/12) KWK375
- Leroy (McLean Co) - 461.05 Repeater (20K) WNMJ232
- Champaign (Champ Co) - 461.575, 461.925 Repeater WNYI860
- Lexington (McLean) - 460.7 repeater WPKT310
- Bryan Aberle Farms - 158.355 10-90W mobiles (NFM) [1] 1/25 FCC Application 0011409024
- Sleidinger Farms - 464.9 Repeater (NFM) WNGL875
- Vollmer Farms 154.625 Base/Mobile (NFM at Cornell) WPKA381
- Sun Ag 461.8125 Repeater (NFM at Cullom) WRXD629
- Walrich Farms 464.6 Repeater (NFM at Cullom) WNSF383
- Boucher Farm 159.8475 Base/Mobile (NFM at Dwight) WQLB828
- Walters Farms1 151.865 Mobiles (NFM at Dwight) WQOT887
- Harms Farms 151.655 Base/Mobile (Flannagan) WNUG260
- Ryan Honegger Farms, 8-50W mobiles on 160.1325 (NFM at Forrest) WSAF636
- Sleidinger Farms 2 464.375 Repeater (NFM at Forrest) WNGL875
- Walters Farms2 152.945 Base/Mobile (NFM at Forrest) KTR830
- Ambrose Farms 153.095 Base/Mobile (NFM at Fairbury) WPMC763
- Lazy H Farms 159.55 Mobiles (Fairbury) WQOK773
- Moser Farms 154.49 Base/Mobile (NFM at Fairbury) WQPZ692 [Expired 9/22]
- Moser Farms - Manure Ops - 154.49, 159.645 15-50W mobiles (NFM) WSGT289
- Schem Farms 158.355 Base/Mobile (NFM at Fairbury) KNIE705
- Slagel Farms 159.585 Mobiles (NFM at Fairbury) WQML239
- Wenger Farms 160.155 Mobiles 8-50W WRZI370 Issued 11/23
- Thomas Yoder Farms 10-50W mobiles on 160.0725 (NFM) WSAL530 Issued 1/26
- Duffy Farms: 157.725 Base/Mobile (NFM at Pontiac) WQNL773
- Duffy Farms: 160.0425 Base/Mobile (NFM at Pontiac) was 153.095 WPMI235
- Immke Farms: 469.7375 Mobiles (Pontiac) WQLI514
- Republic Services/Livingston Landfill: 463.2875 Base/Mobile (NFM at Pontiac) WQQV800
- Sellmyer (Laura) Farms - 10-90W ERP mobiles on 151.73 (NFM) 2/25 FCC Application 0011466403
- Trent Slagel Farming/Drainage Tiling: 157.725 120W Base with 22-90W mobiles (NFM) WSES523
- Trainor Grain & Supply 451.775 Repeater (Wing) WPSY974