Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation Macon County (IL)
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- 451.8125 - D412 - in use I74 at Prospect (4/13) [itinerant]
- 452.05 Miller, Jake (Communications Service) KNEN825 Farmers heard on D371 and 67.0 (5/13)
- 454.1750 - NXDN48 TB CC Data (10/14)
- 456.2125 - D612 - in use just north of Decatur, possibly ADM mobiles on boom ops - not on repeater (11/13)
- 460.8500 - 173.8 PL, heard in use in Decatur (6/13), phone patch (ringing) [no area license?] (Full Scale Repeater, north side)
- 460.925 heard repeater 192.8 in Logan/Macon Counties D051 heard simplex in Decatur
- 461.1000 - CC=2, TG=1 RIDs 4024, 25028, 100 (FYI, these match RIDs/TG on 463.875 CC=6)
- 461.3250 - 67.0 PL, heard in use, Full Scale, in Argenta (6/13) Craig, Larry at Harristown
- 461.4000 - 162.2 PL, heard in use in Decatur (5/13) [possibly Larry Craig?]
- 461.7000 - D051, heard in use in Clinton, very HTH, possibly Zellart Farms - Maroa (11/13)
- 462.0500 - D371 - heard in use near Christian County line (? KNEN825 (MILLER, JAKE J) (9/13)
- 462.6750 - 85.4 - Repeater, heard in use, south side of Decatur (GMRS 11/13)
- 463.2625 - TRBO - In use in Decatur area, Full Scale (3/13)
- 463.8750 - DMR, Color Code=6, voice is decodeable, heard giving directions (5/9/14 Warrensburg)
- 463.8750 - DMR, CC=6, TG=1, RIDs 4024, 25028, voice decode, "Danzig", xxx on Wed, Fri, Sat) Trash ? (1/15)
- 464.4750 - D625 - in use west on I-72, possibly KYM968 (AUTO PARTS UNLIMITED INC) (3/13) (in use northern Macon Co 8/13)
- 464.4750 - 156.7 PL - in use, heard in Cerro Gordo, possible deliveries (see above) (5/13)
- 464.4750 - 156.7 PL - heard full scale in Cerro Gordo, definate auto parts picking (11/13)
- 467.8500 - D023 - heard truck mechanics, possibly Farm and Fleet (southside 4/14)
- 151.5050 - D506 heard ops north of Decatur (11/21/13)
- 152.2625 - D712 - In use in Decatur area (3/13)
- 152.5175 - D114 repeater, hard-to-hear in Decatur area (4/13)
- 152.9075 - D165 repeater - farming [159.6875 input WQQZ979 (Craig Antenna Service-Harristown)] (5/13)
- 152.9075 - D245 paging?/alarms (heard in use north of Williamsville-Sangamon) (5/13) [159.6875 input WQQZ979 (Craig Antenna Service-Harristown)]
- 151.9550 - 100.0 PL, in use in Argenta area, tone/alarms? carrier? (4/13)
- 154.5700 - D223 - in use in Decatur, IL105 at E William near Hucks, portables? (11/13)
- 157.6800 - 146.2 PL, heard in Decatur (5/13) [Jackson Farms-Macon WPLY222; other licenses in Shelby County)
- 157.6800 - 241.8 PL, heard in Decatur (5/13)
- 157.6800 - 100.0 PL, heard in Decatur (5/13)
- 158.28 D114 Mobile in use in Decatur, unknown use/user (possible CAT, old license KFG789)
- 159.8625 - D223 heard in Kincaid-Christian County (8/13) possibly WQKP468 SEQUOIA HOLDINGS (Farm, Decatur)
- Bennett Farms 160.2000 Mobiles (NFM at Argenta) WQPP435
Dalton City
- Matt Kraft Farms - 463.675 50W Repeater with 25-50W mobiles (DMR/NXDN/NFM) issued 8/23 WRYM284
- Buffett Farms? 451.85 Repeater (Decatur) WPIG950
- Farm Progress 451.1125 Repeater (NFM at Decatur) WQIQ298
- Sequoia Farms 159.8625 Base/Mobile (Sequoia Holdings-Decatur) WQKP468
- Sequoia Farms Foundation/Howard Buffet (NFM at Decatur) WQVB919
Heritage Behavioral Health Center WEB
- 151 N Main - 30-5W portables on 451.4875, 452.6375, 462.5875,457.6375, 457.6875 (NFM, DMR) 12/24 FCC Application 0011374148
Mueller Water Products WEB
- Hyde Farm 463.6125 Repeater (NFM at Forsyth) WQPF918
- Jackson Farms 157.68 Base/Mobile (Macon) WPLY222
- James Snow Farms (7206 Riley Rd): 159.81 Base/Mobile (DMR/NXDN 4K) 7/24 WSDW726
- Sequoia Farms 463.2875 Repeater (NFM at Macon) WQMR890
- Leonard Farms 8-4wt portables on 452.1375, 457.1275 (possible low power repeater) WRXB657
- Miller Farms 452.1750 Base/Mobile (NFM at Niantic) KIE497
- Clarkson Grain 462.3000 Repeater (NFM at Oakley) WQIK535
- Whitaker Farms 451.9000 Repeater (Topeka) WNYS840
- Akorn Mfg 464.7 Repeater (Decatur) WPWF967
ADM - Archer Daniels Midland
- Applicant is engaged in the production of Agriculture Chemicals including Corn Sweeteners & Bio Chem products.
1--4666 FARIES PARKWAY-DECATUR (Corn Processing) WQIV797 2--4666 FARIES PARKWAY-DECATUR (East Plant Elevator-Silo) WQIV797 3---4666 FARIES PARKWAY-DECATUR (Corporate) WQIV797 4---1001 N BRUSH COLLEGE RD-DECATUR (Randall Research) WQIV797 5---247 EAST NORTH ST.-DECATUR (Global Training) WQIV797
- 461.675, 461.9125, 461.6125, 463.5875 Repeaters Security Operations {{Callsign|
- 463.4375 BM Security Operations {{Callsign|WQIV797
- 157.5375 M Rail Car Repair WQFW818
- 451.3375 M Plant Operations WQHR701
- 451.3625 M Commercial Farming/Manufacturing (4666 Faries Pky) {{Callsign|KNDT693
- 451.4375 M Plant Operations WQHR701
- 451.6 M Portables ( Macon) FM WQFI967
- 451.7125, 452.03750 M Commercial Farming/Manufacturing (Portables) WQFR669
452.3875 10-15W Mobile Manufacturing (NFM) WQAH743 Cancelled 4/24- 452.6375, 452.650 M Commercial Farming/Manufacturing (4666 Faries Pky) KNDT693
- 452.7 M Portables (Macon) WQFI967
- 453.0 Repeater Ops (Macon) WQFI967
- 456.0625,157.5375, 461.6, 451.2875, 451.3125 Mobiles Decatur (DMR) Rail Car Repair WQFW818
- 456.43750 WQHR701 M Plant Operations
- 457.65, 457.7875, 462.0125 M Commercial Farming/Manufacturing (4666 Faries Pky) KNDT693
462.12500 BM Ops [Canceled 7/04] KTS907- 462.21250 467.21250 M Ops [Canceled 8/04] KD41248
- 462.37500 467.37500 RM Commercial Farming/Manufacturing (4666 Faries Pky) KNDT693
- 462.43750 467.43750 M Remote Operation ? (1 2wt) WQFJ727
Caterpillar of Delaware (Decatur)
- Also uses TRS
- 3/25 new application at 300 N 27th St (Water Tower) Machine Mfr., 25W repeater on 463.825 with 20-5W Portables (DMR only) 0011471216
- YG FB8 NXDN 464.8625, 463.9625 (4K at 2500 22nd Str) WQPP406
* Inventory Control (Data?) - Mobiles on 462.2, 462.2125, 462.225, 462.2375, 462.25, 462.2625, 462.275, 462.2875, 462.3 {{Callsign|WQHV298}} 462.31250 WQHV298 M CAT 462.3125 Inventory Control (Data?) 462.32500 WQHV298 M CAT 462.325 Inventory Control (Data?) 462.33750 WQHV298 M CAT 462.3375 Inventory Control (Data?) 462.35000 WQHV298 M CAT 462.350 Inventory Control (Data?) 462.36250 WQHV298 M CAT 462.3625 Inventory Control (Data?) 462.37500 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 462.38750 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 462.40000 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 462.41250 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 462.42500 WQHV298 M CAT 462.425 Inventory Control (Data?) * Inventory Control (Data?) - 462.45, 462.475, 463.95 Repeaters {{Callsign|WQHV298}} 467.20000 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.21250 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.22500 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.23750 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.25000 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.26250 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.27500 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.28750 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.30000 WQHV298 M CAT 467.3000 Inventory Control (Data?) 467.31250 WQHV298 M CAT 467.3125 Inventory Control (Data?) 467.32500 WQHV298 M CAT 467.325 Inventory Control (Data?) 467.33750 WQHV298 M CAT 467.3375 Inventory Control (Data?) 467.35000 WQHV298 M CAT 467.350 Inventory Control (Data?) 467.36250 WQHV298 M CAT 467.3625 Inventory Control (Data?) 467.37500 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.38750 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.40000 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.41250 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.42500 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 467.50000 WQHV298 M Inventory Control (Data?) 158.28000 KFG789 BM Plant Ops / Paging 158.43000 KFG789 BM Plant Ops / Paging (Digital) 467.15000 KCE986 B unknown [Canceled 3/03] |
Tate and Lyle (Decatur)
- Tate and Lyle / AE Staley (Decatur) -- trunked radio system
- 461.56250 M T/L CraneOps Crane Ops Telm WQFQ693
Communications Companies
Illinois Cooperative Association/Clear Talk
- 856.7875 Repeater with 100-35W mobiles (FM/DMR) 1 mile north of Oreana, IL., mobiles 113.0 km radius WPTA328
- 461.8125 Repeater Plant Ops (NFM/DMR) WQLF500
- Auto Parts Unlimited 464.4750 Base/Mobile (NFM at Decatur) KYM968
PPG Industries (Mount Zion)
- - 461.15, 464.75 Repeater (NFM/TRBO) for Glass Mfg. WPSL272
Fast Food Restaurants
- Burger King - 154.57 88.5 Drive Thru Order Taker (NW side)
- Hardees - Decatur - 457.6125 71.9 Order Taker/Customer, 468.8375 88.5 Order Taker (1/14) (Eldorado 2020), 457.6125 69.3 also heard (higher power) (2020)
- Hardees at Loves - Decatur ? - 467.85 79.7 (1/21)
- WYDS-FM 93.1 Decatur #71440 (WEJT)
- WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur #47004 (ABG IL)
- 170.150 KC23712 M CSQ WDZQ-FM 95.1 100.9 FM Remote [WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur] [Cancelled 7/09]
- 166.250 KC24257 M WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur FM Media
- 166.250 KF5464 M WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur FM Media
- 455.550 KC23708 M WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur FM Media
- 455.550 KC24236 M WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur FM Media
- 455.750 KC23708 M WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur FM Media
- 455.750 KC24236 M WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur FM Media
- 950.000 WCD981 F WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur - Aural Studio Link FM Media
- 455.990 KPJ962 B WDZQ-FM 95.1 WDZQ-FM 95.1 Decatur [Expired 7/09] FM Media
- 161.760 F WSOY Marti-3 WSOY Marti FM Media
- 450.700 F WSOY Marti-1 WSOY Marti (Ch 1) FM Media
- 455.700 F WSOY Marti-2 WSOY Marti (Ch 2) FM Media
- 946.500 WPYW875 F WYDSFM 93.1 WYDS-FM 93.1 Decatur (Bethany-Moultrie) FM Media
- 951.100 WPYW876 F WYDS-FM 93.1 WYDS-FM 93.1 Decatur (to Bethany-Moultrie) FM Media
Television Stations
- 455.4875 WAND-TV Remo WAND-TV Remote FM Media