
California Radio Interoperable System (CRIS) Site Research

From The RadioReference Wiki

All 700 MHz sites are licensed under callsign WPTZ774

# Region Site Name Site Number (Dec) Site Number (Hex) Site NAC Control Channel 1 Control Channel 2 Control Channel 3 Control Channel 4 Notes
1 Central Valley Pine Hill 1 1 9D1 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
2 Central Valley Oso Mountain 2 2 9D2 769.96875 770.91875 773.34375 773.79375
3 Central Valley Bullion Mountain 3 3 9D3 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
4 Central Valley Blue Ridge Lookout 4 4 9D4 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
5 Central Valley Joaquin Ridge 5 5 9D5 770.44375 773.06875 773.56875 774.05625
6 Central Valley Round Mountain 6 6 9D6 769.96875 770.91875 773.34375 773.79375
7 Central Valley Sac Resources Building (Downtown Sacramento) 7 7 9D7 769.20625 770.90625 773.31875 774.06875
8 North Valley Bald Mountain - Yolo 8 8 9D8 769.90625 770.16875 770.46875 770.69375
9 North Valley Bloomer Mountain (Bloomer Hill) 9 9 9D9 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
10 North Valley Tuscan Butte 10 A 9DA 769.96875 770.91875 773.34375 773.79375
11 North Valley South Fork Mountain 11 B 9DB 769.90625 770.16875 770.46875 770.69375
13 Bay Area Mount Saint Helena 13 D 9DD 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
14 Bay Area English Hill 14 E 9DE 769.96875 770.91875 773.34375 773.79375
15 Bay Area Vaca Mountain (Mount Vaca) 15 F 9DF 773.05625 773.29375 773.58125 773.80625
16 Bay Area Sonoma Mountain 16 10 9D0 773.08125 773.55625 773.78125 774.33125
18 Bay Area Diablo Mountain (Mount Diablo) 18 12 9D8 770.44375 773.06875 773.56875 774.05625
19 Bay Area Sunol Ridge 19 13 9D9 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
20 Bay Area Loma Prieta Peak 20 14 9D0 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
21 I-80 East Wolf Mountain 21 15 9D1 773.08125 773.55625 773.78125 774.33125
22 I-80 East Banner Mountain 22 16 9D2 769.96875 770.91875 773.34375 773.79375
23 I-80 East Howell Mountain 23 17 9D3 773.05625 773.29375 773.58125 773.80625
24 Tri-County Rincon Peak 24 18 9D4 769.90625 770.16875 770.46875 770.69375
25 Tri-County South Mountain 25 19 9D5 773.08125 773.55625 773.78125 774.33125
26 Tri-County Tejon Peak 26 1A 9D6 769.20625 770.90625 773.31875 774.06875
27 Tri-County Oat Mountain 27 1B 9D7 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
28 Tri-County Hauser Peak 28 1C 9D8 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
29 Tri-County Lukens Mountain (Mount Lukens) 29 1D 9D9 769.96875 770.91875 773.34375 773.79375
30 Tri-County Santiago Peak 30 1E 9D0 770.44375 773.06875 773.56875 774.05625
31 I-80 East Blue Canyon 31 1F 9D1 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
32 I-80 East Cisco Butte 32 20 9D2 769.20625 770.90625 773.31875 774.06875
33 I-80 East Donner Beacon 33 21 9D3 770.44375 773.06875 773.56875 774.05625
35 Central Coast Fremont Peak 35 23 9D5 769.20625 770.90625 773.31875 774.06875
36 Central Coast Calandra Lookout (Williams Hill) 36 24 9D6 773.08125 773.55625 773.78125 774.33125
37 Central Coast Mt. Lowe? 37 25 769.95625 Not yet online. Showed up as neighbor during testing in Sac.
38 Central Coast Plowshare Peak 38 26 9D8 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
39 Central Coast Mt. Solomon 39 27 9D9 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
40 Central Coast Santa Ynez Peak 40 28 9D0 770.44375 773.06875 773.56875 774.05625
41 North Valley Sugarloaf Mountain? (Delta) 41 29 773.59375 Neighbor of Sites 9 and 11
42 Inland Soda Ridge 42 2A 9D2 769.20625 770.90625 773.31875 774.06875
43 Inland Antelope Mountain 43 2B 9D3 773.08125 773.55625 773.78125 774.33125
47 Southern Border Cuyamaca Peak 47 2F 9D7 773.05625 773.29375 773.58125 773.80625
48 Southern Border Red Mountain (Temecula/N San Diego) 48 30 9D8 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
50 North Valley Seigler Mountain 50 32 9DC 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
51 Central Coast Red Mountain (Ventura) 51 33 9D1 773.05625 773.29375 773.58125 773.80625
53 Central Coast Rocky Butte 53 35 9D3 769.90625 770.16875 770.46875 770.69375
54 Southern Border Mt. Woodson 54 36 9D4 769.96875 770.91875 773.34375 773.79375
56 Inland Chuckwalla Mtn (Desert Center) 56 38 9D6 769.40625 770.65625 773.30625 773.59375
58 Inland Rodman Mtn (Barstow) 58 3A 9D8 773.08125 773.55625 773.78125 774.33125
59 Inland Government Peak 59 3B 9D9 770.44375 773.06875 773.56875 774.05625
60 Inland Leviathan Peak 60 3C 151.1975 151.4525 WRPW349
61 Inland Sweetwater 61 3D 154.3175 154.8525 WRPH873
62 Inland Conway Summit 62 3E 9D2 151.1450 154.1825 WROV267
63 Inland Crestview 63 3F 9D3 151.2050 154.2050 WROV271
64 Inland Sherwin Summit 64 40 9D4 151.0025 151.2350 WROU856
65 Inland Silver Peak (Bishop) 65 41 9D5 154.3625 154.7475 155.2275 WROY819
66 Central Valley Cal OES (E Sacramento/Mather) 66 42 9D6 770.20625 770.94375 773.54375 773.81875
67 Inland Toro Peak 67 43 9D7 769.95625 770.40625 770.95625 773.03125
74 Central Valley Deadwood Peak (Oakhurst) 74 4A 9D4 769.90625 770.16875 770.46875 770.69375
80 North Coast Horse Mountain? (Willow Creek) 80 50 151.4300 WRYB455 - Neighbor of Site 11
84 Inland Likely Mountain 84 54 9D4 154.0475 154.3625 WRWQ984
? Inland Big Valley Mountain (Nubieber) 154.0625 154.3925 WRWM655
? North Coast Cahto Peak (Laytonville) 151.1300 154.8000 WRWX353
? Inland Shaffer Mountain (Susanville) 154.4075 155.2425 WRWY413
? North Valley Hatchet Mountain (Burney) 154.7550 154.9650 WRXN540
? North Coast Pratt Mountain (Garberville) 154.6650 155.2050 WRXS988
? North Coast Laughlin Ridge (Willits) 151.2050 154.6725 WRXX326
? North Valley Hoadley Peak (French Gulch) 154.7025 154.9425 WRYB456
? Inland Antelope Mountain (Benton) 151.2875 154.6800 WRYB458
? North Coast Cold Springs Mountain (Philo) 151.1750 155.0850 WRYB459
? Inland Rogers Peak (Death Valley) 151.0100 154.9875 WRYE371
? Inland Cottonwood Peak (Lone Pine) 154.0475 154.7025 WRYZ590
? Inland Black Mountain (Milford) 154.0925 154.6650 WRZR822
? North Coast Oak Ridge (Annapolis) 154.6950 154.9350 WRZR823
? Inland Antelope Valley FS1 (Coleville) 154.2125 154.6950 WRZR824
? Inland Ruby Bluff (Downieville) 151.4150 154.6800 WRZR825
? Inland Mammoth Lakes FS1 (East) 9D9 151.1000 155.1675 WRZR827
? Inland Mammoth Lincoln Mountain (West) 154.2275 154.7025 WSAX632
? Inland Red Hill (Belden) 154.3175 154.9350 WSBY313
? Inland June Mountain (June Lake) 154.0400 154.6650 WSCA402
? I-80 East Peavine Ridge (Reno NV) 154.8075 155.2875 WSCA441
? I-80 East Howell Mountain VHF (Colfax) 151.0775 154.0925 WSDG621
? North Valley Sugarloaf Mountain (Delta) 151.0925 155.2500 WSEB752
? Inland Oregon Peak (Dobbins) 151.0400 154.0325 WSEC898
? Inland CHP East Bristol (Amboy) 151.3100 154.8600 WSEC940
? Inland Slater Butte (Happy Camp) 151.0400 154.2125 WSED418
? Inland Gunsight Peak (Yreka) 154.9350 155.1525 WSEM882
? Inland Mount Hamaker (Klamath Falls, OR) 154.2275 154.8825 WSEN646
? North Coast Mount Pierce (Rio Dell) 151.2350 151.4600 WSEV735
? North Valley South Fork Mountain VHF (Redding) 151.1300 154.9050 WSFP808
? North Valley Soda Ridge VHF (Dunsmuir) 151.0775 155.2350 WSGS864
