Amateur Radio Gear
From The RadioReference Wiki
Welcome to the "Category:Amateur Radio Gear" category. This category:
- Is a sub-category of:
- Lists all the articles that relate to Amateur Radio Equipment, as submitted by the members.
In general, data in any Wiki article:
- might not be accurate. Members are encouraged to validate and edit the articles.
Please note:
- This category contains articles detailing specs on various 2 meter and/or dual band (2m/440) radios used by amateur radio enthusiasts (hams).
- Related Discussions are in the Amateur Radio Equipment Forum. Additional user level reviews can be found on the EHam website.
- Some of these radios have receive coverage outside the transmit limits; they potentially can be used as a backup conventional scanner, if the coverage extends to the public service bands in your area. In addition, some have a connector on the mic jack labeled 9600 baud out or similar. While intended for feeding audio for high speed packet and other applications, this is usually a tap right from the discriminator. Other applications that require a Discriminator output (such as UniTrunker ) can be fed directly from this point without needing additional internal modifications.
To CATEGORIZE an article into this category, please add the following as the last line in the article:
[[Category:Amateur Radio Gear]]
Please do NOT edit this page unless you intend to change the Description of this Category. Thank you.
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "Amateur Radio Gear"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.