
Charlotte UASI Region Site Information

From The RadioReference Wiki

Confirmed Sites

Zone 101 - Mecklenburg Simulcast

1) Uptown - WQEX452

2) Matthews - WQEX452

3) Brookshire Blvd. - WQEX452

4) Huntersville (Babe Stillwell Farm Rd.) - WQEX452

5) Tyvola Rd. - WQEX452

6) Sugar Creek Rd. - WQEX452

7) Wilkinson Blvd. - WPUV635

8) Red Fez - WPUV635

Zone 102 - Union Simulcast

1) Marshville - WQKS928

2) Wingate (Sheriffs Office) - WQKS918

3) Monroe (NCSHP) - WQKS918

4) Belk Mill - WQKS918

5) Cuthberson - WQKS918

6) Crow Rd. - WQKS918

7) Midland - WQKS918


Currently, only Mecklenburg and Union Counties are utilizing the digital system, but plans are in the works to add a zone for Cabarrus County to replace the current aging analog SmartZone system in use. Belmont, Gastonia, and Mount Holly Police Departments are also using the analog radio system, which leaves the possibility of there being a zone for Gaston County in the future as well.

There is a pending FCC application for a four site, five frequency simulcast in Gaston County that will inherit the five frequencies in use at the Cherryville site: