
Clinton County (NY) Firefighting

From The RadioReference Wiki

Apparatus numbers are prefixed with the number 10 
and consist of the type of apparatus, 
the Department 
number and a serial numeric digit.  

For example, a 
Mooers FD truck could be 10-TA-256.  Generally, only 
the final 3 digits are used on the radio.  

are numbered in the fire apparatus series but use the 
prefix "EMS" on the radio.

Chief numbers always end in zero.  Other officers are 
designated by a fourth digit after the zero.


1-11 Coordinators
12   Coroner
13-18  Fire Investigators
20,21  HAZMAT Coordinators

10	Altona
11	Au Sable
 Forks (disp by Clinton and Essex)
12	Beekmantown (2)
13	Cadyville
14	Champlain
15	Chazy
16	Churubusco
17	Clinton Correctional Facility
18	Cumberland Head	
19	Dannemora
20	Ellenburg Center
21	Ellenburg Depot
22	Hemmingford, Quebec
23	Keeseville
24	Lyon Mountain
25	Mooers (2)
26	Morrisonville
27	Peru
28	Plattsburgh City
29	(discontinued)
30	Rouses Point
31	Saranac (2)
32	South Plattsburgh (2)
33	West Chazy
34	Plattsburgh AFB
35	Fire District #3
36	Alburg, Vermont
37	Isle Lamotte, Vermont
38	Lacolle, Quebec
39	St Paul, Quebec
40	Morrisonville Ambulance
41	Au Sable Forks Ambulance  (disp by Clinton and Essex)
42	St Bernard, Quebec
43	Clinton County Office of Emergency Services
46	Champlain EMS (separated from Champlain FD in 2008)
49      Town of Clinton Ambulance
91-97	CVPH Ambulances

With thanks to