
Colorado DTRS Interstate Travel Reference

From The RadioReference Wiki

Colorado DTRS site info for Interstate travelers (listed in geographic order)

All Interstate Highway intersect in the Denver Metro area, Site 1-005 Mount Thorodin and Site 1-008 Lookout Mountain are good "transition sites" when going from one Interstate Highway to another.

  • Site Notes:
    • Gap: Recommended site for gaps in coverage.
    • Local: Optional site to monitor local agencies.
    • Special: Special note applies, see the note below the table.

I-25 Wyoming Border to New Mexico Border

Primary Site Mile Secondary Site
3-013 Buckhorn
3-062 Horsetooth
WY Border/298–292 Front Range Communications Consortium Local
278–271 3-060 PVH/Fort Collins Local
3-062 Horsetooth 271–262
3-061 Bald North 262–259
259–253 3-063 Loveland Local
253–249 Front Range Communications Consortium Local
1-012 Mead 249–232
1-005 Thorodin 232–214
1-008 Lookout 214–199 Denver Local
1-070 Auraria Campus Local
1-020 Denver Tx Building Local
1-064 Chevron 200–194
1-052 Douglas County North Simulcast 194–174
1-014 Douglas County South Simulcast 174–163
6-048 Cheyenne Mountain
4-028 Colorado Springs Simulcast Special
163–156 4-025 Swank Local/Special
6-039 Quail Loop Gap
4-028 Colorado Springs Simulcast Special
6-048 Cheyenne Mountain
4-028 Colorado Springs Simulcast Special
135–116 4-011 Fountain Valley Local/Special
6-048 Cheyenne Mountain 116–113
6-001 Pueblo Simulcast 113–83
6-035 Greenhorn Hill 83–61
6-043 Walsenburg 61–39
6-031 Bowen Marker 39–5
6-057 Raton Pass 5–0/NM Border
  • Special Note: RFSS/Zone 4 sites are exclusive to El Paso County and Colorado Springs agencies only, with the exception of Colorado State Patrol 2B East. Monitoring all other agencies must use other RFSS/Zones.

I-70 Kansas Border to Utah Border

Primary Site Mile Secondary Site
1-030 Bethune KS Border/449–431
1-027 Flagler 431–371
1-038 Limon Correctional 371–354
1-075 Cedar Point 354–340
1-037 Deer Trail 340–323
1-073 Byers 323–312
1-047 Zap 312–292
1-007 Smokey Hill 292–289
289–282 Aurora Local
282–280 Denver Local
1-020 Denver Tx Building Local
1-008 Lookout 280–270
270–262 Metro Area Radio Cooperative Local
1-006 Mestaa’ehehe
1-024 Dakota Hill Gap
1-065 Bellevue Mountain
1-024 Dakota Hill Gap
1-006 Mestaa’ehehe Gap
1-065 Bellevue Mountain
1-006 Mestaa’ehehe Gap
1-066 Saxon Mountain 232–225
1-066 Saxon Mountain
1-006 Mestaa’ehehe Gap
1-006 Mestaa’ehehe
1-021 Loveland Ski Gap
2-057 Lake Hill 214–200
2-007 Copper Mountain 200–185
2-078 East Vail 185–179
2-076 Vail 179–175
2-050 Lower Dowd Junction
2-035 Beaver Creek
2-055 Wolcott
2-096 Beacon Hill
1-054 East Beacon 152–139
2-059 Blowout Mountain
2-047 Castle Peak
2-102 Cinnamon Creek (Glenwood Canyon) Gap 127–124
2-011 Sunlight Peak 124–120
2-026 Lookout (Glenwood Springs) 120–112
2-084 New Castle 112–102
2-083 Rifle 102–85
2-013 Parachute
2-001 Grand Mesa 72–59
2-001 Grand Mesa
2-017 Mount Callahan Gap
2-001 Grand Mesa 53–42
2-089 Water Plant 42–31
2-056 Redlands 31–19
2-022 Black Ridge 19–11
2-094 Rabbit Valley 11–0/UT Border

I-76 Nebraska Border to Wadsworth Blvd

Primary Site Mile Secondary Site
3-035 Julesburg NE Border/184–169
3-021 Wildhorse 169–141
3-018 Reiradon Hill 141–134
3-057 Sterling Correctional 134–105
3-018 Reiradon Hill 105–102
3-029 Pawnee 102–86
3-016 Fort Morgan 86–64S
3-051 South Morgan 64–61
61–38 Front Range Communications Consortium Local
1-005 Thorodin 38–31
1-005 Thorodin
1-008 Lookout
2–0/I-70 End Metro Area Radio Cooperative Local