Unit IDs
Law Enforcement
301-339: County Deputies
340's: Cherokee
350's: Arma
370's: Arcadia
380's: Mulberry
390's: Frontenac
Girard units are typically identfied as "Girard 2X" eg: Girard 27
Pittsburg units seem to start with single digit numbers and upward.
Ambulances are identified as "Mobile X" eg: Mobile 5
EMS personnel are identified as "2XX" eg: 223
County fire identification varies greatly. For example, Baker may identify a tanker as
Baker 5 and personnel as Baker 41. Arma may identify an engine as Unit 615 and a
firefighter as 1182.
Pittsburg Fire typically names apparatus as to where they are located. Quint 3 will be
from Station 3, for example.
Girard Fire operates from one station and identifies apparatus as "Girard Engine X"
(eg: Girard Engine 1) and personnel as "F-X" (eg: F-12)