
Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNR) (MI)

From The RadioReference Wiki

DNR Law Enforcement Division Regions

Other DNR Divisions have different boundaries and maps Mi DNR.gif

Statewide Units

  • Parks and Recreation Division: uses numbers 10 thru 22 preceded by District number or Park name. Unit 7-10 would be district 7 park supervisor. Hartwick Pines 10 would be the park manager, 11 asst. and so on.
  • Wildlife Division: 30 thru 39. Unit 7-30 would be Dist. 7 Wildlife supervisor. Field office name preceding 30 would be area biologist from that field office. Other numbers would be equipment operators.
  • Forest Mgnt: 40-49, uses same scheme as above.
  • Fire Mgmt. Div
    • 50: Supervisor
    • 51: Pickup
    • 52: Tilt bed truck
    • 53: Tractor plow
    • 54: Semi for hauling equip.
    • 55: Pumper with up to 945 liters of water.
    • 56: Pumper 946 to 3,040 liters of water.
    • 58: Skidder with plow and tank usually.
    • 59: Misc. large equipment.
  • Fisheries Div: 70-79
  • Law Enforcement Division
    • 100 preceded by district number is a supervisor. Ex: 7-100 = District 7 Supervisor
    • Sergeants: 102-104
    • Environmental Officers: 105-109
    • Marine Safety Officer: 110
    • Special Investigators: 111
    • Commercial Fish Officers: 112-115
    • Special Marine Officers: 116-119
    • Conservation Officers: 120-149
    • Environmental Enforcement: 180-189

Northern Michigan Units

  • 71-xx - DNR District 7 Conservation
  • 61-xx - DNR District 6 Conservation
  • Sta 16 - DNR Northern L.P. Regional Dispatch
  • xx-50 - Supervisor
  • xx-51 - Officer
  • xx-52 - Bulldozer Transport Unit
  • xx-53 - Bulldozer
  • xx-54 - Bulldozer w/ skidder
  • xx-55 - Hummer
  • xx-56 - Water unit
  • xx-57 - Water unit

DNR Fire Management Divisions

DNR Fire Management Unit Map