Department of State Police (MD)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Caution Codes
- A - Armed
- B - Dangerous
- C - Mental
- D - Armed/Mental
- E - Suicidal
- F - Armed/Suicidal
- G - Resists Arrest
- H - Armed & Resists Arrest
- I - Dangerous & Resists Arrest
- J - Mental & Resists Arrest
- K - Suicidal & Resists Arrest
- L - Approach with Caution
- M - Assaults Police Officers
- N - Drug User/Seller
- P - ?Prior Breaking/Entering
10 Codes
- As of Feb. 1 2012, MSP was ordered to discontinue the use of 10 codes in favor of plain language and has switched from the APCO phonetic alphabet to the NATO alphabet. Many Troopers and Dispatchers still use the old 10 codes out of habit. The below list is for historical reference.
- 10-00 Caution
- 10-01 Unable to Copy - change location
- 10-02 Signal Good
- 10-03 Stop transmitting
- 10-04 Acknowledgment (OK)
- 10-05 Relay
- 10-06 Busy - unless urgent
- 10-07 Out of Service
- 10-08 In service
- 10-09 Repeat
- 10-10 Fight in progress
- 10-11 Dog case
- 10-12 Stand by (stop)
- 10-13 Weather - road report
- 10-14 Prowler report
- 10-15 Civil disturbance
- 10-16 Domestic problem
- 10-17 Meet complainant
- 10-18 Quickly
- 10-19 Return to ____
- 10-20 Location
- 10-21 Call ___ by telephone
- 10-22 disregard
- 10-23 Arrived at scene
- 10-24 Assignment completed
- 10-25 Report in person (meet) ____
- 10-26 Detaining subject, expedite
- 10-27 Drivers license information
- 10-28 Vehicle registration information
- 10-29 Check for wanted
- 10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
- 10-31 Crime in progress
- 10-32 Person with gun
- 10-34 Riot
- 10-35 Major crime alert
- 10-36 Correct time
- 10-37 Investigate suspicious vehicle
- 10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle
- 10-39 Urgent, use lights and siren
- 10-40 Silent run, no lights and siren
- 10-41 Beginning tour of duty
- 10-42 Ending tour of duty
- 10-43 Information
- 10-44 Permission to leave ___ for ___
- 10-45 Animal carcass at ____
- 10-46 Assist motorist
- 10-47 Emergency road repair at ___ (disabled)
- 10-48 Traffic signal repair at ___
- 10-49 Traffic light out at ___
- 10-50 Accident (F- Fatal, PI- Injury, PD - property damage)
- 10-51 Tow truck needed
- 10-52 Ambulance/Fire needed
- 10-53 Road blocked at
- 10-54 Livestock on road
- 10-55 Intoxicated driver (DUI/DWI)
- 10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
- 10-57 Hit and run (F- Fatal, PI- Injury, PD - property damage)
- 10-58 Direct traffic
- 10-59 Convoy or escort
- 10-60 Squad in vicinity
- 10-61 Personnel in area
- 10-62 Reply to message
- 10-63 Make written/hard copy)
- 10-64 Message for local delivery
- 10-65 Net message assignment
- 10-66 Message cancellation
- 10-67 Clear for net message
- 10-68 Dispatch information
- 10-69 Message received
- 10-70 Fire alarm
- 10-71 Advise nature of fire
- 10-72 Report progress of fire
- 10-73 Smoke report
- 10-74 Negative
- 10-75 In contact with ____
- 10-76 En route
- 10-77 ETA
- 10-78 Need assistance
- 10-79 Notify Coroner
- 10-80 Chase in progress
- 10-81 Breathalyzer report
- 10-82 Reserve lodging
- 10-83 Work school crossing at ___
- 10-84 If meeting ___ advise ETA
- 10-85 Delayed due to ____
- 10-86 Officer on duty
- 10-87 Pickup checks
- 10-88 Present telephone number of ____
- 10-89 Bomb threat
- 10-90 Bank alarm at ____
- 10-91 Pick up prisoner/subject
- 10-92 Improperly park vehicle
- 10-93 Blockade
- 10-94 Drag racing
- 10-95 Prisoner/subject in custody
- 10-96 Mental subject
- 10-97 Check signal
- 10-98 Prison/jail break
- 10-99 Wanted/Stolen indicated