
Flagstaff NAU ASU P25

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Flagstaff NAU ASU P25

Unidentified Talkgroups

8006	Flagstaff PD Event 3 	police academy?	R502	1144 1146 1150 1206
8303	Northern Arizona University Police dispatch simul 21 22 disp 34083 34084
8310	NAU?	alarm maint? Jason	 4996 4997
8376	NAU	at sports facility entrances during game Walkup Skydome??	50xx 51xx
8378	NAU	similar to 8376?	5114
8383	NAU	At sports facility football game similar to 8376	50xx 45 46 56
8507		33xx 11 20 25 45 48 	turn on off pump sludge pump poly shack riser change next field