
Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T (P25) RID

From The RadioReference Wiki

IPH SAFE-T (P25) Radio ID Numbers

Radio ID User Agency County Notes
93101 ISP Dispatcher ISP Indianapolis District 52
93102 ISP Dispatcher ISP Pendleton District 51
93103 ISP Dispatcher ISP Putnamville District 53
93105 ISP Dispatcher ISP Lowell District 13
93106 ISP Dispatcher ISP Lowell District 13
93107 ISP Dispatcher ISP Lafayette District 14
93108 ISP Dispatcher ISP Lafayette District 14
93109 ISP Dispatcher ISP Toll Road District 21
93110 ISP Dispatcher ISP Toll Road District 21
93111 ISP Dispatcher ISP Bremen District 24
93112 ISP Dispatcher ISP Bremen District 24
93113 ISP Dispatcher ISP Fort Wayne District 22
93114 ISP Dispatcher ISP Fort Wayne District 22
93115 ISP Dispatcher ISP Peru District 16
93116 ISP Dispatcher ISP Peru District 16
93140 IDHS EOC Indiana Dept of Homeland Security
93141 IDHS Dispatch Indiana Dept of Homeland Security
93201 ISP Dispatcher ISP Bloomington District 33
93202 ISP Dispatcher ISP Bloomington District 33
93203 ISP Dispatcher ISP Pendleton District 51
93204 ISP Dispatcher ISP Pendleton District 51
93205 ISP Dispatcher ISP Versailles District 42
93206 ISP Dispatcher ISP Versailles District 42
93208 ISP Dispatcher ISP Versailles District 42
93245 IDNR Dispatcher IDNR North/South Region
93246 IDNR Dispatcher IDNR North/South Region
94101 INDOT TMC Dispatcher TMC Indy
94102 INDOT TMC Dispatcher TMC Indy
94103 INDOT TMC Dispatcher TMC Indy
720109 Brown Co Dispatch Brown Co Sheriff Brown
1020448 Jeffersonville Engine 44 Jeffersonville Fire Dept Clark
1020449 Jeffersonville Engine 43 Jeffersonville Fire Dept Clark
1020451 Jeffersonville Engine 47 Jeffersonville Fire Dept Clark
1020453 Jeffersonville Fire Boat 40 Jeffersonville Fire Dept Clark
1020459 Jeffersonville Engine 41 Jeffersonville Fire Dept Clark
1020465 Jeffersonville Engine 45 Jeffersonville Fire Dept Clark
1020564 Jeffersonville PD Commission 9294 Jeffersonville Police Clark
1020652 Jeffersonville PD Commission 6729 Jeffersonville Police Clark
1021243 Jeffersonville PD Commission 5765 Jeffersonville Police Clark
2310220 2386 Dispatch Fountain/Warren Regional Fountain/Warren Fountain/Warren Combined Regional Dispatch Center. This ID is dispatch for units on 2386SHERIFF, 2386FIRE, 2386 EMS, and all other 2386 Talkgroups.
2310171 Unit 23/3 Fountain/Warren Regional Fountain The unit callsign is what was heard with this RID at one time, these could very depending on units using other vehicles, mobiles, etc.
2310174 Unit 23/4 Fountain/Warren Regional Fountain The unit callsign is what was heard with this RID at one time, these could very depending on units using other vehicles, mobiles, etc.
2310030 Unit 23/6 Fountain/Warren Regional Fountain The unit callsign is what was heard with this RID at one time, these could very depending on units using other vehicles, mobiles, etc.
2310172 Unit 23/17 Fountain/Warren Regional Fountain The unit callsign is what was heard with this RID at one time, these could very depending on units using other vehicles, mobiles, etc.
2310262 Fountain/Warren Regional Fountain
2820116 Greene Co Dispatch Greene Co Sheriff Greene
2820184 Greene Co Dispatch Greene Co Sheriff Greene
3310527 NCFD Engine 3 New Castle Fire Dept Henry
3310528 NCFD Tower 1 New Castle Fire Dept Henry
3310529 NCFD Engine 2 New Castle Fire Dept Henry
3310530 NCFD Engine 1 New Castle Fire Dept Henry
4410302 Parkview Dispatch Parkview EMS
5320018 BFD Engine 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320021 BFD Car 2 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320023 BFD Engine 5 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320024 BFD Engine 7 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320025 BFD Engine 4 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320026 BFD Engine 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320027 BFD Engine 3 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320031 BFD Rescue 2 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320032 BFD Brush 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320033 BFD Truck 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320034 BFD Engine 6 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320035 BFD Truck 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320036 BFD Battalion 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320037 BFD Prevention 3 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320038 BFD Squad 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320039 BFD Rescue 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320240 NMFT 52A Northern Monroe Fire Territory Monroe Formerly Bloomington Township Fire Dept
5320243 NMFT Engine 51 Northern Monroe Fire Territory Monroe Formerly Bloomington Township Fire Dept
5320252 NMFT Squad 5 Northern Monroe Fire Territory Monroe Formerly Bloomington Township Fire Dept
5320258 NMFT Tac 5 Northern Monroe Fire Territory Monroe Formerly Bloomington Township Fire Dept
5320262 BFD Battalion 2 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320265 BFD Truck 2 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320270 BFD Engine 3 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320271 BFD Engine 3 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320275 BFD Engine 4 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320280 BFD Engine 5 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320290 BFD Engine 7 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320302 BFD Battalion 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320303 BFD Battalion 1 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320313 BFD Headquarters Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320316 BFD Station 3 Bloomington Fire Dept Monroe
5320360 Monroe Co Sheriff Station Monroe Co Sheriff Monroe
5320382 Monroe Co Fire Dispatch Monroe Co Central Dispatch Monroe Monroe Co Central Dispatch
5320385 BPD Dispatch Bloomington Police Dept Monroe Monroe Co Central Dispatch
5320386 BPD Dispatch Bloomington Police Dept Monroe Monroe Co Central Dispatch
5320387 Monroe Co Sheriff Dispatch Monroe Co Sheriff Monroe Monroe Co Central Dispatch
5320395 Ellettsville Engine 73 Ellettsville Fire Dept Monroe
5320418 Ellettsville Station 7 Ellettsville Fire Dept Monroe
5320420 Ellettsville Engine 83 Ellettsville Fire Dept Monroe
5320424 Ellettsville Truck 79 Ellettsville Fire Dept Monroe
5320547 Ellettsville Medic 218 Ellettsville Fire Dept Monroe
5320551 Ellettsville Medic 218 Ellettsville Fire Dept Monroe
5320665 IUPD Dispatch Indiana University Police Dept Monroe
5320666 IUPD Dispatch Indiana University Police Dept Monroe
5320667 IUPD Dispatch Indiana University Police Dept Monroe
5320670 IUPD Statewide Dispatch Indiana University Police Dept
5320735 PCCFD Squad 11 Perry Clear Creek Fire Dept Monroe
5320736 PCCFD Tanker 11 Perry Clear Creek Fire Dept Monroe
5320742 PCCFD Engine 11 Perry Clear Creek Fire Dept Monroe
5320754 PCCFD Command 11 Perry Clear Creek Fire Dept Monroe
5320881 VBFD Rescue 9 Van Buren Fire Dept Monroe
5320895 VBFD Station 19 Van Buren Fire Dept Monroe
5320896 VBFD Engine 9 Van Buren Fire Dept Monroe
5320919 NMFT Station 5 Northern Monroe Fire Territory Monroe Formerly Bloomington Township Fire Dept
5320924 Monroe Co EMA Monroe Co Emergency Mgmt Monroe
5320925 Monroe Co EMA Monroe Co Emergency Mgmt Monroe
5320930 Monroe Co Central Dispatch Monroe Co Central Dispatch Monroe Used on Regional Mutual Aid Talkgroups
5520145 Morgan Co Dispatch Morgan Co Sheriff Morgan
6020028 Owen Co Dispatch Owen Co Sheriff Owen
8010333 Tipton Co Dispatch Tipton Co Sheriff Tipton
8610063 Unit 86/9 Fountain/Warren Regional Warren The unit callsign is what was heard with this RID at one time, these could very depending on units using other vehicles, mobiles, etc.
9300013 ISP 33-34 Indiana State Police District 33
9300021 ISP 33-35 Indiana State Police District 33
9300089 ISP 14-12 Indiana State Police District 14
9300131 ISP 14-46 Indiana State Police District 14
9300141 ISP 76-07 Indiana State Police District 99
9300146 ISP 53-71 Indiana State Police District 53
9300181 ISP 53-44 Indiana State Police District 53
9300418 ISP 53-63 Indiana State Police District 53
9300419 ISP 14-15 Indiana State Police District 14
9300458 ISP 52-21 Indiana State Police District 52
9300460 ISP 53-39 Indiana State Police District 53
9300462 ISP 53-74 Indiana State Police District 53
9300539 ISP 53-50 Indiana State Police District 53
9300568 ISP 14-20 Indiana State Police District 14
9300689 ISP 53-41 Indiana State Police District 53
9300747 ISP 53-62 Indiana State Police District 53
9300912 ISP 53-80 Indiana State Police District 53
9301065 ISP 53-64 Indiana State Police District 53
9301067 ISP 53-18 Indiana State Police District 53
9301068 ISP 53-15 Indiana State Police District 53
9301076 ISP 53-86 Indiana State Police District 53
9301100 ISP 53-48 Indiana State Police District 53
9301101 ISP 53-04 Indiana State Police District 53
9301107 ISP 53-16 Indiana State Police District 53
9301109 ISP 53-08 Indiana State Police District 53
9301118 ISP 53-05 Indiana State Police District 53
9301133 ISP 95-31 Indiana State Police District 53
9301136 ISP 14-27 Indiana State Police District 14
9301184 ISP 14-48 Indiana State Police District 14
9301327 ISP 95-353 Indiana State Police District 53
9301388 ISP 53-46 Indiana State Police District 53
9301389 ISP 53-34 Indiana State Police District 53
9301396 ISP 53-61 Indiana State Police District 53
9301407 ISP Copter 3 Indiana State Police Statewide
9301424 ISP 53-03 Indiana State Police District 53
9301449 ISP 53-12 Indiana State Police District 53
9301458 ISP 53-60 Indiana State Police District 53
9301500 ISP Copter 2 Indiana State Police Statewide
9301505 ISP Air 1 Indiana State Police Statewide
9301517 ISP 33-66 Indiana State Police District 33
9301524 ISP 33-35 Indiana State Police District 33
9301531 ISP X-174 Indiana State Police Headquarters
9301569 ISP Copter 1 Indiana State Police Statewide
9301674 ISP 53-61 Indiana State Police District 53
9301815 ISP 53-01 Indiana State Police District 53
9301861 ISP 95-353 Indiana State Police District 53
9302124 ISP 14-46 Indiana State Police District 14
9302174 ISP 14-19 Indiana State Police District 14
9302232 ISP 53-62 Indiana State Police District 53
9302254 ISP 14-14 Indiana State Police District 14
9302311 ISP 53-18 Indiana State Police District 53
9302314 ISP 53-37 Indiana State Police District 53
9302342 ISP 53-46 Indiana State Police District 53
9302344 ISP 53-40 Indiana State Police District 53
9302346 ISP 53-42 Indiana State Police District 53
9302361 ISP 53-03 Indiana State Police District 53
9302383 ISP 53-10 Indiana State Police District 53
9302399 ISP 53-05 Indiana State Police District 53
9302407 ISP 53-25 Indiana State Police District 53
9302432 ISP 53-36 Indiana State Police District 53
9302481 ISP 51-04 Indiana State Police District 51
9302487 ISP 53-63 Indiana State Police District 53
9302488 ISP 53-34 Indiana State Police District 53
9302527 ISP 33-57 Indiana State Police District 33
9302714 ISP 53-10 Indiana State Police District 53
9302819 ISP 33-37 Indiana State Police District 33
9302821 ISP 33-60 Indiana State Police District 33
9302838 ISP 53-39 Indiana State Police District 53
9302839 ISP 53-74 Indiana State Police District 53
9302874 ISP 14-42 Indiana State Police District 14
9302886 ISP 53-44 Indiana State Police District 53
9302892 ISP 45-13 Indiana State Police District 45
9302907 ISP 53-61 Indiana State Police District 53
9302908 ISP 53-71 Indiana State Police District 53
9303154 ISP 53-16 Indiana State Police District 53
9303168 ISP 52-45 Indiana State Police District 52
9303180 ISP 53-17 Indiana State Police District 53
9303184 ISP 53-41 Indiana State Police District 53
9303186 ISP 53-15 Indiana State Police District 53
9303196 ISP 53-64 Indiana State Police District 53
9303199 ISP 14-27 Indiana State Police District 14
9303205 ISP 53-01 Indiana State Police District 53
9303207 ISP 14-40 Indiana State Police District 14
9303234 ISP 14-16 Indiana State Police District 14
9303237 ISP 53-50 Indiana State Police District 53
9305371 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305379 DNR LIEBER 10 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305399 DNR ICO 400 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305420 DNR ICO 309 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305426 DNR ICO 911 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305466 DNR ICO X15 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305475 DNR ICO 413 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305478 DNR LIEBER CS Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks "Camp Store"
9305479 DNR LIEBER CG Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks "Camp Gate"
9305482 DNR LIEBER 10 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305483 DNR LIEBER MG Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks "Main Gate"
9305484 DNR LIEBER 8 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305499 DNR Mounds State Park Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305501 DNR Mounds State Park Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305504 DNR Mounds State Park Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305506 DNR ICO 411 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305658 DNR ATTBRY ENF Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region "Atterbury Enforcement"
9305560 DNR ICO 912 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305609 DNR RACOON 5 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305617 DNR RACOON 10 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305631 DNR SHADES MG Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks "Main Gate"
9305633 DNR SHADES 3 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305636 DNR SHADES 10 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305639 DNR RACOON 12 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305640 DNR SHADES 7 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305643 DNR ICO 614 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305645 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305646 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305648 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305649 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305650 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305651 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305653 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305654 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305656 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9305662 DNR RACOON 7 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305664 DNR TURKEY 8 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305666 DNR SHADES 5 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305667 DNR TURKEY 9 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305680 DNR SHADES 2 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9305754 DNR ICO 122 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305756 DNR ICO X05 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305772 DNR ICO 903 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305778 DNR ICO 206 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305797 DNR ICO 620 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305913 DNR ICO 720 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305917 DNR ICO 815 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305920 DNR ICO 718 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305922 DNR ICO 908 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9305933 DNR ICO 122 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305947 DNR ICO 110 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305950 DNR ICO 305 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources North Region
9305959 DNR ICO 603 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306026 DNR RACOON 9 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306043 DNR ICO 614 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306047 DNR ICO 708 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306126 DNR ICO 911 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306128 DNR RACOON MG Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks "Main Gate"
9306185 DNR ICO 716 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306271 DNR ICO 612 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306274 DNR ICO 803 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306305 DNR ICO 807 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306306 DNR ICO 819 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306309 DNR ICO 805 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306312 DNR ICO 815 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306315 DNR ICO 701 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306319 DNR ICO 914 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306324 DNR ICO 908 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306325 DNR ICO 907 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306392 DNR ICO 716 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306394 DNR VERSAIL ENF Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region "Versailles Enforcement"
9306395 DNR ICO 517 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306424 DNR ICO 920 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306431 DNR ICO 915 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306451 DNR RACOON 5 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306455 DNR ICO 818 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306486 DNR LIEBER ENF Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region "Lieber Enforcement"
9306495 DNR ICO 901 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306620 DNR MCCORMICK OF Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks "Office"
9306621 DNR MCCORMICK 17 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306622 DNR MCCORMICK 21 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306625 DNR MCCORMICK 2 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306636 DNR MCCORMICK 11 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306671 DNR ICO 604 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306689 DNR ICO 517 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306696 DNR LIEBER 12 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306705 DNR ICO 703 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306732 DNR ICO 713 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306765 DNR PIKE ENF Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region "Pike Enforcement"
9306770 DNR ICO 617 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9306782 DNR SHAKAMAK 19 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306786 DNR SHAKAMAK 3 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306786 DNR SHAKAMAK 6 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306787 DNR SHAKAMAK 8 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306790 DNR SHAKAMAK 25 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306791 DNR SHAKAMAK 4 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306792 DNR SHAKAMAK 24 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306884 DNR Summit Lake Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 4 Parks
9306931 DNR LIEBER 1 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306932 DNR LIEBER 2 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306956 DNR RACOON 2 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306959 DNR SHAKAMAK 2 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306967 DNR TURKEY 1 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9306968 DNR SHADES 2 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources District 5 Parks
9307013 DNR ICO 807 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9307014 DNR ICO 606 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9307015 DNR ICO 612 Indiana Dept of Natural Resources South Region
9307075 IPSC 75-01 Integrated Public Safety Consortium
9308031 IPSC 75-01 Integrated Public Safety Consortium
9308034 IPSC CONTROL Integrated Public Safety Consortium
9308810 IDHS SIM 2 Indiana Dept of Homeland Security Simulator 2
9308820 IDHS COORD 5 Indiana Dept of Homeland Security Coordinator 5
9308837 IDHS 97-55 Indiana Dept of Homeland Security State Fire Marshal
9308908 NWS Northern Indiana National Weather Service Kosciusko
9309045 IDHS PLANNING 1 Indiana Dept of Homeland Security Planning 1
9309129 IDHS DL-7 Indiana Dept of Homeland Security District Laison 7
9399100 StatFlight 4 St. Vincent StatFlight N320PH
9399101 StatFlight 3 St. Vincent StatFlight
9399102 StatFlight 2 St. Vincent StatFlight N402PH
9399103 StatFlight Indy Operations St. Vincent StatFlight StatFlight Dispatcher
9399108 LifeLine 3 IU Health LifeLine
9399109 LifeLine 1 IU Health LifeLine
9399110 LifeLine IU Health LifeLine
9399112 LifeLine 4 IU Health LifeLine
9399113 LifeLine 2 IU Health LifeLine
9399114 StatFlight 6 St. Vincent StatFlight
9399115 StatFlight 1 St. Vincent StatFlight
9399119 Lutheran Air 1 Lutheran Air Jay
9399120 Samaritan 2 Parkview Samaritan Medical Transport N89SM AS 365 N2 DAUPHIN (4/16/24)
9399121 Samaritan 1 Parkview Samaritan Medical Transport
9399122 Lutheran Air 2 Lutheran Air Wabash N897SE
9399124 Kentucky 7 Air Methods Kentucky Clark N365CH
9399129 LifeLine 5 IU Health LifeLine N193LL
9399130 JFK 1 Norton Children’s Hospital Clark N78NC; Just For Kids
9399133 Kentucky 11 Air Methods Kentucky N344AM; Based in Bedford, KY
9399136 AirCom Air Methods Air Methods National Communications Center
9399138 Lutheran Air 3 Lutheran Air Knox
9399139 MedFlight West
9399140 LifeLine Dispatch IU Health LifeLine
9399143 Samaritan 1 Parkview Samaritan Medical Transport
9399145 Lutheran Air 1 Lutheran Air Jay N3842
9399146 LifeLine IU Health LifeLine N195LL
9399150 LifeLine IU Health LifeLine
9399156 MedFlight West
9400006 Hoosier Helpers Commission 60067 INDOT TMC
9400012 Hoosier Helpers Commission 60068 INDOT TMC
9403048 Hoosier Helpers Commission 60065 INDOT TMC
9403217 Hoosier Helpers Commission 60066 INDOT TMC
9409903 NS Railroad Police Dispatcher NS Railroad Police
9903118 US Fish & Wildlife “50-38” US Fish & Wildlife
9903300 thru 990348x Various US Marshals Service

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