
Ingham County (MI) Law Enforcement

From The RadioReference Wiki


Countywide Law Enforcement

All police departments in Ingham County have a number designator assigned to the department.  
Most departments use this number as the first digit in their unit number. 
Lansing has their own dispatch channels, East Lansing/MSU have their own dispatch channel, and all other units share an out-county dispatch talkgroup. 
Lansing has several proprietary encrypted tactical/ops channels, as well as the sheriff department, and East Lansing/MSU also have their own. 
The tac/ops channels are often setup to scan and also pick up traffic on the main dispatch channels. 
Groups, such as MSU parking enforcement and contracted security, have their own operations/tactical (and dispatch) talkgroups, but also have access to main dispatch and tactical channels. 
Michigan State University also uses MPSCS for IPF and transit, and they do have some common interoperability talkgroups with law enforcement. 


1  = Lansing Police Department (Although they use 1, 2, and 3 to designate shifts).
2  = East Lansing Police Department. Dispatched on 33ELMSU
5  = Ingham County Sheriff Department
6  = Michigan State University Police Department.
7  = Ingham County Parks
8  = Lansing Township Police Department
9  = Meridian Township Police Department
11 = MSP Post 11
12 = Mason Police Department
13 = Stockbridge Police Department
14 = Webberville (Patrolled by Ingham County Sheriff)
15 = Williamston Police Department
16 = Unknown... heard on EL/MSU dispatch in late 2024
17 = Delhi Township (Patrolled by Ingham County Sheriff)
18 = Leslie Police Department (18A82)
19 = Heard on 33ICMAIN in early 2025
20 = Lansing Community College Police Department (20A1, 20A2)


Adam    = One man patrol car
Bike    = Bicycle (East Lansing/MSU)
Boston  = Two man patrol car
Charlie = Command or supervisor
David   = Detective
Edward  = County Emergency Services/County Heavy Rescue
Frank   = Community Police Officer/Bicycle (Lansing-Delhi TWP.)/MSU Special Assignment
Henry   = Michigan State University head of security (for contracted security such as medical centers, research)
Ida     = Lansing one man patrol car if two district cars are on at same time
K9      = Canine Unit
Lincoln = Mason School Resource Officer
Mary    = Motorcycle
Nora    = Narcotics (Tri-County Metro)
Ocean   = Lansing Special Ops/SOD
Sam     = Special Assignment Ex. DWI enforcement, ICSD traffic grant unit, or East Lansing social worker
S       = Non-law enforcement supervisor (eg. S76 is MSU parking enforcement head supervisor)
SW      = Michigan State University social worker
Tom     = Traffic Unit
Union   = Unknown, heard on 33ICMAIN as a Meridian Township unit
William = Ingham County Weighmaster

THREE DIGIT UNITS. Radio users who are not sworn officers and/or special assignment.
1xx     = MSU Breslin Center
2xx     = East Lansing Parking and Code Enforcement. Dispatched on 33ELMSU, have own ops channels.
4xx     = LCC security and 3 MSU parking enforcement
5xx     = Unknown heard on 33ICMAIN, as well as most of MSU parking enforcement
6xx     = MSU special assignment
7xx     = Special assignment, mostly used in East Lansing
8xx     = Heard on EL/MSU dispatch
9xx     = Heard from the radios of some Meridian Township mobiles and handhelds, may just be short for 9Axx.

5A5     = Alaiedon Township
5A6     = All County (Countywide)
5A7     = West County (West of Meridian Road)
5A8     = East County (East of Meridian Road)
5A9     = South County
5A10    = North County
5K96    = Same as 5A5, etc.
5T6     = Countywide Traffic Enforcement (Unless there is another traffic unit)
Ingham County Sheriff and Meridian Township are responsible for most rural areas of the county.

TX      = Phone call/phone number/text
10-2    = Busy/okay
10-8    = Back in service
10-9    = Repeat last transmission
10-16   = Go to/meet at _
10-20   = Location
10-22   = Cancel
10-23   = Police station
10-41   = On scene?
10-42   = Out of service for the day (off shift)
10-68   = Fleeing
BOL     = Be on the lookout
UTL     = unable to locate, or on the lookout (for reckless driver, suspicious person, etc)
PDA     = vehicle accident w/o injury
PI      = vehicle accident with injury
3500    = Marijuana

33SPEV1-10: Used during county events, as well as for training scenarios. Replace 'CW event' channels on old Harris system.
33ICMAIN  : Used by Sheriff, Lansing Township, Meridian Township, MSP, Stockbridge, Webberville, Williamston, Delhi Township, Leslie
33ELMSU   : Used by East Lansing PD, Michigan State University DPPS, East Lansing Parking and Code Enforcement
33ELMOPS  : Not used for dispatch of police, but shared between East Lansing police, MSU police, and several services, contractors, and security. Main operation channel for EL/MSU area contracted security. Utilizes full-time ADP encryption. 33MSUTAC is similarly used.
33LANORTH : Used by Lansing PD (north side), and south side after 2 AM
33LASOUTH : Used by Lansing PD (south side)
33MSUSPEV : Used by MSU Green Coat Security, as well as for interop between police and others during events, and by police during events.
33ACMAIN  : Used by Ingham County Animal Control
33MSUPK1  : Used by MSU Parking Enforcement. Full-time ADP encryption.
33LCCPD   : Used by Lansing Community College police and security.
33DPSCO   : Used by Lansing schools Department of Public Safety.
- MSU Breslin Center and Special Events use analog UHF radios that could talk to the old Harris radios and had patches to that system. Most Breslin Center activity is on 469.75 MHz, most Special Events is on 462.6. These are the last holdouts on UHF analog, after MSU Parking Enforcement and Greencoat Security in 2024. All other county security, law enforcement, public safety, as well as most public works are now on the MPSCS since late 2021. MSU Special Events are capable of operation on the old MSU PD Event conventional repeater, which was used by MSU Greencoat Security until recently. They may soon move to this repeater, and plan to get onto the MPSCS eventually. 
- All MPSCS-capable Ingham law enforcement and related radios have access to 33COM, 33ICMAIN, 33INGFIRE, MPSCS event channels, 700-MHz simplex, and 33SPEV1-10. Police radios also have access to 33ICOPS, several other encrypted channels (LEIN, detectives, interoperability with fire and EMS, etc), and proprietary tac/ops channels.
- Each department has their own proprietary tac channel, and a few have several, as well as proprietary ops channels. Generally, 'tac' channels are in the clear and 'ops' channels are encrypted.

Lansing Police Units

Adam     One Officer unit.
Boston:  Two Officer unit.
David:   Detective.
K-9:     Tracking or Narcotics Dog.


1 Boston 15 = First shift; Boston type of unit; Badge number.