
Jackson County (OR)

From The RadioReference Wiki

Jackson County Fire Department

Unit Designators

6200 Prospect Fire
6400 Shady Cove Fire
6500 Butte Falls Fire
6600 Evans Valley Fire
6900 Lake Creek Fire
7400 Rogue River Fire District
7700 Jackson Co. FD 3 (Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold Hill, White City)
7900 Medford Airport Fire
8100 Medford Fire
8200 Jacksonville Fire
8300 Jackson Co. FD 5 (Talent)
8400 Phoenix Fire
8500 Applegate Valley Fire
8600 Greensprings Fire & Rescue
8800 Ashland Fire
9000 Colestin Fire
9100 Crater Lake National Park Fire & EMS (NOTE: on ECSO's Incident Tracking System, it shows these units belonging to Station 1100

Jackson County Sheriffs Office

ECSO = Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon (SORC)
RVCOMM = Rogue Valley Communications (Medford/Ashland Dispatch)

Unit Designators

0200 Medford PD (Dispatched by RVCOMM)
0400 Jackson Co. Sheriff (Dispatched by ECSO)
0500 Ashland PD (Dispatched by RVCOMM)
0600 Central Point PD (Dispatched by ECSO)
3100 OSP – Central Point Office (Dispatched by OSP Southern Oregon Command)
4100 Shady Cove PD (Dispatched by ECSO)
4200 Butte Falls PD (Dispatched by ECSO)
4400 Rogue River PD (Dispatched by ECSO)
4500 Jacksonville PD (Dispatched by ECSO)
4600 Phoenix PD (Dispatched by ECSO)
4700 Talent PD (Dispatched by ECSO)
5100 Eagle Point PD (Dispatched by ECSO)

Amateur Radio