
James City / York / Williamsburg / Gloucester System Information

From The RadioReference Wiki

7/19/2022 this morning Gloucester P25 system was down and when it came back online a few hrs later it seems Gloucester P25 may be moved to a different Network
not sure if this was temporary or not
but I believe York County moved to this network (Suffolk / Isle of Wight) a while back as site 1.3 York, so maybe they moved Gloucester too.

Information from DSD+
Network: BEE00.647
Site: 1.4 (Gloucester)

  Channel 0-27:     851.175                            BSI
  Channel 0-97:     851.6125              VOICE  DATA
  Channel 0-245:    852.5375         SCC  VOICE
  Channel 0-335:    853.1            SCC  VOICE  DATA
  Channel 0-389:    853.4375     CC  SCC
  Channel 0-461:    853.8875     CC  SCC  VOICE

Information from DSD+

 Network: BEE00.509  ; James/York/Williamsburg/Gloucester
 Bandplan #0:   Base=851.00625   Offset=-45     Spacing=6.25  BW=12.5
 Bandplan #1:   Base=762.00625   Offset=+30     Spacing=6.25  BW=12.5

   Site: 1.1    NAC=500  BSI=WQAW910     ; York
   Channel 0-39:     851.25                             BSI
   Channel 0-59:     851.375               VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-179:    852.125               VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-187:    852.175               VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-215:    852.35                VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-255:    852.6                 VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-283:    852.775               VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-299:    852.875               VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-363:    853.275               VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-377:    853.3625              VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-383:    853.4                 VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-403:    853.525               VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-411:    853.575          SCC
   Channel 0-421:    853.6375         SCC
   Channel 0-425:    853.6625         SCC
   Channel 0-443:    853.775      CC

   Site: 1.2    NAC=501  BSI=WQMI646     ; Gloucester
   Channel 0-27:     851.175               VOICE        BSI
   Channel 0-97:     851.6125              VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-245:    852.5375              VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-335:    853.1                 VOICE  DATA
   Channel 0-389:    853.4375         SCC
   Channel 0-461:    853.8875     CC  SCC
