Land Mobile Radio Network (South Zone)
From The RadioReference Wiki
- 1 LMRN RID Groups
- 2 Ministry of Health
- 3 Ontario Provincial Police
- 4 Ministry of National Resource
- 5 Ministry of Transportation
- 6 Ministry of Environment
- 7 Ministry of Finance
- 8 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- 9 Ministry of Corrections
- 10 Provincial Parks
- 11 Ontario Fire Marshall
- 12 Bell Mobility Radio Techs
- 13 Encryption Key ID
- 100001 to 100261 - BMR Radios
- 200000 to 202487 - MTO Road Crews and Snowplows
- 213988 to 213999 - MTO Road Crews and Snowplows Dispatch Consoles
- 214010 to 214756 - MTO Enforcement
- 215488 to 215930 - MTO Road Crews and Snowplows
- 300000 to 300067 - Corrections Facilities
- 402410 to 402859 - MNR
- 412995 to 412997 - MNR Dispatch Consoles
- 500653 to 501585 - Provincial Parks
- 502807 to 502828 - MOE (Ministry of the Environment)
- 600001 to 600053 - MOF (Minstry of Finance)
- 601002 to 601007 - OFAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
- 602002 to 602007 - OFM (Ontario Fire Marshal)
- 700036 to 711131 - OPP Units
- 730678 to 730794 - OPP Dispatch Consoles
- 750013 to 750441 - EMS Units
- 750470 to 750647 - EMS Portables
- 750706 to 751202 - EMS Units
- 751205 to 752088 - EMS Portables
- 752162 to 752227 - EMS Hospital ER Radios
- 752228 to 752814 - EMS Units
- 752824 to 752757 - EMS Portables
- 753775 to 754051 - EMS Station Alert Radios
- 754053 to 754278 - EMS Units
- 754280 to 754313 - EMS Hospital ER Radios
- 754318 to 754353 - EMS Back Up Dispatch
- 754360 to 754633 - EMS Portables
- 754639 to 754642 - EMS Hospital ER Radios
- 754713 to 755564 - EMS Zone 2 Radios
- 773633 to 773795 - EMS Dispatch Consoles
- 789691 to 789699 - EMS ORNGE Dispatch Consoles
Ministry of Health
EMS County Codes
- ?? Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance
- ?? Algoma District Paramedic Service
- BB Brant Brantford Paramedic Service
- BC Bruce County Paramedic Service
- BF Beausoleil First Nations EMS
- CK Chatham Kent EMS
- ?? Cochrane District EMS
- ?? Cornwall SD&G Paramedic Service
- ?? County of Renfrew Paramedic Service
- DC Dufferin County Paramedic Service
- DK ?
- ?? District of Sault Ste Marie Paramedic Service
- DR Region of Durham Paramedic Service
- EL Elgin-St Thomas EMS
- EW Essex Windsor EMS
- ?? Frontenac Paramedic Service
- GC Grey County Paramedic Service
- GW Guelph Wellington Paramedic Service
- HC Huron County Paramedic Service
- HD Haldimand County Paramedic Service
- ?? Haliburton County Paramedic Service
- HL Halton Region Paramedic Service
- HP Hamilton Paramedic Service
- ?? Hastings-Quint Paramedic Service
- KL Kwartha Lakes Paramedic Service
- LC Lambton EMS
- ?? Lanark County Paramedic Service
- ?? Leeds Grenville Paramedic Service
- ?? Lennox & Addington Ambulance Service
- ?? Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Service
- ML Middlesex London EMS
- ?? Muskoka Paramedic Service
- ?? Naotkamegwanning EMS
- NC Norfolk County Paramedic Service
- NI Niagara Region EMS
- ?? Nipissing Paramedic Service
- NO Northumberland Paramedics
- ?? Northwest EMS
- OC Oxford County Paramedic Service
- ON Oneida Paramedic Service
- ?? Ottawa Paramedic Service
- ?? Parry Sound District EMS
- PC Perth County Paramedic Service
- PD ?
- PE Peel Regional Paramedic Service
- PT Peterborough County-City Paramedics
- ?? Prescott-Russell Paramedic Service
- RF Rama Paramedic Service
- ?? Rainy River District EMS
- ?? Greater Sudbury Paramedic Service
- SC County of Simco Paramedic Service
- SX Six Nations Ambulance Service
- ?? Superior North EMS
- ?? Timiskaming EMS
- TP Toronto Paramedic Service
- WR Region of Waterloo Paramedic Service
- ?? Weeneebayko Area Health Authority Paramedic Service
- YR York Region Paramedic Service
EMS Hospital Codes
- CEE Petrolia Charlotte Elenor Engleheart Hospital
- CHEO Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
- JURV Hamilton Juravinski Hospital
- LHOS Oshawa General Lakeridge Health
- MET Windsor Metro Hospital
- ROC Windsor Oulette Hospital
- RVH Simcoe Royal Victoria Hospital
- SCS Niagara Health System - St.Catharines Site
- SDH Wallaceburg Sydenham District Hospital
- TOH The Ottawa Hostpial
- WING Wingham District Hospital
- WLMH West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
- AH-GEO-ASMH = Alliston Stevenson Memorial Hospital
- AH-LON-CHS = Children's Hospital London
- AH-HAM-HWMH = Haldimand War Memorial Hospital
A*H-GEO-MKSV = Markham-Stouffville Hospital
- the (number) is the TG associated with the RID
- 751997 "Stratford Hospital ", "AH-LON-STR"
- 752163 "Leamington Erie Shores Hospital", "AH-WIN-ESH"
- 752164 "Niagara Health System (St.Catharines)", "AH-NIA-SCS"
- 752165 "Hamilton General Hospital", "AH-HAM-HGH"
- 752166 "Four Counties Hospital (New Bury)", "AH-LON-FOUR"
- 752167 "Strathroy Hospital", "AH-LON-STY" (23098)
- 752168 "Brantford General Hospital", "AH-HAM-BGH"
- 752169 "Sarnia Blue Water Health", "AH-WAL-SAR"
- 752170 "Chatham Public General Health", "AH-WAL-PGH"
- 752171 "Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital", "AH-LON-TIL" (23100)
- 752172 "Seaforth Community Hospital", "AH-LON-SEA" (23098)
- 752173 "Stratford General Hospital', "AH-LON-STR" (23104)
- 752175 "Norfolk General Hospital", "AH-HAM-NGH"
- 752178 "Woodstock Hospital", "AH-LON-WDK" (23101)
- 752179 "Trillium Health Mississagga", "AH-MIS-TRILL"
- 752180 "Bowmanville General Hospital", "AH-OSH-LHBO"
- 752181 "Sydenham District Hospital (Wallaceburg)", "AH-WAL-SDH"
- 752183 "Credit Valley Hospital", "AH-MIS-CVH"
- 752184 "Greater Niagara General Hospital", "AH-NIA-GNG"
- 752185 "Niagara Health Systems (Welland)", "AH-NIA-WHS"
- 752186 "Victoria Hosptial (Child)(London)", "AH-LON-CHS" (23096)
- 752187 "Cambridge Memorial Hospital", "AH-CAM-CMH"
- 752188 "Groves Memorial Community Hospital", "AH-CAM-GROV"
- 752189 "Guelph General Hospital", "AH-CAM-GGH"
- 752190 "Grand River Hospital (Waterloo), "AH-CAM-GRH"
- 752191 "St Marys Kitchener", "AH-CAM-SMH"
- 752195 "McMaster Hamiton", "AH-HAM-MUMC"
- 752199 "Georgian Bay General Hospital", "AH-GEO-GBG"
- 752200 "South Lake Hospital (York)", "AH-GEO-SLAKE"
- 752201 "Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital", "AH-GEO-OSMH"
- 752214 "Listowel Memorial Hospital", "AH-LON-LIS"
- 752215 "Victoria Hospital (Adults)(London)", "AH-LON-VIC" (23094)
- 752216 "London University Hospital", "AH-LON-UHL" (23097)
- 752217 "Meaford Hospital", "AH-LON-MEA"
- 752218 "Brightshores Health Syatem (Owen Sound) Hospital", "AH-LON-OWEN"
- 752219 "Southhampton Hospital (Brights Shores) ", "AH-LON-SHAMP"
- 752220 "St Marys Hospital", "AH-LON-SMM" (23103)
752221 "St Thomas Elgin General Hospital", "AH-LON-STT" (23082) 752222 "South Bruche Health Center (Walkerton)", "AH-LON-WALK" 752223 "Wiarton Hospital", "AH-LON-WIA" 752224 "Wingham District Hospital", "AH-LON-WING" 752225 "Brampton Civic Hospital", "AH-MIS-BCH" 752226 "Joeseph Brant(Burlington)", "AH-MIS-JBMH" 752227 "Etobicoke General Hospital", "AH-TOR-EGH"
754280 "Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital", "AH-GEO-CORT" (23021)
754282 "Georgetown Hospital", "AH-MIS-GEH"
754285 "Lakeridge Helth Port Perry", "AH-OSH-LHPP"
754286 "Ajax/Pickering Hospital", "AH-OSH-LHAP"
754287 "St Joes Hamilton", "AH-HAM-STJH"
754291 ""
754292 "Oakville Trafalgar Memoral Hospital", "AH-MIS-OTMH"
754309 "South Huron Medical Center (Exeter)", "AH-LON-EXE"
754311 "Clinton Public Hospital", "AH-LON-CLIN"
754312 "Alexandra Marine & General Hospital (Goderich)", "AH-LON-GOD"
754313 "Mackenzie Richmond Hill", "AH-GEO-MRH" (23020)
754639 "Headwaters Health Care Centre(Orangeville)", "AH-CAM-HHCC" 754640 "Louise Marshall Hospital (Mount Forest)", "AH-CAM-LMHMF" 754641 "Palmerston & District Hospital", "AH-CAM-PAL" 754642 "Alexandra Hospital (Ingersol)", "AH-LON-ING" (23099)
EMS Dispatch Centre Codes (CACC)
- Radio ID Range 750### - 751### - 752228 - 756###
- Hospital Radio ID Range 75200-752227
- Dispatcher Radio ID Range 773###
Dispatch Alias Example AH-NIA-OP101 AH=Ambulance Hospital NIA=Name of dispatch centre OP###=Dispatch console
- CAM Cambridge CACC
- GEO Georgian CACC
- HAM Hamilton CACC
- KEN Kenora CACC
- KIN Kingston CACC
- LIN Lindsay CACC
- LON London CACC
- MIS Mississauga CACC
- MUS Muskoka CACC
- NIA Niagara CACC
- NOR North Bay CACC
- ORN Ornge CACC
- OSH Oshawa CACC
- OTT Ottawa CACC
- REN Renfrew CACC
- SAU Sault Ste Marie CACC
- SUD Sudbury CACC
- THU Thunder Bay CACC
- TIM Timmins CACC
- TOR Toronto CACC
- WAL Wallaceburg CACC
- WIN Windsor CACC
MOH Vehicle Unit Numbers/Call Signs
4 Digits
See these forum threads for more information:
Each ambulance, ERV, or support unit has a dedicated MOH unit number or callsign, and is the number used by CACC when communicating with ambulance crews. MOH unit numbers aren't permanently assigned to a specific vehicle, and can be moved from vehicle to vehicle if desired (for example, if an ambulance has reached end-of-life, the same MOH unit number can be used on its replacement).
2xxx - First digit is Region.
- 1 is the Essex - Brant area
- 2 is Waterloo, Wellington, Hamilton, and Niagara area
- 3 is Halton, Peel, and York area
- 4 is Ottawa, Renfrew, Prescott, Lanark, Leeds & Grenville, Kingston.
- 7 is Ornge Ambulance
x1xx - Second digit designates the vehicle type.
- 0, 1 and 2 are usually transport ambulances (can carry a stretcher).
- 3 usually refers to Supervisors or First Response Units (i.e., no patient transport capability)
- 4, 5 and 9 are also used for transport ambulances in some regions such as Peel and Renfrew[1]
3 Digits
3 digit call signs that begin with 7 usually refer to Ornge Air Ambulances. For example: 792, 799.
Ontario Provincial Police
OPP Dispatch Centre Codes (PCC)
- Radio ID Range 700### - 706###
- Dispatcher Radio ID Range 730###
- OPP vehicles don't send talker alias, but a couple do and only show OPP-Radio ID #, although a couple have been seen with a hard id number that matches the number on the side of the vehicle
- Some special service radios examples.
- CTSB QSM=Communication Technology Service Bureau QMQuartermaster
- JFO=Joint Forces Operations
Dispatch Alias Example PP-LON-OP101 PP=Provincial Police LON=Name of dispatch centre OP###=Dispatch console
- LON London PCC West Region
- GHQ Orillia General Headquarters
- ORI Orillia PCC Central Region
- ??? Thunder Bay PCC North West Region
- ??? North Bay PCC North East Region
Special Services
- Aviation
- K9
- Child Exploitation Bureau
- Communications
- Crisis Negotiations
- CISO Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario
- Drug Enforcement Bureau
- Emergency Response Team
- Illegal Gambling Bureau
- Intelligence Bureau
- Marine/ATV Unit
- Organized Crime Bureau
- Protective Services
- Search and Rescue
- Surveillance Bureau
- Tactics and Rescue Unit
- Technical Service Bureau
- Underwater Search and Rescue Unit
- Urban Search and Rescue
Ministry of National Resource
MNR Dispatch Centre Codes
- Radio ID Range 402###
- Dispatcher Radio ID Range 412###
- Radio ID Alias is the number shown on the side of the MNR vehicle Example R1402. RP1109-C741 R=Resource P=Portable 1109=Vehicle Number C=Constable 741=Badge Number of that specific officer
- AEM = Area Enforcement Manager. Will show as Owen Sound AEM/Aurora AEM and so on
Dispatch Alias Example RO-SSM-OP101 R=Resource O=Officer SSM=Name of dispatch centre OP###=Dispatch console
- SSM Sault Ste. Marie
Ministry of Transportation
MTO Enforcement
Radio ID Range 214###
Same dispatchers as the local OPP use
- Radio ID Alias is the number shown on the side of the MTO vehicle. Some also show the name of the Truck Inspection Station. Example ESSTIS = Essex Truck Inspection Station
- CEPO### = Carrier Enforcement Program Office
MTO Road Crew Dispatch Centre Codes (AMC)
- Radio ID Range 200### - 201### and 215###
- Dispatchers Radio ID Range 213###
Area Maintenance Contracts
- Radio ID Alias generally MTO-M-Radio ID Number (M for Mobile)
- Dispatchers Alias generally TH-AWR-OP### / TH-LON-OP###
- ARW Arrow Road Dispatch Centre - North York
- LON London Dispatch
Ministry of Environment
- Radio ID Range 502###
Alias shows as MOEM## MOE=Ministry of Environment M=Mobile/P=Portable
Ministry of Finance
- Radio ID Range 600###
Alias of MOF-M-Radio ID # MOF=Ministry Of Finance M=Mobile/P=Portable
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Radio ID Range 601###
Alias shows as OMAFRA-M-Radio ID # OMAFRA=Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs M=Mobile/P=Portable
Ministry of Corrections
Corrections Area Codes
- Radio ID Range 300### - 301###
Generally the alias is the same unit id on the side of the corrections vans
- Alias shows as C##Letter C03A C=Corrections ##=Facility Letter=Vehicle Identifier
Dispatched by London OPP
- C01 ?
- C02 Sarnia Jail
- C03 Windsor Detention
- C04 ?
- C05 ?
- C06 ?
- C07 ?
- C08 ?
- C09 ?
- C10 ?
- C11 ?
- C12 ?
- C13 ?
- C14 ?
- C15 ?
- C21 London EMDC
Provincial Parks
- Radio ID Range 501###
Alias shows as PRK-M-Radio ID # PRK=Park M=Mobile/P=Portable
Ontario Fire Marshall
- Radio ID Range 602###
Alias shows as OFM-M-Radio ID # OFM=Ontario Fire Marshall M=Mobile/P=Portable
Bell Mobility Radio Techs
Radio ID Range 100###
Encryption Key ID
- 001E - BMR
- 0022 - Patches System Wide
- 0025 - OPP Special Services
- 0301 - OPP Regular OPS Groups
- 0306 - OPP Special Services
- 030B - OPP Special Services
- 0501 - MTO Enforcement
- 0983 - MNR
- 0B01 - MAFRA
- 0E01 - EMS/Hospitals
- 1241 - Corrections