Lane County (OR)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Lane County Fire Agencies
Metro (ESF) Fire Department Channel List
- Firecom 1 - Metro Dispatch
- Firecom 2 - Fireground Simplex
- Firecom 3 - Fireground Simplex
- Metro 4 - Metro Coburg Rptr
- Lane 5 - Countywide Command Channel - Coburg Rptr
- Metro 6 - Metro Quarry Rptr
- Metro 7 - Metro Skinner Rptr
- Metro 8 - Metro Tactical Simplex
- VMED29 - Medical Air Ops
- St. Fire - State FireNet
- Lane 15 - Countywide Command Channel Simplex
- Lane RIT - RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) Operations Channel Simplex
EAST SIDE (of Interstate 5) Surrounding / Rural Fire Department Channel List
- FireEast - Rural Dispatch
- East 2 - East Side Command Channel - Hagen Rptr
- East 3 - East Side Command Channel - Lookout Rptr
- Lane 4 - Countywide Command Channel - Bear Mtn. Rptr
- Lane 5 - Countywide Command Channel - Coburg Rptr
- East 6 - East Side Command Channel - Hansen Butte Rptr
- Vida RP - East Side Command Channel BACKUP - Vida Rptr
- East 8 - East Side Command Channel - Mt. Nebo Rptr
- VMED29 - Medical Air Ops
- St. Fire - State FireNet
- Lane 15 - Countywide Command Channel Simplex
- Lane RIT - RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) Operations Channel Simplex
WEST SIDE (of Interstate 5) Surrounding / Rural Fire Department Channel List
- FireWest - Rural Dispatch
- West 2 - West Side Command Channel - Walker Rptr
- West 2 - West Side Command Channel - Prarie Peak Rptr
- Lane 4 - Countywide Command Channel - Bear Mtn. Rptr
- Lane 5 - Countywide Command Channel - Coburg Rptr
- West 6 - Junction City Fire DISPATCH
- JC Fire DIR- JC Fire Command Channel Simplex
- VMED29 - Medical Air Ops
- McBeth St - McBeth Station Rptr
- St. Fire - State FireNet
- Lane 15 - Countywide Command Channel Simplex
- Lane RIT - RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) Operations Channel Simplex
Lane Co. (OR) Fire/E.M.S. Sta. Locations
- Coburg Rural F.P.D. - 91232 N. Coburg Rd. @ Coburg Rd.,Coburg
- Dexter Rural F.P.D. -
- Sta. #21 - 82781 Barbre Rd. between Dexter Rd. & Rogers Ln.,Dexter
- Eugene Springfield Fire & E.M.S. -
- Downtown Sta. #1 - 1320 Willamette St. @ W. 13th Ave.,Eugene (Bays face W. 13th Ave.)
- Whiteaker Sta. #2 - 1725 W. 2nd Ave. between Chambers St. & Garfield St.,Eugene
- 28th St. Sta. #3 - 1225 28th St. between Centennial Blvd. & Olympic St.,Springfield (WQDA493)
- 5th St. Sta. #4 - 1475 5th St. between Moffitt Ln. & M St.,Springfield
- Gateway Sta. #5 - 2705 Pheasant Blvd. between Harlow Rd. & Oakdale Ave.,Springfield
- Sheldon Sta. #6 - 2435 Willakenzie Rd. between Coburg Rd. & Sheldon Village Loop,Eugene (WQNL978)
- Bethel Sta. #7 - 4664 Barger Dr. between Golden Gardens St. & N. Danebo Ave.,Eugene
- Danebo Sta. #8 - 500 Berntzen Rd. between Elmira Rd. & Bell Ave.,Eugene
- Valley River Sta. #9 - 697 Goodpasture Island Rd. @ Kingsley Rd.,Eugene
- Bailey Hill Sta. #10 - 2002 Bailey Hill Rd. across from Westleigh St.,Eugene
- Santa Clara Sta. #11 - 111-119 Santa Clara Ave. between River Rd. & Jasmine St.,Eugene
- Eugene Airport Sta. #12 -
- Current Sta. - 90711 Northrop Dr. between Lockheed Dr. & Dead End,Eugene (Current Sta. #12 sits at the following coordinates: 44.123854/-123.209233)
- Former Sta. - 28827 Douglas Dr. between Airport Rd. & Northrop Dr.,Eugene (Former Sta. #12 sits at the following coordinates: 44.11802/-123.21332)
- University Sta. #13 - 1695 Agate St. @ E. 17th Ave.,Eugene
- 48th St. Sta. #14 - 4765 Main St. (aka State Route 126) between 47th St. & S. 48th St.,Springfield
- South Hills Sta. #15 - 80 E. 33rd Ave. @ Donald Alley,Eugene
- Thurston Sta. #16 - 6853 Main St. (aka State Route 126) @ S. 68th Pl.,Springfield
- Fire Training - 1705 W. 2nd Ave. between Chambers St. & Garfield St.,Eugene
- Fire Logistics - 1715 W. 2nd St. between Chambers St. & Garfield St.,Eugene
- Junction City Rural F.P.D. -
- Sta. #1 (HQ) - 1755 Juniper St. @ W. 18th Ave.,Junction City (WQHI936)
- Sta. #2 - 93145 Applegate Trl. between State Route 36 & Morganlee Ln.,Junction City
- Lane Creek Fire & Rescue -
- Blachly Sta. #1 (HQ) - 20451 State Route 36 between Pope Rd. & Sam Brown Rd.,Blachly
- Triangle Lake Sta. #2 - 19259 State Route 36 between Little Lake Rd. & Fish Creek Rd.,Blachly (Triangle Lake Sta. #2 sits at the following coordinates: 44.164976/-123.573669)
- Horton Sta. #3 - 21573 High Pass Rd. between Horton Rd.,Blachly (Horton Sta. #3 sits at the following coordinates: 44.21441/-123.49519)
- Lane Fire Authority -
- Veneta Sta. #101 (HQ) - 88050 Territorial Rd. between W. Hunter Ave. & Meadowdale Ln.,Veneta
- Central Road Sta. #102 - 87636 Central Rd. @ Perkins Rd.,Eugene
- Butler Road Sta. #103 - 23704 Butler Rd. between W. Sheffler Rd. & Lake Hills Dr.,Elmira
- Noti Sta. #104 - 22575 Fir St. between Noti Loop & Dead End,Noti
- Elmira Sta. #105 - 88794 Fountain Rd. between Warthen Rd. & Horn Rd.,Elmira
- Walton Sta. #106 - 18796 Transformer Rd. @ Nelson Mountain Rd.,Walton
- Fox Hollow Sta. #107 - 84501 McBeth Rd. @ Fox Hollow Rd.,Eugene
- Lorane Hwy. Sta. #108 - 84111 Lorane Hwy. between Fox Hollow Rd. & Territorial Hwy.,Eugene
- Spencer Creek Sta. #109 - 27980 Spencer Creek Rd. between Pine Grove Rd. & Vilhauer Rd.,Eugene
- Wolf Creek Sta. #110 - 24215 Wolf Creek Rd. between Marsh Rd. & Panther Creek Rd.,Veneta (Sta. #110 sits at the following coordinates: 43.949694/-123.380155 & is NOW CLOSED)
- Crow Sta. #111 - 86074 Central Rd. between Territorial Hwy. & Sells View Ln.,Eugene
- Alvadore Sta. #112 - 90825 Alvadore Rd. between Railroad St. & 8th St.,Junction City (Formerly Lane Rural Fire/Rescue Sta. #52)
- Franklin Sta. #113 - 91970 Territorial Hwy. across from Franklin Rd.,Junction City (Formerly Lane Rural Fire/Rescue Sta. #53)
- Alderwood Sta. #114 - 22900 State Route 36 between Shell Station Rd. & Vik Rd.,Cheshire (Formerly Lane Rural Fire/Rescue Sta. #54)
- Irving Sta. #115 - 29999 Hallett St. between Prairie Rd. & Dead End,Eugene (KUV675) (Sta. #115 sits at the Dead End & was formerly Lane Rural Fire/Rescue Sta. #51)
- Santa Clara North Sta. #116 - 3939 River Rd. between Oroyan Ave. & Van Fossen Ct.,Eugene (Sta. #116 was formerly Santa Clara Rural F.P.D. Sta. #62)
- Santa Clara South Sta. #117 - 2600 River Rd. between McDonald Ln. & Green Ln.,Eugene (KIG887) (Sta. #117 was formerly Santa Clara Rural F.P.D. Sta. #61)
- Lorane Rural F.P.D. -
- Sta. #25 - 80287 Old Lorane Rd. @ Cottage Grove-Lorane Rd.,Eugene
- Lowell Rural F.P.D. -
- Sta. #23-1 - 389 N. Pioneer St. @ E. 4th St. & across from D St.,Lowell (Sta. #23 faces E. 4th St.)
- Sta. #23-2 - 39035 Jasper-Lowell Rd. between Little Fall Creek Rd. & Zion Way,Fall Creek (Sta. #23-2 sits at the following coordinates: 43.96068/-122.81680)
- Mapleton Fire Dist. - 10940-10942 State Route 36 between State Route 126 & Riverview Ave.,Mapleton (WNDG312)
- McKenzie Fire & Rescue Fire Dist. -
- Walterville Sta. #16-1 - 38925 McKenzie Hwy. (aka State Route 126),Springfield (WQDH758) (Sta. #16-1 technically sits off of Millican Rd.)
- Camp Creek Sta. #16-2 - 37814-37818 Camp Creek Rd. between Periwinkle Rd. & Stephens Rd.,Springfield
- Leaburg Sta. #16-3 (HQ) - 42870 McKenzie Hwy. (aka State Route 126) between (Upper) Johnson Creek Rd. & Leaburg Dr.,Leaburg (WQDH758)
- Vida Sta. #16-4 - 45625 N. Gate Creek Rd. @ McKenzie Hwy. (aka State Route 126),Vida
- Nimrod Sta. #16-5 - 49243 McKenzie Hwy. (aka State Route 126) (location of Holeman Guard Station - ODF) between Eagle Rock Dr. & Mt. Hagen Rd.,Vida
- Mohawk Valley Rural Fire Dist. -
- Sta. #1 (HQ) - 92068 Marcola Rd. between Spicer Ln. & Railroad Ln.,Springfield (WPWT356)
- Sta. #2 - 94040 Marcola Rd. @ Old Marcola Rd.,Marcola (Sta. #2 technically sits on Old Marcola Rd. just north of Marcola Rd.)
- Sta. #3 - 37467 Parsons Creek Rd. between Pioch Ln. & Marcola Rd.,Springfield
- Sta. #4 - 90605 Nadeau Rd. across from Nadeau Acres Rd.,Springfield
- Sta. #5 - 35453 Black Canyon Rd. between Hill Rd. & Dead End,Springfield
- Monroe Rural F.P.D. -
- Sta. #1 (HQ) - 680 Commercial St. @ S. 7th St.,Monroe (Benton Co.)
- Sta. #2 - 25483 Bellfountain Rd. @ Alpine Rd.,Monroe (Benton Co.)
- Sta. #3 - 26764 Bellfountain Rd. between Dawson Rd. & Bruce Rd.,Monroe (Benton Co.)
- Oakridge Fire & E.M.S. (KJF360) -
- Oakridge Sta. - 47592 State Route 58 between Spot St. & Union St.,Oakridge
- Westfir Sta. - 47441 Westoak Rd. between 2nd St. & Union Pacific Railroad Brooklyn Subdivision Tracks,Westfir
- Oregon Dept. of Forestry -
- Florence Dist. - 2660 Kingwood St. @ 27th St.,Florence
- Eastern Lane Dist. - 3150 Main St. (aka State Route 126) @ 32nd St.,Springfield
- Western Lane Dist. (HQ) - 87950 Territorial Hwy. @ Bolton Hill Rd.,Veneta
- Pleasant Hill-Goshen Fire & Rescue -
- Sta. #501 (HQ) - 85880 1st St. between A St. & B St.,Eugene
- Sta. #502 - 36024-36026 State Route 58 between Flathead Ave. & Edenvale Rd.,Pleasant Hill
- Sta. #503 - 36751-36755 Jasper-Lowell Rd. between Parkway Rd. (aka State Route 222) & Hills Creek Rd.,Jasper
- Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue -
- Central Sta. #1 (HQ) - 2625 US-101 @ 26th St.,Florence (WQEG385) (Bays face 26th St.)
- Old Town Sta. #2 - 243 Laurel St. @ 1st St.,Florence
- North Fork Sta. #3 - 9181 N. Fork Siuslaw Rd. (aka County Route 5070) @ Dick Way,Florence (Sta. #3 sits at the following coordinates: 44.07026/-123.95742)
- Sutton Sta. #4 - 88973 Sutton Lake Rd. between Twin Lakes Ct. & Otter Way,Florence
- Canary Sta. #5 - 6955 Canary Rd. between Maple Creek Rd. & Grant Creek Rd.,Westlake
- Ada Sta. #6 - Fiddle Creek Rd. (aka County Route 5336) just east of S. Canary Rd. (aka County Route 5330),Westlake (Sta. #6 sits at the following coordinates: 43.874923/-124.045167)
- Oak St. Sta. #7 - 3251 Oak St. between 32nd St. & 34th St.,Florence
- Clear Lake Sta. #8 - 83345 Clear Lake Rd. (aka County Route 5340) between Doonbrae Ln. & Hilltop Dr.,Florence (WQEG385)
- South Lane Co. Fire & Rescue -
- Cottage Grove Sta. #201 (HQ) - 233 E. Harrison Ave. @ S. 2nd St.,Cottage Grove (KCP336)
- Saginaw Sta. #202 - 80020 N. Delight Valley School Rd. between E. Saginaw Rd. & Bachmann Ln.,Cottage Grove
- Creswell Sta. #203 - 55 S. 1st St. between W. Oregon Ave. & C St.,Creswell (WNCB938)
- Camas Swale Sta. #204 - 30450 Camas Swale Rd. between Weiss Rd. & Crisp Ln.,Creswell
- Swisshome-Deadwood Rural F.P.D. (KTX528) -
- Sta. #1 - 13275-13283 State Route 36 @ Alder St.,Swisshome
- Sta. #2 - 15089 State Route 36 just east of Lake Creek Mountain Rd.,Deadwood (Sta. #2 sits at the following coordinates: 44.09663/-123.73378)
- Sta. #3 - 91792 Deadwood Creek Rd. between Deadwood Loop & W. Fork Rd.,Deadwood (Sta. #3 sits at the following coordinates: 44.14008/-123.72937)
- Upper McKenzie Rural F.P.D. -
- Sta. #1 - 56578 McKenzie Hwy. (aka State Route 126) just east of Horse Creek Rd.,McKenzie Bridge (Sta. sits at the following coordinates: 44.17333/-122.15571)
- Sta. #2 - 51730 Echo St. between Blue River Dr. & McCauley St., Blue River
- Western Lane Ambulance Dist. (W.L.A.D.) - 410 9th St. between Rhododendron Dr. (aka County Route 5286) & Elm St.,Florence (KBA637) (Sta. sits at the following coordinates: 43.97376/-124.11686)
- Zumwalt Rural F.P.D. - 88635 Fir View St. between Oakview Ave. & Dead End,Eugene (Sta. sits at the following coordinates: 44.06548/-123.23369)