
Lenawee County (MI) Law Enforcement

From The RadioReference Wiki

Return to Lenawee County (MI)

11-xx Madison Township Police
12-xx Adrian Township Police
15-xx Raisin Township Police
14-xx MSP Adrian
34-xx Cambridge Towship Police
39-xx Clinton Police
46-xx Blissfield Police
47-xx Hudson Police
200 Series Tecumseh Police
300 Adrian Police
400 Morenci Police

Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content==Law Enforcement Agencies==

From the Database
2xx: Tecumseh
3xx: Adrian
4xx: Morenci
6xx: Sheriff's Dept.
11-xx: Madison Township
12-xx: Adrian Township
14-xx: Michigan State Police
15-xx: Raisin Township
22-xx: Woodstock Township (Woodstock Twp. Police disbanded; now patrolled by sheriff) 
34-xx: Cambridge Township
39-xx: Clinton
46-xx: Blissfield
47-xx: Hudson

10/Signal Codes

10-3	Call the station
10-4	Message received
10-6	Stand-by
10-7	Out-of-service
10-8	In service
10-9	Your subject has a Bench; Misdemeanor; Traffic warrant
10-10	Your subject has a Felony Warrant
10-11	Your subject has a Officer Safety Caution
10-12	Wrecker request
10-13	Roads and Weather conditions
10-14	Medical Examiner request
10-15	Prisoner
10-19	Return to the station
10-20	Location
10-24	Emergency at the Jail and/or Jail break
10-29	Warrant and File check
10-36	Time check
10-38	Traffic stop
10-44	Leaving the area or designated patrol area
10-48	Registration check
10-63	Prepare to copy
10-91	Request permission to talk with other units and/or stations
10-92	Subject can monitor our radio traffic
10-93	Unauthorized/Illegal radio traffic
10-97 	Arrived on the scene
10-98	Assignment complete
10-99	Bank detail

Offense Codes:


1.	Homicide
2. 	Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC)
3.	Robbery Armed
4.	Assault
5.	Home Invasion
6.	Larceny
7.	U.D.A.A. (Stolen vehicle)
8.	Uttering and Publishing
9.	Fraud/Embezzlement
10.	Stolen property
11.	Carrying a Concealed Weapon (CCW)
12.	Careless use of firearms
13.	Kidnapping
14.	Domestic Assault
15.	Sex crimes
16.	Narcotics complaint
17.	Minor in possession of alcohol or drugs
18.	Drunk and Disorderly
19.	Fight
20.	Disorderly subject
21.	Aircraft crash
22.	Juvenile complaint
23.	Juvenile Runaway
24.	Violation of state conservation laws
25.	Labor unrest or Riot
26.	Trespassing
27.	Animal bite
28.	Telephone complaint
29.	Watercraft complaint
30.	Drowning
31.	Suspicious vehicle
32.	Suspicious person
33.	Prowler
34.	Illegal dumping complaint
35.	Reckless driver
36.	Traffic assist
37.	Traffic Accident: no injuries
38.	Personal Injury Accident (PI)
39.	O.U.I.L. / O.U.I.D.
40.	M.D.O.P.
41.	Fire
42.	Bomb threat
43.	Civil dispute
44.	Missing person
45.	Suicide
46.	Mental subject
47.	Medical Emergency
48.	Animal/Livestock complaint
49.	Blood or Vital Organ relay
50.	Vehicle inspection
51.	Stalking complaint
52.	Homeland Security detail
53.	Homeland Security Alert
54.	Terrorism Incident