
Litchfield County (CT) Fire Tone Outs

From The RadioReference Wiki

Litchfield County Map.png

County Wide

TOWN Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
LCD LCD Countywide Tone 1472.9 long tone
LCD 155.1075
LCD Countywide Tone 2 1000.0 long tone
LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Barkhamsted East Fire 1472.9 313.0 LCD 155.1075
Barkhamsted Townwide Fire 1433.4 399.8 LCD 155.1075
Barkhamsted Townwide Siren 445.7 1122.5 LCD 155.1075
Barkhamsted Fire Police 524.6 979.9 LCD 155.1075
Riverton Fire 1472.9 855.5 LCD 155.1075
Riverton Rope Rescue 1472.9 1185.2 LCD 155.1075
Pleasant Valley Fire 1472.9 788.5 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Bethlehem Fire 2575.0 1285.8 Tone test daily 11:50 and 18:30 Northwest Public Safety 33.88
Bethlehem Siren DTMF 1576 Activated for all calls 06:00-18:00 Northwest Public Safety 33.88


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Bridgewater Fire & Ambulance 1472.9 321.7 LCD 155.1075
Bridgewater Siren 553.9 1006.9 LCD 155.1075

Falls Village (Canaan)

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Falls Village Fire & Ambulance 1472.9 389.0 LCD 155.1075
Falls Village Siren 1989.0 1395.0 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Colebrook Fire 445.7 810.2 LCD 155.1075
Colebrook Siren 457.9 1092.4 LCD 155.1075
Colebrook First Responders 445.7 1598.0 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Goshen Fire & Ambulance 1472.9 399.8 LCD 155.1075
Goshen Siren 928.1 707.3 LCD 155.1075
Goshen Dive Team 767.4 1321.2 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
East Hartland Fire 634.5 1153.4 LCD 155.1075
East Hartland Siren 368.5 1472.9 LCD 155.1075
East Hartland First Responders 617.4 1122.5 LCD 155.1075
West Hartland Fire 457.9 1034.7 LCD 155.1075
West Hartland Siren 1642.0 1472.9 LCD 155.1075
West Hartland First Responders 457.9 1642.0 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Harwinton Ambulance 788.5 410.8 LCD 155.1075
Harwinton Ambulance First Responders 788.5 1285.8 Used for second calls in town LCD 155.1075
Harwinton Fire 1472.9 433.7 LCD 155.1075
Harwinton Westside 1st responders 855.5 433.7 LCD 155.1075
Harwinton Siren 399.8 422.1 LCD 155.1075
Harwinton Center Special Alert 1472.9 422.1 LCD 155.1075
Harwinton West Side Special Alert 855.5 1433.4 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Kent Fire & Ambulance 1472.9 445.7 LCD 155.1075
Kent Siren 2468.2 767.4 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Litchfield Ambulance 928.1 1642.0 LCD 155.1075
Litchfield Fire 1472.9 483.5 LCD 155.1075
Litchfield Siren 399.8 321.7 LCD 155.1075
Bantam Fire & Ambulance 1472.9 304.7 LCD 155.1075
Bantam Siren 2271.7 953.7 LCD 155.1075
East Litchfield Fire 651.9 1185.2 LCD 155.1075
East Litchfield Siren 399.8 339.6 LCD 155.1075
Northfield Fire 1472.9 1092.4 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Morris Fire 1472.9 524.6 LCD 155.1075
Morris Siren 617.4 746.8 LCD 155.1075

New Hartford

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
New Hartford Ambulance 1092.4 569.1 LCD 155.1075
New Hartford Ambulance 2nd call 1472.9 569.1 LCD 155.1075
New Hartford Fire 1472.9 584.8 LCD 155.1075
New Hartford Siren 1472.9 1122.5 No longer used LCD 155.1075
New Hartford Townwide Fire 1122.5 330.5 LCD 155.1075
Nepaug Fire 1472.9 553.9 LCD 155.1075
Nepaug Siren 349.0 1092.4 LCD 155.1075
Pine Meadow Fire 1472.9 810.2 No longer dispatched to calls LCD 155.1075

New Milford

New Milford does a radio and tone test every night at 1830 for New Milford Fire, Northville Fire and Gaylordsville fire, and New Milford Ambulance First Responder tones. The New Milford Fire Group tone is tested every Monday at 1830 hours.

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
New Milford Ambulance 766.5 1179.9 New Milford has 1 paid ALS truck 24/7, 1 paid BLS crew 7a-7p and 1 paid medic in a fly car 7a-7p. From 7p-7a there are 2 paid ALS ambulances. NMPD 159.3525
New Milford Ambulance First Responders 1179.9 long tone Used for 3rd calls or first responders NMPD 159.3525
New Milford Fire 1344.8 788.5 NMPD 154.3475
New Milford Fire All Call 1733.7 long Tone Used for New Milford, Gaylordville, and Northville FD NMPD 154.34750
Northville Fire 789.8 581.9 NMPD 154.3475
Gaylordsville Fire 2807.0 1082.0 NMPD 154.3475


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Norfolk Ambulance 2043.8 1217.8 LCD 155.1075
Norfolk Fire 1472.9 617.4 LCD 155.1075
Norfolk Siren 1472.9 1063.2 LCD 155.1075

North Canaan

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
North Canaan Ambulance 1472.9 634.5 LCD 155.1075
North Canaan Medic 1217.8 634.5 AKA Northwest Medic 2 LCD 155.1075
North Canaan Fire 1472.9 651.9 LCD 155.1075
North Canaan Siren 879.0 1989.0 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Roxbury Ambulance 799.0 726.8 NORTHWEST PUBLIC AND SAFETY 153.980
Roxbury Fire 799.0 1185.2 NORTHWEST PUBLIC AND SAFETY 153.980


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Salisbury Ambulance 1472.9 928.1 LCD 155.1075
Lakeville Fire 1472.9 457.9 LCD 155.1075
Lakeville Siren 903.2 1598.0 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Sherman Fire & Ambulance 1472.9 330.5 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Sharon Ambulance 2401.0 953.7 LCD 155.1075
Sharon Fire 1472.9 979.9 LCD 155.1075
Sharon Siren 304.7 979.9 LCD 155.1075

Plymouth (Incudes Terryville)

All Fire calls are dispatched using the ALL CALL tone

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Plymouth Ambulance 953.7 651.9 LCD on Plymouth frequency 453.5625
Terryville Fire All Call 1901.0 Long Tone Only tone used LCD on Terryville Fire Frequency 453.7375
Terryville-fall mountain 1669.0 1901.0 LCD on Terryville Fire Frequency 453.7375
Terryville-Plymouth 1800.0 1901.0 LCD on Terryville Fire Frequency 453.7375
Terryville-Terryville 2401.0 1901.0 LCD on Terryville Fire Frequency 453.7375


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Thomaston Fire 618.1 902.4 Thomaston Dispatch 45.640
Thomaston Ambulance 617.4 767.4 Thomaston Dispatch 45.640
Thomaston FD & EMS group 617.4 1122.5 Thomaston Dispatch 45.640


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Torrington Fire 707.3 1285.8 BY LCD ON TORRINGTON FREQUENCY 154.145
Burrville Fire 1989.0 879.0 Fire Dept No Longer Exists LCD 155.1075
Torringford Fire 1989.0 1285.8 LCD 155.1075
Torrington Fire Police 1472.9 1217.8 LCD 154.145
Torrington Volunteers Townwide 1472.9 1598.0 Not Used LCD 155.1075
Drakeville Fire 1989.0 1687.2 LCD 155.1075
Trinity Ambulance Torrington 1357.6 496.8 DMR TIER 3 TRINITY DISPATCH


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Warren Fire & Ambulance 483.5 1185.2 LCD 155.1075
Warren Siren 1472.9 2271.7 LCD 155.1075


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Washington Fire & Ambulance 1153.4 1122.5 Dispatches are simulcasted on both LCD D1 and Washington Frequency, All communications are then completed on Washington’s Frequency LCD & WASHINGTON FREQENCY LCD D1 155.1075 & Wash Disp 158.775

Winchester (Winsted)

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Winsted EMS 788.5 832.5 BY LCD ON WINCHESTER FREQUENCY 151.1975
Winsted EMS First Responders 928.1 832.5 BY LCD ON WINCHESTER FREQUENCY 151.1975
Winsted Fire 746.8 688.3 BY LCD ON WINCHESTER FREQUENCY 158.8575
Winchester Fire 688.3 767.4 BY LCD ON WINCHESTER FREQUENCY 158.8575


Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Woodbury Ambulance 349.0 1265.0 NORTHWEST PUBLIC SAFETY
Woodbury Fire 2465.0 1232.0 NORTHWEST PUBLIC SAFETY

Intercept Medics

Northwest Medic 2 is North Canaan Medic and Trinity Medic 2 dispatched by Trinity.
Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Northwest Medic 1 1473 1286 Primary Medic for Litchfield, Bantam, Harwinton, Morris, Northfeild, and Goshen, Medic 1 is also the back up for Northwest Medic 3 LCD 155.1075
Northwest Medic 3 1513.5 979 Primary Medic for Barkhamsted, Colebrook, New Hartford, Norfolk, West Hartland, and Winchester LCD 155.1075
Nuvance Medic 4 1529.8 688.0 Primary Medic for Washington, Sherman, Warren, Kent, Roxbury, and Bridgewater LCD 155.1075
Northwest Medic 6 1006.9 510.5 Serves as a backup medic for Medic 1 and 3. Typically only on Monday thru Friday 6a-6p. LCD 155.1075
Northern Dutchess Paramedics 1472.9 688.3 Primary medic for Canaan (falls Village) Cornwall, Salisbury, Sharon. Backup for Warren, Kent, and North Canaan. LCD 155.1075

Specialty Tones

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
Northwest Rope Rescue 1472.9 349.0 LCD 155.1075

Noon Sirens

NOTE: As a courtesy, noon activations are not done during live active calls, however, on quiet days, they are kindly done by the county dispatcher. They are dropped only and exactly between the 12:00:00 and 12:00:59 window.

LCD does a weekly radio and tone test for every service every Thursday beginning at 1900 and ending no later than 2000, test get put on hold for any active Incidents.

Agency Tone A Tone B Note Dispatch Company Frequency
1 2271.7 1830.5 Cornwall LCD 155.1075
2 399.8 358.6 East Litchfield LCD 155.1075
3 799.0 871.0 Bantam, Bridgewater, East Hartland, Goshen, Kent, Morris, New Hartford, Warren LCD 155.1075
4 483.5 1185.2 Warren Fire Pager Tone LCD 155.1075
Bethlehem Siren Test DTMF 6751 Tested Saturday 12 Noon Northwest Public Safety 154.0175