
Live Audio Help

From The RadioReference Wiki

First and foremost, check out our Live Audio Gateway which is the definitive reference for our Live Audio Feed Platform here on

The Live Audio Gateway

Help for Listeners

Feed Availability

For listeners, the most important thing we can emphasize to you is that is just the delivery platform for the over 2000+ feeds provided by an entirely volunteer group. With this in mind unfortunately we have little to no control over the availability of the live audio feeds hosted on our site.

If a live audio feed is down, realize that we most likely know as much as you do about it's status - that being what is posted by the provider in their feed status update. If there is no update then we, like you, don't have any idea why their feed might be down.

Feed Problems

If a feed is having problems, such as no audio, incorrect audio, low/high audio, there is a nice facility for you to report this directly to the provider. Each feed has a "Report a Problem" icon which sends a problem report directly to the feed provider.

When providing a problem report, please be courteous and detailed in your report so the provider is able to resolve the situation. In addition, be patient after submitting your report. Remember that our broadcasters are volunteers and they most likely haven't been waiting at the computer for your problem report to come in. Expect hours, if not days, before a provider might be able to address your issue.

Help for Broadcasters