Los Alamos National Laboratory Unknown Talkgroups
From The RadioReference Wiki
Unknown talkgroups
- 1064 Tactic-3/4? Wildland? "water truck" "tanker" "spray" "canyon" "send the fire truck your way" rids 8881300, 8886451, 6094, 6443, 6441, 6189, 1298, 3055, 2788, 2015; 13075600, 8883059 no brush ready to be picked up, 8882489 8886455 (firewatch) 8886115 take loader down to (TA?) 49,
- 1076 Rids 8890xx, 8891xx, 8892xx, 8893xx, 8894xx, 8895xx, 8899138, 8899140, 8899141
- 1077 Rids 889002, 8898146, 8898227, 8898236/39
- 1079 - 8891354
- 1081 - 8891239
- 1099 MAT1-RC or MAT2-RC 2??
- 1149 - TA3 floors 6-8 on standby, have full accountability
- 1150 8883185 8883151
- 1164
- 1165
- 1173
- 1200
- 1201 rid 8881266
- 1202 8881453 mentions CMR
- 1208 8882462 8886558 we found the keys
- 1210 Rids 8881408, 8880047
- 1217 Rid 8881322
- 1218 TA-50 Ops radio check from 8882763, 8882572 control
- 1220 entering controls area 8882757 8882704, chiller 1 maint
- 1237
- 1238
- 1251
- 1252 ? 8881961 ops, 8882788
- 1254 ? Rids 8881524/26/77, 8881641
- 1255
- 1256 ? 8881959 red flag warning given contact your RLM, Rid 8881675
- 1257 8881990 8881917
- 1258
- 1264 ? rids 8882013-8882030, 8881959 red flag warning stop outside work contact your RLM, come to my office, 8886470 mentions TA6, 8881903, Rid 8881536
- 1266 Rid 8881711
- 1273 ? Rids 8881712/4/5
- 1275
- 1305
- 1310 - rid 8886304 alarm bldg 494, 8889501 dispatcher?
- 1311 - working late 10pm rids 8886490, 8886408; 8886490 panel, 8886494 your engineers name is ryan rodinger,
- 1312 - Fire alarm testing, building 434, building 119 open vault, portable building 484, dry chemical system, rids 8882403 8882359 8882357 8886507
- 1313 - alarm rid 8886086 8886414 8886420
- 1314
- 1320
- 1425
- 1426 -
- 1427
- 1455
- 3004 Enc Lab Sec 2
- 3006 Lab Sec 4? rid 8891532
- 3100 - TA-54 Ops Center 8911101, 8911155
- 3102
- 3114 ? Asked if anyone was on the road to R73 (groundwater monitoring well) rid 8911046