Mason County (IL)
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Mason County Government
- Forum Post for new frequencies
- 10/2/23 - add 151.3325 50W-Repeater at Manito [NORTHWEST] NXDN only
- 10/2/23 - add 151.415 50W-Repeater at Havana [WEST] NXDN only
- 10/2/23 - add 151.4975 50W-Repeater at Bath [SOUTHWEST] NXDN only
- 151.3025 Repeater with 154.1675 57-50W input at San Jose [EAST] (this was added to license previously) KGB225
- 7/24/17 - 155.58 now in use NXDN with 55 RAN, Encrypted mobiles only. Hearing transmission full scale in Havana (although no tower licensed there). 155.58 is not licensed for DMR.
- 9/24/17 - 155.58 162.2 hearing what appears to be simulcast? of fire paging/dispatch (not heard on 154.34) (is Monroe Co MO)
- 158.895 162.2 input (is also input to Monroe City MO Fire/EMS and rebroadcasts here on the 155.58 162.2 output and also on 151.025 123.0 10/16/17)
- 461.4125 77.0 PL confirmed repeating 154.34 77.0 (Direct yes, repeater unknown) (3/5/18)
- 2/25 Modification - change 159.135 input frequency (for 154.34R) to 158.835 (2/25) WQOI776
Mason County Sheriff
Mobile Extenders
- 151.025 123.0 PL heard in use after Fire and EMS Pages (in Havana 7/31/13) (? heard Havana 1/14/15)
- 155.745 74.4 PL heard south of Ashland (Cass HTH 8/13)
- 173.375 D516 (MX heard Full Scale in Havana, repeating 162.2 158.895; was listed as 173.275) (3/15)(3/16)
- 467.9125 CSQ (heard Full Scale in Havana, near river; repeating law, 10-28) (3/16)
- 467.8875 FRS-13 D306 in use in Havana; dispatcher giving multiple radio checks with call signs like: WQQ919, WQQ437, KNHB810 (IEMA Clinton), WPGZ846 (IEMA Peoria), KNUV562 (3/13)
155.58 NXDN Radio IDs
- 1 - ???? (Dispatch)(1/8/18)
- 6 - SANJOSE 2 (1/8/18)
- 17 - DAVID 2 (11/17)(1/8/18)(3/5/18)
- 17 - DAVID 3 (7/17)
- 17 - CHARLES 1 (1/8/18)
- 17 - CHARLES 2 (9/4/17)
- 100 - SANJOSE PD
- 1000 - MCPD 2 (Mason City)(1/8/18)
- 2002 - BATH PD
- Units heard on 155.58 - Charles 1, Charles 2, Zebra 6 (11/12)
155.580 158.895 KBG225 RM 162.2 PL (OLD*) Sheriff: Dispatch (Teheran) [Ch 1] FMN Deprecated 1/10/25
Mason County ETSB/911 WEB
- 150-50W mobiles on 151.01 (NFM/P25) WQTG301
Mason County Highway Department
- 3/17 Modification changing to 151.1225 Repeater with 159.36 input (NFM) WQYM949
- 151.3025 155.1525 RM 162.2 PL Road Maintenance (Teheran) (database changed to new input 8/9/23] WQYM949
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Mason County EMS / Mason District Hospital (Havana)
- Website
- When someone calls 911, Mason County EMS’s Advanced Life Support Ambulance is dispatched from Havana or Mason City to provide care at the scene and on the way to the hospital. Mason county EMS provides the highest level of pre-hospital care in the State of Illinois. The Emergency Department also has protocols and agreements with hospitals in Springfield and Peoria, to stabilize and transfer patients with critical illnesses, such as major trauma, heart attacks and strokes.
- 153.4325 125W Repeater at Teheran WSAH741 (NXDN,P25,NFM) for Hospital Activities, associated with KNAB277 (input 158.295 mobiles, not officially on license)
- 155.355 125W Repeater (NFM/P25/NXDN/DMR) at Teheran 4/24 FCC Application 0011020525
- New 2/23 - 152.0075 Base/100 Pagers; 453.075 Base/Mobile (DMR,NFM,P25) KNAB277
- OLD: 155.22 167.9 EMS Dispatch with CW-ID (possible Phone Patch 12/14/12) See the wiki for more frequencies
- 155.220 KNAB277 B 192.8 PL Mason EMS PG EMS: Paging FMN EMS Dispatch
- 155.355 KNAB277 BM 192.8 PL Mason EMS EMS: Paging / Dispatch FMN EMS Dispatch
Municipalities and Districts
- Allens Grove Township - - 159.1575 - 10-50W Mobiles (NFM at San Jose) [127.3??? hrd in Greenview 2/15] WQRI640
- Quiver Township Road Maintenance (Topeka) 159.015 WQFT353 M [Expired 9/16] FMN Deprecated 1/10/25
- Salt Creek Township "Public Works": 153.8825 Mobiles (NFM) [D036??? hrd in Greenview 2/15] WQQD499
Bath Fire District
- Fire: 154.34 Base/Mobile/Pagers (NFM) Issued 5/23 WRXK500
Easton Rural Fire Protection District
Forest City
Forman Fire Protection District / Forman Ambulance Service
- Station 1 - Manito; Station 2 - Forest City; Station 3 - Springlake
- Approx. 40 Firefighters; 4 - Engines; 3 - Tankers; 3 - Brush Trucks; 1 - Rescue; 1 - Utility (Units FA-1, 3C13)
- 453.7625 Repeater, 460.4625 Repeater KDK714
- 151.2275 - NXIDAS decode-able voice with DSD+ (1/15) (Mason Co tone outs on 154.34, patched on 151.225. (also heard on 159.24)
- 173.225 WQIP403 M EMS: Mobile Extenders [Expired 4/18] NXDN48 Deprecated 1/10/25
- Ambulance paged from Havana dispatch on 159.135 241.8 to 154.34 77.0, then repeated locally in Manito on 154.34 77.0 (Local Tower)
NXDN Radio IDs
- 106 3-C-18 Foreman Ambulance (1/18)
- 201 (truck?)
- 229 (truck?)
- 501 Mason Co Dispatch
- 31194 ? (1/15)
Havana (City)
- 453.725 KUV920 M Police Car-to-Car FMN Deprecated 1/10/25
- 154.040 WPYS792 BM Fire: Rural [Expired 10/13] FMN Deprecated 1/10/25
- 453.425 WPZQ251 M Havana Park District: Unit-to-Unit [Expired 2/14] FMN Deprecated 1/10/25
458.425 WPZQ251 M Havana Park District: Unit-to-Unit [Expired 2/14] FMN Deprecated 1/10/25
Havana Police
- New 12/21 - 155.7375R/150.995 with mobile extenders on 173.3375 (NXDN/P25/NFM) WRON607
Havana Rural Fire Protection District
Kilbourne Fire Protection District
- See Foreman Fire / EMS
Mason City
- Police possibly uses 157.515, as Channel 6 (poss. 151.4, 192.8)
San Jose (Village)
- Dispatched by Mason County on 154.34 77.0 PL (Calls may come in on 911 from Logan or Tazewell Counties).
San Jose Police
- 458.8 Mobile Extenders, 3-10W Extenders, 6-4W Portables (NFM) WQWI253
Law/Fire/EMS Units
Mason Police/Fire/EMS Units
- MS-39 Mason 39 (155.58 NXDN 11/17)
- MS-65 Mason 65 (155.58 4/16)
- SJ-1 San Jose Fire (11/17)
Mason County EMS Units
- 3C15 (License 3 608 03)
- Code 6 - Traffic Stop
- Code 7 M Mary - Clear
Havana Fire
- #32 - Rural Fire Tender
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Havana School District
154.8525 156.0825 RM CC 3 TG 62644 SL 1 Buses / Operations WQYC631
- RIDs: 1179, 3674 (2/18)
Illinois Central Community Unit School District 180
- Teheran, Mason City, Easton
Midwest Central School District 91 (Manito)
- 451.0875 Repeater CC 5 TG 230 SL 1 RIDs 6xx WQZP515
Related Pages
- Businesses Database page and Businesses, Railroads, Media, Attractions and Recreation Mason County (IL) WIKI