Metropolitan Police Department, Washington (DC)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Ten Codes
- 10-1 unable to copy radio transmission
- 10-4 two officer unit
- 10-4+ three or more officer unit
- 10-7 out of service
- 10-8 in service
- 10-22 disregard call/assignment
- 10-27 request for information on license
- 10-28 request vehicle registration information
- 10-29 request criminal record check on subject
- 10-30 subject has current/outstanding warrants
- 10-30-T subject has suspended license, no license, or other traffic related issue
- 10-33 emergency - officer needs assistance
- 10-50 motor vehicle accident
- 10-50-I motor vehicle accident with injuries
- 10-89 bomb-threat
- 10-99 one officer unit
Response Codes
- Code 1: Emergency lights/sirens activated
- Code 2: Proceed directly to scene w/lights only, no sirens
- The Board: Fire Department/EMS
- The Block: Central Cell Block
- The General: DC General Hospital
- No Permit: no drivers license
- Apparent Natural: person apparently dead of natural causes
- CCB: Central Cell-Block
- MO: Mental Observation, subject mentally ill
- EPRD: Emergency Psychiatric Response Division, MO holding facility
- POCA: Possession of Open Container of Alcohol
- APO: Assault on a Police Officer
- AWIK: Assault With Intent to Kill
- CPWL: Carrying a Pistol Without a License
- ADW: Assault with Dangerous/Deadly Weapon
- FTA: Failed To Appear (in court)
- UUV: Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle
- UCSA: Uniform Controlled Substance Act
- PWID: Possession With Intent to Distribute
- CDU: Civil Disturbance Unit, riot squad
- SOD: Special Operations Division
- JOCC: Joint Operations Command Center
- SOCC: Synchronized Operations Command Center
- WALES: Washington Area Law Enforcement System
- NCIC: National Crime Information Center
- ERT: Emergency Response Team, SWAT team.
- CSOSA: Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
- MDT: Mobile Data Terminal, in-car computers, often not functional
- CCN: Complaint Control Number, six digit report number
- GOA: Gone On Arrival
- SOW: Sent On Way
Unit Identifiers
- Patrol officers use 4-digit unit IDs. The first number is the district (1-7), the second two digits along with the first digit designate the Police Service Area (PSA) and the last digit is a unique identifier. For example, 2021 is 2nd District, PSA 202, 1st unit.
- 1-7 unit numbers with three following numbers (the PSA cars) 1011-707X. Any PSA car ending in "9" is a Master Patrol Officer. Any Cruiser number (1010-7070) is a PSA Sergeant. Lieutenants have three digit cruiser numbers corresponding to their PSA (101-707). Captains and Commanders of districts utilize a two digit system. Cruiser 11 is the 1st district Commander. 52 and 53 are 5th district Captains. A watch Commander is Cruiser 100-700. The Nighthawk (Chief of the District at night) is for some reason Cruiser 28.
- Cruiser 9xxx can be anything from Crime Scene to Communications. 9239 is a Crime Scene cruiser. These cruisers are also Administrative cruisers like the SOMB (Security Officers Management Branch) or Office of Organizational Development.
- 8600 series and 8800 series cruisers are SOD. This can be anything from K-9 to ERT or EOD. Cruiser 1 is of course the chief. 2, 3 and 4 are various assistant Chiefs and ROC Chiefs.
- Any Cruiser identified as 1-David-11 through 7-David-99 is a detective cruiser.
- The various Power Shift, Focus Mission and Street Crime cruisers identify using their title with a number following. Station Radios (District Station Personnel) identify as a multiple of 1000 (Station 1000 through 7000).