
Miami-Dade County (FL) Fire/Rescue/EMS Brevity Codes

From The RadioReference Wiki


Calls for service received by Miami-Dade Fire Rescue will be coded 
according to Fire Codes or Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System, 
as applicable 
(Ex. 29Bravo1 - Traffic Collision with Injuries)

Calls for service initially received or reported by Miami-Dade Police and 
transferred to Fire Rescue will be coded according to Police "3" Codes 

Common Examples:
317 - Traffic Accident (When routine, often referred to simply as "17")
330 - Gunshot Injuries
332 - Assault/Battery
341 - Sick Person (Miscellaneous/Undetermined Illness)
342 - Ambulance (Request for BLS Transport Unit)
344 - Attempted Suicide
345 - Deceased on Arrival (often referred to simply as "45")

Fire Codes

  2A   Second alarm   (2nd full assignment)
  3A   Third  alarm   (3rd full assignment)
  4A   Fourth alarm   (4th full assignment)
  5A   Fifth alarm    (5th full assignment)
  6A   Sixth alarm    (6th full assignment)
  AC   All clear
  BA   Stroke Alert
  C1   Code 1    -    First alarm (full assignment, working fire)
  C2   Code 2    -    Handled by specific unit or units
  C3   Code 3    -    Investigation being done by first arriving unit
  C4   Code 4    -    False alarm, no service required
  CA   Cardiac alert
  FO   Fire out
  M1   Mass Casualty Incident Level 1
  M2   Mass Casualty Incident Level 2
  M3   Mass Casualty Incident Level 3
  TA   Trauma alert  -  Meets State trauma criteria
  UC   Under Control
  WK   Working fire
  MA   Medical Assist


  AH  -  At hospital
  AL  -  At landing zone
  AR  -  Arrived
  DS  -  Dispatched
  EN  -  Enroute
  TH  -  To hospital
  TL  -  To landing zone
  05  -  In quarters
  06  -  At location other than quarters (not on a call)
  07  -  Cancelled
  09  -  Cleared call/In service
  10  -  Out of service


  ALS       - Advanced Life Support
  BLS       - Basic Life Support
  CAD       - Computer Aided Dispatch (Systems used by both Field Units, Dispatchers)
  GOA       - Gone On Arrival
  POV       - Personally Owned Vehicle 
  PX        - Patient Transfer (to custody of hospital)
  42/342    - BLS Squad or Ambulance for transport
  Routine   - Respond routine, no priority symptoms
  On a 3    - Respond with lights and sirens, priority symptoms
  Baker Act - Patient requires mental health evaluation

Fire Unit Designators


  A01-A99 ....................   Aerial    (number is station assigned)
  E01-E99 ....................   Engine    (number is station assigned)
  L01-L99 ....................   Ladder    (number is station assigned)
  P01-P99 ....................   Platform  (number is station assigned)


  R01-R99,R202 ..............   Rescue    (number is station assigned)


  1143 .......................   ______________
  ABXX .......................   Miami Dade Ambulance (private company)
  AC1 ........................   Airport cart rescue
  AI1-AI2 ....................   Airport Inspector
  AIH1 .......................   _____________
  AIR ........................   Air truck
  ALC ........................   Alarm Company
  AMRXX ......................   American Medical Response [private company] (Day Shift)
  AMRXXB .....................   American Medical Response [private company] (Night Shift)
  ANC ........................   Animal Control
  ARN ........................   Air Rescue North
  ARS ........................   Air Rescue South
  ART ........................   _______
  AS1-AS9 ....................   Airport Staff
  ATF ........................   Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms
  B01-B14 ....................   MDFR Battalion Chief  
  BA1-BA5 ....................   City of Miami Beach aerial
  BE1-BE5 ....................   City of Miami Beach engine
  BR1-BR5 ....................   City of Miami Beach rescue
  BUS ........................   Multiple casualty bus
  C01-C12 ....................   Miami-Dade Fire Chief
  CA1 ........................   Community Affairs 1
  CGD ........................   Coast Guard
  CHM ........................   Chemist-1
  CNTXX ......................   Canteen van XX
  CU1 ........................   Collapse unit 1
  D01-D20 ....................   Miami-Dade Fire District Division Chief
  DD1 ........................   Miami-Dade Fire Deputy Director 1
  DD2 ......052859381288529628..................   Miami-Dade Fire Deputy Director 2
  DEP ........................   Miami-Dade Fire Deputy Director
  DOT ........................   Department of Transportation
  DR1 ........................   ___________
  DRN1........................   Drone 1
  DVN ........................   Disaster van
  EMC ........................   Emergency Medical Chief
  EMO ........................   Emergency Medical Officer In Charge
  EOC ........................   Emergency Operations Center
  F01-F03 ....................   Airport foam units [MIA]
  F24 ........................   Airport foam units [Kendall-Tamiami/Miami Executive]
  F25 ........................   Airport foam units [Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport]
  FAO ........................   Fire Alarm Office 
  FB21 .......................   Fire Boat @ Station 21
  FB73 .......................   Fire Boat @ Station 73 [Port of Miami]
  FCOMXX .....................   ___________
  FDP ........................   ___________
  FFS ........................   Florida Forestry Service
  FHP ........................   Florida Highway Patrol
  FM1-FM6 ....................   Fire Marine (28' fiberglass boat w/portable fire pump)
  FPL ........................   Florida Power & Light
  FTXX .......................   _____________
  FW1-FW9 ....................   Fire Watch
  FWC ........................   Florida Wildlife Conservation
  GA1-GA5 ....................   City of Coral Gables aerial
  GAM ........................   Game Warden
  GAS ........................   Gas Company
  GC1 ........................   City of Coral Gables Chief?
  GE1-GE5 ....................   City of Coral Gables engine
  GR1-GR5 ....................   City of Coral Gables rescue
  H01-H19 ....................   HazMat staff
  HA1-HA5 ....................   City of Hialeah aerial 
  HE1-HE5 ....................   City of Hialeah engine 
  HR1-HR5 ....................   City of Hialeah rescue
  HAF ........................   Homestead Air Force Base
  HAZ ........................   HazMat 69
  HCC ........................   Headquarters Crash Cart 
  HEL ........................   Health Department
  HMO ........................   ______________
  HPL ........................   Homestead Power & Light
  HRS ........................   Health & Rehabilitation Services
  HSP ........................   HazMat support vehicle
  HUD ........................   Housing & Urban Development
  HV1 ........................   Heavy rescue 1
  HWS ........................   Homestead Water & Sewer
  WHY ........................   Highway Department
  HZC ........................   Miami-Dade Fire HazMat Chief
  I01-I50 ....................   Miami-Dade Fire Inspector
  IA1-IA9 ....................   Miami-Dade Fire Internal Affairs
  INC1 .......................   ______
  I ........................   Miami-Dade Fire Inspector Officer in Charge
  K01-K15 ....................   Canine unit
  KA1-KA2 ....................   City of Key Biscayne aerial
  KE1-KE2 ....................   City of Key Biscayne engine
  KR1-KR2 ....................   City of Key Biscayne rescue
  LOGX .......................   _______
  LOGC .......................   _______
  M01-M99 ....................   MDFR EMS Captain (number is station assigned)  
  MA1-MA5 ....................   City of Miami aerial
  MAR ........................   Marine Patrol
  MC1 ........................   ____________
  MCF ........................   ____________
  MCPXX ......................  Mobile Command Post XX
  MD1-MD9 ....................   Asst. medical director
  MDW ........................   Miami-Dade Water & Sewer
  ME1-ME5 ....................   City of Miami engine
  MED ........................   Medical director
  MIS ........................   Miscellaneous other department
  MK1-MK8 ....................   Mechanic
  MN1-MN6 ....................   Marine Services staff
  MNC ........................   ________________
  MOC ........................   ________________
  MR1-MR5 ....................   City of Miami rescue
  MS1-MS9, M18 ...............   Miami-Dade Fire Emergency Medical Staff
  MTC ........................   Miami-Dade Fire Department Chief
  MU1-MU9 ....................   Motorcycle Units
  O01-O20, O51, O81 ..........   Operation Chief
  OCA ........................   OPS Central "A"
  OCB ........................   OPS Central "B"
  OCC ........................   OPS Central "C"
  OH1-OH9 ....................   Occupational Health unit
  ONA ........................   OPS North "A"
  ONB ........................   OPS North "B"
  ONC ........................   OPS North "C"
  OP1-OP9 ....................   Special Operations Staff
  OPC ........................   _______________
  OR1-OR9 ....................   Ocean rescue units
  ORO ........................   Ocean rescue OIC
  OSA ........................   OPS South "A"
  OSB ........................   OPS South "B"
  OSC ........................   OPS South "C"
  OWC ........................   _______________
  OWN ........................   Owner of structure
  PA1-PA9 ....................   Miami-Dade Fire Public Affairs staff  
  PD1-PD5 ....................   Police Arson investigator
  PDAMXX .....................   Police Requested Ambulance [Non-MDFR]
  PIOXX ......................   Miami-Dade Fire Public Relations staff
  PM1-PM2 ....................   Preventative maintenance
  POL ........................   Pollution Control
  PSD ........................   Miami-Dade Police Department
  PST ........................   Postal Inspector
  PWK ........................   Miami-Dade Public Works Department
  QV1-QV9 ....................   Airport QRV unit
  RDXX .......................   ________
  RED ........................   Red Cross
  REHABX......................   REHAB Unit
  S01-S52 ....................   Miami-Dade Fire Staff
  SCS ........................   School Board
  SCT ........................   Airport Scout-8
  SE0-SE9 ....................   Special event unit
  SF1-SF9 ....................   Safety officer
  SFC ........................   ___________
  SI1-SI5 ....................   State Investigator
  SP1-SP9 ....................   Support unit
  SQD ........................   Squad 69
  SRTXX ......................   SWAT EMS staff
  SSN ........................   Staff Support Capt. North
  SSP ........................   Scene Support
  SSS ........................   Staff Support Capt. South
  SVX ........................   ______________
  SUP ........................   Support Lieutenant
  T01-T31 ....................   Training
  TC4 ........................   Training Captain 4
  TCC ........................   Training Captain Central
  TCF ........................   ________________
  TCN ........................   Training Captain North
  TCS ........................   Training Captain South
  TCOMO ......................   _______________
  TEL ........................   Telephone Company
  TP1 ........................   _______________
  TR1-TR9 ....................   Tactical Response Team
  TRK ........................   Airport Truck 11
  TRT ........................   Tactical Response Truck
  TRO ........................   _________________dndu
  URX ........................   USAR (Urban Search and Rescue)
  URC ........................   USAR Chief (Urban Search and Rescue)
  V01-V20 ....................   Investigator
  VE1 ........................   Venom One
  VENT .......................   Typhoon Fan
  VOC ........................   ________________
  W12 ........................   Rigid Hull Inflatable boat at station 12
  W21 ........................   Rigid Hull Inflatable boat at station 21
  W39 ........................   Rigid Hull Inflatable boat at station 39
  W42 ........................   Rigid Hull Inflatable boat at station 42
  W43 ........................   Rigid Hull Inflatable boat at station 43
  W55 ........................   Rigid Hull Inflatable boat at station 55
  W87 ........................   Rigid Hull Inflatable boat at Headquarters
  WR1-WR6 ....................   Water Rescue


Units in temporary service for public assignments (i.e. Sporting Events) will often be given designation numbers in the 100's (Ex. Rescue 900)


Alpha   - Routine response   (Minor injury or illness)
Bravo   - Emergency response (Minor injury or illness with potential to worsen)
Charlie - Emergency response (Life-threatening potential)
Delta   - Emergency response (Life-threatening)
Echo    - Emergency response (Imminent risk of death)
Omega   - Non-emergency

1A1 	Abdominal Pain: 	Abdominal pain
1C1 	Abdominal Pain: 	Fainting or near fainting >49
1C2 	Abdominal Pain: 	Females with fainting or near fainting 12-50
1C3 	Abdominal Pain: 	Males with pain above navel >34
1C4 	Abdominal Pain: 	Females with pain above navel >45
2A1 	Allergic Reaction: 	No difficulty breathing/swallowing (rash, hives, itching)
2A2  	Allergic Reaction: 	Spider bite (No priority Symptoms)
2B1 	Allergic Reaction: 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
2C1 	Allergic Reaction: 	Difficulty breathing or swallowing
2C2 	Allergic Reaction: 	Special medications or injections used
2C3 	Allergic Reaction: 	Minor Jelly Fish sting
2D1 	Allergic Reaction: 	Severe respiration distress
2D2 	Allergic Reaction: 	Not alert
2D3 	Allergic Reaction: 	Condition worsening
2D4 	Allergic Reaction: 	Swarming attack (bee, wasp, hornet)
2D5 	Allergic Reaction: 	Snakebite
2D6 	Allergic Reaction: 	Funnel Web Spider Bite
2D7 	Allergic Reaction: 	Major Jelly Fish sting
2E1 	Allergic Reaction: 	Ineffective Breathing
3A1 	Bite/Sting: 	        Not dangerous body area
3A2 	Bite/Sting: 	        Non recent injuries >6hrs
3A3 	Bite/Sting:             Superficial bites
3B1 	Bite/Sting: 	        Possibly dangerous body area
3B2 	Bite/Sting: 	        Serious hemorrhage
3B3 	Bite/Sting: 	        Unknown status (3rd party caller)
3D1 	Bite/Sting: 	        Unconscious or arrest
3D2 	Bite/Sting: 	        Not alert
3D3 	Bite/Sting: 	        Dangerous body area
3D4 	Bite/Sting: 	        Large animal
3D5 	Bite/Sting: 	        Exotic animal
3D6 	Bite/Sting: 	        Attacks or multiple animals
4A1 	Assault: 	        Not dangerous body area
4A2 	Assault: 	        Non-recent injuries (> 6 hrs)
4B1 	Assault: 	        Possibly dangerous body area
4B2 	Assault: 	        Serious hemorrhage
4B3 	Assault: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
4D1   	Assault: 	        Unconscious or arrest
4D2 	Assault: 	        Not alert
4D3 	Assault: 	        Abnormal breathing
4D4 	Assault: 	        Dangerous body area
4D5 	Assault: 	        Multiple victims
5A1 	Back Pain: 	        Non-traumatic back pain
5A2 	Back Pain: 	        Non recent traumatic back pain (> 6 hrs)
5C1 	Back Pain: 	        Fainting or near fainting >49
5D1 	Back Pain: 	        Not used
6C1 	Breathing Problems: 	Abnormal breathing
6C2 	Breathing Problems: 	Cardiac History
6C3 	Breathing Problems: 	Not used
6D1 	Breathing Problems: 	Severe Respiratory Distress
6D2 	Breathing Problems: 	Not alert
6D3 	Breathing Problems: 	Clammy
6E1 	Breathing Problems: 	Ineffective Breathing
7A1 	Burns: 	                Burns <18% of body area
7A2 	Burns: 	                Fire Alarm (Unknown situation)
7A3 	Burns: 	                Sunburn or minor burns (<hand size)
7B1 	Burns: 	                Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
7C1 	Burns:            	Building fire with persons reported inside
7C2 	Burns: 	                Difficulty breathing
7C3 	Burns: 	                Burns >18% of body area
7D1 	Burns: 	                Unconscious or arrest
7D2 	Burns:   	        Severe respiratory distress
7D3 	Burns: 	                Not Alert
7D4 	Burns: 	                Explosion
7D5 	Burns: 	                Multiple victims
8A1 	Hazmat: 	        CO Detector alarm (without priority symptoms)
8B1 	Hazmat: 	        Alert without difficulty breathing
8C1 	Hazmat: 	        Alert with difficulty breathing
8D1 	Hazmat: 	        Unconscious or arrest
8D2 	Hazmat: 	        Severe Respiratory Distress
8D3 	Hazmat: 	        HAZMAT
8D4 	Hazmat: 	        Not alert
8D5 	Hazmat: 	        Multiple victims
8D6 	Hazmat: 	        Unknown status (3rd party caller)
9B1 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Obvious death (unquestionable)
9D1 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Ineffective Breathing
9D2 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Not used
9E1 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Not breathing at all
9E2 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Breathing uncertain (agonal)
9E3 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Hanging
9E4 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Strangulation
9E5 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Suffocation
9E6 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Underwater
9O1 	Card/Resp Arrest: 	Expected death (unquestionable)
10A1 	Chest Pain: 	        Breathing normally (<35)
10C1 	Chest Pain: 	        Abnormal breathing
10C2 	Chest Pain: 	        Cardiac History
10C3 	Chest Pain: 	        Cocaine
10C4 	Chest Pain: 	        Breathing normally (>35)
10D1 	Chest Pain: 	        Severe respiratory distress
10D2 	Chest Pain: 	        Not Alert
10D3 	Chest Pain: 	        Clammy
11A1 	Choking: 	        Not choking now (can talk/cry, alert, breathing normally)
11D1 	Choking: 	        Not Alert
11D2 	Choking: 	        Abnormal breathing (Partial obstruction)
11D3 	Choking: 	        Not used
11E1 	Choking: 	        Choking Verified/Ineffective Breathing
12A1 	Seizure: 	        Not fitting now and breathing regularly
12B1 	Seizure: 	        Breathing regularly not verified >34
12C1 	Seizure: 	        Pregnancy
12C2 	Seizure: 	        Diabetic
12C3 	Seizure: 	        Cardiac History
12C4 	Seizure: 	        Not used
12D1 	Seizure: 	        Not breathing (after key questioning)
12D2 	Seizure: 	        Continuous or multiple fits
12D3 	Seizure: 	        Irregular breathing
12D4 	Seizure: 	        Breathing regularly not verified >34
13A1 	Diabetic Problems: 	Alert
13C1 	Diabetic Problems: 	Not alert
13C2 	Diabetic Problems: 	Abnormal behavior
13C3 	Diabetic Problems: 	Abnormal breathing
13D1 	Diabetic Problems: 	Unconscious
14A1 	Drowning: 	        Alert and breathing normally (no injuries, out of water)
14B1 	Drowning: 	        Alert and breathing normally (injuries or in water)
14B2 	Drowning: 	        Unknown status (3rd party situation)
14C1 	Drowning: 	        Alert with abnormal breathing
14D1 	Drowning: 	        Unconscious
14D2 	Drowning: 	        Not alert
14D3 	Drowning: 	        Diving or suspected neck injury
14D4 	Drowning: 	        SCUBA accident
14D5 	Drowning: 	        Not used
15C1 	Electrocution: 	        Alert and breathing normally
15D1 	Electrocution: 	        Unconscious
15D2 	Electrocution: 	        Not disconnected from power
15D3 	Electrocution: 	        Power not off/hazard present
15D4 	Electrocution: 	        Long fall (>2m)
15D5 	Electrocution: 	        Not alert
15D6 	Electrocution:  	Abnormal breathing
15D7 	Electrocution: 	        Unknown status (3rd party situation)
15E1 	Electrocution: 	        Not Breathing/Ineffective Breathing
16A1 	Eye Problem: 	        Moderate eye injury
16A2 	Eye Problem: 	        Minor eye injury
16A3 	Eye Problem: 	        Medical eye problems
16B1 	Eye Problem: 	        Severe eye injuries
16D1 	Eye Problem: 	        Not alert
17A1 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Not dangerous body area
17A2 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Non-recent injuries (> 6 hrs) without priority symptoms
17B1 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Possibly dangerous body area
17B2 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Serious hemorrhage
17B3 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
17D1 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Dangerous body area
17D2 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Long fall (>2m)
17D3 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Not Alert
17D4 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Abnormal breathing
17O1 	Fall/Back Injury: 	Public assistance (no injuries & no priority symptoms)
18A1 	Headache: 	        Breathing normally
18B1 	Headache: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
18C1 	Headache: 	        Not alert
18C2 	Headache: 	        Abnormal breathing
18C3 	Headache: 	        Speech problems
18C4 	Headache: 	        Sudden onset of severe pain (<3hrs)
18C5 	Headache: 	        Numbness or paralysis
18C6 	Headache: 	        Change in behavior (<3hrs)
19A1 	Cardiac Problem: 	Heart rate >50bpm and <130bpm (without pr. symptoms)
19A2 	Cardiac Problem: 	Chest Pain <35 (without priority symptoms)
19B1 	Cardiac Problem: 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
19C1 	Cardiac Problem: 	Firing of AICD
19C2 	Cardiac Problem: 	Abnormal breathing
19C3 	Cardiac Problem: 	Chest pain >34
19C4 	Cardiac Problem: 	Cardiac History
19C5 	Cardiac Problem: 	Cocaine
19C6 	Cardiac Problem: 	Heart rate <50bpm or >130bpm (without pr. symptoms)
19D1 	Cardiac Problem: 	Severe respiratory distress
19D2 	Cardiac Problem: 	Not alert
19D3 	Cardiac Problem: 	Clammy
20A1 	Exposure: 	        Alert (without prior symptoms)
20B1 	Exposure: 	        Change in skin color
20B2 	Exposure: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
20C1 	Exposure: 	        Cardiac History
20D1 	Exposure: 	        Not alert
21A1 	Hemorrhage: 	        Not dangerous hemorrhage
21A2 	Hemorrhage: 	        Minor hemorrhage
21B1 	Hemorrhage: 	        Possibly dangerous hemorrhage
21B2 	Hemorrhage: 	        Serious hemorrhage
21B3 	Hemorrhage: 	        Bleeding disorder or blood thinners
21C1 	Hemorrhage: 	        Hemorrhage through tubes
21D1 	Hemorrhage: 	        Dangerous hemorrhage
21D2 	Hemorrhage: 	        Not alert
21D3 	Hemorrhage: 	        Abnormal breathing
22B1 	Industrial Accident: 	Unknown situation (not caught in machinery)
22D1 	Industrial Accident: 	Life status questionable
22D2 	Industrial Accident: 	Caught in machinery (unknown status)
22D3 	Industrial Accident: 	Multiple victims
23A1 	OD: 	                Not used
23B1 	OD: 	                Overdose (without priority symptoms)
23C1 	OD: 	                Violent (Police must secure)
23C2 	OD: 	                Not alert (unable to talk)
23C3 	OD: 	                Abnormal breathing
23C4 	OD: 	                Antidepressants (tricylic - TCA)
23C5 	OD: 	                Cocaine (or derivative)
23C6 	OD: 	                Narcotics (Heroin)
23C7 	OD: 	                Acid or Alkali (Lye)
23C8 	OD: 	                Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
23C9 	OD: 	                Poison Information Center request for response
23D1 	OD: 	                Unconscious
23D2 	OD: 	                Severe respiratory distress
23O1 	OD: 	                Poisoning (without priority symptoms)
24A1 	Pregnancy: 	        0th trimester bleeding or miscarriage
24A2 	Pregnancy: 	        Not used
24B1 	Pregnancy: 	        Labor (delivery not imminent >5 months/20 weeks)
24B2 	Pregnancy: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
24C1 	Pregnancy: 	        1st trimester bleeding or miscarriage
24D1 	Pregnancy: 	        Breech or Cord
24D2 	Pregnancy: 	        Head visible/out
24D3 	Pregnancy: 	        Imminent delivery (>5 months/20 weeks)
24D4 	Pregnancy: 	        2nd trimester bleeding
24D5 	Pregnancy: 	        High risk complications
24D6 	Pregnancy: 	        Baby born
25A1 	Psych Problem: 	        Non-violent and non-suicidal (alert)
25A2 	Psych Problem: 	        CAT or Doctor in attendance. Pt recommended (regulated)
25B1 	Psych Problem: 	        Violent (Police must secure)
25B2 	Psych Problem: 	        Threatening Suicide
25B3 	Psych Problem: 	        Near hanging, strangulation or suffocation  (alert)
25B4 	Psych Problem: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
25C1 	Psych Problem: 	        Not used
25C2 	Psych Problem: 	        Not used
25C3 	Psych Problem: 	        Not used
25D1 	Psych Problem: 	        Not alert
26A1 	Sick Person:       	Non-priority symptoms (condition 2-28 not identified)
26A2 	Sick Person: 	        Boils
26A3 	Sick Person: 	        Bumps (non traumatic)
26A4 	Sick Person: 	        Can't sleep
26A5 	Sick Person: 	        Can't urinate (without abdominal pain)
26A6 	Sick Person:     	Catheter (in/out without hemorrhage)
26A7 	Sick Person: 	        Constipation
26A8 	Sick Person: 	        Cramps/spasms (in extremities)
26A9 	Sick Person: 	        Cut off ring request
26A10 	Sick Person: 	        Deafness
26A11 	Sick Person: 	        Defecation
26A12 	Sick Person: 	        Enema
26A14 	Sick Person: 	        Gout
26A15 	Sick Person: 	        Hemorrhoids/piles
26A16 	Sick Person: 	        Hepatitis
26A17 	Sick Person: 	        Hiccups
26A18 	Sick Person: 	        Hungry
26A19 	Sick Person: 	        Nervous
26A20 	Sick Person: 	        Object stuck (nose, ear, vagina, rectum, penis)
26A21 	Sick Person: 	        Object swallowed (No choking/breathing difficulty, can talk)
26A22 	Sick Person: 	        Penis problems/pain
26A23 	Sick Person: 	        Rash/skin disorder No difficulty breathing or swallowing)
26A24 	Sick Person: 	        Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
26A25 	Sick Person: 	        Sore throat (without difficulty breathing or swallowing)
26A26 	Sick Person: 	        Toothache (without jaw pain)
26A27 	Sick Person: 	        Transportation only
26A28 	Sick Person: 	        Wound infected (focal or surface)
26B1 	Sick Person: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
26C1 	Sick Person: 	        Cardiac history (complaint condition 2-28 not identified)
26C2 	Sick Person: 	        Not used
26D1 	Sick Person: 	        Not alert
27A1 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Non-recent peripheral wounds (>6 hrs)
27B1 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Non-recent single central wound (>6 hrs)
27B2 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Known single peripheral wound
27B3 	Stab/gunshot:   	Serious hemorrhage
27B4  	Stab/gunshot: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
27D1 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Unconscious or arrest
27D2 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Not alert
27D3 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Central wounds
27D4 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Multiple victims
27D5 	Stab/gunshot: 	        Multiple victims
28A1 	Stroke: 	        Breathing normally (<35 yrs)
28B1 	Stroke: 	        Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
28C1 	Stroke: 	        Not alert
28C2 	Stroke: 	        Abnormal breathing
28C3 	Stroke: 	        Speech or movement problem
28C4 	Stroke: 	        Numbness or tingling
28C5 	Stroke: 	        Stroke history
28C6 	Stroke: 	        Normal breathing
29A1 	Traffic Collision:      1st party caller with injuries to non-dangerous body area
29B1 	Traffic Collision: 	Injuries
29B2 	Traffic Collision: 	Multiple Victims (one unit)
29B3 	Traffic Collision: 	Multiple victims (additional units)
29B4 	Traffic Collision: 	Serious hemorrhage
29B5 	Traffic Collision: 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
29D1 	Traffic Collision: 	Major incident
29D2 	Traffic Collision: 	Hi Mechanism
29D3 	Traffic Collision: 	Hazmat
29D4 	Traffic Collision: 	Trapped victim
29D5 	Traffic Collision: 	Not alert
29D6 	Traffic Collision: 	Not used
29D7 	Traffic Collision: 	Not used
30A1 	Traumatic injury: 	Not dangerous injuries
30A2 	Traumatic injury: 	Non-recent injuries (>6 hrs)
30B1 	Traumatic injury: 	Possibly dangerous injuries
30B2 	Traumatic injury: 	Serious hemorrhage
30D1 	Traumatic injury: 	Dangerous body area
30D2 	Traumatic injury: 	Not alert
30D3 	Traumatic injury: 	Abnormal breathing
31A1 	Unconscious: 	        Single fainting episode and alert (age <35)
31A2 	Unconscious: 	        Not used
31C1 	Unconscious: 	        Alert with normal breathing
31C2 	Unconscious: 	        Cardiac history
31C3 	Unconscious: 	        Multiple fainting episodes
31C4 	Unconscious: 	        Single or near fainting episode and alert (>35)
31C5 	Unconscious: 	        Females with abdominal pain (ages 12-50)
31D1 	Unconscious: 	        Unconscious (at end of interrogation)
31D2 	Unconscious: 	        Severe respiratory distress
31D3 	Unconscious: 	        Not alert
31E1 	Unconscious: 	        Ineffective Breathing
32B1 	Unknown problem: 	Standing, sitting up, moving or talking
32B2 	Unknown problem: 	Community alarm notifications
32B3 	Unknown problem: 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
32D1 	Unknown problem: 	Life status questionable