
Middletown Radio IDs

From The RadioReference Wiki

Middletown - Dispatch Consoles

Alpha Tag: Console ID: Confirmation: Agency: Notes:
Middletown - Console 1 101 05/22/24 Middletown --
Middletown - Console 2 839xxx MM/DD/YY Middletown --

Middletown Fire

Alpha Tag: Radio ID: Confirmation: Type: Notes:
#xxxx 83xxxx MM/DD/YY Mobile --
#xxxx 83xxxx MM/DD/YY Portable --
Middletown Car 3 834306 05/22/2024 Mobile --
Middletown Engine 1 834120 05/23/24 Mobile --
Middletown Engine 3 834132 05/23/24 Mobile --
Middletown Truck 1 834134 05/23/24 Mobile --
Middletown Truck 2 834310 05/23/24 Mobile --
South District Engine 32 834312 05/22/2024 Mobile --
South District Engine 32 831208 05/23/2024 Portable --
South District Ladder 34 834225 05/23/2024 Mobile --

Middletown Police

Alpha Tag: Radio ID: Confirmation: Type: Notes:
#xxxx 83xxxx MM/DD/YY Mobile --
#xxxx 83xxxx MM/DD/YY Portable --

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