
Mississauga Fleetnet Tower

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The Mississauga Fleetnet Tower Site #009 is located on Britannia Road just west of Hurontario Road just south of Highway 401 in the city of Mississauga.

This tower has a strong signal I find especially at high elevations and in my opinion carries better to the west than to the east. Perhaps the great buildup of Toronto to the east weakens this towers signal some. Coverage generally then extends from Toronto to the east and to Halton Region to the west.

8656   21d   D   1OPS38  Aurora 5Bravo (5A GHQ units, 
                         5X/5W Highway Rangers, 5L 407 units) Law Dispatch  
8672   21e   D   1OPS39  Burlington 5Charlie  Law Dispatch  
8704   220   D   1OPS41  Cambridge 5Echo  Law Dispatch  
8720   221   D   1OPS42  Downsview 5Foxtrot  Law Dispatch  
8736   222   D   1OPS43  Niagara 5Golf  Law Dispatch  
8752   223   D   1OPS44  Port Credit 5India  Law Dispatch  
8768   224   D   1OPS45  Whitby 5Kilo  Law Dispatch  
8784   225   D   1OPS46  Spare (Future Use)  Law Dispatch  
8800   226   D   1OPS47  Spare (Future Use)  Law Dispatch  
8816   227   D   1OPS48  Spare (Future Use)  Law Dispatch  
8832   228   D   1OPS49  Spare (Future Use)  

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP for short) patrol the provincial highways throughout Peel Region. You will see their new white & black cruisers on the following highways: 401, 403, 427, 407, 410 in Peel Region.

Talkgroups 8656: 5 Lima units patrol Electronic Toll Road (ETR) 407 thru Peel region. You will also hear Aurora 5 Bravo units patrolling York Region and 5 Alpha and 5 Yankke units.

Talkgroups 8704 and 8752 are multi-selected or patched talkgroups. 5 India units patrol Peel Region highways save the 407. These units origniate from the OPP's Port Credit detachement in the southern end of Mississauga. Generally, the boundaries for Port Credit are: Renforth/Highway 427 to the east, Lake Ontario to the south, Dundas Street (Halton Region) along Highway 403 to the south west and along Highway 401 to Guelph Line or Highway 6 in the north west.

Cambridge 5 Echo units patrol provincial highways in Waterloo Region.

Talkgroups 8672 & 8736 are also multi-selected (patched?) talkgroups covering the Niagara Region & Halton/Hamilton. 5 Golf units patrol the provincial highways (QEW South of Casablanca, Highway 420 & 406)in Niagara Region from their HQ in Niagara Falls while 5 Charlie units cover the region of Halton and the city of Hamilton's provincial highways.

Talkgroups 8720 & 8768 cover the City of Toronto (5 Foxtrot) & Durham Region (5 Kilo) to the east.

8688 21f D 1OPS40 Caledon 1Sierra Law Dispatch

The town of Caledon is policed by the OPP and generally can be heard on the above talkgroup. Occasionally, other talkgroups for the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) or Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Enforcement units are heard here.

During the mornings & afternoons Prisoner transfers throughout the Greater Toronto Area and beyond are heard on the following talkgroup:

8896 22c D 1GTR Greater Toronto Region wide area talkgroup Law Talk.

2) MOH

All EMS communications for the Mississauga CACC can be heard on this tower:

MOH Mississauga CACC Talkgroups 

DEC  HEX  Mode   Alpha Tag Description Tag   
35744   8ba   A   MIS CACC  CACC  EMS Dispatch  
35760   8bb   A   MIS NORTH  Peel North  EMS Dispatch  
35776   8bc   A   MIS SOUTH  Peel South  EMS Dispatch  
35792   8bd   A   MIS HALTON  Halton  EMS Dispatch  
35808   8be   A   MIS TAC 1  Tactical 1  EMS-Tac  
35824   8bf   A   MIS TAC 2  Tactical 2  EMS-Tac  
35840   8c0   A   MIS TAC 3  Tactical 3  EMS-Tac  
35856   8c1   A   MIS TAC 4  Tactical 4  EMS-Tac  
35872   8c2   A   MIS TAC 5  Tactical 5  EMS-Tac  
35888   8c3   A   MIS SPARE  Spare  EMS Dispatch  
37504   928   A   MIS TAC 6  Tactical 6  EMS-Tac  

Peel North generally covers Brampton and most of Caledon, Peel South, called south by EMS units, cover Mississauga. The Halton talkgroup covers the entire Halton region. Patches to Hosptials in Halton are heard on Tac 3.

EMS units and various CACC's operating in and out each others area can be heard on the following Interop talkgroups:

MOH Interop Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag 32800 802 A 1PCAMB Common Interop 34976 88a A MOHZN 1 Southwest Zone Common Interop 34992 88b A REG1 COM Region 1 Common Interop 35008 88c A REG2 COM Region 2 Common Interop 35024 88d A REG3 COM Region 3 Common Interop 37776 939 A MOH RED Remote Emergency Dispatch EMS Dispatch

Generally 34976 & 35008 & 35024 are most active.

3) MTO

During the winter months the following talkgroups can become extremely busy:

38464 964 A BURL Burlington Public Works 38480 965 A MORR Morriston Public Work

Talkgroup 38464 works the roads in and around Halton Region, the city of Hamilton and on provincial highways as far east as the city of Toronto. Talkgroup 38480 plows, salts and picks up debris generally on Highways 401 & 410 as well as the 403 thru Peel.

4) Other activity.

From time to time there will be activity on the OPP Tac talkgroups listed under the header: OPP Tactical Talkgroups.

While generally encrypted (read you cannot hear them) "Secret Agent double-knot spy stuff (Thank you Jethro Bodine!)stuff is active enough under the following headers: OPP Intelligence Talkgroups & Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario Talkgroups.

All information appearing here was monitored on a BCD396T.

Cayuga Fleetnet Tower

Cayuga Fleetnet Tower (Site #11) is located in the village of Cayuga in the city of Haldimand County just to the west of the Grand River off Talbot Road, Highway #3.

What you will hear

All policing in Haldimand is provided by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP. You will hear 'action' on the following talkgroup dispatched by the comm centre in London: T/G 8288 OPS 06 Haldimand 6 Charlie units police regular Haldimand activity and 6 Quebec units police the Ist Nations Reserves in Haldimand.

While it has been quiet lately in Caledonia, a community in the city along Highway 6 and the Grand River there have been confrontations between natives and Caledonia residents, enough to warrant activity on some of the OPP Tac Channels.

You will hear on occasion calls on either the Niagara 5 Golf or Burlington 5 Charlie talkgroups covering incidents on the Provincial Highways in the Niagara Region, Halton Region and in the City of Hamilton. These units are dispatched by Orillia.

T/G8672 1OPS39 Burlington 5Charlie T/G8736 1OPS43 Niagara 5Golf

EMS services are dispatched by the Hamilton CACC. All Haldimand, Norfolk County and Brant/Brantford EMS activity are heard on the talkgroup listed here:


Because of its location you will generally hear activity in the City of Hamilton on the following talkgroups:

T/G 35600 HAM CITY E T/G 35696 HAM TAC 4

You will also hear occasional activity off the Niagara CACC.


Cayuga's signal is 'blocked' somewhat by the Niagara Escarpment, called the Mountain in Hamilton. I can 'get' the tower generally at a decent strength from by home base in Burlington. Coverage greatly increases as one goes closer to the tower and on the escarpment/mountain.