Station 12-1 / Englishtown Fire Department
Radio ID
1210003 |
unknown (26-58)
1210009 |
unknown (26-59)
Squad 13-21 / Fair Haven First Aid Squad
Radio ID
1321050 |
Captain 13-50 portable
1321051 |
1st Lt 13-51 portable
1321052 |
2nd Lt 13-52 portable
1321053 |
13-53 portable
132156 |
Ambulance 13-56
1321561 |
Ambulance 13-56 portable 1
Squad 15-21 / Freehold EMS
Radio ID
152121 |
Chief Vehicle Mobile
152161 |
Officer Vehicle Mobile
152155 |
First Responder 15-55 Mobile
152156 |
Ambulance 15-56 Mobile
152157 |
Ambulance 15-57 Mobile
152158 |
Ambulance 15-58 Mobile
152159 |
Ambulance 15-59 Mobile
152160 |
Ambulance 15-60 Mobile
1521050 |
Chief 15-50 Portable
1521051 |
Deputy Chief 15-51 Portable
1521052 |
Asst. Chief 15-52 Portable
1521053 |
Captain 15-53 Portable
1521054 |
1st Lt 15-54 Portable
1522054 |
2nd Lt 15-54 Portable
1521551 |
First Responder Portable 1
1521552 |
First Responder Portable 2
1521561 |
Ambulance 15-56 Portable 1
1521562 |
Ambulance 15-56 Portable 2
1521571 |
Ambulance 15-57 Portable 1
1521572 |
Ambulance 15-57 Portable 2
1521581 |
Ambulance 15-58 Portable 1
1521582 |
Ambulance 15-58 Portable 2
1521591 |
Ambulance 15-59 Portable 1
1521592 |
Ambulance 15-59 Portable 2
1521601 |
Ambulance 15-60 Portable 1
1521602 |
Ambulance 15-60 Portable 2
Squad 39-21 / Hazlet First Aid Squad
Radio ID
392150 |
Chief vehicle 39-50
392159 |
Ambulance 39-59
Squad 17-21 / Highlands First Aid Squad
Radio ID
172156 |
Ambulance 17-56 mobile
172158 |
Ambulance 17-58 mobile
1721050 |
Captain 17-50 portable
1721051 |
Asst. Captain 17-51 portable
1721052 |
1st Lt 17-52 portable
1721053 |
2nd Lt. 17-53 portable
1721561 |
Ambulance 17-56 portable 1
1721562 |
Ambulance 17-56 portable 2
1721581 |
Ambulance 17-58 portable 1
1721582 |
Ambulance 17-58 portable 2
Squad 22-21 / Keyport First Aid Squad
Radio ID
2221050 |
EMS Chief 22-50 portable
222156 |
Ambulance 22-56 mobile
222157 |
Ambulance 22-57 mobile
222158 |
Ambulance 22-58 mobile
Squad 25-21 / Long Branch First Aid Squad (Long Branch City)
Radio ID
252157 |
Ambulance 25-1-57 mobile
252158 |
Ambulance 25-1-58 mobile
252159 |
Ambulance 25-1-59 mobile
2521050 |
Supervisor 1
2521051 |
Supervisor 2
2521053 |
Crew Portable 1
2521054 |
Crew Portable 2
2521551 |
Crew Portable 3
2521099 |
25-21 Gator
25936 |
Squad 25-22 / Elberon First Aid Squad (Long Branch City)
Radio ID
252250 |
Captain 25-2-50 mobile
252256 |
Ambulance 25-2-56 mobile
252260 |
Ambulance 25-2-60 mobile
2522050 |
Captain 25-2-50 portable
2522051 |
1st Lt 25-2-51 portable
2522052 |
2nd Lt 25-2-52 portable
2522053 |
SGT. 25-2-53 portable
2522054 |
25-2-54 portable
2522561 |
Ambulance 25-2-56 portable 1
2522601 |
Ambulance 25-2-60 portable 1
Squad 26-21/12-21 / Englishtown-Manalapan Volunteer First Aid Squad/Western Monmouth EMS
Radio ID
262150 |
Captain 26-50 mobile
262155 |
First Responder 26-55 mobile
262156 |
Ambulance 26-56 mobile
262157 |
Ambulance 26-57 mobile
262158 |
Ambulance 26-58 mobile
262159 |
Ambulance 26-59 mobile
262160 |
Ambulance 26-60 mobile
2621050 |
Captain 26-50 portable
2621052 |
2nd Lt 26-52 portable
2621053 |
26-53 portable
2621561 |
Ambulance 26-56 portable 1
2621571 |
Ambulance 26-57 portable 1
2621581 |
Ambulance 26-58 portable 1
2621591 |
Ambulance 26-59 portable 1
2621601 |
Ambulance 26-60 portable 1
2621611 |
Ambulance 26-61 portable 1 (Atlantic Health)
2621621 |
Ambulance 26-62 portable 1 (Atlantic Health)
122159 |
Ambulance 12-59 Mobile
1221581 |
Ambulance 12-58 portable 1
1221582 |
Ambulance 12-58 portable 2
Squad 32-21 / Millstone Township First Aid Squad
Radio ID
322157 |
Ambulance 32-57 mobile
322159 |
Ambulance 32-59 mobile
3221050 |
Captain 32-50 portable
3221571 |
Ambulance 32-57 portable 1
3221591 |
Ambulance 32-59 portable 1
Squad 33-21 / Monmouth Beach EMS
Radio ID
332150 |
Captain 33-50 mobile
332156 |
Ambulance 33-56 mobile
332157 |
Ambulance 33-57 mobile
3321561 |
Ambulance 33-56 portable 1
3321571 |
Ambulance 33-57 portable 1
3321050 |
Captain 33-50 portable (50)
3321051 |
1st Lt 33-51 portable (50)
3321052 |
2nd Lt 33-52 portable
3321001 |
Squad 33-21 portable 1
3321002 |
Squad 33-21 portable 2 (Squad President)
3321003 |
Squad 33-21 portable 3 (51)
3321005 |
Squad 33-21 portable 5
3321006 |
Squad 33-21 portable 6 (Squad Vice President)
3321008 |
Squad 33-21 portable 8 (52)
3321009 |
Squad 33-21 portable 9
3321010 |
Squad 33-21 portable 10
==Squad 34-21 / Hamilton First Aid & Rescue Squad (Neptune Twp)== DISBANDED
Radio ID
342156 |
Ambulance 34-1-56 mobile
3421051 |
1st Lt 34-1-51 portable
3421053 |
34-1-53 portable
3421054 |
34-1-54 portable
3421561 |
Ambulance 34-1-56 portable 1
3410013 |
Squad 34-22 / Neptune First Aid Squad (Neptune Twp)
Radio ID
342256 |
Ambulance 34-2-56 mobile
3422050 |
Captain 34-2-50 portable
3422051 |
1st Lt 34-2-51 portable
3422052 |
2nd Lt 34-2-52 portable
3422053 |
34-2-53 portable
3422054 |
34-2-54 Portable
3422561 |
Ambulance 34-2-56 portable 1
Squad 34-23 / Shark River Hills First Aid Squad (Neptune Twp)
Radio ID
342356 |
Ambulance 34-3-56 mobile
342365 |
Rescue 34-3-65 mobile
3423050 |
Captain 34-3-50 portable
3423051 |
1st Lt 34-3-51 portable
3423052 |
2nd Lt 34-3-52 portable
3423561 |
Ambulance 34-3-56 portable 1
Squad 34-24 / Neptune Twp EMS (Paid)
Radio ID
342457 |
Ambulance 34-57 mobile
342458 |
Ambulance 34-58 mobile
3424700 |
Portable 700
3424701 |
Portable 701
3424702 |
Portable 702
3424703 |
Portable 703
3424704 |
Portable 704
3424705 |
Portable 705
3424706 |
Portable 706
349031 |
OEM 34-9-31*
349036 |
OEM 34-9-36*
Squad 35-21 / Neptune City First Aid Squad
Radio ID
352156 |
Ambulance 35-56 mobile
3521050 |
Captain 35-50 portable
3521051 |
1st Lt 35-51 portable
3521052 |
2nd Lt 35-52 portable
3521053 |
Sgt 35-53 portable
3521054 |
Crew Chief 35-54 portable
Squad 36-21 / Tinton Falls EMS - North
Radio ID
362150 |
Captain 36-1-50 mobile
362156 |
Ambulance 36-1-56 mobile
362157 |
Ambulance 36-1-57 mobile
3621561 |
Ambulance 36-1-56 portable 1
3621563 |
Ambulance 36-1-56 portable 3
3621571 |
Ambulance 36-1-57 portable 1
3621572 |
Ambulance 36-1-57 portable 2
3621573 |
Ambulance 36-1-57 portable 3
Squad 36-22 / Tinton Falls EMS - South (Disbanded)
Radio ID
362200 |
Ambulance 36-2-60 mobile
362250 |
Captain 36-2-50 mobile
362260 |
Ambulance 36-2-60 mobile
362261 |
Ambulance 36-2-61 mobile
3622050 |
Captain 36-2-50 portable
3622051 |
1st Lt 36-2-51 portable
3622601 |
Ambulance 36-2-60 portable 1
3622611 |
Ambulance 36-2-61 portable 1
3622651 |
Rescue 36-2-65 portable 1???
Squad 36-23 / Tinton Falls EMS (Paid) (DISBANDED)
Radio ID
362300 |
Unidentified mobile
3623050 |
36-3-50 portable
362358 |
Ambulance 36-3-58 mobile
3623581 |
Ambulance 36-3-58 Portable 1 (crew portable)
3623582 |
Ambulance 36-3-58 Portable 2 (crew portable)
3623583 |
Ambulance 36-3-58 portable 3
3623584 |
Assigned to South Squad 36-2-53
3623586 |
Ambulance 36-3-58 portable 6
36901 |
OEM 36-9-32*
Squad 37-21 / Oakhurst EMS (Ocean Twp) (DISBANDED)
Radio ID
372157 |
Ambulance 37-1-57 mobile
372158 |
Ambulance 37-1-58 mobile
372159 |
Ambulance 37-1-59 mobile
3721050 |
37-1-50 portable
3721051 |
Duty Crew portable
3721052 |
Duty Crew portable
3721053 |
Duty Crew portable
3721054 |
Duty Crew Portable
3721551 |
3721030 |
Fire Marshal 37-1-30
Squad 37-22 / Wanamassa First Aid Squad (Ocean Twp)
Radio ID
372250 |
37-2-50 mobile
372256 |
Ambulance 37-2-56 mobile
372257 |
Ambulance 37-2-57 mobile
3722050 |
37-2-50 portable
3722051 |
37-2-51 portable
3722052 |
Duty Crew portable
3722053 |
Duty Crew portable
3722054 |
37-2-54 portable
3722561 |
Ambulance 37-2-56 portable 1
3722571 |
Ambulance 37-2-57 portable 1
Squad 38-21 / Oceanport First Aid Squad
Radio ID
382100 |
Squad 38-21 Base Station
382150 |
Captain 38-50 mobile
382156 |
Ambulance 38-56 mobile
382157 |
Ambulance 38-57 mobile
382158 |
Ambulance 38-58 mobile
3821050 |
Captain 38-50 portable
3821051 |
1st Lt 38-51 portable
3821052 |
2nd Lt 38-52 portable
3821053 |
Sgt. 38-53 portable
3821054 |
Ex Capt. 38-54 portable
3821561 |
Ambulance 38-56 portable
3821571 |
Ambulance 38-57 portable
3821581 |
Ambulance 38-58 portable
==Squad 41-21 / Roosevelt First Aid Squad== DISBANDED
Radio ID
412156 |
Ambulance 41-56 mobile
412157 |
Ambulance 41-57 mobile
4121050 |
Captain 41-50 portable
4121052 |
2nd Lt 41-52 portable
Squad 43-21 / Sea Bright EMS
Radio ID
432150 |
Chief 43-50 mobile
432151 |
43-51 mobile
432157 |
Ambulance 43-57 mobile
432158 |
Ambulance 43-58 mobile
4321001 |
Portable 1
4321002 |
Portable 2
4321050 |
Captain 43-50 portable
4321051 |
1st Lt 43-51 portable
4321100 |
Portable 100
Squad 53-21 / West Long Branch EMS
Radio ID
532121 |
Squad 53-21 Base Station
532150 |
Captain 53-50 mobile
532156 |
Ambulance 53-56 mobile
532157 |
Ambulance 53-57 mobile
5321001 |
Portable 1
5321002 |
Portable 2*
5321050 |
Captain 53-50 portable
5321051 |
1st Lt 53-51 portable
5321053 |
Sgt 53-53 portable
Squad 54-21 / Ocean Grove EMS (Neptune Twp)
Radio ID
542156 |
Ambulance 54-56 mobile
5421050 |
Captain 54-50 portable
5421051 |
1st Lt 54-51 portable
5421052 |
2nd Lt 54-52 portable
5421053 |
54-53 portable
5421054 |
54-54 portable
5421561 |
Ambulance 54-56 portable 1
5421651 |
Rescue 54-65 portable 1
Squad 61-21 / Deal First Aid Squad
Radio ID
6121050 |
Captain 61-50 portable
6121002 |
Portable 2
Squad 82-21 / Allentown First Aid Squad
Radio ID
822156 |
Ambulance 82-56 mobile
822164 |
Ambulance 82-64 mobile
822165 |
Ambulance 82-65 mobile
8221050 |
Captain 82-50 portable
8221051 |
1st Lt 82-51 portable
8221053 |
82-53 portable
8221561 |
82-56 Portable
Squad 83-21 / Asbury Park Fire Department
Radio ID
832157 |
Ambulance 83-57 mobile
832158 |
Ambulance 83-58 mobile
832159 |
Ambulance 83-59 mobile
832160 |
Ambulance 83-60 mobile
832161 |
Ambulance 83-61 mobile
Squad 84-21 / Colts Neck First Aid Squad
Radio ID
842160 |
Ambulance 84-60 mobile
842161 |
Ambulance 84-61 mobile*
842162 |
Ambulance 84-62 mobile*
842164 |
Ambulance 84-64 mobile
8421010 |
Portable 10*
8421050 |
Captain 84-50 portable
8421051 |
1st Lt 84-51 portable
8421052 |
2nd Lt 84-52 portable
8421053 |
84-53 portable
8421054 |
84-54 portable
8421611 |
Ambulance 84-61 portable
Squad 86-21 / Avon First Aid Squad
Radio ID
862156 |
Ambulance 86-56 mobile
862158 |
Ambulance 86-58 mobile
8621051 |
1st Lt 86-51 portable
8621659 |
Rescue 86-65 portable 9
Squad 99-21 / Brielle First Aid Squad
Radio ID
992121 |
Unidentified mobile
992156 |
Ambulance 99-56 mobile
992157 |
Ambulance 99-57 mobile
9921001 |
Portable 1
9921050 |
Captain 99-50 portable
9921053 |
99-53 portable
Monmouth County EMS Coordinators
Radio ID
6707 |
County OEM 07 EMS Coordinator
6710 |
County OEM 10 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6711 |
County OEM 11 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6712 |
County OEM 12 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6713 |
County OEM 13 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6714 |
County OEM 14 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6715 |
County OEM 15 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6716 |
County OEM 16 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6719 |
County OEM 19 Deputy EMS Coordinator
6720 |
County OEM 20 Deputy EMS Coordinator
Hackensack Meridian (JFK) ALS
Radio ID
2012012 |
20-1201 portable 2
Robert Wood Johnson ALS
Radio ID
1092211 |
9221 portable 1
1092222 |
9221 portable 2
Atlantic Health ALS
Radio ID
3090126 |
Medic 15 Portable
3090127 |
Medic 14 Portable
3000104 |
Medic 15 Portable
Radio ID
7021356 |
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