Montgomery County (MO)
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Montgomery County Government
- 153.74 127.3, EMS Paging heard in Bowling Green (3/30/15)
- 155.9925 WQIW693 M Health Department [Expired 6/18]
- 158.73R/150.805 WPIF266 71.9 PL Sheriff/Law: Dispatch (Jonesburg) FMN (71.9 PL input)
- 158.73R/150.805 WPIF266 71.9 PL Sheriff/Law: Dispatch (South Law) FMN (77.0 PL input)
Municipalities and Districts
Big Spring
Big Spring Area Fire Protection District
Rhineland Area Volunteer Fire Department
Jonesburg/High Hill
Jonesburg/High Hill Fire Department
Jonesburg Police Department - Shares frequencies with Montgomery County Sheriff
Montgomery City WEB
Montgomery City Police
Wellsville Police Department
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Schools and Colleges
East Missouri Laborers Joint Training School (High Hill)
- 159.585, 159.66 Mobiles WPWC772
- Cope Farms 157.725 Base/Mobile (Truxton) KNGR672 Expired 5/23
- Alan Cope Farms (Truxton) - 159.4875 180W Base with 10-120W mobiles (NFM) [1] 3/25 FCC Application 0011494588
- Johnson Farms 151.79 Base/Mobile (NFM at Montgomery City) WQLL833
- Kingdom Telephone Company 451.4 Repeater (Auxusasse-Callaway; Americus-Montgomery) DMR/NFM KJE436
- MFA Farm Supply 152.99 Base/Mobile (California) WQBG343
- Montgomery Towing 150.875 Base/Mobile (Montgomery City) KNFS558
Supreme Cuisine (Montgomery City) WEB
- Manufacturing Warehouse Communications
- 30-5W portables on 463.925, 464.8625, 468.9125, 469.8625 (DMR/NFM) WRWZ519