New Mexico Statewide Public Safety Radio System RID/UIDs
From The RadioReference Wiki
- 1 State of New Mexico DTRS
- 2 Radio IDs
- 2.1 Ranges
- 2.1.1 DOIT
- 2.1.2 Interop
- 2.1.3 NMSP
- 2.1.4 Spaceport America
- 2.1.5 ABQ Area
- 2.1.6 ABQ City Services
- 2.1.7 Sunport PD
- 2.1.8 APD
- 2.1.9 ABQ EM
- 2.1.10 UNM
- 2.1.11 APS
- 2.1.12 ABQ City Security
- 2.1.13 Sunport/KABQ
- 2.1.14 AFR
- 2.1.15 ABQ Municipal
- 2.1.16 Youth Services
- 2.1.17 BC?
- 2.1.18 BCSO
- 2.1.19 BCFR
- 2.1.20 MDC
- 2.1.21 Patches
- 2.1.22 RRFD
- 2.1.23 RRPD
- 2.1.24 SCFD
- 2.1.25 Corrales
- 2.1.26 Bernallilo
- 2.1.27 SCSO
- 2.1.28 Santa Fe
- 2.1.29 Los Lunas
- 2.1.30 Federal
- 2.1.31 NMSU
- 2.1.32 Other
- 2.1.33 DOC/Probation
- 2.1.34 Parks/Forestry
- 2.1.35 Juvenile Corrections
- 2.1.36 DOT
- 2.1.37 BNSF
- 2.1.38 Patches
- 2.2 Individual Radio IDs
- 2.2.1 NMSP Consoles
- 2.2.2 Sandoval Consoles
- 2.2.3 Los Lunas Consoles
- 2.2.4 AAS Albuquerque Base
- 2.2.5 Albuquerque Consoles
- 2.2.6 Bernalillo County Consoles
- 2.2.7 APS Security
- 2.2.8 MDC
- 2.2.9 Youth
- 2.2.10 UNM Police
- 2.2.11 ABQ Community Safety
- 2.2.12 ABQ Law
- 2.2.13 ABQ Engines
- 2.2.14 ABQ Brush/Wildland
- 2.2.15 ABQ Ladders/Trucks
- 2.2.16 ABQ Rescues
- 2.2.17 AAS
- 2.2.18 ABQ Misc Fire
- 2.2.19 ABQ BCs
- 2.2.20 ABQ Fire Marshal's Office
- 2.2.21 ACSB
- 2.2.22 Air
- 2.1 Ranges
State of New Mexico DTRS
Radio IDs
- RID Ranges
- DOIT (1) UN active: 993 yes, 951, 991, 1005, 10, 20407, 352560, 14 (ENC?), 993 (UNENC?), 939
- DOIT (2): 102, 902
- DOIT (3): x
- DOIT (4): x
- DOIT (5): 951
- DOIT (6): x (patched to 12) (ENC)
- DOIT (7) UN: 950
- DOIT (8) active: 206, 207, 204, 996, 997 yes, 213 yes (UNENC)
- DOIT (9): x
- DOIT (10): x
- Met L1: 201, 2000
- DOIT (11) ENC: 102, 202 yes (NW1), 203 yes yes, 920 yes off Tesuque (Met G1 yes), 922 (Met L1), 201 yes, 200, 209, 923 (ENC)
- DOIT (12) active: 904 yes yes, 951 yes yes, 902 yes off Tesuque, 912, 913, 911, 1009, 930, 961, 951, 203, 1043 yes, 1025 yes, 1000, 939, 905, 953 off Tesuque (patched to 6) (ENC)
- DOIT (13): 912-961, 913 (ENC)
- DOIT (15): 201
- DOIT (16): x
- DOIT (17): x
- DOIT (18): 966 yes, 951
- DOIT (19) ENC: 5072, 953 yes, 951 yes yes, 952, 1046, 950, 954, 902, 973 (ENC)
- AFR: 999
- NW1 call (20): 10120, 12909 (!), 24060
- NW3 (22): 254249
- NE4 (28): 2441
- SE1 call (30): 257269, 254007 (RRFD, SCFD, SCFD Tac), 255832, 254004, 5216, 13011*
- SE5 (34): 21182, 5340
- SW4 (38): 8454
- Met G1 call? (40): 20557, 20504, 254027, 20482 (AFR console?), 21766
- Met G2 (41) active: 21039
- Met G3 (42): 20573, 20570, 20532, 20593
- Met G4 (43): 21766, 800100-800102, 254374
- Met G5 (44): 8039
- Met G6 (45): 20510
- Met G7 (46): 255488
- Met G8 (47): 21182, 28983
- Met G10 (49): 1619, 800200 UNMH, 800215 AMG,
- Sw 1 call (50): 257268 (console?), 20577 yes, 16490, 21039, 20507, 20577, 21743, 24268, 341501, 341020, 353056 (?)
- Sw 2 (51): 20506, 341500
- Sw 3 (52): 20572
- Sw 4? (53): 341500, 341501, 341502
- TG61 Sw12: 8031 (ENC)
- TG63 Sw14 EOC?: x
- NW6 (66): 21220
- NW7 (67): 254002
- NE6 (69): 10120
- NE7 (70): 21316
- SE7 (73): 21182
- SE8 (74): 21182
- SW8 (77): 255788
- Event below
- Pursuit1 (78): 255817, 256491, 24200, 1017, 8031 (originally TG91), 341501
- Pursuit2 (79): 12578
- Met L1 call? (80) active: 1043, 258001, 2241 (A7?), 2441, 2442, 12911, 15272, 1601, 1602, 996
- Met L2 (81): 12780, 254231, 254249, 13147, 13100, 13435, 12942, 12514, 12561, 2242 (A7), 15216, 997
- Met L4 (83): 1000
- Met L5 (84): 13650, 255082, 12977 yes, 21702
- Met L6 (85): 8452
- Met L7 (86): 16074, 16067, 16042, 20551, 16035, 16083, 16037, 16006
- Met L10 (89): 257267, 14663
- Met F1 call? (90): 24198 yes
- Met F2 (91) active: 254013, 24146, 12789 (APD OS), 13479, 11215, 8034, 20512 (close to YSC), 20613, 254017, 11133, 111323, 11324, 11597, 11325, 11181, 11182, 11537, 11590, 20481, 11597, 998
- Met F3 (92): 24180, 922, 999 yes, 19, 921, 254001, 20530, 20523 (Alarm Room tactical for balloon fiesta)
- Met F4 (93): 255488, 254229, 21430
- Pursuit 1 (78): 254231 (Met L2) yes (move down), 250010
- Met L1 (80): 254228, 254231, 254235, 12550, 14011, 21378, 21375, 21381, 21379, 13368 (Pursuit1), 21256, 8030
- Met L2 (81): 254249 yes, 13435, 14541
- Met L3 (82): 21775
- Met L4 (83): 21544
- Met L5 (84): 2242 (A7), 254024 (Met L1) BELOW
- Met L6 (85): 21182, 254228
- Met L7 (86) 256941
- Met L8 (87): 254228
- SCSO: 256503, 256540, 256542
- Met F1 (90): 24198 yes yes, 24143, 10120, 257267 (Met F4, Met L10), 254228
- Met F2 (91): 24146, 254006, 255103, 24028, 20512
- Met F4 (94): 255488, 254229, 254228
- Met G4 (43): 254001, 254013
- NW7 (67): 254002 (WTAC2 below)
- BCFD: 254015
- SCFD: 254025, 255080
- TG101 D1 - Santa Fe: 1083, 1004, 921, 350011, 350003 yes, 500059, 2475, 2030, 5224, 1083
- TG102 D1 car: 2534
- TG103 D2 - Las Vegas: 2359, 13528, 21766, 21140
- TG105 D3 - Roswell: 2024
- TG107 D4 - Las Cruces: 2469
- TG108 D4 car: 5201
- TG109 D5 - Albuquerque: 1043, 1013, 1097, 514024 yes off Tesuque, 15218, 350001 yes, 350007, 500015, 515505, 5343, 5353, 2127, 2480, 2103, 5000062, 1043, 615, 114, 514026, 350015
- TG110 D5 car: 5320, 2540, 5348
- TG111 D6 - Gallup: 21243, 2556, 21140
- TG113 D7 - Espanola/Taos: 2346, 2013 yes (off Tesuque)
- TG114 D7 car: 5000, 5148
- TG115 D8 - Alamogordo: 966?
- TG116 D8 car: 2203
- TG117 D9 - Clovis: 14663
- TG119 D10 - Farmington: 5446
- TG120 D10 car: 2241
- TG121 D11 - Socorro: 2287, 2287, 2548, 612 yes, 2130, 2548 yes, 2678 yes yes, 616, 615, 613, 611 yes, 614 (SoCom to D11), 5261, 2772
- TG122 D11 Car: 5261
- TG123 D12 - Deming: 5277
- TG125 Emergency: 5345, 5190, 5210, 5202, 5195, 5323, 5242, 5221
- SE above
Tacs/Special Event
- TG131 Tac 1 Se1 active: 2632, 5216, 1460, 5340, 2148 yes, 1460, 121, 122, 123, 125
- TG132 Tac 2: 5301 (272)
- TG133 Tac 3 Se3: 5350
- TG134 Tac 4 Se4: x
- TG135 Tac 5 Se5: 922, 5322, 5139, 5323, 5378, 5216, 2050, 2017, 2110, 2039
- TG136 Tac 6:
- TG137 Tac 7:
- TG138 Tac 8:
- TG139 Tac 9 Special event 9: 2148
- Event10 Tac 10 (140): 340538, 254235, 800008, 5195
- TG141 E11?: 254235, 21182 (E10 too)
- TG142 E12?: 5284, 5270, 15283 (Met L1), 254244, 21456, 21766
- TG143 E13?: 5106, 5132, 5340, 5201
- TG144 E14?: x
- TG145 E15?: 5262
- TG146 E16?: 5262
- TG148 E18?: 5201, 5469
- NMSP Supervisor / Tac Common? (150) active: 5197 yes yes, 5247 yes yes (TG131 SE1), 5239 yes yes, 5248 yes, 5010 yes, 5245 yes yes, 5239, 5231, 5138, 5199, 5173, 5175, 5039, 5191, 5275, 5039, 5005, 5146 yes, 5237, 5273, 5188 yes yes, 5010, 5267 yes, 5266, 5248, 5246 yes yes, 5188 (together), 5235 yes, 5197, 5267, 5247, 5494 (ENC)
- TG151 NMSP?: 5182 only, 5170, 2153 (ENC)
- TG152 NMSP?: 5188
- TG153 NMSP?: 5253, 2503, 2551 (ENC)
- TG154 NMSP Sec Tac Air/Special ops?: 2242 (A7), 2284, 254024 yes (Met L5), 5194, 2434 yes, 2433, 5205 yes, 5275, 5173, 5044, 5175, 5039, 5235, 5210, 5188, 21768, 5206, 5196, 5213, 21701, 5220, 5197, 5110, 5189 yes (together), 5468, 5212, 5165 yes, 5368, 2382, 21743, 21571, 21574, 21752, 21753, 5182 (ENC)
- TG155 NMSP?: 5191, 5039, 14898, 5201, 15025, 15202, 5119, 14875, 5196
- TG156 NMSP?: 2629, 500050, 2551, 2503 yes, 5248, 5199, 2704
- TG157 NMSP?: 1003, 5397 yes (ENC)
- TG158 NMSP?: 5157
- TG109 D5: 1043, 615
- TG110 D5 car: 2000 (Met G5)
- NMSP (101,109): 431, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 2000-2581, 5004-5380
Spaceport America
- I-call: 8001-8030
- TG216: 8134-8135
- TG218: 8104, 8120, 8182, 8187, 913 (922 joined E5 also)
- TG223 Intercom: 8115
- Spaceport: 8104-8187
- TG250 below
- TG300: 923
- TG340: 8251 keyed, 8250 (SE1)
- TG1024: patched to APD SW
- TG12509: patched to APD SW (with 1024)
- TG13392: patched to APD SW (with 1024)
ABQ Area
- AFR (14043) active: 10000-10170
- AAS: 10117-10162
- ABQ Animal Control/AWD (14008): 11003-11073, 11027 yes, 11009, 11005, 11008 yes, 11022, 11023, 11025, 11026, 11045, 11073, 11075, 11043 yes, 20921, 11017 yes, 11052, 11042 yes, 11047, 11056, 11013, 11007, 11057, 11082
- TG14009 ABQ AC 2?: x
- AFR: 11151-11800, 111xx, 112xx,
- Data: 11812, 11811, 11807
- TG14191 AFR? - Cmd? Mdt?: 11807, 11811 (data?) BELOW
- Albuquerque Police Department: 12350-15250
- APD: 123xx, 124xx
- AFR: 12352-12618
- APD: 124xx, 125xx, 126xx??, 128xx
- TG14170 KABQ? APD: 12858 yes yes, 13216 yes yes yes, 13827, 13488 yes yes, 13353, 21182, 21548, 21522, 14988 yes yes, 13041 yes, 12687 yes, 13564 yes, 21659, 21575, 13430, 12536, 21543, 13177 (ENC?)
- Met L5: 12387
- TG14171 KABQ?: x
- TG14172 KABQ?: 20402 yes yes, 20410 yes, 20407 (AFR console?) (patched to APD SW Tac)
- TG14174 KABQ?: 20401 yes
- TG14175 KABQ?: x
- TG14176 KABQ? City Sec 5: 16466 yes
- TG14177 APD?: 12733 yes, 12843 yes
- Sunport below
- TG14161 below
- TG17301: 20410 (queued) otherwise on TG14172
ABQ City Services
- AFR Training (14067) below
- TG14071 AFR Training 5
- TG14072 AFR Wildland
Sunport PD
- Sunport PD KABQ (14074) active: 12373, 12383 yes, 12510, 12524, 12530, 12580, 12605, 12685, 12956 yes, 13041, 13136, 13262 yes, 13364, 13487, 13936, 14397 active, 14642, 16836, 16848, 16651 yes, 13344, 12809, 15851, 12809, 16825, 13276, 14301
- TG14016 City Security 1: BELOW
- TG14075 Security? Sunport PD Tac?: 16848, 351083, 14904
- ABQ City Security 5 (14076): 16469, 14684 yes
- TG14077 KABQ? City Security 6? APD prob: 12605 yes yes (was TG14074), 13136 yes yes, 13028 yes yes, 12733, 12404 many yes yes (ENC)
- TG14078 City Security 7? APD? active: 14940, 13100, 12524, 14887, 14932, 12775, 13266, 14663, 14732, 12974, 12462, 13281, 14915 yes
- TG14079 City Security 8? APD?: x
- TG14070 AFR Training 4: x
- ABQ City Security 1 (14016) below
- APD: 129xx, 130xx, 131xx, 133xx
- APD: 13000-13800
- APD: 135xx, 136xx, 137xx, 138xx-145xx
- TG14078 above
- TG14080: x
- APD Admin1 (14081): 13167
- APD City Tac (14083): 14379, 15061, 12802, 14875, 14376 (ENC)
- APD Event1 (14084): 14904, 200, 12618, 13446, 13439, 12700, 13552, 13419, 12906, 14330, 15355, 12435, 12953, 13095, 13098, 13016 (ENC)
- APD Event2 (14085): x
- APD Foothills (14086): 13007
- APD FH Tac (14088): 13612 yes, 20493 (ENC)
- APD Mesa (14089): 20498, 14381, 13578, 15141 yes, 13442, 12575, 16279, 14512, 14878, 14969, 16356, 12974, 13604, 14461
- APD Mesa Tac (14091): 13902, 14512 yes, 14732, 13219, 13377, 15034, 12974, 14559 (ENC)
- APD NCIC (14092): 12444, 12552, 20488
- APD Northeast (14093): 12988, 12366, 12695, 12799
- TG14094 APD NE?: 12947, 12848 (ENC)
- APD NE Tac (14095): 20498 (ENC)
- APD Northwest (14096): 12741, 12753, 12850, 12923, 13182, 354001
- TG14097 APD NW?: x (ENC)
- APD NW Tac (14098): 12909, 13968, 14505, 12517, 12816, 13294, 20497 (ENC)
- APD Southeast (14099): 12368, 12509, 13263
- TG14100 APD SE x?: 13901 yes yes, 14389 yes yes, 14489 yes yes, 14637 yes yes, 14684 yes yes yes yes, 14022 yes yes, 14037 yes yes, 13261 yes yes, 14104, 14044 yes yes, 13954, 12565, 13392, 13406, 13699, 13937 yes, 14037 yes, 14044, 14148 yes, 14334 yes, 14389, 14637 yes, 13046, 14334 yes, 12937, 12714, 14489 yes, 14035, 14688, 14598 (ENC)
- APD SE Tac (14101): 20490 (ENC)
- APD Southwest (14102): 12866
- TG14103 APD SW?: 12909
- APD SW Tac (14104): 20499 (ENC)
- TG14105 APD SW x? PSA? active pres too: 13098 yes yes, 12542 yes, 12781 yes, 12879, 13142 yes, 13148 yes, 13444 yes, 12783, 13099 yes, 13093 yes yes, 12362 yes yes, 14402, 13334, 12800, 13095 yes, 13096 yes, 12771 yes, 12941 yes, 12946 yes, 13171 yes, 15057, 12832, 13091, 12914, 12783, 12561, 12947, 12946, 12942, 12612, 13524, 12780, 14979, 12945, 12942 (ENC)
- TG14106 APD? active pres: 14879, 12946; 12535, 12612, 12941, 13100, 12947 yes, 12465, 12361, 12832, 13098, 12514, 13334, 13507 yes, 14215 yes
- TG14107 APD? active pres: 12875 yes, 12947, 13173, 13524; 12362, 12800, 12561, 12832, 13091, 12945, 12946, 12771, 12641, 13173, 14587, 12361, 12612
- TG14108 APD? active pres: 13091 yes, 12514, 13097; 13173 yes, 13339, 12675, 13098, 14402, 12947, 12535, 12948, 13100
- TG14109 APD? slight pres: 13093, 13091, 12611, 12902 yes; 12948, 13100
- TG14110 APD?: 12768
- TG14120 APD?: 15325 (ENC?)
- APD Valley (14121): 13105, 13266, 21798
- TG14122 APD Valley?: 15263, 14336 (ENC?)
- APD Valley Tac (14123): 14902, 14232, 20495 (ENC)
- TG14124 APD Valley?: 12789, 13501, 15067, 14615
- TG14126 APD?: 2242
- TG14127 APD?: 21609, 14823 yes, 14822, 14817, 14813 yes, 14812 yes yes, 13550, 13231 yes
- TG14128 APD? busy all of a sudden on a friday: 15272 yes, 14106 yes yes, 15283, 12541, 15269, 15282, 13463, 13145, 14819, 15275, 14220, 14203, 14753, 14152, 15256 (ENC)
- TG14129 APD?: 21510, 2153, 5010
- TG14130 APD?: 14819
- APD Open Space - Reactivated (14131): 13827 yes yes, 14794 yes yes, 21017 (BCSO?), 13501, 12789 yes yes, 21757, 12523, 11577 (AFR), 11598 (AFR), 21757 (BCSO), 13881 yes yes, 13742 yes yes, 14506 yes, 14801, 14107, 20453. After disbanding: 14148, 14506 heading to another ch, but exists (ENC)
- TG14132 APD?: 15166 yes yes, 14958, 14984, 14963 yes, 15138 yes, 15174 yes yes, 14965 yes yes yes, 15171 yes yes, 15013 yes yes, 14958, 15181, 15138, 14952 yes yes, 14981, 15123 yes yes, 14908, 14572, 15018, 15074, 15052, 14419, 14957 (ENC)
- TG14133 APD?: 15205 yes yes yes, 14572 yes, 15121 yes yes, 15149 yes yes, 14419 yes, 15182, 15167, 15208, 15062 yes, 14572, 15018 yes, 15167, 14902 (ENC)
- APD SWAT (14134): 15199 yes yes, 15177 yes yes, 15156, 15152 yes yes, 15117 yes yes, 14945, 15143 yes yes, 14984, 15028, 15152, 14442, 14546, 21704, 15179, 15135 yes yes, 15050 yes, 14911, 14460 yes yes, 14963, 15064 yes, 15205 (above too), 14948 yes, 14900, 14902, 14878, 15074, 14872, 15074, 15016, 15028, 14877, 15062, 14908, 15136, 15212 (ENC)
- TG14135 APD?: 20531, 15152, 14893, 14928 (ENC?)
University Area Command?
- TG14137 APD? active: 14582 yes yes, 13056 yes yes yes, 13110 yes yes, 13304, 13351 yes, 14239, 14581, 5246, 12356 yes, 13357, 13215 yes yes, 15207 yes yes, 13308 yes yes, 14582 yes yes, 14910 yes, 14943 yes, 13968 yes, 14896, 15207 yes, 14154, 13215, 13129 yes yes, 14420, 14934, 15080 yes, 14581, 14458, 13278, 5253, 12481, 14173, 14582 yes, 13253, 14968, 15015 yes yes, 14974, 13056, 15067, 14918, 14883, 14872, 15062, 12730, 14173, 14420, 15207, 5247, 5010, 13110, 13321, 14185, 13261, 14148 (ENC)
- TG14138 APD CIT?: 13215, 13129, 13056, 14965, 12356 (ENC?)
- TG14140 APD Vice?: 13266, 14185, 14177
- TG14141 APD?: x (ENC)
- TG14143 APD - Special ops/Air?: 14802 yes yes, 14909 yes yes, 14982, 15002 yes, 15019, 12408, 14879, 13613 yes, 13452 yes yes, 14251, 15267, 14164, 15264 yes, 14185 (ENC)
- TG14144 APD?: 13642 yes
- TG14145 APD K9?: 13328, 13528, 14710 yes yes, 14185 (ENC?)
- TG14146 APD Narc?: 14732 yes, 12816 yes, 15002 yes yes, 14909, 13851 yes, 14879, 14959 (ENC)
- TG14150 APD Gangs?: 14986 yes yes, 14982 yes yes, 352512, 352516 yes, 352523 yes (MS), 352540, 15044 yes, 15065, 352500, 352535, 15021, 15355 (ENC)
- TG14151 APD EOD?: 14890, 14990, 14976
- TG14152 APD ? active: 15044 yes yes, 14982 yes, 14786 yes, 352516, 352512, 14910, 15053 yes yes, 352515, 14986 yes, 3525xx, 14933, 15075, 15065, 15053, 352512, 352515, 352516 (ENC)
- TG13153 APD?: 15031, 15075
- TG14155 APD Warrants? with ATF - active suddenly: 14910, 14943 yes, 15031, 14935, 14985 yes, 14881, 14938 yes yes, 14937 yes, 14994 yes, 352516, 15078, 14921 yes, 14984, 15012 yes yes, 14991, 14985, 14940, 14884 yes yes, 14883, 351016, 14976, 14976, 14985, 14971, 14992, 15008 yes, 15033, 351058, 14887, 14870, 350527, 350500, 350501, 350506, 350527, 350559 (fed), 350569 (ENC)
- TG14156 APD Retail Crime? active: 14890 yes yes, 15012, 14943 yes yes, 14889 yes, 14892 yes, 14974 yes, 14896 yes yes, 14888, 14956, 14870, 15004, 14910 yes yes, 15055, 15001, 15006, 14891 (also 14160), 14885, 15003, 14896, 14974, 15022 yes yes, 15031, 14910, 14974, 15058 (ENC)
- TG14157 APD Mounted? active all of a sudden: 14921, 14934 (160 also), 14984 yes, 14994 yes yes, 14991, 14881 yes yes, 15051 yes, 14933 yes, 15031 yes yes, 14937 yes yes, 15033, 14938, 14896, 15012, 15022, 14935, 15155, 14976, 352643 (other agency?) (ENC)
- TG14158 APD Bike?: 14883 yes, 15005 yes, 15033 yes yes (ENC)
- TG14159 APD?: 15033
- TG14160 APD Traffic? (active): 14889 yes yes, 14870 yes, 14890 yes, 14886, 14974 yes yes, 14956, 14885 yes, 15003, 15010 yes, 15140, 14891 yes yes, 14934 yes, 352534, 15040, 15004 yes yes, 14892, 14994, 15065, 15022, 15062, 14962, 15199 (ENC)
- TG14161 APD Investigations? (active): 14870 yes yes yes, 14885 yes yes, 14889 yes yes yes, 14890 yes yes yes, 14891 yes yes yes, 14896, 14892 yes yes, 14962 yes yes, 15004 yes yes yes, 15010 yes yes yes, 15001 yes yes, 14923, 14887, 15003 yes yes, 15023 yes yes yes, 15006, 15007, 14975 (ENC)
- TG14162 APD RTCC?: 15041 yes yes, 15069 yes, 14990 yes yes, 14971 yes, 15022 yes, 15078 yes yes, 14996 yes yes, 14922 yes yes, 14995 yes yes, 15069 yes, 14910, 14972 yes yes, 15078 yes, 14995, 15051, 14994, 14990, 14976 yes, 14933, 14992, 14974, 14936, 15355 (ENC)
- TG14163 APD IA?: 352515
- TG14165 APD?: x
- TG14167 APD?: 15062 new
- TG14168 APD?: x
- TG14169 APD?: x
- TG14170: ABOVE
- TG14172: ABOVE
- APD Ops: 148xx, 149xx, 150xx, 151xx 152xx
- APD E1: 15116
- APD (14086,14089,14093,14096,14099,14102,14121) active: 140xx, 142xx, 144xx, 145xx, 146xx, 151xx, 14000-15217
- Special Forced: 15078 at 22:02 (Air?)
- ABQ City Security 4 (14019) below
- Parking Enforcement (14020): 16428 yes (odd Sec ID), 16456 yes yes, 16451 yes yes, 16453 yes yes, 16477 yes yes (odd, in security range), 16455, 16457
- AFR: 16464 (Security or Parking)
- AAS: 15707-15775
- TG11525 ABQ?: x
- TG14001 ABQ CERT: 15913 yes, 15894 many
- TG14002 ABQ CERT Ch2: x
- TG14004 ABQ EM: 15855 yes yes, 15853 yes yes, 15859 yes yes, 158xx, 15856, 15857, 15858 yes, 15852
- TG14005 ABQ EM 2?: 15855, 922
- TG14008 ABOVE
- UNM PD (14029): 16002-16109, 16107 active, 16078, 16050, 16102, 16035, 16108, 16002
- UNM PD Tac (14030): 16094, 16097, 16047 yes, 16037 yes (Met L7), 16108 yes, 16005, 16021, 16022, 16031, 16033, 16063 yes, 16067, 16079, 16085, 16029 (ENC??)
- APD SE: 16098, 16041, 16104
- TG14031 UNM?: 16106 (Dispatch?), 16024
- TG14032 AFR? UNM?: x
- AFR to UNMH (14033): 11575
- TG14020 parking above
- APS PD (14021) active - 3xx units: 16209-16349, 16349, 16266, 16208, 16316, 16349, 16300, 16305, 16208, 16202, 16213, 16210
- APS PD 2 (14022): 16350 yes yes (console)
- APS Misc 1 - not seniors (14023): 16350 yes, 17135, 17107, 17133, 17101, 17105, 17130, 17137, 17129, 16269
- APS Misc 2 - not seniors (14024): 16279, 16288, 16248
- TG14025 APS related?: 16296, 16242
- TG14026 APS related?: 16215 yes only
- TG14027: x
- TG14028: 16287
- TG14208 below
ABQ City Security
- Data: 16350, 16349
- TG14009 above
- TG14011 ABQ? Fire?: 16946, 17206 yes, 17203 yes, 16907 (UNENC)
- TG14012 ABQ?: 16370
- TG14013 ABQ?: 16923
- TG14014 ABQ?: 16931
- TG14015 City?: 16931 yes yes (only), 16902, 16905, 17203, 16933
- ABQ City Security 1 (14016) active: 16356-16544, 16490, 16500, 16383 yes, 16388, 16399, 16436, 16506, 16387 active, 16511, 16512, 16514, 16514, 16542, 16544, 16545, 16401, 16402, 16408, 16356, 16357 (now on AFR, city console), 16359, 16424, 16436, 16481, 16383, 16535
- ABQ City Security 2? (14017): 16410, 16427, 16495, 16390
- ABQ City Security 3? (14018): 16520
- ABQ City Security 4? - facility (14019): 16423 only, 16424 yes, 16537 yes, 16374, 16490 only, 16510 yes, 16410 yes yes, 16535 yes, 16544
- TG14077 Security ABOVE
- TG14020 Parking ABOVE
- KABQ PD (14074): ABOVE
- TG14176 above
- Sunport Tech (14179): 16785 yes, 16663 yes, 16659, 16790 yes yes, 16757, 16755 yes
- Sunport Maintenance (14180): 16702-16794, 16732 yes, 16735, 16733 yes, 16704 yes, 16705, 16738, 16718
- Sunport Comm (14181) active: 16675-16787, 16856, 16814, 16850, 16859 yes, 16817 yes, 16747 yes, 16698, 16663, 16723 yes, 16693, 16738, 16849, 16849, 16787
- Sunport Janitor (14182): 16656-16752, 16656, 16748, 16661, 16699 yes, 16709, 16731, 16749, 16669, 16722, 16721 yes, 16660
- TG14183 Sunport?: 16848
- Sunport Parking (14184): 16813, 16821 yes, 16822, 16812, 16816
- Sunport Terminal (14186): 16712, 16769-16808, 11150 (AFR range), 16778 yes yes, 16662, 16823, 16767, 16804, 16799, 16800, 16779, 16769, 16763, 16782
- TG14187 ABQ Open Space Visitor Center: 16951 yes yes, 16955 yes yes, 16954 yes yes, 16953 (UNENC)
- TG14033 UNMH above
- AFR (14043): 16901-16945, 17207-17209, 17708
- AFR EMS1 (14044): 10131, 10109, 11720, 11800, 10136, 20476, 11679, 11155, 11645
- AFR EMS2 (14045): 10163, 10151, 10143
- AFR EMS3 (14046): 254017
- TG14048 AFR EMS 5?: 24121, 24137
- TG14053 AFR?: x
- KAFB IO (14054) below
- AFR Tac 1 (14057): 11176, 11193, 11212, 11235, 11319, 11326, 11363, 11591, 11690, 11719, 24236, 11684, 11685, 11771, 11666
- AFR Tac 2 (14058): 10157, 11247
- AFR Tac 3 (14059): 20403, 10105, 11155, 11679, 11788, 11265
- AFR Tac 4 (14060): 11347, 10122, 11744, 11221, 11158, 11744
- AFR Tac 5 (14061): 10101
- AFR Tac 6 (14062):
- AFR Tac 7 (14063): 10130, 10101, 11221, 11158
- AFR Tac 8 (14064): 24069 (BCFD)
- AFR Tac 9 (14065): 27511 yes, 11184, 225083, 24187, 24038,
- TG14066 AFR Tac10?: x
- AFR Training 1 (14067): 11353 yes yes, 11354 yes yes, 11359, 11340 yes, 11341, 11347, 11350 yes, 11346, 11343, 11357
- AFR Training 2 (14068): 11756
- AFR Training 3 (14069): 11233, 11356, 11310, 11341
- TG14071 above
- AFR Alarm: 169xx, 17207, 17708 (OEM?)
ABQ Municipal
- TG14200 Shooting Range Park - AFR? CSB?: 16958 yes yes (keyed), 16957 yes yes, 16956 yes (keyed), 16959 yes (UNENC)
- TG14201 City - AFR??: 16958, 16957
- TG14202 City - KABQ? AFR?: 16958
- TG14203 Senior Transport - active now: 17136 yes yes, 17103 yes, 17130 yes yes, 17131 yes yes, 17132 yes yes, 17146, 17137 yes yes, 17129 yes (keyed), 17138 yes yes, 14135 yes yes (keyed), 17140 yes yes (odd range), 17133 yes yes, 17144, 17145 yes (keyed), 17128 yes, 17126, 17141, 17135, 17101-17148 (UNENC)
- TG14204 ABQ Ride Dispatch: 17305, 17302, 17304, 17301 yes, 17459, 17509, 17514, 17482 many, 17402 many
- TG14205 Sun Van Dispatch: 17302 yes, 17437, 17440, 17500, 17466, 17410
- TG14207 ABQ Transport?: 17581 (also Ride and Sun van), 17586
- TG14208 ABQ Ride Supervisor: 16287, 17568, 17586, 17302
- TG14210 ABQ Streets: 0, 18001, 18002, 18029
- TG14211 ABQ Streets 2?: 18018, 18045
- TG17301 (Private call): 17387, 17454 (also on 14204)
- TG17316 (Private call): 17301
- TG17348 (Private call): 17301
- AFR Mach Alerting/VocAlarm (14190) active: 20474, 10002
- TG14191 AFR?: 11807 yes yes, 11811 yes yes (data?), 11810 ABOVE, 11806 yes yes, 11817 yes yes, 11805 yes, 11823 yes yes, 11821, 11814, 11823, 11801, 11815
- TG14192 AFR?: x
- TG14142 AFR? or APD? multiselected by console: 20479
- AFR Console (14043): 20407-20482
- APD Console (above): 20486-20500
- BCSO N: 20513
- BCFD NT1: 20522
- Met F3: 20523 (Alarm Room balloon fiesta)
- BCFD: 20526
- BC OEM (14501): 20506 (SW2), 20507 yes, 20509, 21490, 21659 yes (APD E1), 20518, 20501, 21698
- TG20501 BC: 20504 (14501 OEM) (4th Thursday)
- TG14502 BC OEM 2?: x
- TG20504 ABQ???: 20501 (14552 BCSO) (4th Thursday)
- TG14504 BC: 20562, 20557
- TG14505 BC 2?: x
- TG14506 BC 3??: x
- TG14507 BC 4??: x
- TG14508 OEM?: 24035
- TG14509 OEM?: 21501
- Data: 20513
- SW2: 20506
- BCFD: 20513, 20522
- Met F2: 20516 yes, 20531
- Met G1: 20526 (Met G10, SW1)
- Radio Cache (IO): 20510-20614
- Met L2: 20517 (close to YSC)
- Met L1: 20519 (close to YSC)
- Met F2: 20512 (again)
Youth Services
- YSC (14510): 20700-20755, 20701, 20713, 20744 yes, 20741, 20726, 20740, 20733, 20705
- TG14511 YSC 2 secure: 20702 yes, 20712, 20746, 20754, 20704, 20748, 20739 (has YSC), 20742 (has YSC) (ENC)
- TG14512 YSC 3?: 20747, 20708 (ENC)
- TG12513 YSC 4?: x
- TG12514 BC?: x
- TG14515 YSC?: 20748, 20721, 20722, 20724 (ENC)
- TG14516 YSC?: x
- TG14518 BC?: 20747 yes yes, 20748 yes, 20754 (ENC)
- TG14519 YSC?: x
- TG14520 YSC?: x
- TG14533 below
- TG9002: 281985 (keyed)
- TG9003: 281985 (afil)
Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office
- BCSO East (14550): 21151, 21669, 21352, 21602, 21673, 21466, 21711, 28000, 21799
- BCSO ETAC (14551): 21617 (same time), 21252, 21775, 21612, 21196 (ENC)
- BCSO North (14552): 28001, 21801, 21802, 21803
- BCSO NTAC (14553): 21598 (same time), 21641, 21770, 21551 yes, 21234, 21193 yes, 21633 yes, 21309, 21674, 21524, 21427, 26999, 21618, 21576, 21278, 21413, 21562, 21628, 21338, 21485, 21498, 21012, 21485, 21593, 21415, 21219, 21722, 21656 (ENC)
- BCSO South (14554): 209
- BCSO STAC (14555): 21254 yes, 21347, 21016, 21446, 21618, 21747, 21477, 21390, 21593, 21708, 21218, 21234, 21236, 21320, 21618, 21593, 21551, 21554, 21593, 21708, 21407, 21674, 21437, 21593, 21437, 21674, 21797, 21217, 21778, 21326, 21446, 21576, 21699, 21272, 21210, 21323, 21650, 21758, 21516, 21609, 21758, 21536, 21112, 21623, 21247 (ENC)
- BCSO West (14556): 21074, 21365, 21384, 21593, 21617, 21427
- BCSO WTAC (14557) active: 21800, 21061, 21168, 21186, 21250, 21382 yes, 21390, 21398, 21497, 21675, 21680, 21751, 21165, 21491, 21623, 21392, 21074, 21320, 21016, 21283, 21357, 21324, 21365, 21707, 21598, 21539, 21262, 21720, 21620 yes yes, 21724, 21384, 21414, 21724, 21365, 21384, 21598, 21707, 21429, 21593, 21011, 21128, 21394, 21033, 21609, 21163 yes, 21232 yes, 21425 yes, 21506 yes, 21553 yes, 21640 yes, 21653 yes, 21748 yes, 21752 yes, 21800 yes, (ENC)
- TG14531 BC?: 20923, 20905
- TG14533 BC?: x
- BC Animal Control (14535): 20901-20923, 20915, 20903, 20904 yes, 20910 yes, 209xx, 20901, 20904, 20907
- TG14537 BCSO?: 21252, 21577
- TG14539 BC AC Ch 2?: 20913, 20915
- TG14541 BCSO?: x
- TG14546 BCSO?: x
- BCSO NCIC (14558) active: 21419, 26988 yes yes, 21281, 21074, 21690 (ENC)
- BCSO (14550,14552,14554,14556) active: 211xx, 212xx, 215xx, 216xx, 217xx, 21003-21799
- Pursuit1: 21675, 13368, 21347
- APD E1: 21017, 21659
- Met L1: 21784
- Met L2: 13145, 15252
- Met L4: 21300
- Met L5: 12504, 12650, 12951, 12977, 13304, 13797, 13848, 13995, 15272, 15277, 15279, 15280, 21046, 21132, 21186, 21232, 21337, 21380, 21702, 21741
- Met L7: 21611, 21741
- Data: 21476
- TG14559 BCSO ERT?: 21575
- TG14560 BCSO MCAT?: 21663, 21659, 351156, 24029, 21528 yes
- TG14561 BCSO SWAT? - old special ops/air? active: 21217, 21761 yes, 21713?, 21775 active, 21583 yes yes yes, 21449 yes yes, 21520 yes yes, 21736, 21613 yes yes yes, 21769 yes, 21449 yes, 21553 yes yes yes, 21718 yes, 21742 yes yes, 21297, 21773, 21539, 21594, 21074, 21521, 21768, 21659, 21744 (ENC)
- TG14562 BCSO K9?: 21576 yes (NTAC), 21744 yes, 21708, 21440, 254237 (ENC?)
- TG14563 BCSO Narc/CID?: 20531 (multiple), 21189, 21763 (ENC?)
- TG14564 BCSO Traffic?: 21742, 16027, 21390, 21623, 21491, 21142
- Courts
- 2nd District Court (14565): 21395, 21490 21568-21694, 21712, 21739-21777, 21615 yes, 21684, 21558, 254015, 21717 yes, 21724 yes, 21733 yes, 21739 yes, 21454, 21480, 21608, 21706 (ENC)
- Metro Courthouse - rare (14566): 21391 yes yes, 21432 yes, 21490 yes, 21408, 21712 yes yes, 21508 yes, 21569, 21657 yes, 21418 (ENC)
- TG14567 BCSO JDC?: 21501 yes yes, 21217, 21744 yes yes, 21519 yes, 21684 yes yes, 21464 yes yes yes, 21494 yes, 21498 yes yes yes, 21741 yes, 21536 yes, 21559, 21485 yes, 21501, 21671, 21541 yes yes, 21501, 21631 yes yes, 21506, 21139, 21684, 21057 yes, (ENC)
- TG14568 BCSO?: 21350 yes, 21525, 21559, 21338, 21501, 21767 active now, 21506 (EMERG), 21671 (EMERG), 21494 yes, 21464, 21467, 21559, 21692 (ENC)
- TG14570 BCSO?: 21708, 21702, 21767, 21573
- TG14575 BCSO? DA?: 21754, 21743, 21773 yes yes, 21781 yes, 20531, 21702, 21120, 21770, 21411, 21678, 21749 yes, 21783, 351054, 21764, 21759, 21772, 21587, 21433, 14933, 14902, 14944, 14964, 14877, 14871, 14878, 14882, 14893, 14900, 15199, 14970, 14968, 21701, 21744, 21747, 21749, 21763, 21765, 21768, 14969, 21571, 21741, 21478, 21450, 21502, 21042, 351012, 351159 (ENC)
- TG14576 BCSO?: x
- TG14577 BCSO?: 21743, 24148, 24191
- TG14578 BCSO?: 21341, 21350 new
- TG14579 BCSO?: 21519
- TG14580 BCSO?: 21519 yes
- TG14581 BCSO?: 21631
- TG14586 BCSO?: x
- MASU (14632): 21107, 21771, 21338, 21071, 21037, 21734, 21228, 21716, 254982, 21165, 21373, 21142, 21039, 24265
Bernalillo County Fire
- BCFD: 22120 (?)
- AFR Tac 9 (Corrales Patch): 21776, 11267
- BCFD WTac 1 (14617): 24247, 24176, 10143, 20455
- BCFD WTac 2 (14618): 20531, 11671, 24171, 255831, 11788, 11800, 24150, 24258, 11642, 254002 yes
- BCFD (14610) active: 10001, 24001-24272, 29996, 221xx, 28006, 28980, 28982, 29950, 29951, 29959, 29996, 22118, 22120, 22121
- BCFD NTac 1 (14613) active: 20522, 24001 yes yes, 24120 yes, 24156, 24259, 24054, 24122 yes, 26992, 26993, 24017 yes, 24071, 24255, 24024, 24184, 24217, 24262, 24247, 24259, 24132, 10108, 24262, 24084, 24168, 24150, 24164, 24133 yes, 24016, 24202, 24119, 24168, 10121, 24049, 24152, 24001 (St36), 24199, 24133, 24247, 11264
- BCFD NTac 2 (14614): 24095, 24001, 24148, 24202, 21729
- BCFD ETac 1 (14615) active: 24206, 24132, 24020, 21170, 24129, 12789, 24044, 24125, 24261, 24140, 21775, 24134, 24020 yes yes, 10126
- BCFD ETac 2 patched VTAC17 (14616): 24206, 254004, 11201, 10150, 10147, 24238, 24018, 27503 yes, 24207, 24191, 255489, 20533,
- BCFD STac 1 (14611) active: 24009 yes, 24080 yes yes yes, 24086 yes yes, 24121 yes yes (Training), 24239, 11157, 24087 yes yes (St33), 10138, 255831, 24143 yes, 24214, 24091, 10157, 24164, 24078, 24100, 24124, 24214 yes, 24233 yes yes, 24265, 24078, 24257, 24174, 24268, 24056, 24194, 24264, 24143, 24165 yes, 24035, 26992, 11182, 24171, 10142, 24247, 10122, 24029, 24257, 24267, 11261, 24180, 24267, 24184
- BCFD STac 2 (14612): 255831, 256893, 10140, 257265, 24036, 24009
- Met F1: 24143, 24198 yes
- Met F2: 21220
- Met G2: 24071 (Data, off TG)
- BCFD Training (14619): 24035 yes, 24169 yes, 24180, 24121, 24159, 24156, 29996, 24158, 24151, 24137, 24269 (also), 24160, 24187, 24127, 24247, 24266 (ENC)
- TG14620 BCFD Training 2?: 24164, 24201, 24173, 24250, 24269 (ENC)
- TG14621 BCFD Admin?: 24127
- TG14622 BCFD FMO?: 24189
- TG14628 BCFD Arson?: 24031
- TG14633 BCFD Supply?: 24069 (Also WTAC2)
- TG14634 BCFD Tech/Mech?: 24121, 24069
- TG14635 BCFD? MASU?: 24029, 21071, 21604, 21771,
- TG14637 BCFD Staging: 24265
- TG14638 BCFD?: 24214 (Data, off TG), 24257, 24265
- Data: 24226 (774.56875)
- Data: 24071 (R31, lots), 24048 (lots), 24023 yes, 24010
- TG14640 BCFD? data: 29910 yes yes, 29911, 29902 yes yes, 29901 yes yes, 29905 yes, 29904, 29906 BELOW
- BC Console (above): 26987-26999
- TG14642 BCFD?: 24122, 24257
- APD SW Tac: 24249
- Denied: 27600 (reserved)
- MDC: 271xx, 272xx, 274xx, 275xx, 276xx
- MDC Jail Ops 1 (14660) active: 27008-27478, 27999, 27078, 27043, 27488,
- TG14661 MDC61 Event1? active: 27056, 27166, 27110, 27052, 27xxx, 27033, 27418, 27476, 27611, 27618, 27619, 27486, 27246 (ENC)
- TG14662 MDC62 ?: 27385 (ENC)
- TG14663 MDC63 Event2?: 27418, 27611 yes, 27255, 27059 yes, 27023 yes (ENC)
- TG14664 MDC64 Medical?: 27405
- TG14665 MDC65 MX Maint: 27439 yes, 27408 yes yes, 27413 yes yes, 27327 yes, 27449, 27327, 27439 yes, 27410, 27414, 27430, 27439, 27404 (ENC)
- TG14666 MDC66 Transport (patch to 71): 27144, 27287 yes, 27051 yes, 27056 yes, 27067, 27085, 27203, 27219 yes, 27238, 27251, 27471, 27470, 27472 yes, 27478, 27485, 27271 yes, 27199, 27282, 27291, 27152, 27110, 27340, 27312, 27236, 27152, 27135, 27236, 27110, 27051, 27271, 27471 yes, 27483, 27485, 27110, 27287, 27340, 27483, 27110, 27287, 27340, 27471, 27479 (ENC)
- TG14667 MDC67 CCP?: x
- TG14668 MDC68 ?: x
- TG14670 MDC70 ?: 27115
- TG14671 MDC71 All Call - rare: 27999 yes (ENC)
- Patch Radios: 275xx
- AFR KAFB Patch (14054) to Kirtland (2007~): x
- TG14640 BC: 29900-29911, 29903 yes yes, 29901 yes yes, 29910 yes, 29902 yes, 29911 yes, 29903, 29904 (Data?), 29905 (4th Friday) ABOVE
- BCFD: 29996 (BC8), 29950, 299xx
- BCFD: 254012 (SCFD range, on ETAC2), 254015, 255881, 255828, 254025
- TG5398: x
- Sandoval: 254001-254024, 255092, 256502-256559 (Patched via console RID 0)
- Rio Rancho: 254007
- Rio Rancho Fire Department (7000) Fire1: 254008, 255108, 254007 yes, 254001, 254226 yes (PD range), 255555, 255528, 255556, 2555518
- TG7001 RRFD Fire2 paging (patched to 7000 for pages): 255539, 0, 255506
- TG7002 RRFD Fire3: 255588, 258010 (dispatch), 255498 (L1), 255616 (L1), 255604 (L5), 255619 (L5 p), 255603 (BC1), MedCom1, 258006 (dispatch),
- TG7003 RRFD Fire4: 255588, 255618 (X3)
- TG7004 RRFD Fire5?: 255584 (Engine 3), 258006 (dispatch)
- TG7005 RRFD Fire6?: 255502 (BC3), 255626 (E10), 255519 (BC2), 255573 (R10 or E10p), 255618 (X3),
- TG7008 RRFD 9?: 255505, 255488, 255486, 255487, 255542
- TG900: 255568 (also on 7000)
- TG922: 352614 (range also on APD 14150 & 14157)
- Rio Rancho PD (7010): 254214 yes, 250009, 254024, 254001, 254224, 254244, 254016, 250009, 254300, 254355, 254210, 254223, 254311, 254303, 0, 254221
- TG7011 RRPD Ch 2: 254241, 254310, 254345, 0 (patch)
- TG7012 RRPD 3?: 254212
- TG7013 RRPD 4?: 254240 (ENC)
- TG7014 RRPD 5?: x
- TG7015 RRPD 6?: x
- TG7016 RRPD 7?: 254214, 254244
- TG7017 RRPD 8?: 254227, 250009, 254024, 254216, 254211 yes, 254218 yes, 254220, 254212, 254259, 254270 (ENC)
- TG7018 RRPD 9?: 254244, 254216, 254211
- TG7020 RRPD 10?: 254024 (Met L5)
- TG7021 RRPD 11?: 254242 yes yes, 243238 yes yes, 254239 yes, 254241 yes yes, 254240 yes, 254239, 243237 yes yes, 243236 yes, 254307 (ENC)
- TG7023 RRPD 12?: 254214, 254233, 254252, 254261, 254324, 254340, 254360 only (ENC)
- TG7025 RRPD 13?: 254244
- SCFD Dispatch (7291) active: 0 yes, 255094 yes yes, 254007 yes yes, 255092 yes, 254025 yes yes (console or patch?), 2540xx, 2551xx, 254006 yes (Met F2), 255103 (Met F2), 255798 yes, 255098, 255815 yes, 255080, 254001, 254007, 255799, 255789, 255085, 254006, 254980, 255809, 255101, 255095, 255810, 254024, 254807 (close to BPD range)
- SCFD Tac1 (7292) active: 254001, 254025
- TG7293 SCFD Tac 2?: 254069
- TG7294 SCFD Tac 3?: 254065
- TG7295 SCFD Tac 4?: 254069
- TG7267 SCFD Training 1: 254070, 254063, 254066, 254062, 254065, 254057, 254058, 254053,
- TG7268 SCFD Training 2: 254070
- TG7303 CFD1: 254022 (VHF patch?), 255091, 255006, 255007
- TG7309 CPD? CFD??: 257290
- TG7310 CPD Tac 2?: 257290
- TG7311 CPD Tac 3? BFD?: 257288, 257290 yes, 257291 yes, 257295, 257292 (ENC)
- Bernalillo: 254024, 257290, 257291
- BFD (dispatched on SCFD TG7291): 255809, 255810, 255811
- BPD (7312): 0, 254879 yes yes (TG40), 258011 (BPD?), 254881 yes yes, 254024 yes, 257290 yes, 257291, 254886, 254883, 254892, 254891, 254893, 254895, 254899, 254888 (408), 254889 (408p), 254896 (419), 254904 (8042), 254881 (Sam 43),
- TG7313 BPD Ch 2: 254881, 257290, 257291, 254897
- TG7314 BPD Tac 2?: x
- TG7315 BPD Tac 3?: x
- TG7316: x
- SCSO Ch1 - South (7317): 0, 254001-254024, 256502-256559, 254001 yes, 254024 AGAIN, 256502 yes yes, 256540 yes yes, 256559 yes yes, 254013 (Met L5), 254024 (Met L5), 254025, 256503 yes yes, 256542 yes yes (Dispatch?), 256529, 256510, 2565xx, 257291, 256559 again (SCSO), 255184, 256542, 255197, 256528, 256527, 255197, 255184, 256549, 255185, 255181, 255190, 255193
- TG7318 SCSO Ch2 - North (analog patch): 256502, 256501, 0, 256527, 256535, 255288 (Jemez 106), x (Jemez 215), 255193, 256519 (220), 255531 (521), 256567 (237)
- TG7319 SCSO Tac 2?: 256529 (ENC)
- TG7321 SCSO Tac 3?: 257290
- TG7323 SCSO Tac 4?: x
- BCFD WTAC2: 254002
- Met L5: 255082
- Pursuit1: 255817
- TG7335 S Co 35: 254069
- TG11525: X
- TG7264 SCSO Training: 256540, 256567
Santa Fe
- TG9002 SFPD Ch1/Boy: 281992 (RECC Console), 280147, 280176 V81
- SFPD Ch2/Charles (9003):
- SFPD Ch3/David (9004):
- SFPD Ch5/Frank (9006):
- SFPD Ch6/George (9007):
- SFPD Ch7/Henry (9008):
- SFPD Ch8/Ida (9009):
- SFPD Ch10/King (9011):
- TG9017 SFFD Alpha: 281997 (Console), 280530, 280480 Med11, 280478 E1,
- SFFD Bravo (9018):
- SFFD Charlie (9019):
- TG9030 SFFD BC Alert: 281997
- TG9031 SFFD St1 Alert: 281996, 281997
- TG9033 SFFD St3 Alert: 281995
- TG9022 Airport Ops:
- TG9056 x: 281977
- TG9079 x: 280673 (are you in the sterile area)
Los Lunas
- TG15002 VCSO? Los Lunas: 340535
- TG15003 VCSO 2? Los Lunas: 340535
- TG15004 Los Lunas Open Space: 340509 yes yes, 340534 yes yes yes, 340545, 340535
- TG15005 LLFD Station 1 Tac: 340555
- TG15006 LLFD Station 2 Tac: 340524, 340548, 340529 yes, 340547, 340553, 340555 yes
- Los Lunas (15022, 15036): 340020-340055, 3405xx (Patched via x)
- LLPD Ch 1 (15022) active: 340004-340071, 340504-340564, 340988 active, 340987 (FD also), 340995, 340001 yes, 340501, 340995, 340546, 340565, 340027, 340000
- LLPD Ch 2 (15023): 340016, 340511, 340517, 340527, 340530, 340543
- TG15025 LLPD Tac 1: 340053, 340502, 340987 yes (Dispatch?), 340056, 340549, 340003, 340551
- TG15026 LLPD Tac 2: 340560
- TG15027 LLPD Tac 3?: x
- LLFD (15036) active: 340012-340052, 340535-340559, 340022 yes, 340008, 340013, 340037, 340052, 340061, 340503, 340524, 340529, 340535 yes yes, 340547, 340548 yes, 340553, 340554, 340555, 340559, 540987 (PD also), 340993, 340011, 340987, 340994, 340996, 340022, 340037, 340070, 340503, 340524, 340547, 340548, 340553, 340554, 340555, 340559, 340010 yes, 340012, 340547, 340005
- LLFD Tac (15037): 340547 yes, 340005 yes yes, 340553, 340529, 340535 yes
- TG13654: x (patched to 22288; APD SW+SE Tac)
- TG16484: x
- TG22761: x
- TG22288: x (patched to 13654)
- TG31344: x
- TG32868: x
- USFS Law (NMSP): 350003-350016
- D5: 350016 yes, 350015, 500062, 514024, 515505, 800007, 514024, 351076
- D5 Car: 351117, 351056, 5344
- APD NW: 351103
- D1: 350011
- TG34001 fed1: 352012, 21548, 351030, 21743, 14663
- USMS (34002) active: 351117, 351130 yes yes, 351123 yes, 351156 active, 35113 active, 351085 active, 351012, 351008-351152, 351011 (also on TG178), 351152, 351154, 351156, 351142, 351131, 351117, 351111, 351085, 351074, 351142, 351147, 351054, 351056, 351058, 351066, 351142, 351146, 351147, 351156 (ENC)
- TG34003 fed3: 351111 yes, 351115, 351067, 351068 yes, 351107, 351078 yes, 351156, 351144, 351122 yes, 351150, 351146, 351150 (ENC)
- TG34005: 351084, 351126 (ENC?)
- TG34006: x
- TG34007 USMS?: 351064 (ENC?)
- TG34009 USMS?: 351114 (ENC)
- TG34010 USMS?: 351141, 351054
- TG34013 Fed?: x
- ATF (34021): 350514, 350513, 350539 (ENC)
- TG34022 ATF? active: 350517 active yes, 350519-350570, 350513 active, 350570, 350518, 350514, 350527, 350500, 350537, 350540, 350557, 350520, 350539, 350531, 350530, 350520, 350513, 350501, 350505, 350507, 350559 (ENC)
- TG34025: 350518
- TG14150: 352516 (TG14152), 14982 Move up?
- NMSP D5: 350005
- TG27600: x
- TG28986: x
- TG38708: x
- TG41476: x
- TG51442: x
- TG54546: x
- TG61952: x
- NMSU PD (30011): 90039, 90001, 90021, 90026, 90029, 90032
- TG30015 NMSU FD: 207, 90004
- TG30016 NMSU FD Tac: 204
- TG30050 DAC?? (same TG on KAFB system?): x
- TG14152 APD? ABOVE: 3525xx
- APD NW: 354001, 351101
- Met G3: 28980 (SW1)
- TG109 D5: 514024, 515505, 21122, 500062 yes
- Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) R1 - old FATF (175) active: 500000-500068, 500004 yes, 500007, 500009, 500011 yes, 500015 yes, 500055, 500001, 500003, 500017, 500068, 500006, 500016 (ENC now)
- TG176 Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) R2 - old TF6: 500015 yes, 500016 yes (ENC)
- TG177 Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) R3 - old TF7 North Taskforce: 500050, 500059, 500005 off Tesuque
- TG178 Security Threat Intelligence Unit (STIU) R4 - old TF8 Northern surv: 351018, 351013, 5000xx, 351023, 500015, 351073, 351038, 500003, 500007, 500015
- TG179 Probation R1 Ops (North/SF)/sandia - ABQ area surv: 500131 yes yes, 500140, 16 yes yes, 22, 500131-500172, 500148 yes, 500163 yes, 500159 yes, 500165, 500162 yes, 500145, 500132, 500139, 500144 yes, 500160 yes, 500172, 23, 500166, 500135, 500128, 500130 yes, 500154, 500157, 500161, 500141 (R2 also), 500176, 500143, 500177, 500135, 500150
- TG180 Probation R1 Tac: 500144
- TG181 Probation R2 Ops (Metro/ABQ): 500100-500109, 500146, 500130, 16 Santa Fe (Control), 22, 23, 500184, 500141, 500142, 500172, 500182, 500153, 500156, 500146, 500144
- TG182 Probation R2 Tac: 500140, 500159, 500101
- TG183 Probation R3 Ops (Southwest/Torrance): 500159, 16, 500140
- TG187 Juvenile PPD? DOC Security??: 500188 yes, 500196 yes
- TG218 above
- TG249: x
- TG250 (patch to 181): 16
- D5: 514024 (St Parks or Corrections?)
- D5: 515505
- TG251: 515516 (RGNC)
- Rio Grande Nature Center - RGNC (253): 515506-515516, 515507, 515510, 515511, 515513, 515506, 515508, 515516, 515512, 515514 many, 515515
- TG255: 514010
- TG256:
Juvenile Corrections
- YDDC (270) active: 517003-517092, now 517031-517142, 5170xx, 5171xx, 517025 active, 517011, 517018, 517107, 517025, 517112
- TG271 YDDC 2: 517067
- CNYC (272) all on 270 now: 517099-517156, 517139 lone
- TG274 CNYC 2?: x
- TG300: 507001
- TG301: 507001
- TG302: 507001
- TG303: 507001
- TG304: 507001
- TG305: 507001
- TG306: x
- TG307: 507001
- TG308: x
- TG309: x
- TG310: 507001
- TG311: x
- TG312: x
- TG313: 507002
- NMDOT TMC (314): 507008, 507006 yes, 507013 yes yes, 507011?, 507010 yes yes, 507018 yes, 507016, 507005, 507004, 507005, 5070819, 507003
- TG317?: 507001
- TG325: 514022, 514024? (TG109)
- TG326:
- TG340: 8250 yes, 8262
- TG346:
- TG2940: x
- TG3157: x
- TG4663: 6045541 CBP?
- TG5096: 14680764
- TG5398: x
- BNSF PD (50000): 800000 (D5), 800002 (D1 car, IO SE2), 800006 yes (D5), 800007 yes (APD NE), 800009 yes Tesuque (BCSO south, D5, APD NW), 800010, 800005
- BNSF Tac (50001): 800011 belen? (LLPD/D5), 800001
- Rail 1? (50011): 114, 105
- Rail 2? (50012): 105, 104, 913
- Rail 3? (50013): 913 (TG13)
- APD SE: 1062672 yes, 1062678
- Patch radios
- 27503: East Tac2 patch to VTAC17
- 27511: Tac9 patch to Corrales FD - Tac9 patch allegedly moved to WTAC? No.
- 11356: Tac9 to MDC patch??
Individual Radio IDs
- Specific RIDs (Console/Dispatch)
NMSP Consoles
- 431: 101 D1
- 432: 109 D5/101 D1
- 434: 109 D5
- 435: 109 D5
- 436: 80 IO Law1, 101 D1
- 437: 80 IO Law1
- 438: 109 D5, slight D1
- 611: 121 D11
Sandoval Consoles
- Sandoval
- x: SCSO Dispatch (RID 0 system patch)
- x: SCFD Dispatch
- x: Bernalillo PD Dispatch?
- x: Corrales FD Dispatch?
- Rio Rancho
- x: RRPD Dispatch
- x: RRFD Dispatch
Los Lunas Consoles
- Los Lunas
- 340988: LLPD Dispatch
- x: LLFD Dispatch
- Other
- x: BNSF PD Dispatch
- x: NMSU PD Dispatch
- x: NMSU FD Dispatch
- x: DOIT
- x: Taskforce/Federal
AAS Albuquerque Base
- 15702: Base
- 15744: Base
- 15757: Base Supervisor
- 15701: Base on BCFD
- 10000: 55 Base on AFR Alarm Room
- 10001: 55 base on BCFD fire control?
- 10002: 55 base on Mach Alarm
Albuquerque Consoles
AFR Consoles
- AFR console
- 20474: 14190 AFR Automated Dispatching
- 20476: 14043 AFR
- 20477: 14043 AFR, 14057 AFR Tac1
- 20478: ?
- 20479: 14043 AFR, 14057 AFR Tac1
- 20480: 14043 AFR, 14059 AFR Tac3
- 20481: 14043 AFR, 91 Met (Fire) 2/Fire Met 2
- 20482: 14043 AFR, 40 Met Gen 1
APD Consoles
- APD console
- 20386: 14102 SW
- 20487: 14123 Valley
- 20488: 14092 APD NCIC (ENC)
- 20489: 14092 APD NCIC (ENC)
- 20490: 14088 Foothills, 14123 Valley, 14102 SW, 14093 NE
- 20491: 14123 Valley, 14099 SE, 14093 NE, 14096 NW
- 20492: 14088 Foothills
- 20493: 14095 NE, 14121 Valley
- 20494: 14101 SE yes
- 20495: 14088 Foothills, 14123 Valley
- 20497: 14093 NE, 14102 SW, 14099 SE, 14121 Valley, 14086 FH
- 20499: 14098 NW
- 20500: 14088 Foothills, 14104 SW, 14099 SE
- 20506: Data (First BC OEM 14501)
- 20512: TG 46 Met G7
- 20513: Data (First BCFD 14610)
- 20514: Data
- 20516: Data (First BCSO South 14554)
- 20517: TG 43 Met G4
- 20546: 14610 BCFD
- 20575: 80 IO Law1
- 20578: 92 IO Fire3
- 20587: 80 IO Law1
- 20599: 80 IO Law1
- 20613: 80 IO Law1
- RTCC: x
- 20700: 14510 YSC
- 20701: Data, voice
Bernalillo County Consoles
- BC console (BCSO and BCFR)
- 26984: 14610 BCFD (Automated Dispatching)
- 26987: 14550 SO East, 14552 SO North, 14554 SO South
- 26988: 14558 SO NCIC (ENC)
- 26990: 14550 SO East, 14552 SO North, 14553 SO NTac, 14554 SO South
- 26991: 14554 SO South, 14552 SO North
- 26992: 14610 BCFD, 14616 ETAC2, 14613 NTAC1, 14611 STAC1
- 26993: 14610 BCFD, 14615 ETAC1, 14611 STAC1
- 26994: 14554 SO South, 14550 SO East, 14552 SO North
- 26995: 14552 SO North, 14554 SO South
- 26997: 14550 SO East, 14552 SO North
- 26999: 14554 SO South, 14553 SO NTac
- 27012: 14660 MDC
- BC Animal Control x
- 14672: AC Base
- 14709: AC 123
APS Security
- APS Security
- 15297: x Dispatch
- 15396: APS 712
- 15338?: APS 395
- 16383: x Master Control
- Base: 517025
- Manzano:
- Esperanza:
- Sandia: 517030
- Lobo: 517049
- Sage: 517105
- Medical: 517090
UNM Police
- 16109: 14029 UNMPD
ABQ Community Safety
- 169xx
- 11150: ARFF or KABQ comms? On (KABQ Terminal)
- Law
- Bomb squad
- Open space
- Air
- Hovercraft
- Bomb squad
- Air
ABQ Engines
- Fire
- 11762: E1 (vs 11691 app) (vs 11151 yes)
- 11667 yes: E2 (vs 11024) (vs 11569?) (vs 11692 yes app?) (vs 11161)
- 11004: E3 P (vs 11559 yes) (vs 11167 P?)
- 11637: E4 (vs 11763 app) (vs 11684) (vs 11177) (vs 11178)
- 10348: E5 (vs 11510 P yes) (vs 11050 LT?) (vs yes 11735 app?)
- 11195: E6 (vs 11699 app or R2)
- 11122 yes: E7 (vs 11552 yes) (vs 11718)
- 11211 yes: E8 (vs 10090 yes) (vs 11028 P? or E11) (vs 11123 yes) (vs 11712 P - actually E13) (11213 Driver) (vs 11245)
- 11649 or E19: E9 (vs 11028 or E11) (vs 11219) (vs 11155 P or R1) (vs 11798 app? E9) (vs 11233 P)
- 10050: E10 (vs 11229 P)
- 11028 yes: E11 (vs 11591 yes) (vs 11581 yes) (vs 11233 now E9) (vs 11670 yes app?)
- 10725 yes: E12 (vs 10073 P) (Driver 11240 yes) (vs 10092) (vs 10102 P) (Driver 10101) (vs 24117 probably BC7) (Driver 11713 yes app?) (Officer 11239) (vs 11700 now E12)
- 11764: E13 (P 11712 Captain) (vs 11730) (vs yes 11740 P)
- 11743: E14 (11257 app) (vs 11258 p)
- 11610 yes: E15 (P 11035 yes) (vs 11263) (vs P? 11662 unless L20 which used to be L15 or maybe BC1) (vs 11751)
- 11765: E16 (Officer 10107 P) (Driver 10110 yes) (Pipeman 10109) (vs 11331 P) (vs 11756 probably R18) (vs 11270)
- 10363: E17 (vs 11276 P) (vs 11705)
- 11657 LT: E18 (vs 11164)
- 11649 or E9: E19 (P 11062) (vs 11605)
- 11065 or E21: E20 (vs 11303 P same as ALS1) (vs 11325)
- 11120: E21 P (vs 11165 app) (vs 11065 or E20) (vs 11541)
- 11015: E22 (vs 11696 yes app) (vs 10070) (10060 P) (vs 11166 unless R2) (vs 11740 now E13) (vs 11709 is Br22 P)
- 13775 OLD: E30 (vs 12306) (vs 24119) (vs 24084 app)
- 12010 OLD yes: E31 (vs 24004 yes) (vs 13175 OLD??) (vs 24122) (vs 24017)
- 12708 OLD: E32 (vs 12001) (vs 24124 yes- app?) (vs 13051 OLD) (vs 24077) (vs 24009)
- 12511 OLD yes: E33 (vs 24129) (vs 12051 P) (vs 24266??) (vs 24101)
- 12071 OLD app yes: E34 (vs yes 24121 app?) (vs 24035 yes) (vs 13033 OLD unless T34? - P)
- 12101 OLD: E35 (vs 24083 LT)
- 12396? OLD: E36 ?
- 24056: E38 (actually DFM38) (vs ???) ?
- 12109 OLD: E40 (LT 24128 yes) (vs 24039 yes)
- 13538 OLD P: E41 (24011 DATA app? now E43) (vs 13045 OLD P) (vs 24127 P) (vs 24037 or R41)
- 24022 yes: E43 (vs LT43 24134) (Engineer 24205) (FF 24153)
- 12777 OLD: E46 (12610 OLD or not?) (vs 13056 OLD) (vs 24260) (vs 24023)
- 12071 is E34?: E54 (St34) (E34 picked up)
ABQ Brush/Wildland
- Wildland & Brush trucks
- BCFR Tenders
- 24045 yes: Tender30 (vs 24150)
- 12029? or 13548? OLD: Tender31 (vs 24247)
- 13504 OLD: Tender34 (12309 OLD not..) (vs 12309 P) (vs 13033 OLD probably E34 P) (vs 24108)
- 13105? OLD??: Tender35 (vs 24203 P)
- 22118: Tender41
- 24041: Tender43
- AFR Brush
- 11703: Brush1 (vs 11157 P - L1 officer also) (vs 11655 unless Br10)
- x: Brush7?
- 11229 P: Brush10 (vs 11655 unless Br1)
- x: Brush14?
- 11124: Brush16 (vs 11270 app aka E16p) (vs 11331 P)
- 11669: Engine317 St17 (vs 11207) (Type 3)
- 11326: Brush22 (vs 11709 yes P also E22) (vs 11323 is E18) (Wildland22? Type 1)
- BCFR Brush
- 24030: Brush30
- 24126 P also E35: Brush35 (vs 24014 app) (vs 24255 actually R35 P?)
- 13097 OLD: Brush36
- 12618 OLD: Brush38
- 24256 yes: Brush40 (24216 app yes)
- 24026: Brush41 (vs 24127 P also E41)
- 24074: Brush46
- AFR Misc Wildland
- 24131 yes: Wildland6 (vs 13018? OLD) (vs 24063) (Type 3?)
Station 7
- 14910 OLD??: WLD1 (vs 11744 yes maybe R13 unless P?)
- 11736: WLD2
- x: REM1?
- x: REM2
- x: Utility14
- x: Utility46
ABQ Ladders/Trucks
- Ladders
- BCFD Tower/Truck
- x: Truck31?
- 12330 OLD P: Tower36 (vs 13007 OLD yes - app?) (vs 24049)
- 13509 OLD yes: Truck38 Tr38 (P 12019 yes) (vs yes 24130)
- AFR Ladders
- 11157 - P officer: L1
- 11250 unless L13: L3
- 11761 app: L4 (vs 11630 app?) (P 11525 yes) (vs 11528)
- 10360: L5 (vs 11010 yes P) (vs 11560 yes - also PIO1?) (yes 11690 app?)
- 11680: L7
- 11063: L9 (vs 11801 app yes)
- 11250 unless L3: L13 (P 11537 maybe alarm room?) (vs 11632 or R13 or S3) (vs 11092 yes) (vs 11583) (vs 10385) (vs 11252) (vs 11681 L13 pumper) (Platform)
- 11614 P: L20 (former L15) (vs 11759 app?) (vs 11010 probably L5) (yes 11309) (vs P? 11662 or E15 which is L20's old station or maybe BC1)
- 11156: L17
- 11091 yes: L21 (vs 11672 yes) (vs 11701) (Platform)
ABQ Rescues
- Rescues
- AFR Meds
- 10256 probably R11: R1 (vs 11155 app or E9)
- 11251 probably S1: R2 (vs 11170?) (Officer 11700 app now E12?) (Driver 11699 P yes or E6) (vs 11166 unless E22)
- 11774: R3 (vs 11153) (vs 10722) (vs 11752 unless R4) (vs 11573 yes) (vs 11787 yes app) (vs 11171) (vs 11172 app?)
- 11770 P unless R17: R4 (vs 11752 unless R3) (vs 11789 R4 yes) (vs 11181)
- 11522: R5 (10389 P) (vs 11188 R5 Driver) (vs 11189 R5 Officer) (vs 11790 app?)
- 10739: R6
- 10735 yes: R7 (vs 11205) (vs 11760)
- 11215: R8 (vs 10350 P) (vs 11216)
- 11224 P: R9 (Officer 11603) (Driver 11645) (vs 11223 R9, not R19) (vs 11767)
- 11109: R11 (vs 10731 or 10371 - latter BC3?) (vs 10256 yes) (vs 10255) (vs 11769) (vs 11237)
- 10349 yes: R12 (vs 10099) (vs 10100 unless E12 - P?) (vs 11243 yes) (vs 11778 actually R12)
- 11744 unless Wildland1: R13 (P 11544) (vs 11632 or L13 or S3) (vs 11763 probably E4) (vs 11796 yes) (vs 10732) (vs 11250)
- 11647: R14
- 11757 yes: R15 (vs 11268)
- 10112 P yes now AAS 3024: R16 (vs 10107 P) (vs 11613?)
- 11788: R17 (Driver 11770 app? unless R4) (Officer 11280 yes)
- 11653?: R18 (vs 11661) (vs 11756 dupe above, probably R18) (vs 11848 R18)
- 10366 yes: R19 (P 11722) (vs 11223 app actually R9)
- 11755: R20 (vs 11784 yes)
- 11012 yes: R21 (vs 11530 P?) (vs 11317 yes p) (vs 11776)
- 10060 P: R22 (vs 10368 P) (vs 11772 app)
- BCFD Rescues
- 13043 OLD yes: R30 (vs 24036)
- 13543 OLD yes: R31 (vs 12038) (vs 24071 yes)
- 11122 OLD unless E7: R32 (vs 13516 OLD) (vs 24264) (vs 24032)
- 12525 OLD - P?: R33 (vs 13776 yes) (vs 13505 OLD)
- 12309 OLD P: R34 (vs 13776 probably R33) (vs 12787) (vs 13019 OLD yes) (vs 24018 maybe)
- 13054 OLD: R35 (vs 24272) (vs 24255 p?)
- 12055 OLD yes P: R36 (vs 24113) (vs 13002 OLD app) (vs 12330 P)
- 12548 OLD: R38 (vs 13016 OLD yes - P?) ?
- 13049 OLD: R40 ?
- 13045 OLD P: R41 (vs 13538 OLD P) ?
- 12087 OLD: R43 (vs 24088 yes) (vs 24167)
- 24044: R46
- x: R52 (St32)
- x: MD1
- x: ECMO (St3)
- BFD Rescues
- 255811: Medic 43
- 255809: Medic 14
- SCFD Meds
- 255808: Medic 31 (Zia Pueblo)
- Albuquerque Ambulance
- 15672: AAS
- 15707: AAS6
- 15708: AAS 3040?
- 15711: AAS 3066
- 15712: AAS 3048/3003
- 15714: AAS 3044
- 15721: AAS
- 15722: AAS 3006
- 15723: AAS 3011
- 15724: AAS 3054/6 (vs 12072?)
- 15726: AAS 3004
- 15731: AAS 3042
- 15733: AAS 3034
- 15734?: AAS 3040
- 15739: AAS 3049/3005
- 15742: AAS
- 15743: AAS 3021
- 15744: AAS8 (AAS 3063?)
- 15747: AAS 3031
- 15749: AAS 3055
- 15751: AAS
- 15752: AAS 3057
- 15758: AAS
- 15765: AAS 3050 (AAS7)
- 15770: AAS 3001
- 15771: AAS
- 15772: AAS 3063 (AAS8?)
- 15775?: AAS
- x: AAS 3014
- 10108: AAS 3012
- 10112: AAS 3024
- 10117: AAS 3047
- 10123: AAS 3053
- 10132: AAS 3043
- 10133: AAS 3057
- 10134: 55
- 10136?: 55
- 10137: AAS 3061
- 10139: AAS 3025
- 10144:
- 10147: AAS 3054
- 10155: AAS 3057
- 10160: AAS 3015
- 10162: 55
- 10163: AAS 3045
- 10157: 3055
- 10171: AAS 3040
- AFR Tac4: 10138 yes
ABQ Misc Fire
On Metro Fire1 on 6/11/22
- ALS1: 11303 same as E20 P
- ALS2: 11308
- BLS1: 11307
- FMO: 11333
- Special OPS: 11597 (FMO?)
- CMD: 11416
- QA Paramedic Captain Mid-heights St19
- 11158: QI78
- 10359: QI78 (11585 P actually BC1 now)
- 11693: QI78 again yes
- 11301: QI78
- 11707: QI78
- AFR Squads and other apparatus
- 11251 yes: S1 North Valley St4? Now St17? (vs 11529) (vs 11286)
- 11543?: S2 North Valley St4 (ex-University St3) (vs 11775 yes) (vs 11618) (vs 11725 app) (vs 11173)
- 11632 probably L13 or R13: (Hazmat) S3 Mid-heights St13 (vs 11776 yes) (Driver 11541) (vs 11677) (vs 11256)
- 11750: HTR1 Heavy (vs 11593)
- x: CV-1 Command
- x: Air supply (Dog pound)
- x: Incident rehab
- x: Hazmat St17
- x: Wildland St7
- x: S51 Hazmat
- Battalion Chiefs
- 10373 yes: BC1 North Valley St4 (vs 11572) (P 11662 unless E15 or L20) (vs 11551 P) (vs 11116 shared BC4?) (vs 11749 yes)
- 11652 yes - P shared BC1: BC2 Central St5 (vs 11234 shared BC2/3) (vs 11643 yes) (vs 11118) (vs 11088 P) (vs 11685 yes)
- 11234 shared BC2: BC3 North St20 (vs 13581?? OLD) (vs 10370 yes) (vs 11513 P) (vs 10371 maybe R11) (vs 11654) (vs 11666)
- 11116: BC4 Northwest St18 (unless bc1? shared BC4/1) (vs 11663 yes) (vs 11665 P) (vs 11642 yes) (vs 11591 or E11)
- 12561 OLD: BC6 North St36 (vs 13562 OLD yes) (vs 24001 yes) (vs 24240) (vs 24133 P?)
- 24125 yes: BC7 East St40 (vs 24117 yes app) (vs 13524 OLD) (vs 24020)
- 24087 yes: BC8 South St33? (13154 OLD?? app yes) (vs 12560 P yes) (vs 24080) (vs 29996) (vs 24266)
- 11242: DC Training
- 10111: DC Operations
- 11649: DC Ops
- 12043: PIO1 (vs 11560 unless L5)
ABQ Fire Marshal's Office
- Fire Marshal's Office
- 12604: DFM3
- 12009: DFM8
- 11523: DFM Talamante
- Tac8 op
- 11269: FMO1 (on Met F1)
- 11330: FMO2 (11425 on Met F1)
- 11222: FMO3 (vs 11540 on Met F1)
- 11551: FMO4 (vs 11420 on Met F1)
- 11160: FMO5
- 11273: FMO6
- 11373: FMO Control on Met F1
- 11582: FMO Command on Met F1
- 24055: DFM31 (vs 24152) on NTAC1
- 24056: DFM38 on STAC1 yes
- 24163: DFM38
- 24249: BCFD FMCT2 on ETAC2 (Fire Mobile Crisis Team - mobile health)
- 16485: CS05 - old CS were 4xx?
- Albuquerque Community Service Bureau
- 16913: ACSB3
- 16932: ACSB5
- 16915: ACSB2
- 16926: ACSB16 (vs 16907)
- Air
- x: Air1 (N120PD EC-120B)
- 15216: Air2 (N125PD H125)
- 15155: Air5 (N9958H C182R)
- 21798: Metro1 (N911ZZ AS350-B3)
- x: Metro3 (N911ZS T-41)
- 2242 old, 2153, 2241 seen: Able7 (N607SP H145)
- Return to New Mexico DTRS