
Norfolk County (ON)

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Welcome to the Norfolk Region collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.

Codes/Units/Station Lists

Ambulance Paging Codes

  • Delhi - (787.5 697.2)
  • Simcoe - (410.7 669.7)
  • Langton - (433.7 330.0)
  • Port Dover -410.8 389.0
  • Courtland -
  • Waterford - (937.3 862.6)

Fire Stations

Norfolk Fire Stations are located in the following communities

East Battalion

  • Station #1 Simcoe
  • Station #2 Port Dover
  • Station #3 Main Street in Waterford (Pump 3, Rescue 3, Tank 3, Ranger 3)
  • Station #4 Teeter Street in Teeterville
  • Station #11 Vittoria

West Battalion

  • Station #5 Argyle Street in Delhi
  • Station #6 Courtland (includes Water Rescue)
  • Station #7 Langton (includes Water Rescue)
  • Station #8 Fairground (includes Water Rescue)
  • Station #9 Port Rowan (includes Water Rescue)
  • Station #10 St. Williams (includes Water Rescue)

Norfolk County Fire Tone Outs

  • SIMCOE STN 1 (365-387) (365-435)
  • PORT DOVER STN 2 (410.8) (389.0)
  • WATERFORD STN 3 (408-349) (408-365)
  • TEETERVILLE STN 4 (349-408) (349-457)
  • DELHI STN 5 (349-365) (349-483)
  • COURTLAND STN 6 (521-322) (521-338)
  • LANGTON STN 7 (494-322) (494-338)
  • FAIRGROUND STN 8 (446-322)(Rescue 8) (446-338)
  • PORT ROWAN STN 9 (467-322) (467-338)
  • ST. WILLIAMS STN 10 (349-435) (349-510)
  • VITTORIA STN 11 (349-387) (349-537)
  • WATER RESCUE 2 & 3 (322-768)

(Paging tests around 7pm)

Norfolk EMS Apparatus Listing

  • 2160 2158 2156 2147 2159 2165 2148 2146 2157 2155 2145 2310

OPP Soft ID's

  • 6 Oscer 10* -Courtland
  • 6 Oscar 20* -Langton
  • 6 Oscar 30* -Victoria
  • 6 Oscar 40* -Delhi
  • 6 Oscar 50* -Windham Township
  • 6 Oscar 60* -Simcoe
  • 6 Oscar 70* -Waterford
  • 6 Oscar 80* -Marine Units
  • 6 Oscar 90* -Port Dover

Norfolk County Tac 4 Users and Radio ID's

Used during Friday September 13th, 2019 in Port Dover. The following id's were monitored:

 666999    - Command Post
 9503      - Station 2
 9003      - 2300
           - EMS Ops Centre
           - 2305
           - 2313
           - 2301
           - 2302
           - Port Dover Paramedic Base
           - Ranger 3
           - Pump 1A
           - Fire Operations Centre
           - Parks & Rec
           - Norfolk Fire Station 2