North Dakota Dispatch PSAP's Information Page
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North Dakota Dispatch PSAP's Information
All North Dakota PSAP's have both SIRN and VHF capabilities for dispatching. Several counties have their own PSAP center or a combined dispatch center. North Dakota State Radio Dispatch in Bismarck acts as a backup for the whole state for dispatching services and dispatches for all state, federal agencies and 25 counties for their primary dispatching services as they don't have their own dispatch center. The following information can provide scanner listeners a better understanding of where dispatching services are provided within the state.
North Dakota State Radio Dispatch
North Dakota State Radio Dispatch is located in Bismarck, North Dakota. State Radio provides 911 and non-emergency dispatch services for 25 counties, Highway Patrol, State Fire Marshal's Office, BCI, DOT, federal agencies, and 25 counties in North Dakota. State Radio provides assistance for more than 4,000 users representing 287 federal, state, local, and tribal agencies. In addition to the 25 primary counties that are dispatched by state radio the provide backup services to the other 15 PSAP's in the state.
Some of the services that State Radio Provides are: 911 and non-emergency telephone services, dispatching services for law enforcement, fire, and EMS, AMBER/Blue Alerts, CAD Dispatching, National Crime Information Center, National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, National Warning System, Statewide Paging System, Statewide Roadblock System, and Frequency Coordination.
State Radio Dispatch provides primary dispatching services for the following counties: Adams, Billings, Bowman, Burke, Dickey, Divide, Dunn, Emmons, Foster, Golden Valley, Grant, Griggs, Hettinger, Kidder, LaMoure, Logan, McHenry, McIntosh, McKenzie, Morton, Ransom, Sargent, Sheridan, Slope, and Wells. This service consists of all day-to-day radio dispatching and 911 and non-emergency answering services.
Ref: North Dakota State Radio Dispatch Website
Lake Region 911 Center
Lake Region 911 Center located in Devils Lake, North Dakota provides dispatching services to 4 counties around the Lake Region. The dispatch center is located inside the Lake Region Law Enforcement Center.
The Lake Region 911 Center dispatches for the following counties and cities: Benson County, City of Devils Lake, Eddy County, Nelson County, and Ramsey County.
Ref: Lake Region Law Enforcement Center
Central Dakota Communications Center (CenCom)
Central Dakota Communications Center (CenCom) is located in Bismarck, North Dakota. CenCom provides primary 911 and non-emergency dispatching services for Burleigh County and the cities of Bismarck and Mandan. In addition, the dispatch center also provides dispatching services to the following agencies as listed below. The City of Bismarck hosts the dispatch center.
CenCom provides dispatching services for the following agencies: Bismarck Police Dept, Burleigh County Sheriff's Dept, Mandan Police Dept, Lincoln Police Dept, McLean County Sheriff's Dept, Bismarck Airport Security, Rural Metro Aircraft Fire at Bismarck Airport, Bismarck Fire Dept, Mandan Fire Dept, Bismarck Rural Fire Dept, Braddock Fire Dept, Sterling Fire Dept, Wilton Fire Dept, Wing Fire Dept, Metro Area Ambulance, Kidder County Ambulance, Wilton Ambulance, Bismarck Public Works, Burleigh County Highway Dept, and Mandan Public Works.
Ref: Central Dakota Communications Center
Combined Dispatch Centers
The following Counties have a combined dispatch center in between two counties. These PSAP's provide dispatching services and 911 and non-emergency services for both counties.
The following combined dispatch centers in the state are as follows with their dispatch center location: Bottineau/Renville (Bottineau, ND), Cavalier/Towner (Langdon, ND), Mercer/Oliver (Stanton, ND), and Traill/Steele (Hillsboro, ND).
Indvidual Dispatch Centers
The following counties have their own dispatch centers. These counties have their own PSAP's that operate their own dispatching services for their counties. These PSAP's do have backup capabilities at State Radio.
The following counites have their own dispatch centers: Barnes, Cass, Grand Forks, McLean, Mountrail, Pembina, Pierce, Richland, Rolette, Sioux, Stark, Stutsman, Walsh, Ward, and Williams Counties.
Although listed by the state as having their own dispatching services Cass County is dispatched by a combined dispatch center called Red River Regional Dispatch Center (RRRDC) located in Fargo. RRRDC provides dispatch services for all of Cass County including the cities of Fargo and West Fargo. In addition, their provide dispatch services to Clay County and City of Moorhead in Minnesota. All of Cass County uses the Minnesota ARMER Radio System for primary operations through an agreement with the State of Minnesota. Ref: Red River Regional Dispatch Center
In addition, Sioux County is dispatched by North Central Regional E911 Mobridge Communications Center, located in Mobridge, South Dakota. This dispatch center provides all dispatching services to Sioux County including the Standing Rock Reservation which is located in this county. In addition to Sioux County the dispatch center provides services to 8 other counties in South Dakota directly across the border. Ref: North Central Regional 911 Center