
North Dakota Statewide Interoperable Radio Network Radio ID Information

From The RadioReference Wiki

Radio ID Numbering Convention (Unit ID)

Radio IDs shall meet the following SIRN Radio ID Numbering Convention. A Radio ID consists of seven (7) digits. Digits in positions 1, 2 and 3 will be used to represent counties and agency functions as follows.

  • *00*00000: The first two digits are used to identify agency or jurisdiction as follows:
    • *00* represents State agencies
    • *01* to *53* represents the 53 counties in alphabetical order
    • *54* is assigned to Tribal Nations
    • *56* is assigned to Federal Agencies
    • *57* is assigned for Miscellaneous entities
    • Other entities not directly affiliated to a federal, state, or local agency will be assigned the two-digit prefix on a case-by-case basis.
  • 00*0*0000: The third digit is used to identify the non-State agency’s function as follows:
    • *1*: Law Enforcement and Corrections
    • *2*: Fire
    • *3*: Ambulance and EMS
    • *4*: Emergency Management and local (county level) collaboration talkgroups
    • *5*: Highway Departments
    • *6*: Schools
    • *7*: Public Works and Parks and Recreation
    • *8*: Health/Hospitals
    • *9*: Transit/Transportation
  • Radio IDs for State agencies shall further be organized per the following ranges (last five digits):
    • NDIT: *01000-01999*
    • HP: *02000-02999*
    • BCI: *03000-03999*
    • Game and Fish: *04000-04999*
    • Hospitals: *05000-05999*
    • State Radio: *06000-06499*
    • DES: *06500-06999*
    • P&R: *07000-07499*
    • DOC: *07500-07999*
    • NDFS: *08000-08499*
    • DOH: *08500-08499*
    • DOT: *09000-19999*
    • NDNG: *20000-20500*

Ref: Configuration and Allocation: SIRN Radio ID & Talkgroup Allocation

Radio ID Alias

Each radio has to be assigned a unique alias per this Standard. Radio User Aliases must identify the agency and user type per the naming convention below. The naming standard only governs the first two characters. Characters following the first two are at the individual agency’s discretion per this standard. Radio User Aliases shall follow *## AAAA BBBBBB* convention described below:

  • *##*: the first two characters/prefix must indicate the County Number ranging from *01* to *53* (All State agencies are assigned *00*)
    • Cities and agencies within a county would use that county’s prefix
    • Federal Agencies: *US*
    • Tribal Nations: *TN*
    • Other entities not directly affiliated to a federal, state or local agency will be assigned the two digit prefix on a case-by-case basis.
  • *AAAA*: two to four characters indicating the agency (e.g., BCSO, WFFD, HP, etc.)
  • *BBBBB*: the remaining characters are used to indicate the user’s function (e.g., Patrol Officer, Badge Number, Engine, SWAT VAN, etc.)

If a radio user has multiple radios on the system, each radio must have a unique alias. The alias could be suffixed with identification for the radio itself, such as a “*-P*” for portable to differentiate between a mobile and portable radio used by the same person. This would allow dispatchers and Administrators to readily identify radio users and whether the radio is a portable or mobile. At minimum, each radio must be assigned the county (*##*) and agency identifier (*AAAA*) as described above. Ref: Configuration and Allocation: SIRN Radio ID Alias
